\achapter{\protect{Miscellaneous extensions}} \asection{Program derivation} Coq comes with an extension called {\tt Derive}, which supports program derivation. Typically in the style of Bird and Meertens or derivations of program refinements. To use the {\tt Derive} extension it must first be required with {\tt Require Coq.Derive.Derive}. When the extension is loaded, it provides the following command. \subsection[\tt Derive \ident$_1$ SuchThat \term{} As \ident$_2$] {\tt Derive \ident$_1$ SuchThat \term{} As \ident$_2$\comindex{Derive}} The name $\ident_1$ can appear in \term. This command opens a new proof presenting the user with a goal for \term{} in which the name $\ident_1$ is bound to a existential variables {\tt ?x} (formally, there are other goals standing for the existential variables but they are shelved, as described in Section~\ref{shelve}). When the proof ends two constants are defined: \begin{itemize} \item The first one is name $\ident_1$ and is defined as the proof of the shelved goal (which is also the value of {\tt ?x}). It is always transparent. \item The second one is name $\ident_2$. It has type {\tt \term}, and its body is the proof of the initially visible goal. It is opaque if the proof ends with {\tt Qed}, and transparent if the proof ends with {\tt Defined}. \end{itemize} \Example \begin{coq_example*} Require Coq.Derive.Derive. Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano. Section P. Variables (n m k:nat). \end{coq_example*} \begin{coq_example} Derive p SuchThat ((k*n)+(k*m) = p) As h. Proof. rewrite <- Nat.mul_add_distr_l. subst p. reflexivity. \end{coq_example} \begin{coq_example*} Qed. End P. \end{coq_example*} \begin{coq_example} Print p. Check h. \end{coq_example} Any property can be used as \term, not only an equation. In particular, it could be an order relation specifying some form of program refinement or a non-executable property from which deriving a program is convenient.