########################################################################## ## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ## ## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ## ## ", "<-", "<->", "=>", "<=", ">=", "<>", "~", "/\\", "\\/", "|-", "*", "forall", "exists"] COQDOC_HEADER = "".join("(** remove printing {} *)".format(s) for s in COQDOC_SYMBOLS) def coqdoc(coq_code, coqdoc_bin = os.path.join(os.getenv("COQBIN"),"coqdoc")): """Get the output of coqdoc on coq_code.""" fd, filename = mkstemp(prefix="coqdoc-", suffix=".v") try: os.write(fd, COQDOC_HEADER.encode("utf-8")) os.write(fd, coq_code.encode("utf-8")) os.close(fd) return check_output([coqdoc_bin] + COQDOC_OPTIONS + [filename], timeout = 2).decode("utf-8") finally: os.remove(filename) def is_whitespace_string(elem): return isinstance(elem, NavigableString) and elem.strip() == "" def strip_soup(soup, pred): """Strip elements maching pred from front and tail of soup.""" while soup.contents and pred(soup.contents[-1]): soup.contents.pop() skip = 0 for elem in soup.contents: if not pred(elem): break skip += 1 soup.contents[:] = soup.contents[skip:] def lex(source): """Convert source into a stream of (css_classes, token_string).""" coqdoc_output = coqdoc(source) soup = BeautifulSoup(coqdoc_output, "html.parser") root = soup.find(class_='code') strip_soup(root, is_whitespace_string) for elem in root.children: if isinstance(elem, NavigableString): yield [], elem elif elem.name == "span": cls = "coqdoc-{}".format(elem['title']) yield [cls], elem.string elif elem.name == 'br': pass else: raise ValueError(elem) def main(): """Lex stdin (for testing purposes)""" import sys for classes, text in lex(sys.stdin.read()): print(repr(text) + "\t" ' '.join(classes)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()