(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* " in try let ch = open_in (Coq_config.coqtop^"/revision") in let ver = input_line ch in let rev = input_line ch in (ver,rev) with _ -> (Coq_config.version,date) let short_version () = let (ver,date) = get_version_date () in Printf.sprintf "The Coq Proof Assistant, version %s (%s)\n" ver date let version () = let (ver,date) = get_version_date () in Printf.sprintf "The Coq Proof Assistant, version %s (%s)\ \nArchitecture %s running %s operating system\ \nGtk version is %s\ \nThis is the %s version (%s is the best one for this architecture and OS)\ \n" ver date Coq_config.arch Sys.os_type (let x,y,z = GMain.Main.version in Printf.sprintf "%d.%d.%d" x y z) (if Mltop.get () = Mltop.Native then "native" else "bytecode") (if Coq_config.best="opt" then "native" else "bytecode") let is_in_coq_lib dir = prerr_endline ("Is it a coq theory ? : "^dir); let is_same_file = same_file dir in List.exists (fun s -> let fdir = Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib (Filename.concat "theories" s) in prerr_endline (" Comparing to: "^fdir); if is_same_file fdir then (prerr_endline " YES";true) else (prerr_endline"NO";false)) Coq_config.theories_dirs let is_in_loadpath dir = Library.is_in_load_paths (System.physical_path_of_string dir) let is_in_coq_path f = try let base = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename f) in let _ = Library.locate_qualified_library false (Libnames.make_qualid Names.empty_dirpath (Names.id_of_string base)) in prerr_endline (f ^ " is in coq path"); true with _ -> prerr_endline (f ^ " is NOT in coq path"); false let is_in_proof_mode () = match Decl_mode.get_current_mode () with Decl_mode.Mode_none -> false | _ -> true let user_error_loc l s = raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (l, Util.UserError ("CoqIde", s))) type printing_state = { mutable printing_implicit : bool; mutable printing_coercions : bool; mutable printing_raw_matching : bool; mutable printing_no_notation : bool; mutable printing_all : bool; mutable printing_evar_instances : bool; mutable printing_universes : bool; mutable printing_full_all : bool } let printing_state = { printing_implicit = false; printing_coercions = false; printing_raw_matching = false; printing_no_notation = false; printing_all = false; printing_evar_instances = false; printing_universes = false; printing_full_all = false; } let printing_implicit_data = ["Printing";"Implicit"], false let printing_coercions_data = ["Printing";"Coercions"], false let printing_raw_matching_data = ["Printing";"Matching"], true let printing_no_synth_data = ["Printing";"Synth"], true let printing_no_notation_data = ["Printing";"Notations"], true let printing_all_data = ["Printing";"All"], false let printing_evar_instances_data = ["Printing";"Existential";"Instances"],false let printing_universes_data = ["Printing";"Universes"], false let known_options = ref [] let prepare_option (l,dft) = known_options := l :: !known_options; let set = (String.concat " " ("Set"::l)) ^ "." in let unset = (String.concat " " ("Unset"::l)) ^ "." in if dft then unset,set else set,unset let coqide_known_option = function | Goptions.TertiaryTable (a,b,c) -> List.mem [a;b;c] !known_options | Goptions.SecondaryTable (a,b) -> List.mem [a;b] !known_options | Goptions.PrimaryTable a -> List.mem [a] !known_options let with_printing_implicit = prepare_option printing_implicit_data let with_printing_coercions = prepare_option printing_coercions_data let with_printing_raw_matching = prepare_option printing_raw_matching_data let with_printing_no_synth = prepare_option printing_no_synth_data let with_printing_no_notation = prepare_option printing_no_notation_data let with_printing_all = prepare_option printing_all_data let with_printing_evar_instances = prepare_option printing_evar_instances_data let with_printing_universes = prepare_option printing_universes_data let make_option_commands () = let p = printing_state in (if p.printing_implicit then [with_printing_implicit] else [])@ (if p.printing_coercions then [with_printing_coercions] else [])@ (if p.printing_raw_matching then [with_printing_raw_matching;with_printing_no_synth] else [])@ (if p.printing_no_notation then [with_printing_no_notation] else [])@ (if p.printing_all then [with_printing_all] else [])@ (if p.printing_evar_instances then [with_printing_evar_instances] else [])@ (if p.printing_universes then [with_printing_universes] else [])@ (if p.printing_full_all then [with_printing_all;with_printing_evar_instances;with_printing_universes] else []) let make_option_commands () = let l = make_option_commands () in List.iter (fun (a,b) -> prerr_endline a; prerr_endline b) l; l type command_attribute = NavigationCommand | QueryCommand | DebugCommand | KnownOptionCommand | OtherStatePreservingCommand | GoalStartingCommand | SolveCommand | ProofEndingCommand let rec attribute_of_vernac_command = function (* Control *) | VernacTime com -> attribute_of_vernac_command com | VernacList _ -> [] (* unsupported *) | VernacLoad _ -> [] (* Syntax *) | VernacTacticNotation _ -> [] | VernacSyntaxExtension _ -> [] | VernacDelimiters _ -> [] | VernacBindScope _ -> [] | VernacOpenCloseScope _ -> [] | VernacArgumentsScope _ -> [] | VernacInfix _ -> [] | VernacNotation _ -> [] (* Gallina *) | VernacDefinition (_,_,DefineBody _,_) -> [] | VernacDefinition (_,_,ProveBody _,_) -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacStartTheoremProof _ -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacEndProof _ -> [ProofEndingCommand] | VernacExactProof _ -> [ProofEndingCommand] | VernacAssumption _ -> [] | VernacInductive _ -> [] | VernacFixpoint _ -> [] | VernacCoFixpoint _ -> [] | VernacScheme _ -> [] | VernacCombinedScheme _ -> [] (* Modules *) | VernacDeclareModule _ -> [] | VernacDefineModule _ -> [] | VernacDeclareModuleType _ -> [] | VernacInclude _ -> [] (* Gallina extensions *) | VernacBeginSection _ -> [] | VernacEndSegment _ -> [] | VernacRecord _ -> [] | VernacRequire _ -> [] | VernacImport _ -> [] | VernacCanonical _ -> [] | VernacCoercion _ -> [] | VernacIdentityCoercion _ -> [] (* Type classes *) | VernacClass _ -> [] | VernacInstance _ -> [] | VernacContext _ -> [] | VernacDeclareInstance _ -> [] (* Solving *) | VernacSolve _ -> [SolveCommand] | VernacSolveExistential _ -> [SolveCommand] (* MMode *) | VernacDeclProof -> [] | VernacReturn -> [] | VernacProofInstr _ -> [] (* Auxiliary file and library management *) | VernacRequireFrom _ -> [] | VernacAddLoadPath _ -> [] | VernacRemoveLoadPath _ -> [] | VernacAddMLPath _ -> [] | VernacDeclareMLModule _ -> [] | VernacChdir _ -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] (* State management *) | VernacWriteState _ -> [] | VernacRestoreState _ -> [] (* Resetting *) | VernacRemoveName _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacResetName _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacResetInitial -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacBack _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacBackTo _ -> [NavigationCommand] (* Commands *) | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition _ -> [] | VernacHints _ -> [] | VernacSyntacticDefinition _ -> [] | VernacDeclareImplicits _ -> [] | VernacReserve _ -> [] | VernacSetOpacity _ -> [] | VernacSetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Ltac","Debug"), _) -> [DebugCommand] | VernacSetOption (o,BoolValue true) | VernacUnsetOption o -> if coqide_known_option o then [KnownOptionCommand] else [] | VernacSetOption _ -> [] | VernacRemoveOption _ -> [] | VernacAddOption _ -> [] | VernacMemOption _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacPrintOption _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacCheckMayEval _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacGlobalCheck _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacPrint _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacSearch _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacLocate _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacComments _ -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacNop -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] (* Proof management *) | VernacGoal _ -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacAbort _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacAbortAll -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacRestart -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacSuspend -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacResume _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacUndo _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacUndoTo _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacBacktrack _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacFocus _ -> [SolveCommand] | VernacUnfocus -> [SolveCommand] | VernacGo _ -> [] | VernacShow _ -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacCheckGuard -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacProof (Tacexpr.TacId []) -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacProof _ -> [] (* Toplevel control *) | VernacToplevelControl _ -> [] (* Extensions *) | VernacExtend ("Subtac_Obligations", _) -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacExtend _ -> [] let is_vernac_goal_starting_command com = List.mem GoalStartingCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_navigation_command com = List.mem NavigationCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_query_command com = List.mem QueryCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_known_option_command com = List.mem KnownOptionCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_debug_command com = List.mem DebugCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_goal_printing_command com = let attribute = attribute_of_vernac_command com in List.mem GoalStartingCommand attribute or List.mem SolveCommand attribute let is_vernac_state_preserving_command com = let attribute = attribute_of_vernac_command com in List.mem OtherStatePreservingCommand attribute or List.mem QueryCommand attribute let is_vernac_tactic_command com = List.mem SolveCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_proof_ending_command com = List.mem ProofEndingCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) type undo_info = identifier list let undo_info () = Pfedit.get_all_proof_names () type reset_mark = | ResetToId of Names.identifier (* Relying on identifiers only *) | ResetToState of Libnames.object_name (* Relying on states if any *) type reset_status = | NoReset | ResetAtSegmentStart of Names.identifier | ResetAtRegisteredObject of reset_mark type reset_info = reset_status * undo_info * bool ref let reset_mark id = match Lib.has_top_frozen_state () with | Some sp -> prerr_endline ("On top of state "^Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp)); ResetToState sp | None -> ResetToId id let compute_reset_info = function | VernacBeginSection id | VernacDefineModule (_,id, _, _, _) | VernacDeclareModule (_,id, _, _) | VernacDeclareModuleType (id, _, _) -> ResetAtSegmentStart (snd id), undo_info(), ref true | VernacDefinition (_, (_,id), DefineBody _, _) | VernacAssumption (_,_ ,(_,((_,id)::_,_))::_) | VernacInductive (_, (((_,id),_,_,_),_) :: _) -> ResetAtRegisteredObject (reset_mark id), undo_info(), ref true | com when is_vernac_proof_ending_command com -> NoReset, undo_info(), ref true | VernacEndSegment _ -> NoReset, undo_info(), ref true | com when is_vernac_tactic_command com -> NoReset, undo_info(), ref true | _ -> (match Lib.has_top_frozen_state () with | Some sp -> prerr_endline ("On top of state "^Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp)); ResetAtRegisteredObject (ResetToState sp) | None -> NoReset), undo_info(), ref true let reset_initial () = prerr_endline "Reset initial called"; flush stderr; Vernacentries.abort_refine Lib.reset_initial () let reset_to = function | ResetToId id -> prerr_endline ("Reset called with "^(string_of_id id)); Lib.reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,id) | ResetToState sp -> prerr_endline ("Reset called with state "^(Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp))); Lib.reset_to_state sp let reset_to_mod id = prerr_endline ("Reset called to Mod/Sect with "^(string_of_id id)); Lib.reset_mod (Util.dummy_loc,id) let raw_interp s = Vernac.raw_do_vernac (Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s)) let interp_with_options verbosely options s = prerr_endline "Starting interp..."; prerr_endline s; let pa = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in let pe = Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry pa in match pe with | None -> assert false | Some((loc,vernac) as last) -> if is_vernac_debug_command vernac then user_error_loc loc (str "Debug mode not available within CoqIDE"); if is_vernac_navigation_command vernac then user_error_loc loc (str "Use CoqIDE navigation instead"); if is_vernac_known_option_command vernac then user_error_loc loc (str "Use CoqIDE display menu instead"); if is_vernac_query_command vernac then !flash_info "Warning: query commands should not be inserted in scripts"; if not (is_vernac_goal_printing_command vernac) then (* Verbose if in small step forward and not a tactic *) Flags.make_silent (not verbosely); let reset_info = compute_reset_info vernac in List.iter (fun (set_option,_) -> raw_interp set_option) options; raw_interp s; Flags.make_silent true; List.iter (fun (_,unset_option) -> raw_interp unset_option) options; prerr_endline ("...Done with interp of : "^s); reset_info,last let interp verbosely phrase = interp_with_options verbosely (make_option_commands ()) phrase let interp_and_replace s = let result = interp false s in let msg = read_stdout () in result,msg let nb_subgoals pf = List.length (fst (Refiner.frontier (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pf))) type tried_tactic = | Interrupted | Success of int (* nb of goals after *) | Failed let try_interptac s = try prerr_endline ("Starting try_interptac: "^s); let pf = get_pftreestate () in let pe = Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry (Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s)) in match pe with | Some (loc,(VernacSolve (n, tac, _))) -> let tac = Tacinterp.interp tac in let pf' = solve_nth_pftreestate n tac pf in prerr_endline "Success"; let nb_goals = nb_subgoals pf' - nb_subgoals pf in Success nb_goals | _ -> prerr_endline "try_interptac: not a tactic"; Failed with | Sys.Break | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,Sys.Break) -> prerr_endline "try_interp: interrupted"; Interrupted | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> prerr_endline ("try_interp: failed ("^(Printexc.to_string e)); Failed | e -> Failed let rec is_pervasive_exn = function | Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow | Sys.Break -> true | Error_in_file (_,_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e | DuringCommandInterp (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e | _ -> false let print_toplevel_error exc = let (dloc,exc) = match exc with | DuringCommandInterp (loc,ie) -> if loc = dummy_loc then (None,ie) else (Some loc, ie) | _ -> (None, exc) in let (loc,exc) = match exc with | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, ie) -> (Some loc),ie | Error_in_file (s, (_,fname, loc), ie) -> None, ie | _ -> dloc,exc in match exc with | End_of_input -> str "Please report: End of input",None | Vernacexpr.ProtectedLoop -> str "ProtectedLoop not allowed by coqide!",None | Vernacexpr.Drop -> str "Drop is not allowed by coqide!",None | Vernacexpr.Quit -> str "Quit is not allowed by coqide! Use menus.",None | _ -> (try Cerrors.explain_exn exc with e -> str "Failed to explain error. This is an internal Coq error. Please report.\n" ++ str (Printexc.to_string e)), (if is_pervasive_exn exc then None else loc) let process_exn e = let s,loc= print_toplevel_error e in (msgnl s,loc) let interp_last last = prerr_string "*"; try vernac_com (States.with_heavy_rollback Vernacentries.interp) last; Lib.add_frozen_state() with e -> let s,_ = process_exn e in prerr_endline ("Replay during undo failed because: "^s); raise e type hyp = env * evar_map * ((identifier * string) * constr option * constr) * (string * string) type concl = env * evar_map * constr * string type meta = env * evar_map * string type goal = hyp list * concl let prepare_hyp sigma env ((i,c,d) as a) = env, sigma, ((i,string_of_id i),c,d), (msg (pr_var_decl env a), msg (pr_ltype_env env d)) let prepare_hyps sigma env = assert (rel_context env = []); let hyps = fold_named_context (fun env d acc -> let hyp = prepare_hyp sigma env d in hyp :: acc) env ~init:[] in List.rev hyps let prepare_goal_main sigma g = let env = evar_env g in (prepare_hyps sigma env, (env, sigma, g.evar_concl, msg (pr_ltype_env_at_top env g.evar_concl))) let prepare_goal sigma g = let options = make_option_commands () in List.iter (fun (set_option,_) -> raw_interp set_option) options; let x = prepare_goal_main sigma g in List.iter (fun (_,unset_option) -> raw_interp unset_option) options; x let get_current_pm_goal () = let pfts = get_pftreestate () in let gls = try nth_goal_of_pftreestate 1 pfts with _ -> raise Not_found in let sigma= sig_sig gls in let gl = sig_it gls in prepare_goal sigma gl let get_current_goals () = let pfts = get_pftreestate () in let gls = fst (Refiner.frontier (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in let sigma = Tacmach.evc_of_pftreestate pfts in List.map (prepare_goal sigma) gls let get_current_goals_nb () = try List.length (get_current_goals ()) with _ -> 0 let print_no_goal () = let pfts = get_pftreestate () in let gls = fst (Refiner.frontier (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in assert (gls = []); let sigma = Tacmach.project (Tacmach.top_goal_of_pftreestate pfts) in msg (Printer.pr_subgoals (Decl_mode.get_end_command pfts) sigma gls) let hyp_menu (env, sigma, ((coqident,ident),_,ast),(s,pr_ast)) = [("clear "^ident),("clear "^ident^"."); ("apply "^ident), ("apply "^ident^"."); ("exact "^ident), ("exact "^ident^"."); ("generalize "^ident), ("generalize "^ident^"."); ("absurd <"^ident^">"), ("absurd "^ pr_ast ^".") ] @ (if is_equation ast then [ "discriminate "^ident, "discriminate "^ident^"."; "injection "^ident, "injection "^ident^"." ] else []) @ (let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ast in if is_equation t then [ "rewrite "^ident, "rewrite "^ident^"."; "rewrite <- "^ident, "rewrite <- "^ident^"." ] else []) @ [("elim "^ident), ("elim "^ident^"."); ("inversion "^ident), ("inversion "^ident^"."); ("inversion clear "^ident), ("inversion_clear "^ident^".")] let concl_menu (_,_,concl,_) = let is_eq = is_equation concl in ["intro", "intro."; "intros", "intros."; "intuition","intuition." ] @ (if is_eq then ["reflexivity", "reflexivity."; "discriminate", "discriminate."; "symmetry", "symmetry." ] else []) @ ["assumption" ,"assumption."; "omega", "omega."; "ring", "ring."; "auto with *", "auto with *."; "eauto with *", "eauto with *."; "tauto", "tauto."; "trivial", "trivial."; "decide equality", "decide equality."; "simpl", "simpl."; "subst", "subst."; "red", "red."; "split", "split."; "left", "left."; "right", "right."; ] let id_of_name = function | Names.Anonymous -> id_of_string "x" | Names.Name x -> x let make_cases s = let qualified_name = Libnames.qualid_of_string s in let glob_ref = Nametab.locate qualified_name in match glob_ref with | Libnames.IndRef i -> let {Declarations.mind_nparams = np}, {Declarations.mind_consnames = carr ; Declarations.mind_nf_lc = tarr } = Global.lookup_inductive i in Util.array_fold_right2 (fun n t l -> let (al,_) = Term.decompose_prod t in let al,_ = Util.list_chop (List.length al - np) al in let rec rename avoid = function | [] -> [] | (n,_)::l -> let n' = next_global_ident_away true (id_of_name n) avoid in (string_of_id n')::(rename (n'::avoid) l) in let al' = rename [] (List.rev al) in (string_of_id n :: al') :: l ) carr tarr [] | _ -> raise Not_found let current_status () = let path = msg (Libnames.pr_dirpath (Lib.cwd ())) in let path = if path = "Top" then "Ready" else "Ready in " ^ String.sub path 4 (String.length path - 4) in try path ^ ", proving " ^ (Names.string_of_id (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ())) with _ -> path