%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dot version uwin98 (01-26-98) %%For: (jacek) Jacek Chrzaszcz %%Title: G %%Pages: (atend) %%BoundingBox: 36 36 577 188 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog save /DotDict 200 dict def DotDict begin %%BeginResource: procset /coord-font-family /Times-Roman def /default-font-family /Times-Roman def /coordfont coord-font-family findfont 8 scalefont def /InvScaleFactor 1.0 def /set_scale { dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def dup scale } bind def % styles /solid { } bind def /dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def /dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def /invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} bind def /bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def /filled { } bind def /unfilled { } bind def /rounded { } bind def /diagonals { } bind def % hooks for setting color /nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /edgecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /graphcolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /nopcolor {pop pop pop} bind def /beginpage { % i j npages /npages exch def /j exch def /i exch def /str 10 string def npages 1 gt { gsave coordfont setfont 0 0 moveto (\() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show (\)) show grestore } if } bind def /set_font { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point % alignfactor tells what fraction to place on the left. % -.5 is centered. /alignedtext { % text labelwidth fontsz alignfactor /alignfactor exch def /fontsz exch def /width exch def /text exch def gsave % even if node or edge is dashed, don't paint text with dashes [] 0 setdash currentpoint newpath moveto text stringwidth pop alignfactor mul fontsz -.3 mul rmoveto text show grestore } def /boxprim { % xcorner ycorner xsize ysize 4 2 roll moveto 2 copy exch 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto pop neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /ellipse_path { /ry exch def /rx exch def /y exch def /x exch def matrix currentmatrix newpath x y translate rx ry scale 0 0 1 0 360 arc setmatrix } bind def /endpage { showpage } bind def /layercolorseq [ % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest [0 0 0] [.2 .8 .8] [.4 .8 .8] [.6 .8 .8] [.8 .8 .8] ] def /setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def layercolorseq curlayer get aload pop sethsbcolor /nodecolor {nopcolor} def /edgecolor {nopcolor} def /graphcolor {nopcolor} def } bind def /onlayer { curlayer ne {invis} if } def /onlayers { /myupper exch def /mylower exch def curlayer mylower lt curlayer myupper gt or {invis} if } def /curlayer 0 def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 14 default-font-family set_font % /arrowlength 10 def % /arrowwidth 5 def %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 %%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 577 188 gsave 35 35 542 153 boxprim clip newpath 36 36 translate 0 0 1 beginpage 0.6308 set_scale 0 0 translate 0 rotate 0.000 0.000 0.000 graphcolor 14.00 /Times-Roman set_font % Multcase gsave 10 dict begin 347 70 36 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 347 71 moveto (Multcase) 51 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Evarutil gsave 10 dict begin 460 72 33 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 460 73 moveto (Evarutil) 45 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Multcase -> Evarutil newpath 383 71 moveto 394 71 406 71 417 71 curveto stroke newpath 417 69 moveto 427 71 lineto 417 74 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Pretype_errors gsave 10 dict begin 588 72 51 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 588 73 moveto (Pretype_errors) 82 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Evarutil -> Pretype_errors newpath 493 72 moveto 503 72 515 72 526 72 curveto stroke newpath 526 70 moveto 536 72 lineto 526 75 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Tacred gsave 10 dict begin 712 180 29 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 712 181 moveto (Tacred) 38 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Retyping gsave 10 dict begin 820 180 36 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 820 181 moveto (Retyping) 51 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Tacred -> Retyping newpath 742 180 moveto 752 180 763 180 774 180 curveto stroke newpath 774 178 moveto 784 180 lineto 774 183 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Syntax_def gsave 10 dict begin 588 126 42 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 588 127 moveto (Syntax_def) 63 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Rawterm gsave 10 dict begin 712 99 36 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 712 100 moveto (Rawterm) 51 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Syntax_def -> Rawterm newpath 626 118 moveto 640 115 655 111 669 108 curveto stroke newpath 669 106 moveto 679 106 lineto 670 110 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Recordops gsave 10 dict begin 460 222 40 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 460 223 moveto (Recordops) 59 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Classops gsave 10 dict begin 588 180 35 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 588 181 moveto (Classops) 49 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Recordops -> Classops newpath 493 211 moveto 510 206 532 199 549 193 curveto stroke newpath 548 191 moveto 558 190 lineto 549 196 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Classops -> Tacred newpath 623 180 moveto 639 180 657 180 673 180 curveto stroke newpath 672 178 moveto 682 180 lineto 672 183 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Classops -> Rawterm newpath 615 169 moveto 625 165 634 160 640 156 curveto 654 147 672 133 687 121 curveto stroke newpath 685 120 moveto 694 115 lineto 688 123 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Pretyping gsave 10 dict begin 38 178 37 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 38 179 moveto (Pretyping) 54 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Cases gsave 10 dict begin 139 178 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 139 179 moveto (Cases) 32 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Pretyping -> Cases newpath 76 178 moveto 85 178 94 178 102 178 curveto stroke newpath 102 176 moveto 112 178 lineto 102 181 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Coercion gsave 10 dict begin 238 178 36 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 238 179 moveto (Coercion) 51 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Cases -> Coercion newpath 166 178 moveto 174 178 183 178 192 178 curveto stroke newpath 192 176 moveto 202 178 lineto 192 181 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Pretype_errors -> Rawterm newpath 632 82 moveto 644 84 657 87 669 90 curveto stroke newpath 670 88 moveto 679 92 lineto 669 92 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Evarconv gsave 10 dict begin 347 178 37 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 347 179 moveto (Evarconv) 53 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Evarconv -> Evarutil newpath 371 164 moveto 376 161 381 157 384 154 curveto 400 140 423 114 440 95 curveto stroke newpath 437 94 moveto 446 89 lineto 441 98 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Evarconv -> Recordops newpath 376 189 moveto 390 194 406 200 421 206 curveto stroke newpath 422 204 moveto 430 210 lineto 420 208 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Typing gsave 10 dict begin 460 168 30 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 460 169 moveto (Typing) 40 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Evarconv -> Typing newpath 384 175 moveto 396 174 409 173 421 172 curveto stroke newpath 420 170 moveto 430 171 lineto 420 175 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Detyping gsave 10 dict begin 588 18 36 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 588 19 moveto (Detyping) 52 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Detyping -> Rawterm newpath 616 30 moveto 625 34 634 38 640 42 curveto 653 51 671 65 687 77 curveto stroke newpath 688 75 moveto 694 83 lineto 685 78 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Coercion -> Evarconv newpath 274 178 moveto 282 178 291 178 300 178 curveto stroke newpath 300 176 moveto 310 178 lineto 300 181 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Class gsave 10 dict begin 347 124 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 347 125 moveto (Class) 30 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Class -> Classops newpath 374 126 moveto 408 128 466 133 500 138 curveto 514 141 524 150 536 156 curveto 541 158 549 162 556 165 curveto stroke newpath 554 161 moveto 562 168 lineto 552 166 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Class -> Typing newpath 370 133 moveto 386 139 408 147 425 154 curveto stroke newpath 426 152 moveto 434 158 lineto 424 156 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill endpage grestore %%PageTrailer %%EndPage: 1 %%Trailer %%Pages: 1 end restore %%EOF