(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* LMap.add u [t] map (** Precondition: flexible <= ctx *) let choose_canonical ctx flexible algs s = let global = LSet.diff s ctx in let flexible, rigid = LSet.partition flexible (LSet.inter s ctx) in (** If there is a global universe in the set, choose it *) if not (LSet.is_empty global) then let canon = LSet.choose global in canon, (LSet.remove canon global, rigid, flexible) else (** No global in the equivalence class, choose a rigid one *) if not (LSet.is_empty rigid) then let canon = LSet.choose rigid in canon, (global, LSet.remove canon rigid, flexible) else (** There are only flexible universes in the equivalence class, choose a non-algebraic. *) let algs, nonalgs = LSet.partition (fun x -> LSet.mem x algs) flexible in if not (LSet.is_empty nonalgs) then let canon = LSet.choose nonalgs in canon, (global, rigid, LSet.remove canon flexible) else let canon = LSet.choose algs in canon, (global, rigid, LSet.remove canon flexible) (* Eq < Le < Lt *) let compare_constraint_type d d' = match d, d' with | Eq, Eq -> 0 | Eq, _ -> -1 | _, Eq -> 1 | Le, Le -> 0 | Le, _ -> -1 | _, Le -> 1 | Lt, Lt -> 0 type lowermap = constraint_type LMap.t let lower_union = let merge k a b = match a, b with | Some _, None -> a | None, Some _ -> b | None, None -> None | Some l, Some r -> if compare_constraint_type l r >= 0 then a else b in LMap.merge merge let lower_add l c m = try let c' = LMap.find l m in if compare_constraint_type c c' > 0 then LMap.add l c m else m with Not_found -> LMap.add l c m let lower_of_list l = List.fold_left (fun acc (d,l) -> LMap.add l d acc) LMap.empty l type lbound = { enforce : bool; alg : bool; lbound: Universe.t; lower : lowermap } exception Found of Level.t * lowermap let find_inst insts v = try LMap.iter (fun k {enforce;alg;lbound=v';lower} -> if not alg && enforce && Universe.equal v' v then raise (Found (k, lower))) insts; raise Not_found with Found (f,l) -> (f,l) let compute_lbound left = (** The universe variable was not fixed yet. Compute its level using its lower bound. *) let sup l lbound = match lbound with | None -> Some l | Some l' -> Some (Universe.sup l l') in List.fold_left (fun lbound (d, l) -> if d == Le (* l <= ?u *) then sup l lbound else (* l < ?u *) (assert (d == Lt); if not (Universe.level l == None) then sup (Universe.super l) lbound else None)) None left let instantiate_with_lbound u lbound lower ~alg ~enforce (ctx, us, algs, insts, cstrs) = if enforce then let inst = Universe.make u in let cstrs' = enforce_leq lbound inst cstrs in (ctx, us, LSet.remove u algs, LMap.add u {enforce;alg;lbound;lower} insts, cstrs'), {enforce; alg; lbound=inst; lower} else (* Actually instantiate *) (Univ.LSet.remove u ctx, Univ.LMap.add u (Some lbound) us, algs, LMap.add u {enforce;alg;lbound;lower} insts, cstrs), {enforce; alg; lbound; lower} type constraints_map = (Univ.constraint_type * Univ.LMap.key) list Univ.LMap.t let _pr_constraints_map (cmap:constraints_map) = let open Pp in LMap.fold (fun l cstrs acc -> Level.pr l ++ str " => " ++ prlist_with_sep spc (fun (d,r) -> pr_constraint_type d ++ Level.pr r) cstrs ++ fnl () ++ acc) cmap (mt ()) let remove_alg l (ctx, us, algs, insts, cstrs) = (ctx, us, LSet.remove l algs, insts, cstrs) let not_lower lower (d,l) = (* We're checking if (d,l) is already implied by the lower constraints on some level u. If it represents l < u (d is Lt or d is Le and i > 0, the i < 0 case is impossible due to invariants of Univ), and the lower constraints only have l <= u then it is not implied. *) Univ.Universe.exists (fun (l,i) -> let d = if i == 0 then d else match d with | Le -> Lt | d -> d in try let d' = LMap.find l lower in (* If d is stronger than the already implied lower * constraints we must keep it. *) compare_constraint_type d d' > 0 with Not_found -> (** No constraint existing on l *) true) l exception UpperBoundedAlg (** [enforce_uppers upper lbound cstrs] interprets [upper] as upper constraints to [lbound], adding them to [cstrs]. @raise UpperBoundedAlg if any [upper] constraints are strict and [lbound] algebraic. *) let enforce_uppers upper lbound cstrs = List.fold_left (fun cstrs (d, r) -> if d == Univ.Le then enforce_leq lbound (Universe.make r) cstrs else match Universe.level lbound with | Some lev -> Constraint.add (lev, d, r) cstrs | None -> raise UpperBoundedAlg) cstrs upper let minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs left right cstrs = let left, lbounds = Univ.LMap.fold (fun r lower (left, lbounds as acc) -> if Univ.LMap.mem r us || not (Univ.LSet.mem r ctx) then acc else (* Fixed universe, just compute its glb for sharing *) let lbounds = match compute_lbound (List.map (fun (d,l) -> d, Universe.make l) lower) with | None -> lbounds | Some lbound -> LMap.add r {enforce=true; alg=false; lbound; lower=lower_of_list lower} lbounds in (Univ.LMap.remove r left, lbounds)) left (left, Univ.LMap.empty) in let rec instance (ctx, us, algs, insts, cstrs as acc) u = let acc, left, lower = match LMap.find u left with | exception Not_found -> acc, [], LMap.empty | l -> let acc, left, newlow, lower = List.fold_left (fun (acc, left, newlow, lower') (d, l) -> let acc', {enforce=enf;alg;lbound=l';lower} = aux acc l in let l' = if enf then Universe.make l else l' in acc', (d, l') :: left, lower_add l d newlow, lower_union lower lower') (acc, [], LMap.empty, LMap.empty) l in let left = List.uniquize (List.filter (not_lower lower) left) in (acc, left, LMap.union newlow lower) in let instantiate_lbound lbound = let alg = LSet.mem u algs in if alg then (* u is algebraic: we instantiate it with its lower bound, if any, or enforce the constraints if it is bounded from the top. *) let lower = LSet.fold LMap.remove (Universe.levels lbound) lower in instantiate_with_lbound u lbound lower ~alg:true ~enforce:false acc else (* u is non algebraic *) match Universe.level lbound with | Some l -> (* The lowerbound is directly a level *) (* u is not algebraic but has no upper bounds, we instantiate it with its lower bound if it is a different level, otherwise we keep it. *) let lower = LMap.remove l lower in if not (Level.equal l u) then (* Should check that u does not have upper constraints that are not already in right *) let acc = remove_alg l acc in instantiate_with_lbound u lbound lower ~alg:false ~enforce:false acc else acc, {enforce=true; alg=false; lbound; lower} | None -> begin match find_inst insts lbound with | can, lower -> (* Another universe represents the same lower bound, we can share them with no harm. *) let lower = LMap.remove can lower in instantiate_with_lbound u (Universe.make can) lower ~alg:false ~enforce:false acc | exception Not_found -> (* We set u as the canonical universe representing lbound *) instantiate_with_lbound u lbound lower ~alg:false ~enforce:true acc end in let enforce_uppers ((ctx,us,algs,insts,cstrs), b as acc) = match LMap.find u right with | exception Not_found -> acc | upper -> let upper = List.filter (fun (d, r) -> not (LMap.mem r us)) upper in let cstrs = enforce_uppers upper b.lbound cstrs in (ctx, us, algs, insts, cstrs), b in if not (LSet.mem u ctx) then enforce_uppers (acc, {enforce=true; alg=false; lbound=Universe.make u; lower}) else let lbound = compute_lbound left in match lbound with | None -> (* Nothing to do *) enforce_uppers (acc, {enforce=true;alg=false;lbound=Universe.make u; lower}) | Some lbound -> try enforce_uppers (instantiate_lbound lbound) with UpperBoundedAlg -> enforce_uppers (acc, {enforce=true; alg=false; lbound=Universe.make u; lower}) and aux (ctx, us, algs, seen, cstrs as acc) u = try acc, LMap.find u seen with Not_found -> instance acc u in LMap.fold (fun u v (ctx, us, algs, seen, cstrs as acc) -> if v == None then fst (aux acc u) else LSet.remove u ctx, us, LSet.remove u algs, seen, cstrs) us (ctx, us, algs, lbounds, cstrs) module UPairs = OrderedType.UnorderedPair(Univ.Level) module UPairSet = Set.Make (UPairs) let normalize_context_set g ctx us algs weak = let (ctx, csts) = ContextSet.levels ctx, ContextSet.constraints ctx in (** Keep the Prop/Set <= i constraints separate for minimization *) let smallles, csts = Constraint.partition (fun (l,d,r) -> d == Le && Level.is_small l) csts in let smallles = if is_set_minimization () then Constraint.filter (fun (l,d,r) -> LSet.mem r ctx) smallles else Constraint.empty in let csts, partition = (* We first put constraints in a normal-form: all self-loops are collapsed to equalities. *) let g = LSet.fold (fun v g -> UGraph.add_universe v false g) ctx UGraph.initial_universes in let add_soft u g = if not (Level.is_small u || LSet.mem u ctx) then try UGraph.add_universe u false g with UGraph.AlreadyDeclared -> g else g in let g = Constraint.fold (fun (l, d, r) g -> add_soft r (add_soft l g)) csts g in let g = UGraph.merge_constraints csts g in UGraph.constraints_of_universes g in (* We ignore the trivial Prop/Set <= i constraints. *) let noneqs = Constraint.filter (fun (l,d,r) -> not ((d == Le && Level.is_small l) || (Level.is_prop l && d == Lt && Level.is_set r))) csts in let noneqs = Constraint.union noneqs smallles in let flex x = LMap.mem x us in let ctx, us, eqs = List.fold_left (fun (ctx, us, cstrs) s -> let canon, (global, rigid, flexible) = choose_canonical ctx flex algs s in (* Add equalities for globals which can't be merged anymore. *) let cstrs = LSet.fold (fun g cst -> Constraint.add (canon, Eq, g) cst) global cstrs in (* Also add equalities for rigid variables *) let cstrs = LSet.fold (fun g cst -> Constraint.add (canon, Eq, g) cst) rigid cstrs in let canonu = Some (Universe.make canon) in let us = LSet.fold (fun f -> LMap.add f canonu) flexible us in (LSet.diff ctx flexible, us, cstrs)) (ctx, us, Constraint.empty) partition in (* Process weak constraints: when one side is flexible and the 2 universes are unrelated unify them. *) let ctx, us, g = UPairSet.fold (fun (u,v) (ctx, us, g as acc) -> let norm = level_subst_of (normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst us) in let u = norm u and v = norm v in let set_to a b = (LSet.remove a ctx, LMap.add a (Some (Universe.make b)) us, UGraph.enforce_constraint (a,Eq,b) g) in if UGraph.check_constraint g (u,Le,v) || UGraph.check_constraint g (v,Le,u) then acc else if LMap.mem u us then set_to u v else if LMap.mem v us then set_to v u else acc) weak (ctx, us, g) in (* Noneqs is now in canonical form w.r.t. equality constraints, and contains only inequality constraints. *) let noneqs = let norm = level_subst_of (normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst us) in Constraint.fold (fun (u,d,v) noneqs -> let u = norm u and v = norm v in if d != Lt && Level.equal u v then noneqs else Constraint.add (u,d,v) noneqs) noneqs Constraint.empty in (* Compute the left and right set of flexible variables, constraints mentionning other variables remain in noneqs. *) let noneqs, ucstrsl, ucstrsr = Constraint.fold (fun (l,d,r as cstr) (noneq, ucstrsl, ucstrsr) -> let lus = LMap.mem l us and rus = LMap.mem r us in let ucstrsl' = if lus then add_list_map l (d, r) ucstrsl else ucstrsl and ucstrsr' = add_list_map r (d, l) ucstrsr in let noneqs = if lus || rus then noneq else Constraint.add cstr noneq in (noneqs, ucstrsl', ucstrsr')) noneqs (Constraint.empty, LMap.empty, LMap.empty) in (* Now we construct the instantiation of each variable. *) let ctx', us, algs, inst, noneqs = minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs ucstrsr ucstrsl noneqs in let us = normalize_opt_subst us in (us, algs), (ctx', Constraint.union noneqs eqs) (* let normalize_conkey = CProfile.declare_profile "normalize_context_set" *) (* let normalize_context_set a b c = CProfile.profile3 normalize_conkey normalize_context_set a b c *) (** Deprecated *) (** UnivNames *) type universe_binders = UnivNames.universe_binders type univ_name_list = UnivNames.univ_name_list let pr_with_global_universes = UnivNames.pr_with_global_universes let reference_of_level = UnivNames.reference_of_level let add_global_universe = UnivNames.add_global_universe let is_polymorphic = UnivNames.is_polymorphic let empty_binders = UnivNames.empty_binders let register_universe_binders = UnivNames.register_universe_binders let universe_binders_of_global = UnivNames.universe_binders_of_global let universe_binders_with_opt_names = UnivNames.universe_binders_with_opt_names (** UnivGen *) type universe_id = UnivGen.universe_id let set_remote_new_univ_id = UnivGen.set_remote_new_univ_id let new_univ_id = UnivGen.new_univ_id let new_univ_level = UnivGen.new_univ_level let new_univ = UnivGen.new_univ let new_Type = UnivGen.new_Type let new_Type_sort = UnivGen.new_Type_sort let new_global_univ = UnivGen.new_global_univ let new_sort_in_family = UnivGen.new_sort_in_family let fresh_instance_from_context = UnivGen.fresh_instance_from_context let fresh_instance_from = UnivGen.fresh_instance_from let fresh_sort_in_family = UnivGen.fresh_sort_in_family let fresh_constant_instance = UnivGen.fresh_constant_instance let fresh_inductive_instance = UnivGen.fresh_inductive_instance let fresh_constructor_instance = UnivGen.fresh_constructor_instance let fresh_global_instance = UnivGen.fresh_global_instance let fresh_global_or_constr_instance = UnivGen.fresh_global_or_constr_instance let fresh_universe_context_set_instance = UnivGen.fresh_universe_context_set_instance let global_of_constr = UnivGen.global_of_constr let constr_of_global_univ = UnivGen.constr_of_global_univ let extend_context = UnivGen.extend_context let constr_of_global = UnivGen.constr_of_global let constr_of_reference = UnivGen.constr_of_global let type_of_global = UnivGen.type_of_global (** UnivSubst *) let level_subst_of = UnivSubst.level_subst_of let subst_univs_constraints = UnivSubst.subst_univs_constraints let subst_univs_constr = UnivSubst.subst_univs_constr type universe_opt_subst = UnivSubst.universe_opt_subst let make_opt_subst = UnivSubst.make_opt_subst let subst_opt_univs_constr = UnivSubst.subst_opt_univs_constr let normalize_univ_variables = UnivSubst.normalize_univ_variables let normalize_univ_variable = UnivSubst.normalize_univ_variable let normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst = UnivSubst.normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst let normalize_univ_variable_subst = UnivSubst.normalize_univ_variable_subst let normalize_universe_opt_subst = UnivSubst.normalize_universe_opt_subst let normalize_universe_subst = UnivSubst.normalize_universe_subst let nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst = UnivSubst.nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst let pr_universe_opt_subst = UnivSubst.pr_universe_opt_subst (** UnivProblem *) type universe_constraint = UnivProblem.t = | ULe of Universe.t * Universe.t | UEq of Universe.t * Universe.t | ULub of Level.t * Level.t | UWeak of Level.t * Level.t module Constraints = UnivProblem.Set type 'a constraint_accumulator = 'a UnivProblem.accumulator type 'a universe_constrained = 'a UnivProblem.constrained type 'a universe_constraint_function = 'a UnivProblem.constraint_function let subst_univs_universe_constraints = UnivProblem.Set.subst_univs let enforce_eq_instances_univs = UnivProblem.enforce_eq_instances_univs let to_constraints = UnivProblem.to_constraints let eq_constr_univs_infer_with = UnivProblem.eq_constr_univs_infer_with