(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ('b, 'c) le -> ('a, 'c) le (** Transitivity of anteriority *) val (+>) : ('a, 'b) le -> ('b, 'c) le -> ('a, 'c) le (** Alias for {!cons} *) (** {5 Monotonous evarmaps} *) type 'r t (** Stage-indexed evarmaps. *) type ('a, 'r) sigma = Sigma : 'a * 's t * ('r, 's) le -> ('a, 'r) sigma (** Return values at a later stage *) type 'r evar (** Stage-indexed evars *) (** {5 Constructors} *) val here : 'a -> 'r t -> ('a, 'r) sigma (** [here x s] is a shorthand for [Sigma (x, s, refl)] *) (** {5 Postponing} *) val lift_evar : 'r evar -> ('r, 's) le -> 's evar (** Any evar existing at stage ['r] is also valid at any later stage. *) (** {5 Downcasting} *) val to_evar_map : 'r t -> Evd.evar_map val to_evar : 'r evar -> Evar.t (** {5 Monotonous API} *) type 'r fresh = Fresh : 's evar * 's t * ('r, 's) le -> 'r fresh val new_evar : 'r t -> ?naming:Misctypes.intro_pattern_naming_expr -> Evd.evar_info -> 'r fresh val define : 'r evar -> Constr.t -> 'r t -> (unit, 'r) sigma (** Polymorphic universes *) val new_univ_level_variable : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?name:string -> ?predicative:bool -> Evd.rigid -> 'r t -> (Univ.universe_level, 'r) sigma val new_univ_variable : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?name:string -> ?predicative:bool -> Evd.rigid -> 'r t -> (Univ.universe, 'r) sigma val new_sort_variable : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?name:string -> ?predicative:bool -> Evd.rigid -> 'r t -> (Sorts.t, 'r) sigma val fresh_sort_in_family : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?rigid:Evd.rigid -> Environ.env -> 'r t -> Term.sorts_family -> (Term.sorts, 'r) sigma val fresh_constant_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> Environ.env -> 'r t -> constant -> (pconstant, 'r) sigma val fresh_inductive_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> Environ.env -> 'r t -> inductive -> (pinductive, 'r) sigma val fresh_constructor_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> Environ.env -> 'r t -> constructor -> (pconstructor, 'r) sigma val fresh_global : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?rigid:Evd.rigid -> ?names:Univ.Instance.t -> Environ.env -> 'r t -> Globnames.global_reference -> (constr, 'r) sigma (** FILLME *) (** {5 Run} *) type 'a run = { run : 'r. 'r t -> ('a, 'r) sigma } val run : Evd.evar_map -> 'a run -> 'a * Evd.evar_map (** {5 Imperative monotonic functions} *) type evdref (** Monotonic references over evarmaps *) val apply : evdref -> 'a run -> 'a (** Apply a monotonic function on a reference. *) val purify : (evdref -> 'a) -> 'a run (** Converse of {!apply}. *) (** {5 Unsafe primitives} *) module Unsafe : sig val le : ('a, 'b) le val of_evar_map : Evd.evar_map -> 'r t val of_evar : Evd.evar -> 'r evar val of_ref : Evd.evar_map ref -> evdref val of_pair : ('a * Evd.evar_map) -> ('a, 'r) sigma end (** {5 Notations} *) module Notations : sig type ('a, 'r) sigma_ = ('a, 'r) sigma = Sigma : 'a * 's t * ('r, 's) le -> ('a, 'r) sigma_ type 'a run_ = 'a run = { run : 'r. 'r t -> ('a, 'r) sigma } val (+>) : ('a, 'b) le -> ('b, 'c) le -> ('a, 'c) le (** Alias for {!cons} *) end