(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let e1 = f e1 in let loc = CompatLoc.merge (MLast.loc_of_expr e1) (MLast.loc_of_expr e2) in <:expr< [$e1$ :: $e2$] >>) l (let loc = CompatLoc.ghost in <:expr< [] >>) let mlexpr_of_pair m1 m2 (a1,a2) = let e1 = m1 a1 and e2 = m2 a2 in let loc = CompatLoc.merge (MLast.loc_of_expr e1) (MLast.loc_of_expr e2) in <:expr< ($e1$, $e2$) >> (* We don't give location for tactic quotation! *) let loc = CompatLoc.ghost let mlexpr_of_bool = function | true -> <:expr< True >> | false -> <:expr< False >> let mlexpr_of_int n = <:expr< $int:string_of_int n$ >> let mlexpr_of_string s = <:expr< $str:s$ >> let mlexpr_of_option f = function | None -> <:expr< None >> | Some e -> <:expr< Some $f e$ >> let mlexpr_of_ident id = <:expr< Names.Id.of_string $str:id$ >> let rec mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f = function | Ulist1 s -> <:expr< Extend.Alist1 $mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f s$ >> | Ulist1sep (s,sep) -> <:expr< Extend.Alist1sep $mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f s$ $str:sep$ >> | Ulist0 s -> <:expr< Extend.Alist0 $mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f s$ >> | Ulist0sep (s,sep) -> <:expr< Extend.Alist0sep $mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f s$ $str:sep$ >> | Uopt s -> <:expr< Extend.Aopt $mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f s$ >> | Uentry e -> <:expr< Extend.Aentry $f e$ >> | Uentryl (e, l) -> (** Keep in sync with Pcoq! *) assert (e = "tactic"); if l = 5 then <:expr< Extend.Aentry (Pcoq.Tactic.binder_tactic) >> else <:expr< Extend.Aentryl (Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_expr) $mlexpr_of_int l$ >> let rec type_of_user_symbol = function | Ulist1 s | Ulist1sep (s, _) | Ulist0 s | Ulist0sep (s, _) -> ListArgType (type_of_user_symbol s) | Uopt s -> OptArgType (type_of_user_symbol s) | Uentry e | Uentryl (e, _) -> ExtraArgType e let coincide s pat off = let len = String.length pat in let break = ref true in let i = ref 0 in while !break && !i < len do let c = Char.code s.[off + !i] in let d = Char.code pat.[!i] in break := Int.equal c d; incr i done; !break let rec parse_user_entry s sep = let l = String.length s in if l > 8 && coincide s "ne_" 0 && coincide s "_list" (l - 5) then let entry = parse_user_entry (String.sub s 3 (l-8)) "" in Ulist1 entry else if l > 12 && coincide s "ne_" 0 && coincide s "_list_sep" (l-9) then let entry = parse_user_entry (String.sub s 3 (l-12)) "" in Ulist1sep (entry, sep) else if l > 5 && coincide s "_list" (l-5) then let entry = parse_user_entry (String.sub s 0 (l-5)) "" in Ulist0 entry else if l > 9 && coincide s "_list_sep" (l-9) then let entry = parse_user_entry (String.sub s 0 (l-9)) "" in Ulist0sep (entry, sep) else if l > 4 && coincide s "_opt" (l-4) then let entry = parse_user_entry (String.sub s 0 (l-4)) "" in Uopt entry else if Int.equal l 7 && coincide s "tactic" 0 && '5' >= s.[6] && s.[6] >= '0' then let n = Char.code s.[6] - 48 in Uentryl ("tactic", n) else let s = match s with "hyp" -> "var" | _ -> s in Uentry s