Q1) How to enable Emacs keybindings? R1: Insert gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs" in your ".coqiderc" file. It may be in the current dir or in $HOME dir. Q2) How to change the default font ? R2) Insert style "default" { font_name = "Monospace 14" } class "GtkTextView" style "default" in your .coqiderc file. See Q1. You may replace Monospace 14 by anything reasonable describing a font. For example "Sans bold 22". See Pango Font Descriptions for more informations (http://www.pango.org/). Q3) How to enable antialiased fonts? R3) Set the GDK_USE_XFT variable to 1. Q4) How can use Forall and Exists pretty symbols ? R4) Thanks to the Notation features in Coq, you just need to insert these lines in your Coq Buffer : ====================================================================== Notation "∀ x : t | P" := (x:t)P (at level 1, x,t,P at level 10). Notation "∃ x : t | P" := (EXT x:t|P) (at level 1, x,t,P at level 10). ====================================================================== Copy/Paste might not work. You need to load a file containing these lines or to enter the "∀" using an input method. As a convenience, you may put these lines in a utf8.v file and start coqide with : coqide -l utf8.v Input Methods: -First solution : type "2200" to enter a forall in the script widow. 2200 is the hexadecimal code for forall in unicode charts and is encoded as "∀" in UTF-8. 2203 is for exists. See http://www.unicode.org for more. -Second solution : rebind "a" to forall and "e" to exists. Under X11, you need to use something like xmodmap -e "keycode 24 = a A F13 F13" xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = e E F14 F14" and then to add bind "F13" {"insert-at-cursor" ("∀")} bind "F14" {"insert-at-cursor" ("∃")} to your "binding "text"" section in .coqiderc. The strange ("∀") argument is the UTF-8 encoding for 0x2200. It is computed by lablgtk2 by Glib.Utf8.from_unichar 0x2200;; Further symbols can be bound on higher Fxx key symbols.