# Some default functions for CoqIde. You may copy the file in your HOME and # edit as you want. See # http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/gtk-Resource-Files.html # for a complete set of options # To set the font of the text windows, edit the .coqiderc file through the menus. gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs" #pixmap_path "/home/" binding "text" { bind "k" { "set-anchor" () "move-cursor" (display-line-ends,1,0) "move-cursor" (visual-positions,1,0) "cut-clipboard" () } bind "w" { "cut-clipboard" () } # For UTF-8 inputs ! bind "F11" {"insert-at-cursor" ("∀")} bind "F12" {"insert-at-cursor" ("∃")} } class "GtkTextView" binding "text" style "views" { base[NORMAL] = "CornSilk" # bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "background.jpg" } class "GtkTextView" style "views" widget "*.*.*.*.*.ScriptWindow" style "views" widget "*.*.*.*.GoalWindow" style "views" widget "*.*.*.*.MessageWindow" style "views" gtk-font-name = "Sans 12" style "location" { font_name = "Monospace 10" } widget "*location*" style "location" gtk-can-change-accels = 1 style "men" { # } widget "GtkMenu" style "men"