(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* " in try (* the following makes sense only when running with local layout *) let coqroot = Filename.concat (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) Filename.parent_dir_name in let ch = open_in (Filename.concat coqroot "revision") in let ver = input_line ch in let rev = input_line ch in (ver,rev) with _ -> (Coq_config.version,date) let short_version () = let (ver,date) = get_version_date () in Printf.sprintf "The Coq Proof Assistant, version %s (%s)\n" ver date let version () = let (ver,date) = get_version_date () in Printf.sprintf "The Coq Proof Assistant, version %s (%s)\ \nArchitecture %s running %s operating system\ \nGtk version is %s\ \nThis is %s (%s is the best one for this architecture and OS)\ \n" ver date Coq_config.arch Sys.os_type (let x,y,z = GMain.Main.version in Printf.sprintf "%d.%d.%d" x y z) (Filename.basename Sys.executable_name) Coq_config.best (** * Initial checks by launching test coqtop processes *) let rec read_all_lines in_chan = try let arg = input_line in_chan in arg::(read_all_lines in_chan) with End_of_file -> [] let fatal_error_popup msg = let popup = GWindow.message_dialog ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message_type:`ERROR ~message:msg () in ignore (popup#run ()); exit 1 let final_info_popup small msg = if small then let popup = GWindow.message_dialog ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message_type:`INFO ~message:msg () in let _ = popup#run () in exit 0 else let popup = GWindow.dialog () in let button = GButton.button ~label:"ok" ~packing:popup#action_area#add () in let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`NEVER ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:popup#vbox#add ~height:500 () in let _ = GMisc.label ~text:msg ~packing:scroll#add_with_viewport () in let _ = popup#connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> exit 0) in let _ = button#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun _ -> exit 0) in let _ = popup#run () in exit 0 let connection_error cmd lines exn = fatal_error_popup ("Connection with coqtop failed!\n"^ "Command was: "^cmd^"\n"^ "Answer was: "^(String.concat "\n " lines)^"\n"^ "Exception was: "^Printexc.to_string exn) let display_coqtop_answer cmd lines = final_info_popup (List.length lines < 30) ("Coqtop exited\n"^ "Command was: "^cmd^"\n"^ "Answer was: "^(String.concat "\n " lines)) let check_remaining_opt arg = if arg <> "" && arg.[0] = '-' then fatal_error_popup ("Illegal option: "^arg) let rec filter_coq_opts args = let argstr = String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote args) in let cmd = Filename.quote (coqtop_path ()) ^" -nois -filteropts " ^ argstr in let cmd = requote cmd in let filtered_args = ref [] in let errlines = ref [] in try let oc,ic,ec = Unix.open_process_full cmd (Unix.environment ()) in filtered_args := read_all_lines oc; errlines := read_all_lines ec; match Unix.close_process_full (oc,ic,ec) with | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> List.iter check_remaining_opt !filtered_args; !filtered_args | Unix.WEXITED 127 -> asks_for_coqtop args | _ -> display_coqtop_answer cmd (!filtered_args @ !errlines) with Sys_error _ -> asks_for_coqtop args | e -> connection_error cmd (!filtered_args @ !errlines) e and asks_for_coqtop args = let pb_mes = GWindow.message_dialog ~message:"Failed to load coqtop. Reset the preference to default ?" ~message_type:`QUESTION ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.yes_no () in match pb_mes#run () with | `YES -> let () = current.cmd_coqtop <- None in let () = custom_coqtop := None in let () = pb_mes#destroy () in filter_coq_opts args | `DELETE_EVENT | `NO -> let () = pb_mes#destroy () in let cmd_sel = GWindow.file_selection ~title:"Coqtop to execute (edit your preference then)" ~filename:(coqtop_path ()) ~urgency_hint:true () in match cmd_sel#run () with | `OK -> let () = custom_coqtop := (Some cmd_sel#filename) in let () = cmd_sel#destroy () in filter_coq_opts args | `CANCEL | `DELETE_EVENT | `HELP -> exit 0 exception WrongExitStatus of string let print_status = function | Unix.WEXITED n -> "WEXITED "^string_of_int n | Unix.WSIGNALED n -> "WSIGNALED "^string_of_int n | Unix.WSTOPPED n -> "WSTOPPED "^string_of_int n let check_connection args = let lines = ref [] in let argstr = String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote args) in let cmd = Filename.quote (coqtop_path ()) ^ " -batch " ^ argstr in let cmd = requote cmd in try let ic = Unix.open_process_in cmd in lines := read_all_lines ic; match Unix.close_process_in ic with | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> () (* coqtop seems ok *) | st -> raise (WrongExitStatus (print_status st)) with e -> connection_error cmd !lines e (** Useful stuff *) let atomically mtx f arg = Mutex.lock mtx; try let ans = f arg in Mutex.unlock mtx; ans with err -> Mutex.unlock mtx; raise err let ignore_error f arg = try ignore (f arg) with _ -> () (** * The structure describing a coqtop sub-process *) type handle = { pid : int; (* Unix process id *) cout : in_channel; cin : out_channel; mutable alive : bool; } type coqtop = { (* lock managing coqtop access *) lock : Mutex.t; (* non quoted command-line arguments of coqtop *) sup_args : string list; (* actual coqtop process *) mutable handle : handle; (* trigger called whenever coqtop dies abruptly *) trigger : handle -> unit; (* whether coqtop may be relaunched *) mutable is_closed : bool; (* whether coqtop is computing *) mutable is_computing : bool; (* whether coqtop is waiting to be resetted *) mutable is_to_reset : bool; } (** Invariants: - any outside request takes the coqtop.lock and is discarded when [is_closed = true]. - coqtop.handle may be written ONLY when toplvl_ctr_mtx AND coqtop.lock is taken. *) exception DeadCoqtop (** * Count of all active coqtops *) let toplvl_ctr = ref 0 let toplvl_ctr_mtx = Mutex.create () let coqtop_zombies () = !toplvl_ctr (** * Starting / signaling / ending a real coqtop sub-process *) (** We simulate a Unix.open_process that also returns the pid of the created process. Note: this uses Unix.create_process, which doesn't call bin/sh, so args shouldn't be quoted. The process cannot be terminated by a Unix.close_process, but rather by a kill of the pid. >--ide2top_w--[pipe]--ide2top_r--> coqide coqtop <--top2ide_r--[pipe]--top2ide_w--< Note: we use Unix.stderr in Unix.create_process to get debug messages from the coqtop's Ide_slave loop. *) let open_process_pid prog args = let (ide2top_r,ide2top_w) = Unix.pipe () in let (top2ide_r,top2ide_w) = Unix.pipe () in let pid = Unix.create_process prog args ide2top_r top2ide_w Unix.stderr in assert (pid <> 0); Unix.close ide2top_r; Unix.close top2ide_w; let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr ide2top_w in let ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr top2ide_r in set_binary_mode_out oc true; set_binary_mode_in ic true; (pid,ic,oc) (** This launches a fresh handle from its command line arguments. *) let unsafe_spawn_handle args = let prog = coqtop_path () in let args = Array.of_list (prog :: "-ideslave" :: args) in let (pid, ic, oc) = open_process_pid prog args in incr toplvl_ctr; { pid = pid; cin = oc; cout = ic; alive = true; } (** This clears any potentially remaining open garbage. *) let unsafe_clear_handle coqtop = let handle = coqtop.handle in if handle.alive then begin (* invalidate the old handle *) handle.alive <- false; ignore_error close_out handle.cin; ignore_error close_in handle.cout; ignore_error (Unix.waitpid []) handle.pid; decr toplvl_ctr end let spawn_coqtop hook sup_args = let handle = atomically toplvl_ctr_mtx unsafe_spawn_handle sup_args in { handle = handle; lock = Mutex.create (); sup_args = sup_args; trigger = hook; is_closed = false; is_computing = false; is_to_reset = false; } let interrupter = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigint) let killer = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill) let is_computing coqtop = coqtop.is_computing let is_closed coqtop = coqtop.is_closed (** These are asynchronous signals *) let break_coqtop coqtop = try !interrupter coqtop.handle.pid with _ -> Minilib.log "Error while sending Ctrl-C" let kill_coqtop coqtop = try !killer coqtop.handle.pid with _ -> Minilib.log "Kill -9 failed. Process already terminated ?" let unsafe_process coqtop f = coqtop.is_computing <- true; try f coqtop.handle; coqtop.is_computing <- false; Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock with | DeadCoqtop -> coqtop.is_computing <- false; Mutex.lock toplvl_ctr_mtx; (* Coqtop died from an non natural cause, we have the lock, so it's our duty to relaunch it here. *) if not coqtop.is_closed && not coqtop.is_to_reset then begin ignore_error unsafe_clear_handle coqtop; let try_respawn () = coqtop.handle <- unsafe_spawn_handle coqtop.sup_args; in ignore_error try_respawn (); (* If respawning coqtop failed, there is not much we can do... *) assert (coqtop.handle.alive = true); (* Process the reset callback *) ignore_error coqtop.trigger coqtop.handle; end; Mutex.unlock toplvl_ctr_mtx; Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock; | err -> (* Another error occured, we propagate it. *) coqtop.is_computing <- false; Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock; raise err let grab coqtop f = Mutex.lock coqtop.lock; if not coqtop.is_closed && not coqtop.is_to_reset then unsafe_process coqtop f else Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock let try_grab coqtop f g = if Mutex.try_lock coqtop.lock then if not coqtop.is_closed && not coqtop.is_to_reset then unsafe_process coqtop f else Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock else g () (** * Calls to coqtop *) (** Cf [Ide_intf] for more details *) let p = Xml_parser.make () let () = Xml_parser.check_eof p false let eval_call coqtop (c:'a Serialize.call) = try Xml_utils.print_xml coqtop.cin (Serialize.of_call c); flush coqtop.cin; let xml = Xml_parser.parse p (Xml_parser.SChannel coqtop.cout) in (Serialize.to_answer xml : 'a Interface.value) with | Serialize.Marshal_error -> (* the protocol was not respected... *) raise Serialize.Marshal_error | err -> (* if anything else happens here, coqtop is most likely dead *) let msg = Printf.sprintf "Error communicating with pid [%i]: %s" coqtop.pid (Printexc.to_string err) in Minilib.log msg; raise DeadCoqtop let interp coqtop ?(raw=false) ?(verbose=true) s = eval_call coqtop (Serialize.interp (raw,verbose,s)) let rewind coqtop i = eval_call coqtop (Serialize.rewind i) let inloadpath coqtop s = eval_call coqtop (Serialize.inloadpath s) let mkcases coqtop s = eval_call coqtop (Serialize.mkcases s) let status coqtop = eval_call coqtop Serialize.status let hints coqtop = eval_call coqtop Serialize.hints let search coqtop flags = eval_call coqtop (Serialize.search flags) let unsafe_close coqtop = if Mutex.try_lock coqtop.lock then begin let () = try match eval_call coqtop.handle Serialize.quit with | Interface.Good _ -> () | _ -> raise Exit with err -> kill_coqtop coqtop in Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock end else begin (* bring me the chainsaw! *) kill_coqtop coqtop end let close_coqtop coqtop = (* wait for acquiring the process management lock *) atomically toplvl_ctr_mtx (fun _ -> coqtop.is_closed <- true) (); (* try to quit coqtop gently *) unsafe_close coqtop; (* Finalize the handle *) Mutex.lock coqtop.lock; Mutex.lock toplvl_ctr_mtx; ignore_error unsafe_clear_handle coqtop; Mutex.unlock toplvl_ctr_mtx; Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock let reset_coqtop coqtop hook = (* wait for acquiring the process management lock *) atomically toplvl_ctr_mtx (fun _ -> coqtop.is_to_reset <- true) (); (* try to quit coqtop gently *) unsafe_close coqtop; (* Reset the handle *) Mutex.lock coqtop.lock; Mutex.lock toplvl_ctr_mtx; ignore_error unsafe_clear_handle coqtop; let try_respawn () = coqtop.handle <- unsafe_spawn_handle coqtop.sup_args; in ignore_error try_respawn (); (* If respawning coqtop failed, there is not much we can do... *) assert (coqtop.handle.alive = true); (* Reset done *) coqtop.is_to_reset <- false; (* Process the reset callback with the given hook *) ignore_error hook coqtop.handle; Mutex.unlock toplvl_ctr_mtx; Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock module PrintOpt = struct type t = string list let implicit = ["Printing"; "Implicit"] let coercions = ["Printing"; "Coercions"] let raw_matching = ["Printing"; "Matching"; "Synth"] let notations = ["Printing"; "Notations"] let all_basic = ["Printing"; "All"] let existential = ["Printing"; "Existential"; "Instances"] let universes = ["Printing"; "Universes"] let state_hack = Hashtbl.create 11 let _ = List.iter (fun opt -> Hashtbl.add state_hack opt false) [ implicit; coercions; raw_matching; notations; all_basic; existential; universes ] let set coqtop options = let () = List.iter (fun (name, v) -> Hashtbl.replace state_hack name v) options in let options = List.map (fun (name, v) -> (name, Interface.BoolValue v)) options in match eval_call coqtop (Serialize.set_options options) with | Interface.Good () -> () | _ -> raise (Failure "Cannot set options.") let enforce_hack coqtop = let elements = Hashtbl.fold (fun opt v acc -> (opt, v) :: acc) state_hack [] in set coqtop elements end let goals coqtop = let () = PrintOpt.enforce_hack coqtop in eval_call coqtop Serialize.goals let evars coqtop = let () = PrintOpt.enforce_hack coqtop in eval_call coqtop Serialize.evars