%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dot version uwin98 (01-26-98) %%For: (jc) Jean-Christophe,,,, %%Title: G %%Pages: (atend) %%BoundingBox: 36 36 576 183 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog save /DotDict 200 dict def DotDict begin %%BeginResource: procset /coord-font-family /Times-Roman def /default-font-family /Times-Roman def /coordfont coord-font-family findfont 8 scalefont def /InvScaleFactor 1.0 def /set_scale { dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def dup scale } bind def % styles /solid { } bind def /dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def /dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def /invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} bind def /bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def /filled { } bind def /unfilled { } bind def /rounded { } bind def /diagonals { } bind def % hooks for setting color /nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /edgecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /graphcolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /nopcolor {pop pop pop} bind def /beginpage { % i j npages /npages exch def /j exch def /i exch def /str 10 string def npages 1 gt { gsave coordfont setfont 0 0 moveto (() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show ()) show grestore } if } bind def /set_font { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point % alignfactor tells what fraction to place on the left. % -.5 is centered. /alignedtext { % text labelwidth fontsz alignfactor /alignfactor exch def /fontsz exch def /width exch def /text exch def gsave % even if node or edge is dashed, don't paint text with dashes [] 0 setdash currentpoint newpath moveto text stringwidth pop alignfactor mul fontsz -.3 mul rmoveto text show grestore } def /boxprim { % xcorner ycorner xsize ysize 4 2 roll moveto 2 copy exch 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto pop neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /ellipse_path { /ry exch def /rx exch def /y exch def /x exch def matrix currentmatrix newpath x y translate rx ry scale 0 0 1 0 360 arc setmatrix } bind def /endpage { showpage } bind def /layercolorseq [ % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest [0 0 0] [.2 .8 .8] [.4 .8 .8] [.6 .8 .8] [.8 .8 .8] ] def /setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def layercolorseq curlayer get aload pop sethsbcolor /nodecolor {nopcolor} def /edgecolor {nopcolor} def /graphcolor {nopcolor} def } bind def /onlayer { curlayer ne {invis} if } def /onlayers { /myupper exch def /mylower exch def curlayer mylower lt curlayer myupper gt or {invis} if } def /curlayer 0 def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 14 default-font-family set_font % /arrowlength 10 def % /arrowwidth 5 def %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 %%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 576 183 gsave 35 35 541 148 boxprim clip newpath 36 36 translate 0 0 1 beginpage 0.7988 set_scale 0 0 translate 0 rotate 0.000 0.000 0.000 graphcolor 14.00 /Times-Roman set_font % Termast gsave 10 dict begin 367 160 33 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 367 161 moveto (Termast) 45 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Ast gsave 10 dict begin 463 83 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 463 84 moveto (Ast) 19 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Termast -> Ast newpath 386 145 moveto 401 133 422 116 438 103 curveto stroke newpath 436 102 moveto 445 97 lineto 439 105 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Pcoq gsave 10 dict begin 553 83 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 553 84 moveto (Pcoq) 28 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Ast -> Pcoq newpath 490 83 moveto 498 83 507 83 516 83 curveto stroke newpath 516 81 moveto 526 83 lineto 516 86 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Printer gsave 10 dict begin 136 166 29 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 136 167 moveto (Printer) 38 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Printer -> Termast newpath 166 165 moveto 206 164 278 162 325 161 curveto stroke newpath 324 159 moveto 334 161 lineto 324 164 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Esyntax gsave 10 dict begin 258 126 33 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 258 127 moveto (Esyntax) 45 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Printer -> Esyntax newpath 162 157 moveto 179 152 202 144 221 138 curveto stroke newpath 220 136 moveto 230 135 lineto 221 141 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Extend gsave 10 dict begin 367 83 30 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 367 84 moveto (Extend) 39 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Esyntax -> Extend newpath 285 115 moveto 299 110 318 103 333 97 curveto stroke newpath 332 95 moveto 342 93 lineto 334 99 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Pretty gsave 10 dict begin 27 166 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 27 167 moveto (Pretty) 33 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Pretty -> Printer newpath 54 166 moveto 67 166 82 166 96 166 curveto stroke newpath 96 164 moveto 106 166 lineto 96 169 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Coqast gsave 10 dict begin 646 110 30 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 646 111 moveto (Coqast) 38 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Pcoq -> Coqast newpath 578 90 moveto 587 93 599 96 609 99 curveto stroke newpath 610 97 moveto 619 102 lineto 609 102 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Lexer gsave 10 dict begin 646 56 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 646 57 moveto (Lexer) 32 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Pcoq -> Lexer newpath 578 76 moveto 588 73 601 69 612 66 curveto stroke newpath 611 64 moveto 621 63 lineto 612 69 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % G_zsyntax gsave 10 dict begin 136 24 40 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 136 25 moveto (G_zsyntax) 59 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % G_zsyntax -> Esyntax newpath 158 39 moveto 167 46 176 53 182 59 curveto 196 72 204 90 218 102 curveto 220 104 222 106 225 108 curveto stroke newpath 226 106 moveto 234 113 lineto 224 110 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Astterm gsave 10 dict begin 258 18 33 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 258 19 moveto (Astterm) 45 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % G_zsyntax -> Astterm newpath 176 22 moveto 189 21 203 20 215 20 curveto stroke newpath 215 18 moveto 225 20 lineto 215 23 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Astterm -> Ast newpath 289 25 moveto 321 32 371 44 400 53 curveto 409 56 421 62 433 67 curveto stroke newpath 434 65 moveto 442 72 lineto 432 69 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % G_natsyntax gsave 10 dict begin 136 89 45 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 136 90 moveto (G_natsyntax) 70 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % G_natsyntax -> Esyntax newpath 172 100 moveto 187 105 205 110 220 114 curveto stroke newpath 220 111 moveto 229 117 lineto 219 116 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % G_natsyntax -> Astterm newpath 162 74 moveto 181 63 207 47 227 35 curveto stroke newpath 225 33 moveto 235 31 lineto 227 38 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Extend -> Ast newpath 397 83 moveto 406 83 417 83 426 83 curveto stroke newpath 426 81 moveto 436 83 lineto 426 86 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Egrammar gsave 10 dict begin 258 72 40 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 258 73 moveto (Egrammar) 58 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Egrammar -> Extend newpath 297 76 moveto 307 77 318 78 328 79 curveto stroke newpath 327 76 moveto 337 80 lineto 327 81 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill endpage grestore %%PageTrailer %%EndPage: 1 %%Trailer %%Pages: 1 end restore %%EOF