(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* std_ppcmds val pr_sort_family : sorts_family -> std_ppcmds val pr_fix : (constr -> std_ppcmds) -> fixpoint -> std_ppcmds (** debug printer: do not use to display terms to the casual user... *) val set_print_constr : (env -> constr -> std_ppcmds) -> unit val print_constr : constr -> std_ppcmds val print_constr_env : env -> constr -> std_ppcmds val print_named_context : env -> std_ppcmds val pr_rel_decl : env -> Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> std_ppcmds val print_rel_context : env -> std_ppcmds val print_env : env -> std_ppcmds (** about contexts *) val push_rel_assum : Name.t * types -> env -> env val push_rels_assum : (Name.t * types) list -> env -> env val push_named_rec_types : Name.t array * types array * 'a -> env -> env val lookup_rel_id : Id.t -> Context.Rel.t -> int * constr option * types (** Associates the contents of an identifier in a [rel_context]. Raise [Not_found] if there is no such identifier. *) (** Functions that build argument lists matching a block of binders or a context. [rel_vect n m] builds [|Rel (n+m);...;Rel(n+1)|] *) val rel_vect : int -> int -> constr array val rel_list : int -> int -> constr list (** iterators/destructors on terms *) val mkProd_or_LetIn : Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> types -> types val mkProd_wo_LetIn : Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> types -> types val it_mkProd : types -> (Name.t * types) list -> types val it_mkLambda : constr -> (Name.t * types) list -> constr val it_mkProd_or_LetIn : types -> Context.Rel.t -> types val it_mkProd_wo_LetIn : types -> Context.Rel.t -> types val it_mkLambda_or_LetIn : constr -> Context.Rel.t -> constr val it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn : types -> Context.Named.t -> types val it_mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn : types -> Context.Named.t -> types val it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn : constr -> Context.Named.t -> constr (* Ad hoc version reinserting letin, assuming the body is defined in the context where the letins are expanded *) val it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_from_no_LetIn : constr -> Context.Rel.t -> constr (** {6 Generic iterators on constr} *) val map_constr_with_named_binders : (Name.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> constr -> constr val map_constr_with_binders_left_to_right : (Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> constr -> constr val map_constr_with_full_binders : (Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> constr -> constr (** [fold_constr_with_binders g f n acc c] folds [f n] on the immediate subterms of [c] starting from [acc] and proceeding from left to right according to the usual representation of the constructions as [fold_constr] but it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive *) val fold_constr_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b -> constr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> constr -> 'b val fold_constr_with_full_binders : (Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b -> constr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> constr -> 'b val iter_constr_with_full_binders : (Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> unit) -> 'a -> constr -> unit (**********************************************************************) val strip_head_cast : constr -> constr val drop_extra_implicit_args : constr -> constr (** occur checks *) exception Occur val occur_meta : types -> bool val occur_existential : types -> bool val occur_meta_or_existential : types -> bool val occur_evar : existential_key -> types -> bool val occur_var : env -> Id.t -> types -> bool val occur_var_in_decl : env -> Id.t -> Context.Named.Declaration.t -> bool (** As {!occur_var} but assume the identifier not to be a section variable *) val local_occur_var : Id.t -> types -> bool val free_rels : constr -> Int.Set.t (** [dependent m t] tests whether [m] is a subterm of [t] *) val dependent : constr -> constr -> bool val dependent_no_evar : constr -> constr -> bool val dependent_univs : constr -> constr -> bool val dependent_univs_no_evar : constr -> constr -> bool val dependent_in_decl : constr -> Context.Named.Declaration.t -> bool val count_occurrences : constr -> constr -> int val collect_metas : constr -> int list val collect_vars : constr -> Id.Set.t (** for visible vars only *) val occur_term : constr -> constr -> bool (** Synonymous of dependent Substitution of metavariables *) type meta_value_map = (metavariable * constr) list val subst_meta : meta_value_map -> constr -> constr (** Type assignment for metavariables *) type meta_type_map = (metavariable * types) list (** [pop c] lifts by -1 the positive indexes in [c] *) val pop : constr -> constr (** {6 ... } *) (** Substitution of an arbitrary large term. Uses equality modulo reduction of let *) (** [subst_term_gen eq d c] replaces [d] by [Rel 1] in [c] using [eq] as equality *) val subst_term_gen : (constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> constr (** [replace_term_gen eq d e c] replaces [d] by [e] in [c] using [eq] as equality *) val replace_term_gen : (constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> constr -> constr (** [subst_term d c] replaces [d] by [Rel 1] in [c] *) val subst_term : constr -> constr -> constr (** [replace_term d e c] replaces [d] by [e] in [c] *) val replace_term : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr (** Alternative term equalities *) val base_sort_cmp : Reduction.conv_pb -> sorts -> sorts -> bool val compare_constr_univ : (Reduction.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool) -> Reduction.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool val constr_cmp : Reduction.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool val eq_constr : constr -> constr -> bool (* FIXME rename: erases universes*) val eta_reduce_head : constr -> constr exception CannotFilter (** Lightweight first-order filtering procedure. Unification variables ar represented by (untyped) Evars. [filtering c1 c2] returns the substitution n'th evar -> (context,term), or raises [CannotFilter]. Warning: Outer-kernel sort subtyping are taken into account: c1 has to be smaller than c2 wrt. sorts. *) type subst = (Context.Rel.t * constr) Evar.Map.t val filtering : Context.Rel.t -> Reduction.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> subst val decompose_prod_letin : constr -> int * Context.Rel.t * constr val align_prod_letin : constr -> constr -> Context.Rel.t * constr (** [nb_lam] {% $ %}[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]c{% $ %} where {% $ %}c{% $ %} is not an abstraction gives {% $ %}n{% $ %} (casts are ignored) *) val nb_lam : constr -> int (** Similar to [nb_lam], but gives the number of products instead *) val nb_prod : constr -> int (** Similar to [nb_prod], but zeta-contracts let-in on the way *) val nb_prod_modulo_zeta : constr -> int (** Get the last arg of a constr intended to be an application *) val last_arg : constr -> constr (** Force the decomposition of a term as an applicative one *) val decompose_app_vect : constr -> constr * constr array val adjust_app_list_size : constr -> constr list -> constr -> constr list -> (constr * constr list * constr * constr list) val adjust_app_array_size : constr -> constr array -> constr -> constr array -> (constr * constr array * constr * constr array) (** name contexts *) type names_context = Name.t list val add_name : Name.t -> names_context -> names_context val lookup_name_of_rel : int -> names_context -> Name.t val lookup_rel_of_name : Id.t -> names_context -> int val empty_names_context : names_context val ids_of_rel_context : Context.Rel.t -> Id.t list val ids_of_named_context : Context.Named.t -> Id.t list val ids_of_context : env -> Id.t list val names_of_rel_context : env -> names_context (* [context_chop n Γ] returns (Γ₁,Γ₂) such that [Γ]=[Γ₂Γ₁], [Γ₁] has [n] hypotheses, excluding local definitions, and [Γ₁], if not empty, starts with an hypothesis (i.e. [Γ₁] has the form empty or [x:A;Γ₁'] *) val context_chop : int -> Context.Rel.t -> Context.Rel.t * Context.Rel.t (* [env_rel_context_chop n env] extracts out the [n] top declarations of the rel_context part of [env], counting both local definitions and hypotheses *) val env_rel_context_chop : int -> env -> env * Context.Rel.t (** Set of local names *) val vars_of_env: env -> Id.Set.t val add_vname : Id.Set.t -> Name.t -> Id.Set.t (** other signature iterators *) val process_rel_context : (Context.Rel.Declaration.t -> env -> env) -> env -> env val assums_of_rel_context : Context.Rel.t -> (Name.t * constr) list val lift_rel_context : int -> Context.Rel.t -> Context.Rel.t val substl_rel_context : constr list -> Context.Rel.t -> Context.Rel.t val smash_rel_context : Context.Rel.t -> Context.Rel.t (** expand lets in context *) val map_rel_context_in_env : (env -> constr -> constr) -> env -> Context.Rel.t -> Context.Rel.t val map_rel_context_with_binders : (int -> constr -> constr) -> Context.Rel.t -> Context.Rel.t val fold_named_context_both_sides : ('a -> Context.Named.Declaration.t -> Context.Named.Declaration.t list -> 'a) -> Context.Named.t -> init:'a -> 'a val mem_named_context : Id.t -> Context.Named.t -> bool val compact_named_context : Context.Named.t -> Context.NamedList.t val compact_named_context_reverse : Context.Named.t -> Context.NamedList.t val clear_named_body : Id.t -> env -> env val global_vars : env -> constr -> Id.t list val global_vars_set_of_decl : env -> Context.Named.Declaration.t -> Id.Set.t (** Gives an ordered list of hypotheses, closed by dependencies, containing a given set *) val dependency_closure : env -> Context.Named.t -> Id.Set.t -> Id.t list (** Test if an identifier is the basename of a global reference *) val is_section_variable : Id.t -> bool val isGlobalRef : constr -> bool val is_template_polymorphic : env -> constr -> bool (** Combinators on judgments *) val on_judgment : (types -> types) -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment val on_judgment_value : (types -> types) -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment val on_judgment_type : (types -> types) -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment (** {6 Functions to deal with impossible cases } *) val set_impossible_default_clause : (unit -> (constr * types) Univ.in_universe_context_set) -> unit val coq_unit_judge : unit -> unsafe_judgment Univ.in_universe_context_set