(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* None in match term with | None -> () | Some t -> ignore (f t) let cb_on_current_term f _ = on_current_term f (** Nota: using && here has the advantage of working both under win32 and unix. If someday we want the main command to be tried even if the "cd" has failed, then we should use " ; " under unix but " & " under win32 (cf. #2363). *) let local_cd file = "cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname file) ^ " && " let pr_exit_status = function | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> " succeeded" | _ -> " failed" let make_coqtop_args = function |None -> !sup_args |Some the_file -> let get_args f = Project_file.args_from_project f !custom_project_files prefs.project_file_name in match prefs.read_project with |Ignore_args -> !sup_args |Append_args -> get_args the_file @ !sup_args |Subst_args -> get_args the_file let create_session f = Session.create f (make_coqtop_args f) (** Auxiliary functions for the File operations *) module FileAux = struct let load_file ?(maycreate=false) f = let f = CUnix.correct_path f (Sys.getcwd ()) in try Minilib.log "Loading file starts"; let is_f = CUnix.same_file f in let rec search_f i = function | [] -> false | sn :: sessions -> match sn.fileops#filename with | Some fn when is_f fn -> notebook#goto_page i; true | _ -> search_f (i+1) sessions in if not (search_f 0 notebook#pages) then begin Minilib.log "Loading: get raw content"; let b = Buffer.create 1024 in if Sys.file_exists f then Ideutils.read_file f b else if not maycreate then flash_info ("Load failed: no such file"); Minilib.log "Loading: convert content"; let s = do_convert (Buffer.contents b) in Minilib.log "Loading: create view"; let session = create_session (Some f) in let index = notebook#append_term session in notebook#goto_page index; Minilib.log "Loading: stats"; session.fileops#update_stats; let input_buffer = session.buffer in Minilib.log "Loading: fill buffer"; input_buffer#set_text s; input_buffer#set_modified false; input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:input_buffer#start_iter; Sentence.tag_all input_buffer; session.script#clear_undo (); !refresh_editor_hook (); Minilib.log "Loading: success"; end with e -> flash_info ("Load failed: "^(Printexc.to_string e)) let confirm_save ok = if ok then flash_info "Saved" else warning "Save Failed" let select_and_save ~saveas ?filename sn = let do_save = if saveas then sn.fileops#saveas else sn.fileops#save in let title = if saveas then "Save file as" else "Save file" in match select_file_for_save ~title ?filename () with |None -> false |Some f -> let ok = do_save f in confirm_save ok; if ok then sn.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f); ok let check_save ~saveas sn = try match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> select_and_save ~saveas sn |Some f -> let ok = sn.fileops#save f in confirm_save ok; ok with _ -> warning "Save Failed"; false exception DontQuit let check_quit saveall = (try save_pref () with _ -> flash_info "Cannot save preferences"); let is_modified sn = sn.buffer#modified in if List.exists is_modified notebook#pages then begin let answ = GToolbox.question_box ~title:"Quit" ~buttons:["Save Named Buffers and Quit"; "Quit without Saving"; "Don't Quit"] ~default:0 ~icon:(warn_image ())#coerce "There are unsaved buffers" in match answ with | 1 -> saveall () | 2 -> () | _ -> raise DontQuit end; List.iter (fun sn -> Coq.close_coqtop sn.coqtop) notebook#pages (* For MacOS, just to be sure, we close all coqtops (again?) *) let close_and_quit () = List.iter (fun sn -> Coq.close_coqtop sn.coqtop) notebook#pages; Coq.final_countdown () let crash_save exitcode = Minilib.log "Starting emergency save of buffers in .crashcoqide files"; let idx = let r = ref 0 in fun () -> incr r; string_of_int !r in let save_session sn = let filename = match sn.fileops#filename with | None -> "Unnamed_coqscript_" ^ idx () ^ ".crashcoqide" | Some f -> f^".crashcoqide" in try if try_export filename (sn.buffer#get_text ()) then Minilib.log ("Saved "^filename) else Minilib.log ("Could not save "^filename) with _ -> Minilib.log ("Could not save "^filename) in List.iter save_session notebook#pages; Minilib.log "End emergency save"; exit exitcode end (** Callbacks for the File menu *) module File = struct let newfile _ = let session = create_session None in let index = notebook#append_term session in !refresh_editor_hook (); notebook#goto_page index let load _ = match select_file_for_open ~title:"Load file" () with | None -> () | Some f -> FileAux.load_file f let save _ = on_current_term (FileAux.check_save ~saveas:false) let saveas sn = try let filename = sn.fileops#filename in ignore (FileAux.select_and_save ~saveas:true ?filename sn) with _ -> warning "Save Failed" let saveas = cb_on_current_term saveas let saveall _ = List.iter (fun sn -> match sn.fileops#filename with | None -> () | Some f -> ignore (sn.fileops#save f)) notebook#pages let revert_all _ = List.iter (fun sn -> if sn.fileops#changed_on_disk then sn.fileops#revert) notebook#pages let quit _ = try FileAux.check_quit saveall; Coq.final_countdown () with FileAux.DontQuit -> () let close_buffer sn = let do_remove () = notebook#remove_page notebook#current_page in if not sn.buffer#modified then do_remove () else let answ = GToolbox.question_box ~title:"Close" ~buttons:["Save Buffer and Close"; "Close without Saving"; "Don't Close"] ~default:0 ~icon:(warn_image ())#coerce "This buffer has unsaved modifications" in match answ with | 1 when FileAux.check_save ~saveas:true sn -> do_remove () | 2 -> do_remove () | _ -> () let close_buffer = cb_on_current_term close_buffer let export kind sn = match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name" |Some f -> let basef = Filename.basename f in let output = let basef_we = try Filename.chop_extension basef with _ -> basef in match kind with | "latex" -> basef_we ^ ".tex" | "dvi" | "ps" | "pdf" | "html" -> basef_we ^ "." ^ kind | _ -> assert false in let cmd = local_cd f ^ prefs.cmd_coqdoc ^ " --" ^ kind ^ " -o " ^ (Filename.quote output) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote basef) ^ " 2>&1" in sn.messages#set ("Running: "^cmd); let finally st = flash_info (cmd ^ pr_exit_status st) in run_command sn.messages#add finally cmd let export kind = cb_on_current_term (export kind) let print sn = match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name" |Some f_name -> let cmd = local_cd f_name ^ prefs.cmd_coqdoc ^ " -ps " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.basename f_name) ^ " | " ^ prefs.cmd_print in let w = GWindow.window ~title:"Print" ~modal:true ~position:`CENTER ~wm_class:"CoqIDE" ~wm_name: "CoqIDE" () in let v = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10 ~packing:w#add () in let _ = GMisc.label ~text:"Print using the following command:" ~justify:`LEFT ~packing:v#add () in let e = GEdit.entry ~text:cmd ~editable:true ~width_chars:80 ~packing:v#add () in let h = GPack.hbox ~spacing:10 ~packing:v#add () in let ko = GButton.button ~stock:`CANCEL ~label:"Cancel" ~packing:h#add () in let ok = GButton.button ~stock:`PRINT ~label:"Print" ~packing:h#add () in let callback_print () = w#destroy (); let cmd = e#text in let finally st = flash_info (cmd ^ pr_exit_status st) in run_command ignore finally cmd in let _ = ko#connect#clicked ~callback:w#destroy in let _ = ok#connect#clicked ~callback:callback_print in w#misc#show () let print = cb_on_current_term print let highlight sn = Sentence.tag_all sn.buffer; sn.script#recenter_insert let highlight = cb_on_current_term highlight end (** Timers *) let reset_revert_timer () = FileOps.revert_timer.kill (); if prefs.global_auto_revert then FileOps.revert_timer.run ~ms:prefs.global_auto_revert_delay ~callback:(fun () -> File.revert_all (); true) let reset_autosave_timer () = let autosave sn = try sn.fileops#auto_save with _ -> () in let autosave_all () = List.iter autosave notebook#pages; true in FileOps.autosave_timer.kill (); if prefs.auto_save then FileOps.autosave_timer.run ~ms:prefs.auto_save_delay ~callback:autosave_all (** Export of functions used in [coqide_main] : *) let forbid_quit () = try FileAux.check_quit File.saveall; false with FileAux.DontQuit -> true let close_and_quit = FileAux.close_and_quit let crash_save = FileAux.crash_save let do_load f = FileAux.load_file f (** Callbacks for external commands *) module External = struct let coq_makefile sn = match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> flash_info "Cannot make makefile: this buffer has no name" |Some f -> let cmd = local_cd f ^ prefs.cmd_coqmakefile in let finally st = flash_info (current.cmd_coqmakefile ^ pr_exit_status st) in run_command ignore finally cmd let coq_makefile = cb_on_current_term coq_makefile let editor sn = match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> warning "Call to external editor available only on named files" |Some f -> File.save (); let f = Filename.quote f in let cmd = Util.subst_command_placeholder prefs.cmd_editor f in run_command ignore (fun _ -> sn.fileops#revert) cmd let editor = cb_on_current_term editor let compile sn = File.save (); match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> flash_info "Active buffer has no name" |Some f -> let cmd = prefs.cmd_coqc ^ " -I " ^ (Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f)) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote f) ^ " 2>&1" in let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in sn.messages#set ("Running: "^cmd); let display s = sn.messages#add s; Buffer.add_string buf s in let finally st = if st = Unix.WEXITED 0 then flash_info (f ^ " successfully compiled") else begin flash_info (f ^ " failed to compile"); sn.messages#set "Compilation output:\n"; sn.messages#add (Buffer.contents buf); end in run_command display finally cmd let compile = cb_on_current_term compile (** [last_make_buf] contains the output of the last make compilation. [last_make] is the same, but as a string, refreshed only when searching the next error. *) let last_make_buf = Buffer.create 1024 let last_make = ref "" let last_make_index = ref 0 let last_make_dir = ref "" let make sn = match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> flash_info "Cannot make: this buffer has no name" |Some f -> File.saveall (); let cmd = local_cd f ^ prefs.cmd_make ^ " 2>&1" in sn.messages#set "Compilation output:\n"; Buffer.reset last_make_buf; last_make := ""; last_make_index := 0; last_make_dir := Filename.dirname f; let display s = sn.messages#add s; Buffer.add_string last_make_buf s in let finally st = flash_info (current.cmd_make ^ pr_exit_status st) in run_command display finally cmd let make = cb_on_current_term make let search_compile_error_regexp = Str.regexp "File \"\\([^\"]+\\)\", line \\([0-9]+\\), characters \\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)" let search_next_error () = if String.length !last_make <> Buffer.length last_make_buf then last_make := Buffer.contents last_make_buf; let _ = Str.search_forward search_compile_error_regexp !last_make !last_make_index in let f = Str.matched_group 1 !last_make and l = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 !last_make) and b = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 3 !last_make) and e = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 4 !last_make) and msg_index = Str.match_beginning () in last_make_index := Str.group_end 4; (Filename.concat !last_make_dir f, l, b, e, String.sub !last_make msg_index (String.length !last_make - msg_index)) let next_error sn = try let file,line,start,stop,error_msg = search_next_error () in FileAux.load_file file; let b = sn.buffer in let starti = b#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) start in let stopi = b#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) stop in b#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:starti ~stop:stopi; b#place_cursor ~where:starti; sn.messages#set error_msg; sn.script#misc#grab_focus () with Not_found -> last_make_index := 0; sn.messages#set "No more errors.\n" let next_error = cb_on_current_term next_error end (** Callbacks for the Navigation menu *) let update_status sn = let display msg = pop_info (); push_info msg in let next = function | Interface.Fail x -> sn.coqops#handle_failure x | Interface.Good status -> let path = match status.Interface.status_path with | [] | _ :: [] -> "" (* Drop the topmost level, usually "Top" *) | _ :: l -> " in " ^ String.concat "." l in let name = match status.Interface.status_proofname with | None -> "" | Some n -> ", proving " ^ n in display ("Ready"^ if current.nanoPG then ", [μPG]" else "" ^ path ^ name); Coq.return () in Coq.bind (Coq.status ~logger:sn.messages#push false) next let find_next_occurrence ~backward sn = (** go to the next occurrence of the current word, forward or backward *) let b = sn.buffer in let start = find_word_start (b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT) in let stop = find_word_end start in let text = b#get_text ~start ~stop () in let search = if backward then start#backward_search else stop#forward_search in match search text with |None -> () |Some(where, _) -> b#place_cursor ~where; sn.script#recenter_insert let send_to_coq f sn = let info () = Minilib.log ("Coq busy, discarding query") in let f = Coq.seq (f sn) (update_status sn) in Coq.try_grab sn.coqtop f info let send_to_coq f = on_current_term (send_to_coq f) module Nav = struct let forward_one _ = send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#process_next_phrase) let backward_one _ = send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#backtrack_last_phrase) let goto _ = send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#go_to_insert) let goto_end _ = send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#process_until_end_or_error) let previous_occ = cb_on_current_term (find_next_occurrence ~backward:true) let next_occ = cb_on_current_term (find_next_occurrence ~backward:false) let restart sn = Minilib.log "Reset Initial"; Coq.reset_coqtop sn.coqtop let restart _ = on_current_term restart let interrupt sn = Minilib.log "User break received"; Coq.break_coqtop sn.coqtop let interrupt = cb_on_current_term interrupt let join_document _ = send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#join_document) end let tactic_wizard_callback l _ = send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#tactic_wizard l) let printopts_callback opts v = let b = v#get_active in let () = List.iter (fun o -> Coq.PrintOpt.set o b) opts in send_to_coq (fun sn -> sn.coqops#show_goals) (** Templates menu *) let get_current_word term = (** First look to find if autocompleting *) match term.script#complete_popup#proposal with | Some p -> p | None -> (** Then look at the current selected word *) if term.script#buffer#has_selection then let (start, stop) = term.script#buffer#selection_bounds in term.script#buffer#get_text ~slice:true ~start ~stop () (** Otherwise try to recover the clipboard *) else match Ideutils.cb#text with | Some t -> t | None -> "" let print_branch c l = Format.fprintf c " | @[%a@]=> _@\n" (print_list (fun c s -> Format.fprintf c "%s@ " s)) l let print_branches c cases = Format.fprintf c "@[match var with@\n%aend@]@." (print_list print_branch) cases let display_match sn = function |Interface.Fail _ -> flash_info "Not an inductive type"; Coq.return () |Interface.Good cases -> let text = let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in let () = print_branches (Format.formatter_of_buffer buf) cases in Buffer.contents buf in Minilib.log ("match template :\n" ^ text); let b = sn.buffer in let _ = b#delete_selection () in let m = b#create_mark (b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT) in if b#insert_interactive text then begin let i = b#get_iter (`MARK m) in let _ = i#nocopy#forward_chars 9 in let _ = b#place_cursor ~where:i in b#move_mark ~where:(i#backward_chars 3) `SEL_BOUND end; b#delete_mark (`MARK m); Coq.return () let match_callback sn = let w = get_current_word sn in let coqtop = sn.coqtop in let query = Coq.bind (Coq.mkcases w) (display_match sn) in Coq.try_grab coqtop query ignore let match_callback = cb_on_current_term match_callback (** Queries *) module Query = struct let searchabout sn = let word = get_current_word sn in let buf = sn.messages#buffer in let insert result = let qualid = result.Interface.coq_object_qualid in let name = String.concat "." qualid in let tpe = result.Interface.coq_object_object in buf#insert ~tags:[Tags.Message.item] name; buf#insert "\n"; buf#insert tpe; buf#insert "\n"; in let display_results r = sn.messages#clear; List.iter insert (match r with Interface.Good l -> l | _ -> []); Coq.return () in let launch_query = let search = Coq.search [Interface.SubType_Pattern word, true] in Coq.bind search display_results in Coq.try_grab sn.coqtop launch_query ignore let searchabout () = on_current_term searchabout let otherquery command sn = let word = get_current_word sn in if word <> "" then let query = command ^ " " ^ word ^ "." in sn.messages#clear; Coq.try_grab sn.coqtop (sn.coqops#raw_coq_query query) ignore let otherquery command = cb_on_current_term (otherquery command) let query command _ = if command = "Search" || command = "SearchAbout" then searchabout () else otherquery command () end (** Misc *) module MiscMenu = struct let detach_view sn = (* Open a separate window containing the current buffer *) let file = match sn.fileops#filename with |None -> "*scratch*" |Some f -> f in let w = GWindow.window ~show:true ~title:file ~position:`CENTER ~width:(prefs.window_width*2/3) ~height:(prefs.window_height*2/3) () in let sb = GBin.scrolled_window ~packing:w#add () in let nv = GText.view ~buffer:sn.buffer ~packing:sb#add () in nv#misc#modify_font prefs.text_font; (* If the buffer in the main window is closed, destroy this detached view *) ignore (sn.script#connect#destroy ~callback:w#destroy) let detach_view = cb_on_current_term detach_view let log_file_message () = if !Minilib.debug then let file = match !logfile with None -> "stderr" | Some f -> f in "\nDebug mode is on, log file is "^file else "" let initial_about () = let initial_string = "Welcome to CoqIDE, an Integrated Development Environment for Coq" in let coq_version = Coq.short_version () in let version_info = if Glib.Utf8.validate coq_version then "\nYou are running " ^ coq_version else "" in let msg = initial_string ^ version_info ^ log_file_message () in notebook#current_term.messages#add msg let coq_icon () = (* May raise Nof_found *) let name = "coq.png" in let chk d = Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat d name) in let dir = List.find chk (Minilib.coqide_data_dirs ()) in Filename.concat dir name let about _ = let dialog = GWindow.about_dialog () in let _ = dialog#connect#response ~callback:(fun _ -> dialog#destroy ()) in let _ = try dialog#set_logo (GdkPixbuf.from_file (coq_icon ())) with _ -> () in let copyright = "Coq is developed by the Coq Development Team\n\ (INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS)" in let authors = [ "Benjamin Monate"; "Jean-Christophe Filliâtre"; "Pierre Letouzey"; "Claude Marché"; "Bruno Barras"; "Pierre Corbineau"; "Julien Narboux"; "Hugo Herbelin"; "Enrico Tassi"; ] in dialog#set_name "CoqIDE"; dialog#set_comments "The Coq Integrated Development Environment"; dialog#set_website Coq_config.wwwcoq; dialog#set_version Coq_config.version; dialog#set_copyright copyright; dialog#set_authors authors; dialog#show () let comment = cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.script#comment ()) let uncomment = cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.script#uncomment ()) let coqtop_arguments sn = let dialog = GWindow.dialog ~title:"Coqtop arguments" () in let coqtop = sn.coqtop in (** Text entry *) let args = Coq.get_arguments coqtop in let text = String.concat " " args in let entry = GEdit.entry ~text ~packing:dialog#vbox#add () in (** Buttons *) let box = dialog#action_area in let ok = GButton.button ~stock:`OK ~packing:box#add () in let ok_cb () = let nargs = CString.split ' ' entry#text in if nargs <> args then let failed = Coq.filter_coq_opts nargs in match failed with | [] -> let () = Coq.set_arguments coqtop nargs in dialog#destroy () | args -> let args = String.concat " " args in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Invalid arguments: %s" args in let () = sn.messages#clear in sn.messages#push Interface.Error msg else dialog#destroy () in let _ = entry#connect#activate ok_cb in let _ = ok#connect#clicked ok_cb in let cancel = GButton.button ~stock:`CANCEL ~packing:box#add () in let cancel_cb () = dialog#destroy () in let _ = cancel#connect#clicked cancel_cb in dialog#show () let coqtop_arguments = cb_on_current_term coqtop_arguments let show_hide_query_pane sn = let ccw = sn.command in if ccw#visible then ccw#hide else ccw#show let zoom_fit sn = let script = sn.script in let space = script#misc#allocation.Gtk.width in let cols = script#right_margin_position in let pango_ctx = script#misc#pango_context in let layout = pango_ctx#create_layout in let fsize = Pango.Font.get_size current.text_font in Pango.Layout.set_text layout (String.make cols 'X'); let tlen = fst (Pango.Layout.get_pixel_size layout) in Pango.Font.set_size current.text_font (fsize * space / tlen / Pango.scale * Pango.scale); save_pref (); !refresh_editor_hook () end (** Refresh functions *) let refresh_editor_prefs () = let wrap_mode = if prefs.dynamic_word_wrap then `WORD else `NONE in let show_spaces = if prefs.show_spaces then 0b1001011 (* SPACE, TAB, NBSP, TRAILING *) else 0 in let fd = prefs.text_font in let clr = Tags.color_of_string prefs.background_color in let iter_session sn = (* Editor settings *) sn.script#set_wrap_mode wrap_mode; sn.script#set_show_line_numbers prefs.show_line_number; sn.script#set_auto_indent prefs.auto_indent; sn.script#set_highlight_current_line prefs.highlight_current_line; (* Hack to handle missing binding in lablgtk *) let conv = { Gobject.name = "draw-spaces"; Gobject.conv = Gobject.Data.int } in Gobject.set conv sn.script#as_widget show_spaces; sn.script#set_show_right_margin prefs.show_right_margin; sn.script#set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs prefs.spaces_instead_of_tabs; sn.script#set_tab_width prefs.tab_length; sn.script#set_auto_complete prefs.auto_complete; (* Fonts *) sn.script#misc#modify_font fd; sn.proof#misc#modify_font fd; sn.messages#modify_font fd; sn.command#refresh_font (); (* Colors *) sn.script#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `COLOR clr]; sn.proof#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `COLOR clr]; sn.messages#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `COLOR clr]; sn.command#refresh_color () in List.iter iter_session notebook#pages let refresh_notebook_pos () = let pos = match prefs.vertical_tabs, prefs.opposite_tabs with | false, false -> `TOP | false, true -> `BOTTOM | true , false -> `LEFT | true , true -> `RIGHT in notebook#set_tab_pos pos (** Wrappers around GAction functions for creating menus *) let menu = GAction.add_actions let item = GAction.add_action (** Toggle items in menus for printing options *) let toggle_item = GAction.add_toggle_action (** Search the first '_' in a label string and return the following character as shortcut, plus the string without the '_' *) let get_shortcut s = try let n = String.length s in let i = String.index s '_' in let k = String.make 1 s.[i+1] in let s' = (String.sub s 0 i) ^ (String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1)) in Some k, s' with _ -> None,s module Opt = Coq.PrintOpt let toggle_items menu_name l = let f d = let label = d.Opt.label in let k, name = get_shortcut label in let accel = Option.map ((^) prefs.modifier_for_display) k in toggle_item name ~label ?accel ~active:d.Opt.init ~callback:(printopts_callback d.Opt.opts) menu_name in List.iter f l (** Create alphabetical menu items with elements in sub-items. [l] is a list of lists, one per initial letter *) let alpha_items menu_name item_name l = let no_under = Util.String.map (fun x -> if x = '_' then '-' else x) in let mk_item text = let text' = let last = String.length text - 1 in if text.[last] = '.' then text ^"\n" else text ^" " in let callback _ = on_current_term (fun sn -> sn.buffer#insert_interactive text') in item (item_name^" "^(no_under text)) ~label:text ~callback menu_name in let mk_items = function | [] -> () | [s] -> mk_item s | s::_ as ll -> let name = item_name^" "^(String.make 1 s.[0]) in let label = "_@..." in label.[1] <- s.[0]; item name ~label menu_name; List.iter mk_item ll in List.iter mk_items l (** Create a menu item that will insert a given text, and select the zone given by (offset,len). The first word in the text is used as item keyword. Caveat: the offset is now from the start of the text. *) let template_item (text, offset, len, key) = let modifier = prefs.modifier_for_templates in let idx = String.index text ' ' in let name = String.sub text 0 idx in let label = "_"^name^" __" in let negoffset = String.length text - offset - len in let callback sn = let b = sn.buffer in if b#insert_interactive text then begin let iter = b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in ignore (iter#nocopy#backward_chars negoffset); b#move_mark `INSERT ~where:iter; ignore (iter#nocopy#backward_chars len); b#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:iter; end in item name ~label ~callback:(cb_on_current_term callback) ~accel:(modifier^key) let emit_to_focus window sgn = let focussed_widget = GtkWindow.Window.get_focus window#as_window in let obj = Gobject.unsafe_cast focussed_widget in try GtkSignal.emit_unit obj ~sgn with _ -> () (** {2 Creation of the main coqide window } *) let build_ui () = let w = GWindow.window ~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde" ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true ~width:prefs.window_width ~height:prefs.window_height ~title:"CoqIde" () in let () = try w#set_icon (Some (GdkPixbuf.from_file (MiscMenu.coq_icon ()))) with _ -> () in let _ = w#event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ -> File.quit (); true) in let vbox = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:w#add () in let file_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"File" () in let edit_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Edit" () in let view_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"View" () in let export_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Export" () in let navigation_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Navigation" () in let tactics_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Tactics" () in let templates_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Templates" () in let tools_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Tools" () in let queries_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Queries" () in let compile_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Compile" () in let windows_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Windows" () in let help_menu = GAction.action_group ~name:"Help" () in let all_menus = [ file_menu; edit_menu; view_menu; export_menu; navigation_menu; tactics_menu; templates_menu; tools_menu; queries_menu; compile_menu; windows_menu; help_menu; ] in menu file_menu [ item "File" ~label:"_File"; item "New" ~callback:File.newfile ~stock:`NEW; item "Open" ~callback:File.load ~stock:`OPEN; item "Save" ~callback:File.save ~stock:`SAVE ~tooltip:"Save current buffer"; item "Save as" ~label:"S_ave as" ~stock:`SAVE_AS ~callback:File.saveas; item "Save all" ~label:"Sa_ve all" ~callback:File.saveall; item "Revert all buffers" ~label:"_Revert all buffers" ~callback:File.revert_all ~stock:`REVERT_TO_SAVED; item "Close buffer" ~label:"_Close buffer" ~stock:`CLOSE ~callback:File.close_buffer ~tooltip:"Close current buffer"; item "Print..." ~label:"_Print..." ~callback:File.print ~stock:`PRINT ~accel:"p"; item "Rehighlight" ~label:"Reh_ighlight" ~accel:"l" ~callback:File.highlight ~stock:`REFRESH; item "Quit" ~stock:`QUIT ~callback:File.quit; ]; menu export_menu [ item "Export to" ~label:"E_xport to"; item "Html" ~label:"_Html" ~callback:(File.export "html"); item "Latex" ~label:"_LaTeX" ~callback:(File.export "latex"); item "Dvi" ~label:"_Dvi" ~callback:(File.export "dvi"); item "Pdf" ~label:"_Pdf" ~callback:(File.export "pdf"); item "Ps" ~label:"_Ps" ~callback:(File.export "ps"); ]; menu edit_menu [ item "Edit" ~label:"_Edit"; item "Undo" ~accel:"u" ~stock:`UNDO ~callback:(cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.script#undo ())); item "Redo" ~stock:`REDO ~callback:(cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.script#redo ())); item "Cut" ~stock:`CUT ~callback:(fun _ -> emit_to_focus w GtkText.View.S.cut_clipboard); item "Copy" ~stock:`COPY ~callback:(fun _ -> emit_to_focus w GtkText.View.S.copy_clipboard); item "Paste" ~stock:`PASTE ~callback:(fun _ -> emit_to_focus w GtkText.View.S.paste_clipboard); item "Find" ~stock:`FIND ~label:"Find / Replace" ~callback:(cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.finder#show ())); item "Find Next" ~label:"Find _Next" ~stock:`GO_DOWN ~accel:"F3" ~callback:(cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.finder#find_forward ())); item "Find Previous" ~label:"Find _Previous" ~stock:`GO_UP ~accel:"F3" ~callback:(cb_on_current_term (fun t -> t.finder#find_backward ())); item "Complete Word" ~label:"Complete Word" ~accel:"slash" ~callback:(fun _ -> ()); item "External editor" ~label:"External editor" ~stock:`EDIT ~callback:External.editor; item "Preferences" ~accel:"comma" ~stock:`PREFERENCES ~callback:(fun _ -> begin try Preferences.configure ~apply:refresh_notebook_pos () with _ -> flash_info "Cannot save preferences" end; reset_revert_timer ()); ]; menu view_menu [ item "View" ~label:"_View"; item "Previous tab" ~label:"_Previous tab" ~accel:"Left" ~stock:`GO_BACK ~callback:(fun _ -> notebook#previous_page ()); item "Next tab" ~label:"_Next tab" ~accel:"Right" ~stock:`GO_FORWARD ~callback:(fun _ -> notebook#next_page ()); item "Zoom in" ~label:"_Zoom in" ~accel:("plus") ~stock:`ZOOM_IN ~callback:(fun _ -> Pango.Font.set_size current.text_font (Pango.Font.get_size current.text_font + Pango.scale); save_pref (); !refresh_editor_hook ()); item "Zoom out" ~label:"_Zoom out" ~accel:("minus") ~stock:`ZOOM_OUT ~callback:(fun _ -> Pango.Font.set_size current.text_font (Pango.Font.get_size current.text_font - Pango.scale); save_pref (); !refresh_editor_hook ()); item "Zoom fit" ~label:"_Zoom fit" ~accel:("0") ~stock:`ZOOM_FIT ~callback:(cb_on_current_term MiscMenu.zoom_fit); toggle_item "Show Toolbar" ~label:"Show _Toolbar" ~active:(prefs.show_toolbar) ~callback:(fun _ -> prefs.show_toolbar <- not prefs.show_toolbar; !refresh_toolbar_hook ()); item "Query Pane" ~label:"_Query Pane" ~accel:"F1" ~callback:(cb_on_current_term MiscMenu.show_hide_query_pane) ]; toggle_items view_menu Coq.PrintOpt.bool_items; menu navigation_menu [ item "Navigation" ~label:"_Navigation"; item "Forward" ~label:"_Forward" ~stock:`GO_DOWN ~callback:Nav.forward_one ~tooltip:"Forward one command" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Down"); item "Backward" ~label:"_Backward" ~stock:`GO_UP ~callback:Nav.backward_one ~tooltip:"Backward one command" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Up"); item "Go to" ~label:"_Go to" ~stock:`JUMP_TO ~callback:Nav.goto ~tooltip:"Go to cursor" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Right"); item "Start" ~label:"_Start" ~stock:`GOTO_TOP ~callback:Nav.restart ~tooltip:"Restart coq" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Home"); item "End" ~label:"_End" ~stock:`GOTO_BOTTOM ~callback:Nav.goto_end ~tooltip:"Go to end" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"End"); item "Interrupt" ~label:"_Interrupt" ~stock:`STOP ~callback:Nav.interrupt ~tooltip:"Interrupt computations" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Break"); (* wait for this available in GtkSourceView ! item "Hide" ~label:"_Hide" ~stock:`MISSING_IMAGE ~callback:(fun _ -> let sess = notebook#current_term in toggle_proof_visibility sess.buffer sess.analyzed_view#get_insert) ~tooltip:"Hide proof" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"h");*) item "Previous" ~label:"_Previous" ~stock:`GO_BACK ~callback:Nav.previous_occ ~tooltip:"Previous occurence" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"less"); item "Next" ~label:"_Next" ~stock:`GO_FORWARD ~callback:Nav.next_occ ~tooltip:"Next occurence" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"greater"); item "Force" ~label:"_Force" ~stock:`EXECUTE ~callback:Nav.join_document ~tooltip:"Force the processing of the whole document" ~accel:(current.modifier_for_navigation^"f"); ]; let tacitem s sc = item s ~label:("_"^s) ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_tactics^sc) ~callback:(tactic_wizard_callback [s]) in menu tactics_menu [ item "Try Tactics" ~label:"_Try Tactics"; item "Wizard" ~label:"" ~stock:`DIALOG_INFO ~tooltip:"Proof Wizard" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_tactics^"dollar") ~callback:(tactic_wizard_callback prefs.automatic_tactics); tacitem "auto" "a"; tacitem "auto with *" "asterisk"; tacitem "eauto" "e"; tacitem "eauto with *" "ampersand"; tacitem "intuition" "i"; tacitem "omega" "o"; tacitem "simpl" "s"; tacitem "tauto" "p"; tacitem "trivial" "v"; ]; alpha_items tactics_menu "Tactic" Coq_commands.tactics; menu templates_menu [ item "Templates" ~label:"Te_mplates"; template_item ("Lemma new_lemma : .\nProof.\n\nSave.\n", 6,9, "L"); template_item ("Theorem new_theorem : .\nProof.\n\nSave.\n", 8,11, "T"); template_item ("Definition ident := .\n", 11,5, "E"); template_item ("Inductive ident : :=\n | : .\n", 10,5, "I"); template_item ("Fixpoint ident (_ : _) {struct _} : _ :=\n.\n", 9,5, "F"); template_item ("Scheme new_scheme := Induction for _ Sort _\n" ^ "with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n", 7,10, "S"); item "match" ~label:"match ..." ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_templates^"C") ~callback:match_callback ]; alpha_items templates_menu "Template" Coq_commands.commands; let qitem s accel = item s ~label:("_"^s) ?accel ~callback:(Query.query s) in menu queries_menu [ item "Queries" ~label:"_Queries"; qitem "Search" (Some "F2"); qitem "Check" (Some "F3"); qitem "Print" (Some "F4"); qitem "About" (Some "F5"); qitem "Locate" None; qitem "Print Assumptions" None; qitem "Whelp Locate" None; ]; menu tools_menu [ item "Tools" ~label:"_Tools"; item "Comment" ~label:"_Comment" ~accel:"D" ~callback:MiscMenu.comment; item "Uncomment" ~label:"_Uncomment" ~accel:"D" ~callback:MiscMenu.uncomment; item "Coqtop arguments" ~label:"Coqtop _arguments" ~callback:MiscMenu.coqtop_arguments; ]; menu compile_menu [ item "Compile" ~label:"_Compile"; item "Compile buffer" ~label:"_Compile buffer" ~callback:External.compile; item "Make" ~label:"_Make" ~accel:"F6" ~callback:External.make; item "Next error" ~label:"_Next error" ~accel:"F7" ~callback:External.next_error; item "Make makefile" ~label:"Make makefile" ~callback:External.coq_makefile; ]; menu windows_menu [ item "Windows" ~label:"_Windows"; item "Detach View" ~label:"Detach _View" ~callback:MiscMenu.detach_view ]; menu help_menu [ item "Help" ~label:"_Help"; item "Browse Coq Manual" ~label:"Browse Coq _Manual" ~callback:(fun _ -> browse notebook#current_term.messages#add (doc_url ())); item "Browse Coq Library" ~label:"Browse Coq _Library" ~callback:(fun _ -> browse notebook#current_term.messages#add prefs.library_url); item "Help for keyword" ~label:"Help for _keyword" ~stock:`HELP ~callback:(fun _ -> on_current_term (fun sn -> browse_keyword sn.messages#add (get_current_word sn))); item "Help for μPG mode" ~label:"Help for μPG mode" ~callback:(fun _ -> on_current_term (fun sn -> sn.messages#clear; sn.messages#add (NanoPG.get_documentation ()))); item "About Coq" ~label:"_About" ~stock:`ABOUT ~callback:MiscMenu.about ]; Coqide_ui.init (); Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group file_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group export_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group edit_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group view_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group navigation_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group tactics_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group templates_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group tools_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group queries_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group compile_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group windows_menu 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group help_menu 0; w#add_accel_group Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_accel_group ; GtkMain.Rc.parse_string "gtk-can-change-accels = 1"; if Coq_config.gtk_platform <> `QUARTZ then vbox#pack (Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde MenuBar"); (* Toolbar *) let tbar = GtkButton.Toolbar.cast ((Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde ToolBar")#as_widget) in let () = GtkButton.Toolbar.set ~orientation:`HORIZONTAL ~style:`ICONS ~tooltips:true tbar in let toolbar = new GObj.widget tbar in let () = vbox#pack toolbar in (* Emacs/PG mode *) NanoPG.init w notebook all_menus; (* Reset on tab switch *) let _ = notebook#connect#switch_page ~callback:(fun _ -> if prefs.reset_on_tab_switch then Nav.restart ()) in (* Vertical Separator between Scripts and Goals *) let () = vbox#pack ~expand:true notebook#coerce in let () = refresh_notebook_pos () in let lower_hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:vbox#pack () in let () = lower_hbox#pack ~expand:true status#coerce in let () = push_info ("Ready"^ if current.nanoPG then ", [μPG]" else "") in (* Location display *) let l = GMisc.label ~text:"Line: 1 Char: 1" ~packing:lower_hbox#pack () in let () = l#coerce#misc#set_name "location" in let () = set_location := l#set_text in (* Progress Bar *) let pbar = GRange.progress_bar ~pulse_step:0.1 () in let () = lower_hbox#pack pbar#coerce in let ready () = pbar#set_fraction 0.0; pbar#set_text "Coq is ready" in let pulse sn = if Coq.is_computing sn.coqtop then (pbar#set_text "Coq is computing"; pbar#pulse ()) else ready () in let callback () = on_current_term pulse; true in let _ = Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback in (* Pending proofs. It should be with a GtkSpinner... not bound *) let slaveinfobut = GButton.button () in let slaveinfo = GMisc.label ~xalign:0.5 ~width:50 () in let () = lower_hbox#pack slaveinfobut#coerce in let () = slaveinfobut#add slaveinfo#coerce in let () = slaveinfobut#misc#set_has_tooltip true in let () = slaveinfobut#misc#set_tooltip_markup "Proofs to be checked / Errors" in let int_assoc s l = match List.assoc s l with `IntC c -> c | _ -> assert false in let string_assoc s l = match List.assoc s l with `StringC c -> c | _ -> assert false in let make_table_widget cd cb = let frame = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`NEVER ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC () in let columns, store = let cols = new GTree.column_list in let columns = List.map (function | (`Int,n,_) -> n, `IntC (cols#add Gobject.Data.int) | (`String,n,_) -> n, `StringC (cols#add Gobject.Data.string)) cd in columns, GTree.list_store cols in let data = GTree.view ~vadjustment:frame#vadjustment ~hadjustment:frame#hadjustment ~rules_hint:true ~headers_visible:false ~model:store ~packing:frame#add () in let () = data#set_headers_visible true in let mk_rend c = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text",c] in let cols = List.map2 (fun (_,c) (_,n,v) -> let c = match c with | `IntC c -> GTree.view_column ~renderer:(mk_rend c) () | `StringC c -> GTree.view_column ~renderer:(mk_rend c) () in c#set_title n; c#set_visible v; c#set_sizing `AUTOSIZE; c) columns cd in List.iter (fun c -> ignore(data#append_column c)) cols; ignore( data#connect#row_activated ~callback:(fun tp vc -> cb columns store tp vc) ); frame, (fun f -> f columns store) in let errwin, fill_errwin = let obj = GWindow.window ~title:"Errors & Workers status" ~deletable:true ~position:`CENTER_ON_PARENT ~show:false ~width:500 ~height:400 () in let table_errs, access_errs = make_table_widget [`Int,"Line",true; `String,"Error message",true; `Int,"Tab no",false] (fun columns store tp vc -> let row = store#get_iter tp in let lno = store#get ~row ~column:(int_assoc "Line" columns) in let tabno = store#get ~row ~column:(int_assoc "Tab no" columns) in let sn = notebook#get_nth_term tabno in let where = sn.script#buffer#get_iter (`LINE (lno-1)) in sn.buffer#place_cursor ~where; ignore(sn.script#scroll_to_iter ~use_align:false ~yalign:0.75 ~within_margin:0.25 where)) in let table_jobs, access_jobs = make_table_widget [`Int,"Worker",true; `String,"Job name",true; `Int,"Tab no",false] (fun columns store tp vc -> ()) in let tip = GMisc.label ~text:"Double click to jump to error line" () in let nb = GPack.notebook ~packing:obj#add () in let vb = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false () in let () = vb#pack ~expand:true table_errs#coerce in let () = vb#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2 tip#coerce in let add_page text w = nb#append_page ~tab_label:(GMisc.label ~text ())#coerce w#coerce in let _ = add_page "Errors" vb in let _ = add_page "Workers" table_jobs in obj, (let last_update = ref (0,[],Int.Map.empty) in fun tabno errs jobs -> if !last_update = (tabno,errs,jobs) then () else begin last_update := tabno,errs,jobs; access_errs (fun _ store -> store#clear ()); List.iter (fun (lno, msg) -> access_errs (fun columns store -> let line = store#append () in store#set line (int_assoc "Line" columns) lno; store#set line (string_assoc "Error message" columns) msg; store#set line (int_assoc "Tab no" columns) tabno)) errs; access_jobs (fun _ store -> store#clear ()); Int.Map.iter (fun id job -> access_jobs (fun columns store -> let line = store#append () in store#set line (int_assoc "Worker" columns) id; store#set line (string_assoc "Job name" columns) job)) jobs; end) in let () = errwin#set_transient_for w#as_window in let _ = errwin#event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ -> errwin#misc#hide (); true) in let update_errwin () = on_current_term (fun sn -> fill_errwin (notebook#term_num (==) sn) sn.coqops#get_errors (Util.pi3 sn.coqops#get_slaves_status)) in let _ = slaveinfobut#connect#clicked ~callback:errwin#present in let update sn = let processed, to_process, jobs = sn.coqops#get_slaves_status in let missing = to_process - processed in let n_err = sn.coqops#get_n_errors in if n_err > 0 then slaveinfo#set_text (Printf.sprintf "%d / %d" missing n_err) else slaveinfo#set_text (Printf.sprintf "%d / %d" missing n_err); slaveinfo#set_use_markup true; if errwin#misc#visible then update_errwin () in let callback () = on_current_term update; true in let _ = Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback in (* Initializing hooks *) let refresh_toolbar () = if prefs.show_toolbar then toolbar#misc#show () else toolbar#misc#hide () in let refresh_style () = let style = style_manager#style_scheme prefs.source_style in let iter_session v = v.script#source_buffer#set_style_scheme style in List.iter iter_session notebook#pages in let resize_window () = w#resize ~width:prefs.window_width ~height:prefs.window_height in refresh_toolbar (); refresh_toolbar_hook := refresh_toolbar; refresh_style_hook := refresh_style; refresh_editor_hook := refresh_editor_prefs; resize_window_hook := resize_window; refresh_tabs_hook := refresh_notebook_pos; (* Color configuration *) Tags.set_processing_color (Tags.color_of_string prefs.processing_color); Tags.set_processed_color (Tags.color_of_string prefs.processed_color); Tags.Script.incomplete#set_property (`BACKGROUND_STIPPLE (Gdk.Bitmap.create_from_data ~width:2 ~height:2 "\x01\x02")); Tags.Script.incomplete#set_property (`BACKGROUND_GDK (Tags.get_processed_color ())); (* Showtime ! *) w#show () (** {2 Coqide main function } *) let make_file_buffer f = let f = if Sys.file_exists f || Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then f else f^".v" in FileAux.load_file ~maycreate:true f let make_scratch_buffer () = let session = create_session None in let _ = notebook#append_term session in !refresh_editor_hook () let main files = build_ui (); reset_revert_timer (); reset_autosave_timer (); (match files with | [] -> make_scratch_buffer () | _ -> List.iter make_file_buffer files); notebook#goto_page 0; MiscMenu.initial_about (); on_current_term (fun t -> t.script#misc#grab_focus ()); Minilib.log "End of Coqide.main" (** {2 Geoproof } *) (** This function check every tenth of second if GeoProof has send something on his private clipboard *) let check_for_geoproof_input () = let cb_Dr = GData.clipboard (Gdk.Atom.intern "_GeoProof") in let handler () = match cb_Dr#text with |None -> true |Some "Ack" -> true |Some s -> on_current_term (fun sn -> sn.buffer#insert (s ^ "\n")); (* cb_Dr#clear does not work so i use : *) cb_Dr#set_text "Ack"; true in ignore (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:100 ~callback:handler) (** {2 Argument parsing } *) (** By default, the coqtop we try to launch is exactly the current coqide full name, with the last occurrence of "coqide" replaced by "coqtop". This should correctly handle the ".opt", ".byte", ".exe" situations. If the replacement fails, we default to "coqtop", hoping it's somewhere in the path. Note that the -coqtop option to coqide allows to override this default coqtop path *) let read_coqide_args argv = let rec filter_coqtop coqtop project_files out = function |"-coqtop" :: prog :: args -> if coqtop = None then filter_coqtop (Some prog) project_files out args else (output_string stderr "Error: multiple -coqtop options"; exit 1) |"-f" :: file :: args -> let d = CUnix.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname file) in let p = Project_file.read_project_file file in filter_coqtop coqtop ((d,p) :: project_files) out args |"-f" :: [] -> output_string stderr "Error: missing project file name"; exit 1 |"-coqtop" :: [] -> output_string stderr "Error: missing argument after -coqtop"; exit 1 |"-debug"::args -> Minilib.debug := true; Backtrace.record_backtrace true; filter_coqtop coqtop project_files ("-debug"::out) args |arg::args -> filter_coqtop coqtop project_files (arg::out) args |[] -> (coqtop,List.rev project_files,List.rev out) in let coqtop,project_files,argv = filter_coqtop None [] [] argv in Ideutils.custom_coqtop := coqtop; custom_project_files := project_files; argv (** {2 Signal handling } *) (** The Ctrl-C (sigint) is handled as a interactive quit. For most of the other catchable signals we launch an emergency save of opened files and then exit. *) let signals_to_crash = [Sys.sigabrt; Sys.sigalrm; Sys.sigfpe; Sys.sighup; Sys.sigill; Sys.sigpipe; Sys.sigquit; Sys.sigusr1; Sys.sigusr2] let set_signal_handlers () = try Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle File.quit); List.iter (fun i -> Sys.set_signal i (Sys.Signal_handle FileAux.crash_save)) signals_to_crash with _ -> Minilib.log "Signal ignored (normal if Win32)"