%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dot version gviz 1.7.3b (Mon Feb 26 14:10:22 EST 2001) %%For: (clrenard) Clement Renard %%Title: G %%Pages: (atend) %%BoundingBox: 36 36 576 256 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog save /DotDict 200 dict def DotDict begin %%BeginResource: procset /coord-font-family /Times-Roman def /default-font-family /Times-Roman def /coordfont coord-font-family findfont 8 scalefont def /InvScaleFactor 1.0 def /set_scale { dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def dup scale } bind def % styles /solid { } bind def /dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def /dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def /invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} bind def /bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def /filled { } bind def /unfilled { } bind def /rounded { } bind def /diagonals { } bind def % hooks for setting color /nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /edgecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /graphcolor { sethsbcolor } bind def 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ry scale 0 0 1 0 360 arc setmatrix } bind def /endpage { showpage } bind def /layercolorseq [ % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest [0 0 0] [.2 .8 .8] [.4 .8 .8] [.6 .8 .8] [.8 .8 .8] ] def /setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def layercolorseq curlayer get aload pop sethsbcolor /nodecolor {nopcolor} def /edgecolor {nopcolor} def /graphcolor {nopcolor} def } bind def /onlayer { curlayer ne {invis} if } def /onlayers { /myupper exch def /mylower exch def curlayer mylower lt curlayer myupper gt or {invis} if } def /curlayer 0 def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 14 default-font-family set_font 1 setmiterlimit % /arrowlength 10 def % /arrowwidth 5 def % make sure pdfmark is harmless for PS-interpreters other than Distiller /pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse % make '<<' and '>>' safe on PS Level 1 devices /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel}{1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn ([) cvn load put } if %%EndResource %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 %%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 576 256 %%PageOrientation: Portrait gsave 35 35 541 221 boxprim clip newpath 36 36 translate 0 0 1 beginpage 0.6236 set_scale 0 0 translate 0 rotate [ /CropBox [36 36 576 256] /PAGES pdfmark 0.000 0.000 0.000 graphcolor 14.00 /Times-Roman set_font % Vernac gsave 10 dict begin 542 126 30 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 542 127 moveto (Vernac) 40 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacinterp gsave 10 dict begin 695 118 46 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 695 119 moveto (Vernacinterp) 72 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernac -> Vernacinterp newpath 573 124 moveto 592 123 619 122 642 121 curveto stroke newpath 639 119 moveto 649 120 lineto 639 124 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Command gsave 10 dict begin 818 155 39 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 818 156 moveto (Command) 58 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacinterp -> Command newpath 732 129 moveto 746 133 761 138 776 142 curveto stroke newpath 776 139 moveto 785 145 lineto 775 144 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Himsg gsave 10 dict begin 818 78 29 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 818 79 moveto (Himsg) 37 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacinterp -> Himsg newpath 731 106 moveto 748 101 768 94 784 89 curveto stroke newpath 782 87 moveto 792 86 lineto 784 92 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Vernacentries gsave 10 dict begin 542 226 49 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 542 227 moveto (Vernacentries) 77 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacentries -> Vernacinterp newpath 562 209 moveto 586 190 624 159 648 142 curveto 651 140 655 137 660 135 curveto stroke newpath 656 134 moveto 666 132 lineto 658 139 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Discharge gsave 10 dict begin 695 280 38 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 695 281 moveto (Discharge) 56 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacentries -> Discharge newpath 577 239 moveto 601 247 631 257 656 266 curveto stroke newpath 656 263 moveto 664 269 lineto 654 268 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Metasyntax gsave 10 dict begin 695 226 43 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 695 227 moveto (Metasyntax) 65 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacentries -> Metasyntax newpath 591 226 moveto 608 226 626 226 642 226 curveto stroke newpath 642 224 moveto 652 226 lineto 642 229 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Mltop gsave 10 dict begin 695 334 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 695 335 moveto (Mltop) 34 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacentries -> Mltop newpath 562 243 moveto 586 262 624 293 648 310 curveto 653 313 659 317 666 320 curveto stroke newpath 664 316 moveto 672 323 lineto 662 321 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Record gsave 10 dict begin 695 172 30 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 695 173 moveto (Record) 40 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Vernacentries -> Record newpath 577 213 moveto 602 205 636 193 661 184 curveto stroke newpath 659 182 moveto 669 181 lineto 661 187 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Class gsave 10 dict begin 818 220 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 818 221 moveto (Class) 30 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Discharge -> Class newpath 722 267 moveto 741 257 768 245 788 235 curveto stroke newpath 786 233 moveto 796 231 lineto 788 238 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Recordobj gsave 10 dict begin 818 280 39 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 818 281 moveto (Recordobj) 58 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Discharge -> Recordobj newpath 734 280 moveto 745 280 757 280 768 280 curveto stroke newpath 768 278 moveto 778 280 lineto 768 283 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Record -> Command newpath 725 168 moveto 738 166 755 164 770 162 curveto stroke newpath 770 160 moveto 780 160 lineto 771 164 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Record -> Class newpath 720 182 moveto 739 189 765 199 786 207 curveto stroke newpath 786 204 moveto 794 211 lineto 784 209 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Toplevel gsave 10 dict begin 247 199 35 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 247 200 moveto (Toplevel) 49 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Toplevel -> Mltop newpath 277 208 moveto 359 233 579 299 663 324 curveto stroke newpath 661 321 moveto 670 326 lineto 660 326 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Protectedtoplevel gsave 10 dict begin 377 99 59 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 377 100 moveto (Protectedtoplevel) 97 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Toplevel -> Protectedtoplevel newpath 266 184 moveto 288 168 322 141 347 122 curveto stroke newpath 346 120 moveto 355 116 lineto 349 124 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Protectedtoplevel -> Vernac newpath 429 108 moveto 454 112 481 116 503 120 curveto stroke newpath 502 117 moveto 512 121 lineto 502 122 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Errors gsave 10 dict begin 542 72 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 542 73 moveto (Errors) 34 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Protectedtoplevel -> Errors newpath 429 90 moveto 455 86 484 81 507 78 curveto stroke newpath 505 76 moveto 515 77 lineto 505 81 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Line_oriented_parser gsave 10 dict begin 542 18 70 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 542 19 moveto (Line_oriented_parser) 119 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Protectedtoplevel -> Line_oriented_parser newpath 403 83 moveto 424 70 453 52 472 42 curveto 477 40 484 37 491 34 curveto stroke newpath 488 32 moveto 498 32 lineto 489 37 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Errors -> Himsg newpath 570 73 moveto 620 74 725 76 781 77 curveto stroke newpath 779 75 moveto 789 77 lineto 779 80 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Minicoq gsave 10 dict begin 42 253 34 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 42 254 moveto (Minicoq) 47 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Fhimsg gsave 10 dict begin 144 253 31 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 144 254 moveto (Fhimsg) 42 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Minicoq -> Fhimsg newpath 76 253 moveto 85 253 94 253 102 253 curveto stroke newpath 102 251 moveto 112 253 lineto 102 256 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Coqtop gsave 10 dict begin 42 172 31 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 42 173 moveto (Coqtop) 41 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Coqinit gsave 10 dict begin 144 199 31 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 144 200 moveto (Coqinit) 42 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Coqtop -> Coqinit newpath 70 180 moveto 81 183 94 186 106 189 curveto stroke newpath 106 186 moveto 115 192 lineto 105 191 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Usage gsave 10 dict begin 144 145 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 144 146 moveto (Usage) 34 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Coqtop -> Usage newpath 70 164 moveto 82 161 96 157 109 154 curveto stroke newpath 108 152 moveto 118 152 lineto 109 157 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Coqinit -> Toplevel newpath 176 199 moveto 184 199 193 199 202 199 curveto stroke newpath 202 197 moveto 212 199 lineto 202 202 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill endpage grestore %%PageTrailer %%EndPage: 1 %%Trailer %%Pages: 1 end restore %%EOF