(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* t -> bool val identity : t val filter_list : t -> 'a list -> 'a list val filter_array : t -> 'a array -> 'a array val extend : int -> t -> t val compose : t -> t -> t val apply_subfilter : t -> bool list -> t val restrict_upon : t -> int -> (int -> bool) -> t option val map_along : (bool -> 'a -> bool) -> t -> 'a list -> t val make : bool list -> t val repr : t -> bool list option end = struct type t = bool list option (** We guarantee through the interface that if a filter is [Some _] then it contains at least one [false] somewhere. *) let identity = None let rec equal l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | [], [] -> true | h1 :: l1, h2 :: l2 -> (if h1 then h2 else not h2) && equal l1 l2 | _ -> false let equal l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | None, None -> true | Some _, None | None, Some _ -> false | Some l1, Some l2 -> equal l1 l2 let rec is_identity = function | [] -> true | true :: l -> is_identity l | false :: _ -> false let normalize f = if is_identity f then None else Some f let filter_list f l = match f with | None -> l | Some f -> CList.filter_with f l let filter_array f v = match f with | None -> v | Some f -> CArray.filter_with f v let rec extend n l = if n = 0 then l else extend (pred n) (true :: l) let extend n = function | None -> None | Some f -> Some (extend n f) let compose f1 f2 = match f1 with | None -> f2 | Some f1 -> match f2 with | None -> None | Some f2 -> normalize (CList.filter_with f1 f2) let apply_subfilter_array filter subfilter = (** In both cases we statically know that the argument will contain at least one [false] *) match filter with | None -> Some (Array.to_list subfilter) | Some f -> let len = Array.length subfilter in let fold b (i, ans) = if b then let () = assert (0 <= i) in (pred i, Array.unsafe_get subfilter i :: ans) else (i, false :: ans) in Some (snd (List.fold_right fold f (pred len, []))) let apply_subfilter filter subfilter = apply_subfilter_array filter (Array.of_list subfilter) let restrict_upon f len p = let newfilter = Array.init len p in if Array.for_all (fun id -> id) newfilter then None else Some (apply_subfilter_array f newfilter) let map_along f flt l = let ans = match flt with | None -> List.map (fun x -> f true x) l | Some flt -> List.map2 f flt l in normalize ans let make l = normalize l let repr f = f end (* The kinds of existential variables are now defined in [Evar_kinds] *) (* The type of mappings for existential variables *) module Dummy = struct end module Store = Store.Make(Dummy) type evar = Term.existential_key let string_of_existential evk = "?X" ^ string_of_int (Evar.repr evk) type evar_body = | Evar_empty | Evar_defined of constr type evar_info = { evar_concl : constr; evar_hyps : named_context_val; evar_body : evar_body; evar_filter : Filter.t; evar_source : Evar_kinds.t Loc.located; evar_candidates : constr list option; (* if not None, list of allowed instances *) evar_extra : Store.t } let make_evar hyps ccl = { evar_concl = ccl; evar_hyps = hyps; evar_body = Evar_empty; evar_filter = Filter.identity; evar_source = (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole); evar_candidates = None; evar_extra = Store.empty } let instance_mismatch () = anomaly (Pp.str "Signature and its instance do not match") let evar_concl evi = evi.evar_concl let evar_filter evi = evi.evar_filter let evar_body evi = evi.evar_body let evar_context evi = named_context_of_val evi.evar_hyps let evar_filtered_context evi = Filter.filter_list (evar_filter evi) (evar_context evi) let evar_hyps evi = evi.evar_hyps let evar_filtered_hyps evi = match Filter.repr (evar_filter evi) with | None -> evar_hyps evi | Some filter -> let rec make_hyps filter ctxt = match filter, ctxt with | [], [] -> empty_named_context_val | false :: filter, _ :: ctxt -> make_hyps filter ctxt | true :: filter, decl :: ctxt -> let hyps = make_hyps filter ctxt in push_named_context_val decl hyps | _ -> instance_mismatch () in make_hyps filter (evar_context evi) let evar_env evi = Global.env_of_context evi.evar_hyps let evar_filtered_env evi = match Filter.repr (evar_filter evi) with | None -> evar_env evi | Some filter -> let rec make_env filter ctxt = match filter, ctxt with | [], [] -> reset_context (Global.env ()) | false :: filter, _ :: ctxt -> make_env filter ctxt | true :: filter, decl :: ctxt -> let env = make_env filter ctxt in push_named decl env | _ -> instance_mismatch () in make_env filter (evar_context evi) let map_evar_body f = function | Evar_empty -> Evar_empty | Evar_defined d -> Evar_defined (f d) let map_evar_info f evi = {evi with evar_body = map_evar_body f evi.evar_body; evar_hyps = map_named_val f evi.evar_hyps; evar_concl = f evi.evar_concl; evar_candidates = Option.map (List.map f) evi.evar_candidates } (* This exception is raised by *.existential_value *) exception NotInstantiatedEvar (* Note: let-in contributes to the instance *) let evar_instance_array test_id info args = let len = Array.length args in let rec instrec filter ctxt i = match filter, ctxt with | [], [] -> if Int.equal i len then [] else instance_mismatch () | false :: filter, _ :: ctxt -> instrec filter ctxt i | true :: filter, d :: ctxt -> if i < len then let c = Array.unsafe_get args i in if test_id d c then instrec filter ctxt (succ i) else (NamedDecl.get_id d, c) :: instrec filter ctxt (succ i) else instance_mismatch () | _ -> instance_mismatch () in match Filter.repr (evar_filter info) with | None -> let map i d = if (i < len) then let c = Array.unsafe_get args i in if test_id d c then None else Some (NamedDecl.get_id d, c) else instance_mismatch () in List.map_filter_i map (evar_context info) | Some filter -> instrec filter (evar_context info) 0 let make_evar_instance_array info args = evar_instance_array (NamedDecl.get_id %> isVarId) info args let instantiate_evar_array info c args = let inst = make_evar_instance_array info args in match inst with | [] -> c | _ -> replace_vars inst c type evar_universe_context = UState.t type 'a in_evar_universe_context = 'a * evar_universe_context let empty_evar_universe_context = UState.empty let is_empty_evar_universe_context = UState.is_empty let union_evar_universe_context = UState.union let evar_universe_context_set = UState.context_set let evar_universe_context_constraints = UState.constraints let evar_context_universe_context = UState.context let evar_universe_context_of = UState.of_context_set let evar_universe_context_subst = UState.subst let add_constraints_context = UState.add_constraints let add_universe_constraints_context = UState.add_universe_constraints let constrain_variables = UState.constrain_variables let evar_universe_context_of_binders = UState.of_binders (*******************************************************************) (* Metamaps *) (*******************************************************************) (* Constraints for existential variables *) (*******************************************************************) type 'a freelisted = { rebus : 'a; freemetas : Int.Set.t } (* Collects all metavars appearing in a constr *) let metavars_of c = let rec collrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Meta mv -> Int.Set.add mv acc | _ -> Term.fold_constr collrec acc c in collrec Int.Set.empty c let mk_freelisted c = { rebus = c; freemetas = metavars_of c } let map_fl f cfl = { cfl with rebus=f cfl.rebus } (* Status of an instance found by unification wrt to the meta it solves: - a supertype of the meta (e.g. the solution to ?X <= T is a supertype of ?X) - a subtype of the meta (e.g. the solution to T <= ?X is a supertype of ?X) - a term that can be eta-expanded n times while still being a solution (e.g. the solution [P] to [?X u v = P u v] can be eta-expanded twice) *) type instance_constraint = IsSuperType | IsSubType | Conv let eq_instance_constraint c1 c2 = c1 == c2 (* Status of the unification of the type of an instance against the type of the meta it instantiates: - CoerceToType means that the unification of types has not been done and that a coercion can still be inserted: the meta should not be substituted freely (this happens for instance given via the "with" binding clause). - TypeProcessed means that the information obtainable from the unification of types has been extracted. - TypeNotProcessed means that the unification of types has not been done but it is known that no coercion may be inserted: the meta can be substituted freely. *) type instance_typing_status = CoerceToType | TypeNotProcessed | TypeProcessed (* Status of an instance together with the status of its type unification *) type instance_status = instance_constraint * instance_typing_status (* Clausal environments *) type clbinding = | Cltyp of Name.t * constr freelisted | Clval of Name.t * (constr freelisted * instance_status) * constr freelisted let map_clb f = function | Cltyp (na,cfl) -> Cltyp (na,map_fl f cfl) | Clval (na,(cfl1,pb),cfl2) -> Clval (na,(map_fl f cfl1,pb),map_fl f cfl2) (* name of defined is erased (but it is pretty-printed) *) let clb_name = function Cltyp(na,_) -> (na,false) | Clval (na,_,_) -> (na,true) (***********************) module Metaset = Int.Set module Metamap = Int.Map let metamap_to_list m = Metamap.fold (fun n v l -> (n,v)::l) m [] (*************************) (* Unification state *) type conv_pb = Reduction.conv_pb type evar_constraint = conv_pb * Environ.env * constr * constr module EvMap = Evar.Map module EvNames : sig open Misctypes type t val empty : t val add_name_undefined : intro_pattern_naming_expr -> Evar.t -> evar_info -> t -> t val remove_name_defined : Evar.t -> t -> t val rename : Evar.t -> Id.t -> t -> t val reassign_name_defined : Evar.t -> Evar.t -> t -> t val ident : Evar.t -> t -> Id.t option val key : Id.t -> t -> Evar.t end = struct type t = Id.t EvMap.t * existential_key Idmap.t let empty = (EvMap.empty, Idmap.empty) let add_name_newly_undefined naming evk evi (evtoid, idtoev as names) = let id = match naming with | Misctypes.IntroAnonymous -> None | Misctypes.IntroIdentifier id -> if Idmap.mem id idtoev then user_err (str "Already an existential evar of name " ++ pr_id id); Some id | Misctypes.IntroFresh id -> let id = Namegen.next_ident_away_from id (fun id -> Idmap.mem id idtoev) in Some id in match id with | None -> names | Some id -> (EvMap.add evk id evtoid, Idmap.add id evk idtoev) let add_name_undefined naming evk evi (evtoid,idtoev as evar_names) = if EvMap.mem evk evtoid then evar_names else add_name_newly_undefined naming evk evi evar_names let remove_name_defined evk (evtoid, idtoev as names) = let id = try Some (EvMap.find evk evtoid) with Not_found -> None in match id with | None -> names | Some id -> (EvMap.remove evk evtoid, Idmap.remove id idtoev) let rename evk id (evtoid, idtoev) = let id' = try Some (EvMap.find evk evtoid) with Not_found -> None in match id' with | None -> (EvMap.add evk id evtoid, Idmap.add id evk idtoev) | Some id' -> if Idmap.mem id idtoev then anomaly (str "Evar name already in use"); (EvMap.update evk id evtoid (* overwrite old name *), Idmap.add id evk (Idmap.remove id' idtoev)) let reassign_name_defined evk evk' (evtoid, idtoev as names) = let id = try Some (EvMap.find evk evtoid) with Not_found -> None in match id with | None -> names (** evk' must not be defined *) | Some id -> (EvMap.add evk' id (EvMap.remove evk evtoid), Idmap.add id evk' (Idmap.remove id idtoev)) let ident evk (evtoid, _) = try Some (EvMap.find evk evtoid) with Not_found -> None let key id (_, idtoev) = Idmap.find id idtoev end type evar_map = { (** Existential variables *) defn_evars : evar_info EvMap.t; undf_evars : evar_info EvMap.t; evar_names : EvNames.t; (** Universes *) universes : evar_universe_context; (** Conversion problems *) conv_pbs : evar_constraint list; last_mods : Evar.Set.t; (** Metas *) metas : clbinding Metamap.t; (** Interactive proofs *) effects : Safe_typing.private_constants; future_goals : Evar.t list; (** list of newly created evars, to be eventually turned into goals if not solved.*) principal_future_goal : Evar.t option; (** if [Some e], [e] must be contained [future_goals]. The evar [e] will inherit properties (now: the name) of the evar which will be instantiated with a term containing [e]. *) extras : Store.t; } (*** Lifting primitive from Evar.Map. ***) let rename evk id evd = { evd with evar_names = EvNames.rename evk id evd.evar_names } let add_with_name ?(naming = Misctypes.IntroAnonymous) d e i = match i.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> let evar_names = EvNames.add_name_undefined naming e i d.evar_names in { d with undf_evars = EvMap.add e i d.undf_evars; evar_names } | Evar_defined _ -> let evar_names = EvNames.remove_name_defined e d.evar_names in { d with defn_evars = EvMap.add e i d.defn_evars; evar_names } let add d e i = add_with_name d e i (** New evars *) let evar_counter_summary_name = "evar counter" (* Generator of existential names *) let new_untyped_evar = let evar_ctr = Summary.ref 0 ~name:evar_counter_summary_name in fun () -> incr evar_ctr; Evar.unsafe_of_int !evar_ctr let new_evar evd ?naming evi = let evk = new_untyped_evar () in let evd = add_with_name evd ?naming evk evi in (evd, evk) let remove d e = let undf_evars = EvMap.remove e d.undf_evars in let defn_evars = EvMap.remove e d.defn_evars in let principal_future_goal = match d.principal_future_goal with | None -> None | Some e' -> if Evar.equal e e' then None else d.principal_future_goal in let future_goals = List.filter (fun e' -> not (Evar.equal e e')) d.future_goals in { d with undf_evars; defn_evars; principal_future_goal; future_goals } let find d e = try EvMap.find e d.undf_evars with Not_found -> EvMap.find e d.defn_evars let find_undefined d e = EvMap.find e d.undf_evars let mem d e = EvMap.mem e d.undf_evars || EvMap.mem e d.defn_evars (* spiwack: this function loses information from the original evar_map it might be an idea not to export it. *) let to_list d = (* Workaround for change in Map.fold behavior in ocaml 3.08.4 *) let l = ref [] in EvMap.iter (fun evk x -> l := (evk,x)::!l) d.defn_evars; EvMap.iter (fun evk x -> l := (evk,x)::!l) d.undf_evars; !l let undefined_map d = d.undf_evars let drop_all_defined d = { d with defn_evars = EvMap.empty } (* spiwack: not clear what folding over an evar_map, for now we shall simply fold over the inner evar_map. *) let fold f d a = EvMap.fold f d.defn_evars (EvMap.fold f d.undf_evars a) let fold_undefined f d a = EvMap.fold f d.undf_evars a let raw_map f d = let f evk info = let ans = f evk info in let () = match info.evar_body, ans.evar_body with | Evar_defined _, Evar_empty | Evar_empty, Evar_defined _ -> anomaly (str "Unrespectful mapping function.") | _ -> () in ans in let defn_evars = EvMap.smartmapi f d.defn_evars in let undf_evars = EvMap.smartmapi f d.undf_evars in { d with defn_evars; undf_evars; } let raw_map_undefined f d = let f evk info = let ans = f evk info in let () = match ans.evar_body with | Evar_defined _ -> anomaly (str "Unrespectful mapping function.") | _ -> () in ans in { d with undf_evars = EvMap.smartmapi f d.undf_evars; } let is_evar = mem let is_defined d e = EvMap.mem e d.defn_evars let is_undefined d e = EvMap.mem e d.undf_evars let existential_value d (n, args) = let info = find d n in match evar_body info with | Evar_defined c -> instantiate_evar_array info c args | Evar_empty -> raise NotInstantiatedEvar let existential_opt_value d ev = try Some (existential_value d ev) with NotInstantiatedEvar -> None let existential_type d (n, args) = let info = try find d n with Not_found -> anomaly (str "Evar " ++ str (string_of_existential n) ++ str " was not declared") in instantiate_evar_array info info.evar_concl args let add_constraints d c = { d with universes = add_constraints_context d.universes c } let add_universe_constraints d c = { d with universes = add_universe_constraints_context d.universes c } (*** /Lifting... ***) (* evar_map are considered empty disregarding histories *) let is_empty d = EvMap.is_empty d.defn_evars && EvMap.is_empty d.undf_evars && List.is_empty d.conv_pbs && Metamap.is_empty d.metas let cmap f evd = { evd with metas = Metamap.map (map_clb f) evd.metas; defn_evars = EvMap.map (map_evar_info f) evd.defn_evars; undf_evars = EvMap.map (map_evar_info f) evd.undf_evars } (* spiwack: deprecated *) let create_evar_defs sigma = { sigma with conv_pbs=[]; last_mods=Evar.Set.empty; metas=Metamap.empty } let empty = { defn_evars = EvMap.empty; undf_evars = EvMap.empty; universes = empty_evar_universe_context; conv_pbs = []; last_mods = Evar.Set.empty; metas = Metamap.empty; effects = Safe_typing.empty_private_constants; evar_names = EvNames.empty; (* id<->key for undefined evars *) future_goals = []; principal_future_goal = None; extras = Store.empty; } let from_env e = { empty with universes = UState.make (Environ.universes e) } let from_ctx ctx = { empty with universes = ctx } let has_undefined evd = not (EvMap.is_empty evd.undf_evars) let evars_reset_evd ?(with_conv_pbs=false) ?(with_univs=true) evd d = let conv_pbs = if with_conv_pbs then evd.conv_pbs else d.conv_pbs in let last_mods = if with_conv_pbs then evd.last_mods else d.last_mods in let universes = if not with_univs then evd.universes else union_evar_universe_context evd.universes d.universes in { evd with metas = d.metas; last_mods; conv_pbs; universes } let merge_universe_context evd uctx' = { evd with universes = union_evar_universe_context evd.universes uctx' } let set_universe_context evd uctx' = { evd with universes = uctx' } let add_conv_pb ?(tail=false) pb d = (** MS: we have duplicates here, why? *) if tail then {d with conv_pbs = d.conv_pbs @ [pb]} else {d with conv_pbs = pb::d.conv_pbs} let evar_source evk d = (find d evk).evar_source let evar_ident evk evd = EvNames.ident evk evd.evar_names let evar_key id evd = EvNames.key id evd.evar_names let define_aux def undef evk body = let oldinfo = try EvMap.find evk undef with Not_found -> if EvMap.mem evk def then anomaly ~label:"Evd.define" (Pp.str "cannot define an evar twice") else anomaly ~label:"Evd.define" (Pp.str "cannot define undeclared evar") in let () = assert (oldinfo.evar_body == Evar_empty) in let newinfo = { oldinfo with evar_body = Evar_defined body } in EvMap.add evk newinfo def, EvMap.remove evk undef (* define the existential of section path sp as the constr body *) let define evk body evd = let (defn_evars, undf_evars) = define_aux evd.defn_evars evd.undf_evars evk body in let last_mods = match evd.conv_pbs with | [] -> evd.last_mods | _ -> Evar.Set.add evk evd.last_mods in let evar_names = EvNames.remove_name_defined evk evd.evar_names in { evd with defn_evars; undf_evars; last_mods; evar_names } let restrict evk filter ?candidates evd = let evk' = new_untyped_evar () in let evar_info = EvMap.find evk evd.undf_evars in let evar_info' = { evar_info with evar_filter = filter; evar_candidates = candidates; evar_extra = Store.empty } in let last_mods = match evd.conv_pbs with | [] -> evd.last_mods | _ -> Evar.Set.add evk evd.last_mods in let evar_names = EvNames.reassign_name_defined evk evk' evd.evar_names in let ctxt = Filter.filter_list filter (evar_context evar_info) in let id_inst = Array.map_of_list (NamedDecl.get_id %> mkVar) ctxt in let body = mkEvar(evk',id_inst) in let (defn_evars, undf_evars) = define_aux evd.defn_evars evd.undf_evars evk body in { evd with undf_evars = EvMap.add evk' evar_info' undf_evars; defn_evars; last_mods; evar_names }, evk' let downcast evk ccl evd = let evar_info = EvMap.find evk evd.undf_evars in let evar_info' = { evar_info with evar_concl = ccl } in { evd with undf_evars = EvMap.add evk evar_info' evd.undf_evars } (* extracts conversion problems that satisfy predicate p *) (* Note: conv_pbs not satisying p are stored back in reverse order *) let extract_conv_pbs evd p = let (pbs,pbs1) = List.fold_left (fun (pbs,pbs1) pb -> if p pb then (pb::pbs,pbs1) else (pbs,pb::pbs1)) ([],[]) evd.conv_pbs in {evd with conv_pbs = pbs1; last_mods = Evar.Set.empty}, pbs let extract_changed_conv_pbs evd p = extract_conv_pbs evd (fun pb -> p evd.last_mods pb) let extract_all_conv_pbs evd = extract_conv_pbs evd (fun _ -> true) let loc_of_conv_pb evd (pbty,env,t1,t2) = match kind_of_term (fst (decompose_app t1)) with | Evar (evk1,_) -> fst (evar_source evk1 evd) | _ -> match kind_of_term (fst (decompose_app t2)) with | Evar (evk2,_) -> fst (evar_source evk2 evd) | _ -> Loc.ghost (** The following functions return the set of evars immediately contained in the object *) (* excluding defined evars *) let evar_list c = let rec evrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Evar (evk, _ as ev) -> ev :: acc | _ -> Term.fold_constr evrec acc c in evrec [] c let evars_of_term c = let rec evrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Evar (n, l) -> Evar.Set.add n (Array.fold_left evrec acc l) | _ -> Term.fold_constr evrec acc c in evrec Evar.Set.empty c let evars_of_named_context nc = Context.Named.fold_outside (NamedDecl.fold_constr (fun constr s -> Evar.Set.union s (evars_of_term constr))) nc ~init:Evar.Set.empty let evars_of_filtered_evar_info evi = Evar.Set.union (evars_of_term evi.evar_concl) (Evar.Set.union (match evi.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> Evar.Set.empty | Evar_defined b -> evars_of_term b) (evars_of_named_context (evar_filtered_context evi))) (**********************************************************) (* Sort variables *) type rigid = UState.rigid = | UnivRigid | UnivFlexible of bool (** Is substitution by an algebraic ok? *) let univ_rigid = UnivRigid let univ_flexible = UnivFlexible false let univ_flexible_alg = UnivFlexible true let evar_universe_context d = d.universes let universe_context_set d = UState.context_set d.universes let pr_uctx_level = UState.pr_uctx_level let universe_context ?names evd = UState.universe_context ?names evd.universes let restrict_universe_context evd vars = { evd with universes = UState.restrict evd.universes vars } let universe_subst evd = UState.subst evd.universes let merge_context_set ?loc ?(sideff=false) rigid evd ctx' = {evd with universes = UState.merge ?loc sideff rigid evd.universes ctx'} let merge_universe_subst evd subst = {evd with universes = UState.merge_subst evd.universes subst } let with_context_set ?loc rigid d (a, ctx) = (merge_context_set ?loc rigid d ctx, a) let new_univ_level_variable ?loc ?name rigid evd = let uctx', u = UState.new_univ_variable ?loc rigid name evd.universes in ({evd with universes = uctx'}, u) let new_univ_variable ?loc ?name rigid evd = let uctx', u = UState.new_univ_variable ?loc rigid name evd.universes in ({evd with universes = uctx'}, Univ.Universe.make u) let new_sort_variable ?loc ?name rigid d = let (d', u) = new_univ_variable ?loc rigid ?name d in (d', Type u) let add_global_univ d u = { d with universes = UState.add_global_univ d.universes u } let make_flexible_variable evd b u = { evd with universes = UState.make_flexible_variable evd.universes b u } let make_evar_universe_context e l = let uctx = UState.make (Environ.universes e) in match l with | None -> uctx | Some us -> List.fold_left (fun uctx (loc,id) -> fst (UState.new_univ_variable ~loc univ_rigid (Some (Id.to_string id)) uctx)) uctx us (****************************************) (* Operations on constants *) (****************************************) let fresh_sort_in_family ?loc ?(rigid=univ_flexible) env evd s = with_context_set ?loc rigid evd (Universes.fresh_sort_in_family env s) let fresh_constant_instance ?loc env evd c = with_context_set ?loc univ_flexible evd (Universes.fresh_constant_instance env c) let fresh_inductive_instance ?loc env evd i = with_context_set ?loc univ_flexible evd (Universes.fresh_inductive_instance env i) let fresh_constructor_instance ?loc env evd c = with_context_set ?loc univ_flexible evd (Universes.fresh_constructor_instance env c) let fresh_global ?loc ?(rigid=univ_flexible) ?names env evd gr = with_context_set ?loc rigid evd (Universes.fresh_global_instance ?names env gr) let whd_sort_variable evd t = t let is_sort_variable evd s = UState.is_sort_variable evd.universes s let is_flexible_level evd l = let uctx = evd.universes in Univ.LMap.mem l (UState.subst uctx) let is_eq_sort s1 s2 = if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then None else let u1 = univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = univ_of_sort s2 in if Univ.Universe.equal u1 u2 then None else Some (u1, u2) (* Precondition: l is not defined in the substitution *) let universe_rigidity evd l = let uctx = evd.universes in if Univ.LSet.mem l (Univ.ContextSet.levels (UState.context_set uctx)) then UnivFlexible (Univ.LSet.mem l (UState.algebraics uctx)) else UnivRigid let normalize_universe evd = let vars = ref (UState.subst evd.universes) in let normalize = Universes.normalize_universe_opt_subst vars in normalize let normalize_universe_instance evd l = let vars = ref (UState.subst evd.universes) in let normalize = Univ.level_subst_of (Universes.normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst vars) in Univ.Instance.subst_fn normalize l let normalize_sort evars s = match s with | Prop _ -> s | Type u -> let u' = normalize_universe evars u in if u' == u then s else Type u' (* FIXME inefficient *) let set_eq_sort env d s1 s2 = let s1 = normalize_sort d s1 and s2 = normalize_sort d s2 in match is_eq_sort s1 s2 with | None -> d | Some (u1, u2) -> if not (type_in_type env) then add_universe_constraints d (Universes.Constraints.singleton (u1,Universes.UEq,u2)) else d let has_lub evd u1 u2 = if Univ.Universe.equal u1 u2 then evd else add_universe_constraints evd (Universes.Constraints.singleton (u1,Universes.ULub,u2)) let set_eq_level d u1 u2 = add_constraints d (Univ.enforce_eq_level u1 u2 Univ.Constraint.empty) let set_leq_level d u1 u2 = add_constraints d (Univ.enforce_leq_level u1 u2 Univ.Constraint.empty) let set_eq_instances ?(flex=false) d u1 u2 = add_universe_constraints d (Universes.enforce_eq_instances_univs flex u1 u2 Universes.Constraints.empty) let set_leq_sort env evd s1 s2 = let s1 = normalize_sort evd s1 and s2 = normalize_sort evd s2 in match is_eq_sort s1 s2 with | None -> evd | Some (u1, u2) -> if not (type_in_type env) then add_universe_constraints evd (Universes.Constraints.singleton (u1,Universes.ULe,u2)) else evd let check_eq evd s s' = UGraph.check_eq (UState.ugraph evd.universes) s s' let check_leq evd s s' = UGraph.check_leq (UState.ugraph evd.universes) s s' let normalize_evar_universe_context_variables = UState.normalize_variables let abstract_undefined_variables = UState.abstract_undefined_variables let fix_undefined_variables evd = { evd with universes = UState.fix_undefined_variables evd.universes } let refresh_undefined_universes evd = let uctx', subst = UState.refresh_undefined_univ_variables evd.universes in let evd' = cmap (subst_univs_level_constr subst) {evd with universes = uctx'} in evd', subst let normalize_evar_universe_context = UState.normalize let nf_univ_variables evd = let subst, uctx' = normalize_evar_universe_context_variables evd.universes in let evd' = {evd with universes = uctx'} in evd', subst let nf_constraints evd = let subst, uctx' = normalize_evar_universe_context_variables evd.universes in let uctx' = normalize_evar_universe_context uctx' in {evd with universes = uctx'} let universe_of_name evd s = UState.universe_of_name evd.universes s let add_universe_name evd s l = { evd with universes = UState.add_universe_name evd.universes s l } let universes evd = UState.ugraph evd.universes let update_sigma_env evd env = { evd with universes = UState.update_sigma_env evd.universes env } (* Conversion w.r.t. an evar map and its local universes. *) let test_conversion_gen env evd pb t u = match pb with | Reduction.CONV -> Reduction.conv env ~evars:((existential_opt_value evd), (UState.ugraph evd.universes)) t u | Reduction.CUMUL -> Reduction.conv_leq env ~evars:((existential_opt_value evd), (UState.ugraph evd.universes)) t u let test_conversion env d pb t u = try test_conversion_gen env d pb t u; true with _ -> false exception UniversesDiffer = UState.UniversesDiffer let eq_constr_univs evd t u = let fold cstr sigma = try Some (add_universe_constraints sigma cstr) with Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ | UniversesDiffer -> None in match Universes.eq_constr_univs_infer (UState.ugraph evd.universes) fold t u evd with | None -> evd, false | Some evd -> evd, true let e_eq_constr_univs evdref t u = let evd, b = eq_constr_univs !evdref t u in evdref := evd; b (**********************************************************) (* Side effects *) let emit_side_effects eff evd = { evd with effects = Safe_typing.concat_private eff evd.effects; universes = UState.emit_side_effects eff evd.universes } let drop_side_effects evd = { evd with effects = Safe_typing.empty_private_constants; } let eval_side_effects evd = evd.effects (* Future goals *) let declare_future_goal evk evd = { evd with future_goals = evk::evd.future_goals } let declare_principal_goal evk evd = match evd.principal_future_goal with | None -> { evd with future_goals = evk::evd.future_goals; principal_future_goal=Some evk; } | Some _ -> CErrors.error "Only one main subgoal per instantiation." let future_goals evd = evd.future_goals let principal_future_goal evd = evd.principal_future_goal let reset_future_goals evd = { evd with future_goals = [] ; principal_future_goal=None } let restore_future_goals evd gls pgl = { evd with future_goals = gls ; principal_future_goal = pgl } (**********************************************************) (* Accessing metas *) (** We use this function to overcome OCaml compiler limitations and to prevent the use of costly in-place modifications. *) let set_metas evd metas = { defn_evars = evd.defn_evars; undf_evars = evd.undf_evars; universes = evd.universes; conv_pbs = evd.conv_pbs; last_mods = evd.last_mods; metas; effects = evd.effects; evar_names = evd.evar_names; future_goals = evd.future_goals; principal_future_goal = evd.principal_future_goal; extras = evd.extras; } let meta_list evd = metamap_to_list evd.metas let undefined_metas evd = let filter = function | (n,Clval(_,_,typ)) -> None | (n,Cltyp (_,typ)) -> Some n in let m = List.map_filter filter (meta_list evd) in List.sort Int.compare m let map_metas_fvalue f evd = let map = function | Clval(id,(c,s),typ) -> Clval(id,(mk_freelisted (f c.rebus),s),typ) | x -> x in set_metas evd (Metamap.smartmap map evd.metas) let map_metas f evd = let map cl = map_clb f cl in set_metas evd (Metamap.smartmap map evd.metas) let meta_opt_fvalue evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval(_,b,_) -> Some b | Cltyp _ -> None let meta_defined evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval _ -> true | Cltyp _ -> false let try_meta_fvalue evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval(_,b,_) -> b | Cltyp _ -> raise Not_found let meta_fvalue evd mv = try try_meta_fvalue evd mv with Not_found -> anomaly ~label:"meta_fvalue" (Pp.str "meta has no value") let meta_value evd mv = (fst (try_meta_fvalue evd mv)).rebus let meta_ftype evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Cltyp (_,b) -> b | Clval(_,_,b) -> b let meta_type evd mv = (meta_ftype evd mv).rebus let meta_declare mv v ?(name=Anonymous) evd = let metas = Metamap.add mv (Cltyp(name,mk_freelisted v)) evd.metas in set_metas evd metas let meta_assign mv (v, pb) evd = let modify _ = function | Cltyp (na, ty) -> Clval (na, (mk_freelisted v, pb), ty) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"meta_assign" (Pp.str "already defined") in let metas = Metamap.modify mv modify evd.metas in set_metas evd metas let meta_reassign mv (v, pb) evd = let modify _ = function | Clval(na, _, ty) -> Clval (na, (mk_freelisted v, pb), ty) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"meta_reassign" (Pp.str "not yet defined") in let metas = Metamap.modify mv modify evd.metas in set_metas evd metas (* If the meta is defined then forget its name *) let meta_name evd mv = try fst (clb_name (Metamap.find mv evd.metas)) with Not_found -> Anonymous let clear_metas evd = {evd with metas = Metamap.empty} let meta_merge ?(with_univs = true) evd1 evd2 = let metas = Metamap.fold Metamap.add evd1.metas evd2.metas in let universes = if with_univs then union_evar_universe_context evd2.universes evd1.universes else evd2.universes in {evd2 with universes; metas; } type metabinding = metavariable * constr * instance_status let retract_coercible_metas evd = let mc = ref [] in let map n v = match v with | Clval (na, (b, (Conv, CoerceToType as s)), typ) -> let () = mc := (n, b.rebus, s) :: !mc in Cltyp (na, typ) | v -> v in let metas = Metamap.smartmapi map evd.metas in !mc, set_metas evd metas let evar_source_of_meta mv evd = match meta_name evd mv with | Anonymous -> (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.GoalEvar) | Name id -> (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.VarInstance id) let dependent_evar_ident ev evd = let evi = find evd ev in match evi.evar_source with | (_,Evar_kinds.VarInstance id) -> id | _ -> anomaly (str "Not an evar resulting of a dependent binding") (**********************************************************) (* Extra data *) let get_extra_data evd = evd.extras let set_extra_data extras evd = { evd with extras } (*******************************************************************) type open_constr = evar_map * constr (*******************************************************************) (* The type constructor ['a sigma] adds an evar map to an object of type ['a] *) type 'a sigma = { it : 'a ; sigma : evar_map } let sig_it x = x.it let sig_sig x = x.sigma let on_sig s f = let sigma', v = f s.sigma in { s with sigma = sigma' }, v (*******************************************************************) (* The state monad with state an evar map. *) module MonadR = Monad.Make (struct type +'a t = evar_map -> evar_map * 'a let return a = fun s -> (s,a) let (>>=) x f = fun s -> let (s',a) = x s in f a s' let (>>) x y = fun s -> let (s',()) = x s in y s' let map f x = fun s -> on_snd f (x s) end) module Monad = Monad.Make (struct type +'a t = evar_map -> 'a * evar_map let return a = fun s -> (a,s) let (>>=) x f = fun s -> let (a,s') = x s in f a s' let (>>) x y = fun s -> let ((),s') = x s in y s' let map f x = fun s -> on_fst f (x s) end) (**********************************************************) (* Failure explanation *) type unsolvability_explanation = SeveralInstancesFound of int (**********************************************************) (* Pretty-printing *) let pr_evar_suggested_name evk sigma = let base_id evk' evi = match evar_ident evk' sigma with | Some id -> id | None -> match evi.evar_source with | _,Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (c,(n,Some id),b) -> id | _,Evar_kinds.VarInstance id -> id | _,Evar_kinds.GoalEvar -> Id.of_string "Goal" | _ -> let env = reset_with_named_context evi.evar_hyps (Global.env()) in Namegen.id_of_name_using_hdchar env evi.evar_concl Anonymous in let names = EvMap.mapi base_id sigma.undf_evars in let id = EvMap.find evk names in let fold evk' id' (seen, n) = if seen then (seen, n) else if Evar.equal evk evk' then (true, n) else if Id.equal id id' then (seen, succ n) else (seen, n) in let (_, n) = EvMap.fold fold names (false, 0) in if n = 0 then id else Nameops.add_suffix id (string_of_int (pred n)) let pr_existential_key sigma evk = match evar_ident evk sigma with | None -> str "?" ++ pr_id (pr_evar_suggested_name evk sigma) | Some id -> str "?" ++ pr_id id let pr_instance_status (sc,typ) = begin match sc with | IsSubType -> str " [or a subtype of it]" | IsSuperType -> str " [or a supertype of it]" | Conv -> mt () end ++ begin match typ with | CoerceToType -> str " [up to coercion]" | TypeNotProcessed -> mt () | TypeProcessed -> str " [type is checked]" end let protect f x = try f x with e -> str "EXCEPTION: " ++ str (Printexc.to_string e) let (f_print_constr, print_constr_hook) = Hook.make () let print_constr a = protect (fun c -> Hook.get f_print_constr (Global.env ()) c) a let pr_meta_map mmap = let pr_name = function Name id -> str"[" ++ pr_id id ++ str"]" | _ -> mt() in let pr_meta_binding = function | (mv,Cltyp (na,b)) -> hov 0 (pr_meta mv ++ pr_name na ++ str " : " ++ print_constr b.rebus ++ fnl ()) | (mv,Clval(na,(b,s),t)) -> hov 0 (pr_meta mv ++ pr_name na ++ str " := " ++ print_constr b.rebus ++ str " : " ++ print_constr t.rebus ++ spc () ++ pr_instance_status s ++ fnl ()) in prlist pr_meta_binding (metamap_to_list mmap) let pr_decl (decl,ok) = match decl with | LocalAssum (id,_) -> if ok then pr_id id else (str "{" ++ pr_id id ++ str "}") | LocalDef (id,c,_) -> str (if ok then "(" else "{") ++ pr_id id ++ str ":=" ++ print_constr c ++ str (if ok then ")" else "}") let pr_evar_source = function | Evar_kinds.NamedHole id -> pr_id id | Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _ -> str "underscore" | Evar_kinds.CasesType false -> str "pattern-matching return predicate" | Evar_kinds.CasesType true -> str "subterm of pattern-matching return predicate" | Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id) -> str "type of " ++ Nameops.pr_id id | Evar_kinds.BinderType Anonymous -> str "type of anonymous binder" | Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (c,(n,ido),b) -> let id = Option.get ido in str "parameter " ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc () ++ print_constr (printable_constr_of_global c) | Evar_kinds.InternalHole -> str "internal placeholder" | Evar_kinds.TomatchTypeParameter (ind,n) -> pr_nth n ++ str " argument of type " ++ print_constr (mkInd ind) | Evar_kinds.GoalEvar -> str "goal evar" | Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase -> str "type of impossible pattern-matching clause" | Evar_kinds.MatchingVar _ -> str "matching variable" | Evar_kinds.VarInstance id -> str "instance of " ++ pr_id id | Evar_kinds.SubEvar evk -> str "subterm of " ++ str (string_of_existential evk) let pr_evar_info evi = let phyps = try let decls = match Filter.repr (evar_filter evi) with | None -> List.map (fun c -> (c, true)) (evar_context evi) | Some filter -> List.combine (evar_context evi) filter in prlist_with_sep spc pr_decl (List.rev decls) with Invalid_argument _ -> str "Ill-formed filtered context" in let pty = print_constr evi.evar_concl in let pb = match evi.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> mt () | Evar_defined c -> spc() ++ str"=> " ++ print_constr c in let candidates = match evi.evar_body, evi.evar_candidates with | Evar_empty, Some l -> spc () ++ str "{" ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str "|") print_constr l ++ str "}" | _ -> mt () in let src = str "(" ++ pr_evar_source (snd evi.evar_source) ++ str ")" in hov 2 (str"[" ++ phyps ++ spc () ++ str"|- " ++ pty ++ pb ++ str"]" ++ candidates ++ spc() ++ src) let compute_evar_dependency_graph (sigma : evar_map) = (* Compute the map binding ev to the evars whose body depends on ev *) let fold evk evi acc = let fold_ev evk' acc = let tab = try EvMap.find evk' acc with Not_found -> Evar.Set.empty in EvMap.add evk' (Evar.Set.add evk tab) acc in match evar_body evi with | Evar_empty -> assert false | Evar_defined c -> Evar.Set.fold fold_ev (evars_of_term c) acc in EvMap.fold fold sigma.defn_evars EvMap.empty let evar_dependency_closure n sigma = (** Create the DAG of depth [n] representing the recursive dependencies of undefined evars. *) let graph = compute_evar_dependency_graph sigma in let rec aux n curr accu = if Int.equal n 0 then Evar.Set.union curr accu else let fold evk accu = try let deps = EvMap.find evk graph in Evar.Set.union deps accu with Not_found -> accu in (** Consider only the newly added evars *) let ncurr = Evar.Set.fold fold curr Evar.Set.empty in (** Merge the others *) let accu = Evar.Set.union curr accu in aux (n - 1) ncurr accu in let undef = EvMap.domain (undefined_map sigma) in aux n undef Evar.Set.empty let evar_dependency_closure n sigma = let deps = evar_dependency_closure n sigma in let map = EvMap.bind (fun ev -> find sigma ev) deps in EvMap.bindings map let has_no_evar sigma = EvMap.is_empty sigma.defn_evars && EvMap.is_empty sigma.undf_evars let pr_evd_level evd = pr_uctx_level evd.universes let pr_evar_universe_context ctx = let prl = pr_uctx_level ctx in if is_empty_evar_universe_context ctx then mt () else (str"UNIVERSES:"++brk(0,1)++ h 0 (Univ.pr_universe_context_set prl (evar_universe_context_set ctx)) ++ fnl () ++ str"ALGEBRAIC UNIVERSES:"++brk(0,1)++ h 0 (Univ.LSet.pr prl (UState.algebraics ctx)) ++ fnl() ++ str"UNDEFINED UNIVERSES:"++brk(0,1)++ h 0 (Universes.pr_universe_opt_subst (UState.subst ctx)) ++ fnl()) let print_env_short env = let pr_rel_decl = function | RelDecl.LocalAssum (n,_) -> pr_name n | RelDecl.LocalDef (n,b,_) -> str "(" ++ pr_name n ++ str " := " ++ print_constr b ++ str ")" in let pr_named_decl = NamedDecl.to_rel_decl %> pr_rel_decl in let nc = List.rev (named_context env) in let rc = List.rev (rel_context env) in str "[" ++ pr_sequence pr_named_decl nc ++ str "]" ++ spc () ++ str "[" ++ pr_sequence pr_rel_decl rc ++ str "]" let pr_evar_constraints pbs = let pr_evconstr (pbty, env, t1, t2) = let env = (** We currently allow evar instances to refer to anonymous de Bruijn indices, so we protect the error printing code in this case by giving names to every de Bruijn variable in the rel_context of the conversion problem. MS: we should rather stop depending on anonymous variables, they can be used to indicate independency. Also, this depends on a strategy for naming/renaming. *) Namegen.make_all_name_different env in print_env_short env ++ spc () ++ str "|-" ++ spc () ++ Hook.get f_print_constr env t1 ++ spc () ++ str (match pbty with | Reduction.CONV -> "==" | Reduction.CUMUL -> "<=") ++ spc () ++ Hook.get f_print_constr env t2 in prlist_with_sep fnl pr_evconstr pbs let pr_evar_map_gen with_univs pr_evars sigma = let { universes = uvs } = sigma in let evs = if has_no_evar sigma then mt () else pr_evars sigma ++ fnl () and svs = if with_univs then pr_evar_universe_context uvs else mt () and cstrs = if List.is_empty sigma.conv_pbs then mt () else str "CONSTRAINTS:" ++ brk (0, 1) ++ pr_evar_constraints sigma.conv_pbs ++ fnl () and metas = if Metamap.is_empty sigma.metas then mt () else str "METAS:" ++ brk (0, 1) ++ pr_meta_map sigma.metas in evs ++ svs ++ cstrs ++ metas let pr_evar_list sigma l = let pr (ev, evi) = h 0 (str (string_of_existential ev) ++ str "==" ++ pr_evar_info evi ++ (if evi.evar_body == Evar_empty then str " {" ++ pr_existential_key sigma ev ++ str "}" else mt ())) in h 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl pr l) let pr_evar_by_depth depth sigma = match depth with | None -> (* Print all evars *) str"EVARS:"++brk(0,1)++pr_evar_list sigma (to_list sigma)++fnl() | Some n -> (* Print all evars *) str"UNDEFINED EVARS:"++ (if Int.equal n 0 then mt() else str" (+level "++int n++str" closure):")++ brk(0,1)++ pr_evar_list sigma (evar_dependency_closure n sigma)++fnl() let pr_evar_by_filter filter sigma = let defined = Evar.Map.filter filter sigma.defn_evars in let undefined = Evar.Map.filter filter sigma.undf_evars in let prdef = if Evar.Map.is_empty defined then mt () else str "DEFINED EVARS:" ++ brk (0, 1) ++ pr_evar_list sigma (Evar.Map.bindings defined) in let prundef = if Evar.Map.is_empty undefined then mt () else str "UNDEFINED EVARS:" ++ brk (0, 1) ++ pr_evar_list sigma (Evar.Map.bindings undefined) in prdef ++ prundef let pr_evar_map ?(with_univs=true) depth sigma = pr_evar_map_gen with_univs (fun sigma -> pr_evar_by_depth depth sigma) sigma let pr_evar_map_filter ?(with_univs=true) filter sigma = pr_evar_map_gen with_univs (fun sigma -> pr_evar_by_filter filter sigma) sigma let pr_metaset metas = str "[" ++ pr_sequence pr_meta (Metaset.elements metas) ++ str "]"