CoqIde FAQ Q0) What is CoqIde? R0: A powerfull graphical interface for Coq. See for more informations. Q1) How to enable Emacs keybindings? R1: Insert gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs" in your ".coqide-gtk2rc" file. It may be in the current dir or in $HOME dir. This is done by default. Q2) How to enable antialiased fonts? R2) Set the GDK_USE_XFT variable to 1. This is by default with Gtk >= 2.2. If some of your fonts are not available, set GDK_USE_XFT to 0. Q4) How to use those Forall and Exists pretty symbols? R4) Thanks to the Notation features in Coq, you just need to insert these lines in your Coq Buffer : ====================================================================== Notation "∀ x : t, P" := (forall x:t, P) (at level 200, x ident). Notation "∃ x : t, P" := (exists x:t, P) (at level 200, x ident). ====================================================================== Copy/Paste of these lines from this file will not work outside of CoqIde. You need to load a file containing these lines or to enter the "∀" using an input method (see Q5). To try it just use "Require utf8" from inside CoqIde. To enable these notations automatically start coqide with coqide -l utf8 In the ide subdir of Coq library, you will find a sample utf8.v with some pretty simple notations. Q5) How to define an input method for non ASCII symbols? R5)-First solution : type "2200" to enter a forall in the script widow. 2200 is the hexadecimal code for forall in unicode charts and is encoded as "∀" in UTF-8. 2203 is for exists. See for more codes. -Second solution : rebind "a" to forall and "e" to exists. Under X11, you need to use something like xmodmap -e "keycode 24 = a A F13 F13" xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = e E F14 F14" and then to add bind "F13" {"insert-at-cursor" ("∀")} bind "F14" {"insert-at-cursor" ("∃")} to your "binding "text"" section in .coqiderc-gtk2rc. The strange ("∀") argument is the UTF-8 encoding for 0x2200. You can compute these encodings using the lablgtk2 toplevel with Glib.Utf8.from_unichar 0x2200;; Further symbols can be bound on higher Fxx keys or on even on other keys you do not need . Q6) How to customize the shortcuts for menus? R6) Two solutions are offered: - Edit $HOME/.coqide.keys by hand or - Add "gtk-can-change-accels = 1" in your .coqide-gtk2rc file. Then from CoqIde, you may select a menu entry and press the desired shortcut. Q7) What encoding should I use? What is this \x{iiii} in my file? R7) The encoding option is related to the way files are saved. Keep it as UTF-8 until it becomes important for you to exchange files with non UTF-8 aware applications. If you choose something else than UTF-8, then missing characters will be encoded by \x{....} or \x{........} where each dot is an hex. digit. The number between braces is the hexadecimal UNICODE index for the missing character.