(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Hashtbl.add h s Keyword) one_word_commands; List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s Declaration) one_word_declarations; List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ProofDeclaration) proof_declarations; List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s Qed) proof_ends; List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h' s Keyword) constr_keywords; (fun initial id -> Hashtbl.find (if initial then h else h') id) exception Unterminated let here f lexbuf = f (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) } let space = [' ' '\n' '\r' '\t' '\012'] (* '\012' is form-feed *) let firstchar = ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255'] let identchar = ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9'] let ident = firstchar identchar* let undotted_sep = [ '{' '}' ] let dot_sep = '.' (space | eof) let multiword_declaration = "Module" (space+ "Type")? | "Program" space+ ident | "Existing" space+ "Instance" "s"? | "Canonical" space+ "Structure" let locality = ("Local" space+)? let multiword_command = "Set" (space+ ident)* | "Unset" (space+ ident)* | "Open" space+ locality "Scope" | "Close" space+ locality "Scope" | "Bind" space+ "Scope" | "Arguments" space+ "Scope" | "Reserved" space+ "Notation" space+ locality | "Delimit" space+ "Scope" | "Next" space+ "Obligation" | "Solve" space+ "Obligations" | "Require" space+ ("Import"|"Export")? | "Infix" space+ locality | "Notation" space+ locality | "Hint" space+ locality ident | "Reset" (space+ "Initial")? | "Tactic" space+ "Notation" | "Implicit" space+ "Arguments" | "Implicit" space+ ("Type"|"Types") | "Combined" space+ "Scheme" | "Extraction" space+ (("Language" space+ ("Ocaml"|"Haskell"|"Scheme"|"Toplevel"))| ("Library"|"Inline"|"NoInline"|"Blacklist")) | "Recursive" space+ "Extraction" (space+ "Library")? | ("Print"|"Reset") space+ "Extraction" space+ ("Inline"|"Blacklist") | "Extract" space+ (("Inlined" space+) "Constant"| "Inductive") (* At least still missing: "Inline" + decl, variants of "Identity Coercion", variants of Print, Add, ... *) rule coq_string = parse | "\"\"" { coq_string lexbuf } | "\"" { Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf } | eof { Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf } | _ { coq_string lexbuf } and comment = parse | "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); comment lexbuf } | "\"" { ignore (coq_string lexbuf); comment lexbuf } | "*)" { (true, Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf + 2) } | eof { (false, Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) } | _ { comment lexbuf } and sentence initial stamp = parse | "(*" { let comm_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in let trully_terminated,comm_end = comment lexbuf in stamp comm_start comm_end Comment; if not trully_terminated then raise Unterminated; (* A comment alone is a sentence. A comment in a sentence doesn't terminate the sentence. Note: comm_end is the first position _after_ the comment, as required when tagging a zone, hence the -1 to locate the ")" terminating the comment. *) if initial then comm_end - 1 else sentence false stamp lexbuf } | "\"" { let str_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in let str_end = coq_string lexbuf in stamp str_start str_end String; sentence false stamp lexbuf } | multiword_declaration { if initial then here stamp lexbuf Declaration; sentence false stamp lexbuf } | multiword_command { if initial then here stamp lexbuf Keyword; sentence false stamp lexbuf } | ident as id { (try here stamp lexbuf (tag_of_ident initial id) with Not_found -> ()); sentence false stamp lexbuf } | ".." { (* We must have a particular rule for parsing "..", where no dot is a terminator, even if we have a blank afterwards (cf. for instance the syntax for recursive notation). This rule and the following one also allow to treat the "..." special case, where the third dot is a terminator. *) sentence false stamp lexbuf } | dot_sep { Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf } (* The usual "." terminator *) | undotted_sep { (* Separators like { or } are only active at the start of a sentence *) if initial then Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf else sentence false stamp lexbuf } | space+ { (* Parsing spaces is the only situation preserving initiality *) sentence initial stamp lexbuf } | _ { (* Any other characters (for instance bullets "-" "*" "+") *) sentence false stamp lexbuf } | eof { raise Unterminated } { (** Parse a sentence in string [slice], tagging relevant parts with function [stamp], and returning the position of the first sentence delimitor (either "." or "{" or "}" or the end of a comment). It will raise [Unterminated] when no end of sentence is found. *) let delimit_sentence stamp slice = sentence true stamp (Lexing.from_string slice) }