(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 'a task (** Monadic return of values as tasks. *) val bind : 'a task -> ('a -> 'b task) -> 'b task (** Monadic binding of tasks *) val lift : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a task (** Return the impertative computation waiting to be processed. *) val seq : unit task -> 'a task -> 'a task (** Sequential composition *) (** {5 Coqtop process management} *) type reset_kind = Planned | Unexpected (** A reset may occur accidentally or voluntarily, so we discriminate between these. *) val is_computing : coqtop -> bool (** Check if coqtop is computing, i.e. already has a current task *) val spawn_coqtop : string list -> coqtop (** Create a coqtop process with some command-line arguments. *) val set_reset_handler : coqtop -> (reset_kind -> unit task) -> unit (** Register a handler called when a coqtop dies (badly or on purpose) *) val set_feedback_handler : coqtop -> (Interface.feedback -> unit) -> unit (** Register a handler called when coqtop sends a feedback message *) val init_coqtop : coqtop -> unit task -> unit (** Finish initializing a freshly spawned coqtop, by running a first task on it. The task should run its inner continuation at the end. *) val break_coqtop : coqtop -> unit (** Interrupt the current computation of coqtop. *) val close_coqtop : coqtop -> unit (** Close coqtop. Subsequent requests will be discarded. Hook ignored. *) val reset_coqtop : coqtop -> unit (** Reset coqtop. Pending requests will be discarded. The reset handler of coqtop will be called with [Planned] as first argument *) val get_arguments : coqtop -> string list (** Get the current arguments used by coqtop. *) val set_arguments : coqtop -> string list -> unit (** Set process arguments. This also forces a planned reset. *) (** In win32, sockets are not like regular files *) val gio_channel_of_descr_socket : (Unix.file_descr -> Glib.Io.channel) ref (** {5 Task processing} *) val try_grab : coqtop -> unit task -> (unit -> unit) -> unit (** Try to schedule a task on a coqtop. If coqtop is available, the task callback is run (asynchronously), otherwise the [(unit->unit)] callback is triggered. - If coqtop ever dies during the computation, this function restarts coqtop and calls the restart hook with the fresh coqtop. - If the argument function raises an exception, a coqtop reset occurs. - The task may be discarded if a [close_coqtop] or [reset_coqtop] occurs before its completion. - The task callback should run its inner continuation at the end. *) (** {5 Atomic calls to coqtop} *) (** These atomic calls can be combined to form arbitrary multi-call tasks. They correspond to the protocol calls (cf [Serialize] for more details). Note that each call is asynchronous: it will return immediately, but the inner callback will be executed later to handle the call answer when this answer is available. Except for interp, we use the default logger for any call. *) type 'a query = 'a Interface.value task (** A type abbreviation for coqtop specific answers *) val add : ?logger:Ideutils.logger -> Interface.add_sty -> Interface.add_rty query val edit_at : Interface.edit_at_sty -> Interface.edit_at_rty query val query : ?logger:Ideutils.logger -> Interface.query_sty -> Interface.query_rty query val status : ?logger:Ideutils.logger -> Interface.status_sty -> Interface.status_rty query val goals : ?logger:Ideutils.logger -> Interface.goals_sty -> Interface.goals_rty query val evars : Interface.evars_sty -> Interface.evars_rty query val hints : Interface.hints_sty -> Interface.hints_rty query val mkcases : Interface.mkcases_sty -> Interface.mkcases_rty query val search : Interface.search_sty -> Interface.search_rty query val init : Interface.init_sty -> Interface.init_rty query val stop_worker: Interface.stop_worker_sty-> Interface.stop_worker_rty query (** A specialized version of [raw_interp] dedicated to set/unset options. *) module PrintOpt : sig type t (** Representation of an option *) type bool_descr = { opts : t list; init : bool; label : string } val bool_items : bool_descr list val set : t -> bool -> unit val set_printing_width : int -> unit (** [enforce] transmits to coq the current option values. It is also called by [goals] and [evars] above. *) val enforce : unit task end (** {5 Miscellaneous} *) val short_version : unit -> string (** Return a short phrase identifying coqtop version and date of compilation, as given by the [configure] script. *) val version : unit -> string (** More verbose description, including details about libraries and architecture. *) val filter_coq_opts : string list -> string list (** * Launch a test coqtop processes, ask for a correct coqtop if it fails. @return the list of arguments that coqtop did not understand (the files probably ..). This command may terminate coqide in case of trouble. *) val check_connection : string list -> unit (** Launch a coqtop with the user args in order to be sure that it works, checking in particular that Prelude.vo is found. This command may terminate coqide in case of trouble *)