(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* match l, r with | Some _, _ -> l | _, _ -> r) s t end type uinfo = { uname : string option; uloc : Loc.t option; } (* 2nd part used to check consistency on the fly. *) type t = { uctx_names : Univ.Level.t UNameMap.t * uinfo Univ.LMap.t; uctx_local : Univ.universe_context_set; (** The local context of variables *) uctx_univ_variables : Universes.universe_opt_subst; (** The local universes that are unification variables *) uctx_univ_algebraic : Univ.universe_set; (** The subset of unification variables that can be instantiated with algebraic universes as they appear in inferred types only. *) uctx_universes : UGraph.t; (** The current graph extended with the local constraints *) uctx_initial_universes : UGraph.t; (** The graph at the creation of the evar_map *) } let empty = { uctx_names = UNameMap.empty, Univ.LMap.empty; uctx_local = Univ.ContextSet.empty; uctx_univ_variables = Univ.LMap.empty; uctx_univ_algebraic = Univ.LSet.empty; uctx_universes = UGraph.initial_universes; uctx_initial_universes = UGraph.initial_universes; } let make u = { empty with uctx_universes = u; uctx_initial_universes = u} let is_empty ctx = Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx.uctx_local && Univ.LMap.is_empty ctx.uctx_univ_variables let union ctx ctx' = if ctx == ctx' then ctx else if is_empty ctx' then ctx else let local = Univ.ContextSet.union ctx.uctx_local ctx'.uctx_local in let names = UNameMap.union (fst ctx.uctx_names) (fst ctx'.uctx_names) in let newus = Univ.LSet.diff (Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx'.uctx_local) (Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx.uctx_local) in let newus = Univ.LSet.diff newus (Univ.LMap.domain ctx.uctx_univ_variables) in let declarenew g = Univ.LSet.fold (fun u g -> UGraph.add_universe u false g) newus g in let names_rev = Univ.LMap.union (snd ctx.uctx_names) (snd ctx'.uctx_names) in { uctx_names = (names, names_rev); uctx_local = local; uctx_univ_variables = Univ.LMap.subst_union ctx.uctx_univ_variables ctx'.uctx_univ_variables; uctx_univ_algebraic = Univ.LSet.union ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic ctx'.uctx_univ_algebraic; uctx_initial_universes = declarenew ctx.uctx_initial_universes; uctx_universes = if local == ctx.uctx_local then ctx.uctx_universes else let cstrsr = Univ.ContextSet.constraints ctx'.uctx_local in UGraph.merge_constraints cstrsr (declarenew ctx.uctx_universes) } let context_set ctx = ctx.uctx_local let constraints ctx = snd ctx.uctx_local let context ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx.uctx_local let of_context_set ctx = { empty with uctx_local = ctx } let subst ctx = ctx.uctx_univ_variables let ugraph ctx = ctx.uctx_universes let algebraics ctx = ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic let constrain_variables diff ctx = Univ.LSet.fold (fun l cstrs -> try match Univ.LMap.find l ctx.uctx_univ_variables with | Some u -> Univ.Constraint.add (l, Univ.Eq, Option.get (Univ.Universe.level u)) cstrs | None -> cstrs with Not_found | Option.IsNone -> cstrs) diff Univ.Constraint.empty let add_uctx_names ?loc s l (names, names_rev) = (UNameMap.add s l names, Univ.LMap.add l { uname = Some s; uloc = loc } names_rev) let add_uctx_loc l loc (names, names_rev) = match loc with | None -> (names, names_rev) | Some _ -> (names, Univ.LMap.add l { uname = None; uloc = loc } names_rev) let of_binders b = let ctx = empty in let names = List.fold_left (fun acc (id, l) -> add_uctx_names (Id.to_string id) l acc) ctx.uctx_names b in { ctx with uctx_names = names } let instantiate_variable l b v = try v := Univ.LMap.update l (Some b) !v with Not_found -> assert false exception UniversesDiffer let process_universe_constraints ctx cstrs = let open Univ in let univs = ctx.uctx_universes in let vars = ref ctx.uctx_univ_variables in let normalize = Universes.normalize_universe_opt_subst vars in let is_local l = Univ.LMap.mem l !vars in let varinfo x = match Univ.Universe.level x with | None -> Inl x | Some l -> Inr l in let equalize_variables fo l l' r r' local = (** Assumes l = [l',0] and r = [r',0] *) let () = if is_local l' then instantiate_variable l' r vars else if is_local r' then instantiate_variable r' l vars else if not (UGraph.check_eq_level univs l' r') then (* Two rigid/global levels, none of them being local, one of them being Prop/Set, disallow *) if Univ.Level.is_small l' || Univ.Level.is_small r' then raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, l, r, None)) else if fo then raise UniversesDiffer in Univ.enforce_eq_level l' r' local in let equalize_universes l r local = match varinfo l, varinfo r with | Inr l', Inr r' -> equalize_variables false l l' r r' local | Inr l, Inl r | Inl r, Inr l -> let alg = Univ.LSet.mem l ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic in let inst = Univ.univ_level_rem l r r in if alg then (instantiate_variable l inst vars; local) else let lu = Univ.Universe.make l in if Univ.univ_level_mem l r then Univ.enforce_leq inst lu local else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, lu, r, None)) | Inl _, Inl _ (* both are algebraic *) -> if UGraph.check_eq univs l r then local else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, l, r, None)) in let unify_universes (l, d, r) local = let l = normalize l and r = normalize r in if Univ.Universe.equal l r then local else match d with | Universes.ULe -> if UGraph.check_leq univs l r then (** Keep Prop/Set <= var around if var might be instantiated by prop or set later. *) match Univ.Universe.level l, Univ.Universe.level r with | Some l, Some r -> Univ.Constraint.add (l, Univ.Le, r) local | _ -> local else begin match Univ.Universe.level r with | None -> user_err Pp.(str "Algebraic universe on the right") | Some r' -> if Univ.Level.is_small r' then let levels = Univ.Universe.levels l in let fold l' local = let l = Univ.Universe.make l' in if Univ.Level.is_small l' || is_local l' then equalize_variables false l l' r r' local else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Le, l, r, None)) in Univ.LSet.fold fold levels local else Univ.enforce_leq l r local end | Universes.ULub -> begin match Universe.level l, Universe.level r with | Some l', Some r' -> equalize_variables true l l' r r' local | _, _ -> assert false end | Universes.UEq -> equalize_universes l r local in let local = Universes.Constraints.fold unify_universes cstrs Univ.Constraint.empty in !vars, local let add_constraints ctx cstrs = let univs, local = ctx.uctx_local in let cstrs' = Univ.Constraint.fold (fun (l,d,r) acc -> let l = Univ.Universe.make l and r = Univ.Universe.make r in let cstr' = if d == Univ.Lt then (Univ.Universe.super l, Universes.ULe, r) else (l, (if d == Univ.Le then Universes.ULe else Universes.UEq), r) in Universes.Constraints.add cstr' acc) cstrs Universes.Constraints.empty in let vars, local' = process_universe_constraints ctx cstrs' in { ctx with uctx_local = (univs, Univ.Constraint.union local local'); uctx_univ_variables = vars; uctx_universes = UGraph.merge_constraints local' ctx.uctx_universes } (* let addconstrkey = Profile.declare_profile "add_constraints_context";; *) (* let add_constraints_context = Profile.profile2 addconstrkey add_constraints_context;; *) let add_universe_constraints ctx cstrs = let univs, local = ctx.uctx_local in let vars, local' = process_universe_constraints ctx cstrs in { ctx with uctx_local = (univs, Univ.Constraint.union local local'); uctx_univ_variables = vars; uctx_universes = UGraph.merge_constraints local' ctx.uctx_universes } let pr_uctx_level uctx = let map, map_rev = uctx.uctx_names in fun l -> try str (Option.get (Univ.LMap.find l map_rev).uname) with Not_found | Option.IsNone -> Universes.pr_with_global_universes l let universe_context ?names ctx = match names with | None -> [], Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx.uctx_local | Some pl -> let levels = Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx.uctx_local in let newinst, map, left = List.fold_right (fun (loc,id) (newinst, map, acc) -> let l = try UNameMap.find (Id.to_string id) (fst ctx.uctx_names) with Not_found -> user_err ?loc ~hdr:"universe_context" (str"Universe " ++ Nameops.pr_id id ++ str" is not bound anymore.") in (l :: newinst, (id, l) :: map, Univ.LSet.remove l acc)) pl ([], [], levels) in if not (Univ.LSet.is_empty left) then let n = Univ.LSet.cardinal left in let loc = try let info = Univ.LMap.find (Univ.LSet.choose left) (snd ctx.uctx_names) in info.uloc with Not_found -> None in user_err ?loc ~hdr:"universe_context" ((str(CString.plural n "Universe") ++ spc () ++ Univ.LSet.pr (pr_uctx_level ctx) left ++ spc () ++ str (CString.conjugate_verb_to_be n) ++ str" unbound.")) else let inst = Univ.Instance.of_array (Array.of_list newinst) in let ctx = Univ.UContext.make (inst, Univ.ContextSet.constraints ctx.uctx_local) in map, ctx let restrict ctx vars = let uctx' = Universes.restrict_universe_context ctx.uctx_local vars in { ctx with uctx_local = uctx' } type rigid = | UnivRigid | UnivFlexible of bool (** Is substitution by an algebraic ok? *) let univ_rigid = UnivRigid let univ_flexible = UnivFlexible false let univ_flexible_alg = UnivFlexible true let merge ?loc sideff rigid uctx ctx' = let open Univ in let levels = ContextSet.levels ctx' in let uctx = if sideff then uctx else match rigid with | UnivRigid -> uctx | UnivFlexible b -> let fold u accu = if LMap.mem u accu then accu else LMap.add u None accu in let uvars' = LSet.fold fold levels uctx.uctx_univ_variables in if b then { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars'; uctx_univ_algebraic = LSet.union uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic levels } else { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars' } in let uctx_local = if sideff then uctx.uctx_local else ContextSet.append ctx' uctx.uctx_local in let declare g = LSet.fold (fun u g -> try UGraph.add_universe u false g with UGraph.AlreadyDeclared when sideff -> g) levels g in let uctx_names = let fold u accu = let modify _ info = match info.uloc with | None -> { info with uloc = loc } | Some _ -> info in try LMap.modify u modify accu with Not_found -> LMap.add u { uname = None; uloc = loc } accu in (fst uctx.uctx_names, LSet.fold fold levels (snd uctx.uctx_names)) in let initial = declare uctx.uctx_initial_universes in let univs = declare uctx.uctx_universes in let uctx_universes = UGraph.merge_constraints (ContextSet.constraints ctx') univs in { uctx with uctx_names; uctx_local; uctx_universes; uctx_initial_universes = initial } let merge_subst uctx s = { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = Univ.LMap.subst_union uctx.uctx_univ_variables s } let emit_side_effects eff u = let uctxs = Safe_typing.universes_of_private eff in List.fold_left (merge true univ_rigid) u uctxs let new_univ_variable ?loc rigid name ({ uctx_local = ctx; uctx_univ_variables = uvars; uctx_univ_algebraic = avars} as uctx) = let u = Universes.new_univ_level (Global.current_dirpath ()) in let ctx' = Univ.ContextSet.add_universe u ctx in let uctx', pred = match rigid with | UnivRigid -> uctx, true | UnivFlexible b -> let uvars' = Univ.LMap.add u None uvars in if b then {uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars'; uctx_univ_algebraic = Univ.LSet.add u avars}, false else {uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars'}, false in let names = match name with | Some n -> add_uctx_names ?loc n u uctx.uctx_names | None -> add_uctx_loc u loc uctx.uctx_names in let initial = UGraph.add_universe u false uctx.uctx_initial_universes in let uctx' = {uctx' with uctx_names = names; uctx_local = ctx'; uctx_universes = UGraph.add_universe u false uctx.uctx_universes; uctx_initial_universes = initial} in uctx', u let add_global_univ uctx u = let initial = UGraph.add_universe u true uctx.uctx_initial_universes in let univs = UGraph.add_universe u true uctx.uctx_universes in { uctx with uctx_local = Univ.ContextSet.add_universe u uctx.uctx_local; uctx_initial_universes = initial; uctx_universes = univs } let make_flexible_variable ctx b u = let {uctx_univ_variables = uvars; uctx_univ_algebraic = avars} = ctx in let uvars' = Univ.LMap.add u None uvars in let avars' = if b then let uu = Univ.Universe.make u in let substu_not_alg u' v = Option.cata (fun vu -> Univ.Universe.equal uu vu && not (Univ.LSet.mem u' avars)) false v in if not (Univ.LMap.exists substu_not_alg uvars) then Univ.LSet.add u avars else avars else avars in {ctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars'; uctx_univ_algebraic = avars'} let is_sort_variable uctx s = match s with | Sorts.Type u -> (match Univ.universe_level u with | Some l as x -> if Univ.LSet.mem l (Univ.ContextSet.levels uctx.uctx_local) then x else None | None -> None) | _ -> None let subst_univs_context_with_def def usubst (ctx, cst) = (Univ.LSet.diff ctx def, Univ.subst_univs_constraints usubst cst) let normalize_variables uctx = let normalized_variables, undef, def, subst = Universes.normalize_univ_variables uctx.uctx_univ_variables in let ctx_local = subst_univs_context_with_def def (Univ.make_subst subst) uctx.uctx_local in let ctx_local', univs = Universes.refresh_constraints uctx.uctx_initial_universes ctx_local in subst, { uctx with uctx_local = ctx_local'; uctx_univ_variables = normalized_variables; uctx_universes = univs } let abstract_undefined_variables uctx = let vars' = Univ.LMap.fold (fun u v acc -> if v == None then Univ.LSet.remove u acc else acc) uctx.uctx_univ_variables uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic in { uctx with uctx_local = Univ.ContextSet.empty; uctx_univ_algebraic = vars' } let fix_undefined_variables uctx = let algs', vars' = Univ.LMap.fold (fun u v (algs, vars as acc) -> if v == None then (Univ.LSet.remove u algs, Univ.LMap.remove u vars) else acc) uctx.uctx_univ_variables (uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic, uctx.uctx_univ_variables) in { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = vars'; uctx_univ_algebraic = algs' } let refresh_undefined_univ_variables uctx = let subst, ctx' = Universes.fresh_universe_context_set_instance uctx.uctx_local in let alg = Univ.LSet.fold (fun u acc -> Univ.LSet.add (Univ.subst_univs_level_level subst u) acc) uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic Univ.LSet.empty in let vars = Univ.LMap.fold (fun u v acc -> Univ.LMap.add (Univ.subst_univs_level_level subst u) (Option.map (Univ.subst_univs_level_universe subst) v) acc) uctx.uctx_univ_variables Univ.LMap.empty in let declare g = Univ.LSet.fold (fun u g -> UGraph.add_universe u false g) (Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx') g in let initial = declare uctx.uctx_initial_universes in let univs = declare UGraph.initial_universes in let uctx' = {uctx_names = uctx.uctx_names; uctx_local = ctx'; uctx_univ_variables = vars; uctx_univ_algebraic = alg; uctx_universes = univs; uctx_initial_universes = initial } in uctx', subst let normalize uctx = let ((vars',algs'), us') = Universes.normalize_context_set uctx.uctx_local uctx.uctx_univ_variables uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic in if Univ.ContextSet.equal us' uctx.uctx_local then uctx else let us', universes = Universes.refresh_constraints uctx.uctx_initial_universes us' in { uctx_names = uctx.uctx_names; uctx_local = us'; uctx_univ_variables = vars'; uctx_univ_algebraic = algs'; uctx_universes = universes; uctx_initial_universes = uctx.uctx_initial_universes } let universe_of_name uctx s = UNameMap.find s (fst uctx.uctx_names) let add_universe_name uctx s l = let names' = add_uctx_names s l uctx.uctx_names in { uctx with uctx_names = names' } let update_sigma_env uctx env = let univs = Environ.universes env in let eunivs = { uctx with uctx_initial_universes = univs; uctx_universes = univs } in merge true univ_rigid eunivs eunivs.uctx_local