%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dot version uwin98 (01-26-98) %%For: Bill Gates %%Title: G %%Pages: (atend) %%BoundingBox: 36 36 577 131 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog save /DotDict 200 dict def DotDict begin %%BeginResource: procset /coord-font-family /Times-Roman def /default-font-family /Times-Roman def /coordfont coord-font-family findfont 8 scalefont def /InvScaleFactor 1.0 def /set_scale { dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def dup scale } bind def % styles /solid { } bind def /dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def /dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def /invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} bind def /bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def /filled { } bind def /unfilled { } bind def /rounded { } bind def /diagonals { } bind def % hooks for setting color /nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /edgecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /graphcolor { sethsbcolor } bind def /nopcolor {pop pop pop} bind def /beginpage { % i j npages /npages exch def /j exch def /i exch def /str 10 string def npages 1 gt { gsave coordfont setfont 0 0 moveto (() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show ()) show grestore } if } bind def /set_font { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point % alignfactor tells what fraction to place on the left. % -.5 is centered. /alignedtext { % text labelwidth fontsz alignfactor /alignfactor exch def /fontsz exch def /width exch def /text exch def gsave % even if node or edge is dashed, don't paint text with dashes [] 0 setdash currentpoint newpath moveto text stringwidth pop alignfactor mul fontsz -.3 mul rmoveto text show grestore } def /boxprim { % xcorner ycorner xsize ysize 4 2 roll moveto 2 copy exch 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto pop neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /ellipse_path { /ry exch def /rx exch def /y exch def /x exch def matrix currentmatrix newpath x y translate rx ry scale 0 0 1 0 360 arc setmatrix } bind def /endpage { showpage } bind def /layercolorseq [ % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest [0 0 0] [.2 .8 .8] [.4 .8 .8] [.6 .8 .8] [.8 .8 .8] ] def /setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def layercolorseq curlayer get aload pop sethsbcolor /nodecolor {nopcolor} def /edgecolor {nopcolor} def /graphcolor {nopcolor} def } bind def /onlayer { curlayer ne {invis} if } def /onlayers { /myupper exch def /mylower exch def curlayer mylower lt curlayer myupper gt or {invis} if } def /curlayer 0 def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup 14 default-font-family set_font % /arrowlength 10 def % /arrowwidth 5 def %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 %%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 577 131 gsave 35 35 542 96 boxprim clip newpath 36 36 translate 0 0 1 beginpage 0.4787 set_scale 0 0 translate 0 rotate 0.000 0.000 0.000 graphcolor 14.00 /Times-Roman set_font % Univ gsave 10 dict begin 999 98 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 999 99 moveto (Univ) 28 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Names gsave 10 dict begin 1098 71 29 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 1098 72 moveto (Names) 38 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Univ -> Names newpath 1024 91 moveto 1036 88 1049 84 1062 81 curveto stroke newpath 1061 79 moveto 1071 78 lineto 1062 84 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Typing gsave 10 dict begin 31 98 30 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 31 99 moveto (Typing) 40 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Indtypes gsave 10 dict begin 133 125 34 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 133 126 moveto (Indtypes) 48 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Typing -> Indtypes newpath 59 105 moveto 69 108 81 111 92 114 curveto stroke newpath 93 112 moveto 102 117 lineto 92 117 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Typeops gsave 10 dict begin 133 71 34 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 133 72 moveto (Typeops) 48 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Typing -> Typeops newpath 59 91 moveto 69 88 81 85 92 82 curveto stroke newpath 92 79 moveto 102 79 lineto 93 84 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Reduction gsave 10 dict begin 243 125 39 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 243 126 moveto (Reduction) 57 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Indtypes -> Reduction newpath 168 125 moveto 176 125 185 125 194 125 curveto stroke newpath 194 123 moveto 204 125 lineto 194 128 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Typeops -> Reduction newpath 158 83 moveto 173 91 192 100 208 108 curveto stroke newpath 208 105 moveto 216 112 lineto 206 110 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Type_errors gsave 10 dict begin 363 71 44 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 363 72 moveto (Type_errors) 68 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Typeops -> Type_errors newpath 168 71 moveto 205 71 265 71 309 71 curveto stroke newpath 308 69 moveto 318 71 lineto 308 74 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Closure gsave 10 dict begin 363 125 32 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 363 126 moveto (Closure) 43 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Reduction -> Closure newpath 282 125 moveto 295 125 309 125 321 125 curveto stroke newpath 321 123 moveto 331 125 lineto 321 128 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Environ gsave 10 dict begin 593 99 33 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 593 100 moveto (Environ) 45 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Type_errors -> Environ newpath 406 76 moveto 447 81 511 89 552 94 curveto stroke newpath 550 91 moveto 560 95 lineto 550 96 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Inductive gsave 10 dict begin 705 180 36 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 705 181 moveto (Inductive) 52 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Environ -> Inductive newpath 611 114 moveto 626 127 648 145 662 156 curveto 665 158 669 161 674 163 curveto stroke newpath 673 159 moveto 680 167 lineto 670 164 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Evd gsave 10 dict begin 705 126 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 705 127 moveto (Evd) 22 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Environ -> Evd newpath 623 106 moveto 638 109 655 114 670 118 curveto stroke newpath 670 115 moveto 679 120 lineto 669 120 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Abstraction gsave 10 dict begin 705 18 43 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 705 19 moveto (Abstraction) 65 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Environ -> Abstraction newpath 611 84 moveto 626 71 648 53 662 42 curveto 665 40 668 38 672 36 curveto stroke newpath 668 35 moveto 678 32 lineto 671 40 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Constant gsave 10 dict begin 705 72 35 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 705 73 moveto (Constant) 49 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Environ -> Constant newpath 623 92 moveto 635 89 650 86 663 82 curveto stroke newpath 663 80 moveto 673 80 lineto 664 84 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Term gsave 10 dict begin 903 71 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 903 72 moveto (Term) 30 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Term -> Univ newpath 928 78 moveto 939 81 953 85 965 88 curveto stroke newpath 965 85 moveto 974 91 lineto 964 90 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Generic gsave 10 dict begin 999 44 32 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 999 45 moveto (Generic) 44 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Term -> Generic newpath 928 64 moveto 938 61 949 58 960 55 curveto stroke newpath 960 52 moveto 970 52 lineto 961 57 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Generic -> Names newpath 1028 52 moveto 1038 55 1051 58 1062 61 curveto stroke newpath 1062 58 moveto 1071 64 lineto 1061 63 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Sosub gsave 10 dict begin 812 31 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 812 32 moveto (Sosub) 34 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Sosub -> Term newpath 835 41 moveto 846 46 860 52 872 57 curveto stroke newpath 872 54 moveto 880 61 lineto 870 59 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Sign gsave 10 dict begin 812 112 27 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 812 113 moveto (Sign) 25 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Sign -> Term newpath 834 102 moveto 845 97 859 91 872 85 curveto stroke newpath 871 83 moveto 881 81 lineto 873 87 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Instantiate gsave 10 dict begin 484 123 39 18 ellipse_path stroke gsave 10 dict begin 484 124 moveto (Instantiate) 58 14.00 -0.50 alignedtext end grestore end grestore % Closure -> Instantiate newpath 395 124 moveto 407 124 421 124 434 124 curveto stroke newpath 434 122 moveto 444 124 lineto 434 127 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Instantiate -> Environ newpath 520 115 moveto 530 113 542 110 553 108 curveto stroke newpath 552 106 moveto 562 106 lineto 553 111 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Inductive -> Sign newpath 730 167 moveto 736 163 743 159 748 156 curveto 754 152 772 140 787 129 curveto stroke newpath 783 128 moveto 793 125 lineto 786 133 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Evd -> Sign newpath 732 123 moveto 745 121 761 119 776 117 curveto stroke newpath 775 115 moveto 785 115 lineto 776 120 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Abstraction -> Sosub newpath 746 23 moveto 756 24 766 25 776 27 curveto stroke newpath 775 24 moveto 785 28 lineto 775 29 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill % Constant -> Sign newpath 733 83 moveto 747 88 765 94 779 100 curveto stroke newpath 779 97 moveto 788 103 lineto 778 102 lineto closepath gsave 0 setgray stroke grestore fill endpage grestore %%PageTrailer %%EndPage: 1 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