\ocwsection This is \Coq, a proof assistant for the \CCI. This document describes the implementation of \Coq. It has been automatically generated from the source of \Coq\ using \textsf{ocamlweb}, a literate programming tool for \textsf{Objective Caml}\footnote{\Coq, \textsf{Objective Caml} and \textsf{ocamlweb} are all freely available at \textsf{http://coq.inria.fr/}, \textsf{http://caml.inria.fr/} and \textsf{http://www.lri.fr/\~{}filliatr/ocamlweb}.}. The source files are organized in several directories, which are described here as separate chapters. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{p{10cm}rr} Chapter & section & page \\[0.5em] \hline\\[0.2em] Utility libraries \dotfill & \refsec{lib} & \pageref{lib} \\[0.5em] Kernel \dotfill & \refsec{kernel} & \pageref{kernel} \\[0.5em] Library \dotfill & \refsec{library} & \pageref{library} \\[0.5em] \dots & & \\[0.5em] Toplevel \dotfill & \refsec{toplevel}& \pageref{toplevel}\\[0.5em] \end{tabular} \end{center}