(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* <:patt< [] >> | GramNonTerminal(loc',_,_,Some p)::l -> let p = Names.string_of_id p in <:patt< [ $lid:p$ :: $make_patt l$ ] >> | _::l -> make_patt l let rec make_when loc = function | [] -> <:expr< True >> | GramNonTerminal(loc',t,_,Some p)::l -> let loc' = of_coqloc loc' in let p = Names.string_of_id p in let l = make_when loc l in let loc = CompatLoc.merge loc' loc in let t = mlexpr_of_argtype loc' t in <:expr< Genarg.genarg_tag $lid:p$ = $t$ && $l$ >> | _::l -> make_when loc l let rec make_let e = function | [] -> e | GramNonTerminal(loc,t,_,Some p)::l -> let loc = of_coqloc loc in let p = Names.string_of_id p in let loc = CompatLoc.merge loc (MLast.loc_of_expr e) in let e = make_let e l in let v = <:expr< Genarg.out_gen $make_wit loc t$ $lid:p$ >> in <:expr< let $lid:p$ = $v$ in $e$ >> | _::l -> make_let e l let rec extract_signature = function | [] -> [] | GramNonTerminal (_,t,_,_) :: l -> t :: extract_signature l | _::l -> extract_signature l let check_unicity s l = let l' = List.map (fun (l,_) -> extract_signature l) l in if not (Util.List.distinct l') then Pp.msg_warning (strbrk ("Two distinct rules of tactic entry "^s^" have the same "^ "non-terminals in the same order: put them in distinct tactic entries")) let make_clause (pt,e) = (make_patt pt, vala (Some (make_when (MLast.loc_of_expr e) pt)), make_let e pt) let make_fun_clauses loc s l = check_unicity s l; Compat.make_fun loc (List.map make_clause l) let rec make_args = function | [] -> <:expr< [] >> | GramNonTerminal(loc,t,_,Some p)::l -> let loc = of_coqloc loc in let p = Names.string_of_id p in <:expr< [ Genarg.in_gen $make_wit loc t$ $lid:p$ :: $make_args l$ ] >> | _::l -> make_args l let mlexpr_terminals_of_grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr = function | GramTerminal s -> <:expr< Some $mlexpr_of_string s$ >> | GramNonTerminal (loc,nt,_,sopt) -> let loc = of_coqloc loc in <:expr< None >> let make_prod_item = function | GramTerminal s -> <:expr< Egramml.GramTerminal $str:s$ >> | GramNonTerminal (loc,nt,g,sopt) -> let loc = of_coqloc loc in <:expr< Egramml.GramNonTerminal $default_loc$ $mlexpr_of_argtype loc nt$ $mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key g$ $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_ident sopt$ >> let mlexpr_of_clause = mlexpr_of_list (fun (a,b) -> mlexpr_of_list make_prod_item a) let rec make_tags loc = function | [] -> <:expr< [] >> | GramNonTerminal(loc',t,_,Some p)::l -> let loc' = of_coqloc loc' in let l = make_tags loc l in let loc = CompatLoc.merge loc' loc in let t = mlexpr_of_argtype loc' t in <:expr< [ $t$ :: $l$ ] >> | _::l -> make_tags loc l let make_one_printing_rule se (pt,e) = let level = mlexpr_of_int 0 in (* only level 0 supported here *) let loc = MLast.loc_of_expr e in let prods = mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_terminals_of_grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr pt in <:expr< { Pptactic.pptac_key = $se$; pptac_args = $make_tags loc pt$; pptac_prods = ($level$, $prods$) } >> let make_printing_rule se = mlexpr_of_list (make_one_printing_rule se) let rec possibly_empty_subentries loc = function | [] -> [] | (s,prodsl) :: l -> let rec aux = function | [] -> (false,<:expr< None >>) | prods :: rest -> try let l = List.map (function | GramNonTerminal(_,(List0ArgType _| OptArgType _| ExtraArgType _ as t),_,_)-> (* This possibly parses epsilon *) let rawwit = make_rawwit loc t in <:expr< match Genarg.default_empty_value $rawwit$ with [ None -> failwith "" | Some v -> Tacintern.intern_genarg Tacintern.fully_empty_glob_sign (Genarg.in_gen $rawwit$ v) ] >> | GramTerminal _ | GramNonTerminal(_,_,_,_) -> (* This does not parse epsilon (this Exit is static time) *) raise Exit) prods in if has_extraarg prods then (true,<:expr< try Some $mlexpr_of_list (fun x -> x) l$ with [ Failure "" -> $snd (aux rest)$ ] >>) else (true, <:expr< Some $mlexpr_of_list (fun x -> x) l$ >>) with Exit -> aux rest in let (nonempty,v) = aux prodsl in if nonempty then (s,v) :: possibly_empty_subentries loc l else possibly_empty_subentries loc l let possibly_atomic loc prods = let l = List.map_filter (function | GramTerminal s :: l, _ -> Some (s,l) | _ -> None) prods in possibly_empty_subentries loc (List.factorize_left l) let declare_tactic loc s cl = let se = mlexpr_of_string s in let pp = make_printing_rule se cl in let gl = mlexpr_of_clause cl in let atomic_tactics = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_string (fun x -> x)) (possibly_atomic loc cl) in declare_str_items loc [ <:str_item< do { try let _=Tacintern.add_tactic $se$ $make_fun_clauses loc s cl$ in List.iter (fun (s,l) -> match l with [ Some l -> Tacintern.add_primitive_tactic s (Tacexpr.TacAtom($default_loc$, Tacexpr.TacExtend($default_loc$,$se$,l))) | None -> () ]) $atomic_tactics$ with e -> Pp.msg_warning (Pp.app (Pp.str ("Exception in tactic extend " ^ $se$ ^": ")) (Errors.print e)); Egramml.extend_tactic_grammar $se$ $gl$; List.iter Pptactic.declare_extra_tactic_pprule $pp$; } >> ] open Pcaml open PcamlSig EXTEND GLOBAL: str_item; str_item: [ [ "TACTIC"; "EXTEND"; s = tac_name; OPT "|"; l = LIST1 tacrule SEP "|"; "END" -> declare_tactic loc s l ] ] ; tacrule: [ [ "["; l = LIST1 tacargs; "]"; "->"; "["; e = Pcaml.expr; "]" -> (match l with | GramNonTerminal _ :: _ -> (* En attendant la syntaxe de tacticielles *) failwith "Tactic syntax must start with an identifier" | _ -> (l,e)) ] ] ; tacargs: [ [ e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ")" -> let t, g = interp_entry_name false None e "" in GramNonTerminal (!@loc, t, g, Some (Names.id_of_string s)) | e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ","; sep = STRING; ")" -> let t, g = interp_entry_name false None e sep in GramNonTerminal (!@loc, t, g, Some (Names.id_of_string s)) | s = STRING -> if String.equal s "" then Errors.user_err_loc (!@loc,"",Pp.str "Empty terminal."); GramTerminal s ] ] ; tac_name: [ [ s = LIDENT -> s | s = UIDENT -> s ] ] ; END