open Vernac open Vernacexpr open Pfedit open Pp open Util open Names open Term open Printer open Environ open Evarutil open Evd open Hipattern open Tacmach open Reductionops open Ideutils let prerr_endline s = if !debug then prerr_endline s else () let output = ref (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) let msg x = Format.fprintf !output "%s\n" x; Format.pp_print_flush !output ();; let init () = Options.make_silent true; Coqtop.init () let i = ref 0 let version () = Printf.sprintf "The Coq Proof Assistant, version %s (%s)\nCompiled on %s\n" Coq_config.version Coq_config.compile_date let interp s = prerr_endline s; flush stderr; let po = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in Vernac.raw_do_vernac po; let po = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in match Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry po with (* | Some (_, VernacDefinition _) *) | Some last -> prerr_endline ("Done with "^s); flush stderr; last | None -> assert false let is_tactic = function | VernacSolve _ -> true | _ -> false let msg m = let b = Buffer.create 103 in Pp.msg_with (Format.formatter_of_buffer b) m; Buffer.contents b let msgnl m = (msg m)^"\n" let rec is_pervasive_exn = function | Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow | Sys.Break -> true | Error_in_file (_,_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e | DuringCommandInterp (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e | _ -> false let print_toplevel_error exc = let (dloc,exc) = match exc with | DuringCommandInterp (loc,ie) -> if loc = dummy_loc then (None,ie) else (Some loc, ie) | _ -> (None, exc) in let (loc,exc) = match exc with | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, ie) -> (Some loc),ie | Error_in_file (s, (fname, loc), ie) -> None, ie | _ -> dloc,exc in match exc with | End_of_input -> str "Please report: End of input",None | Vernacexpr.ProtectedLoop -> str "ProtectedLoop not allowed by coqide!",None | Vernacexpr.Drop -> str "Drop is not allowed by coqide!",None | Vernacexpr.Quit -> str "Quit is not allowed by coqide! Use menus.",None | _ -> (try Cerrors.explain_exn exc with e -> str "Failed to explain error. This is an internal Coq error. Please report.\n" ++ str (Printexc.to_string e)), (if is_pervasive_exn exc then None else loc) let process_exn e = let s,loc=print_toplevel_error e in (msgnl s,loc) let interp_last last = prerr_string "*"; flush stderr; try vernac_com (States.with_heavy_rollback Vernacentries.interp) last with e -> let s,_ = process_exn e in prerr_endline s; raise e (* type hyp = (identifier * constr option * constr) * string*) type hyp = env * evar_map * ((identifier * string) * constr option * constr) * (string * string) type concl = env * evar_map * constr * string type goal = hyp list * concl let prepare_hyp sigma env ((i,c,d) as a) = env, sigma, ((i,string_of_id i),c,d), (msg (pr_var_decl env a), msg (prterm_env_at_top env d)) let prepare_hyps sigma env = assert (rel_context env = []); let hyps = fold_named_context (fun env d acc -> let hyp = prepare_hyp sigma env d in hyp :: acc) env ~init:[] in List.rev hyps let prepare_goal sigma g = let env = evar_env g in (prepare_hyps sigma env, (env, sigma, g.evar_concl, msg (prterm_env_at_top env g.evar_concl))) let get_current_goals () = let pfts = get_pftreestate () in let gls = fst ( (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in let sigma = Tacmach.evc_of_pftreestate pfts in (prepare_goal sigma) gls let print_no_goal () = let pfts = get_pftreestate () in let gls = fst ( (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in assert (gls = []); let sigma = Tacmach.project (Tacmach.top_goal_of_pftreestate pfts) in msg (Proof_trees.pr_subgoals_existential sigma gls) type word_class = Normal | Kwd | Reserved let kwd = [(* "Compile";"Inductive";"Qed";"Type";"end";"Axiom"; "Definition";"Load";"Quit";"Variable";"in";"Cases";"FixPoint"; "Parameter";"Set";"of";"CoFixpoint";"Grammar";"Proof";"Syntax"; "using";"CoInductive";"Hypothesis";"Prop";"Theorem"; *) "Add"; "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Chapter"; "CoFixpoint"; "CoInductive"; "Defined"; "Definition"; "End"; "Export"; "Fact"; "Fix"; "Fixpoint"; "Global"; "Grammar"; "Hint"; "Hints"; "Hypothesis"; "Immediate"; "Implicits"; "Import"; "Inductive"; "Infix"; "Lemma"; "Load"; "Local"; "Match"; "Module"; "Module Type"; "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Qed"; "Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require"; "Save"; "Scheme"; "Section"; "Show"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem"; "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables"; ] let reserved = [] module SHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make (struct type t = string let equal = ( = ) let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) let word_tbl = SHashtbl.create 37 let _ = List.iter (fun w -> SHashtbl.add word_tbl w Kwd) kwd; List.iter (fun w -> SHashtbl.add word_tbl w Reserved) reserved let word_class s = try SHashtbl.find word_tbl s with Not_found -> Normal type reset_info = NoReset | Reset of Names.identifier * bool ref let compute_reset_info = function | VernacDefinition (_, id, DefineBody _, _, _) | VernacBeginSection id | VernacDefineModule (id, _, _, _) | VernacDeclareModule (id, _, _, _) | VernacDeclareModuleType (id, _, _) | VernacAssumption (_, (_,(id,_))::_) -> Reset (id, ref true) | VernacDefinition (_, id, ProveBody _, _, _) | VernacStartTheoremProof (_, id, _, _, _) -> Reset (id, ref false) | _ -> NoReset let reset_initial () = prerr_endline "Reset initial called"; flush stderr; Vernacentries.abort_refine Lib.reset_initial () let reset_to id = prerr_endline ("Reset called with "^(string_of_id id)); flush stderr; Vernacentries.abort_refine Lib.reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,id) let hyp_menu (env, sigma, ((coqident,ident),_,ast),(s,pr_ast)) = [("Clear "^ident),("Clear "^ident^"."); ("Assumption"), ("Assumption."); ("Apply "^ident), ("Apply "^ident^"."); ("Generalize "^ident), ("Generalize "^ident^"."); ("Absurd <"^ident^">"), ("Absurd "^ pr_ast ^".") ] @ (if is_equation ast then [ "Discriminate "^ident, "Discriminate "^ident^"."; "Injection "^ident, "Injection "^ident^"." ] else []) @ (let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ast in if is_equation t then [ "Rewrite "^ident, "Rewrite "^ident^"."; "Rewrite <- "^ident, "Rewrite <- "^ident^"." ] else []) @ [("Elim "^ident), ("Elim "^ident^"."); ("Inversion "^ident), ("Inversion "^ident^"."); ("Inversion_clear "^ident), ("Inversion_clear "^ident^".")] let concl_menu (_,_,concl,_) = let is_eq = is_equation concl in ["Intro", "Intro."; "Intros", "Intros."; "Intuition","Intuition." ] @ (if is_eq then ["Reflexivity", "Reflexivity."; "Discriminate", "Discriminate."; "Symmetry", "Symmetry." ] else []) @ ["Omega", "Omega."; "Ring", "Ring."; "Auto with *", "Auto with *."; "EAuto with *", "EAuto with *."; "Tauto", "Tauto."; "Trivial", "Trivial."; "Decide Equality", "Decide Equality."; "Simpl", "Simpl."; "Red", "Red."; "Split", "Split."; "Left", "Left."; "Right", "Right."; ]