TUTORIAL N. Oury GUIDE PASSAGE V7-V8 BB MANUEL DE REFERENCE \include{RefMan-int}% Introduction HH - relu CP \include{RefMan-pre}% Credits HH - relu CP \tableofcontents \part{The language} \defaultheaders \include{RefMan-gal.v}% Gallina BB \include{RefMan-ext.v}% Gallina extensions HH -fait \include{RefMan-lib.v}% The coq library BB \include{RefMan-cic.v}% The Calculus of Constructions CP \include{RefMan-modr}% The module system Jacek \part{The proof engine} \include{RefMan-oth.v}% Vernacular commands JCF -fait \include{RefMan-pro}% Proof handling Clement \include{RefMan-tac.v}% Tactics and tacticals JCF - fait %% ajouter JProver/Ground/CC Pierre C -fait \include{RefMan-tacex.v}% Detailed Examples of tactics JCF - fait \part{User extensions} \include{RefMan-syn.v}% The Syntax and the Grammar commands HH %%SUPPRIME \include{RefMan-tus.v}% Writing tactics %%REMPLACE PAR \include{RefMan-ltac.v}% Writing tactics BB -fait \part{Practical tools} \include{RefMan-com}% The coq commands (coqc coqtop) HH -fait %%ajouter nouvelles options -v7 -translate au document de passage \include{RefMan-uti}% utilities (gallina, do_Makefile, etc) JCF -fait \include{RefMan-ide}%CoqIde CM \include{AddRefMan-pre}% CP \include{Cases.v}% CP \include{Coercion.v}% HH -fait %%SUPPRIME \include{Natural.v}% \include{Omega.v}% JCF - fait %%Nouvelle version ROmega Pierre Cregut %%SUPPRIME \include{Program.v}% %% A SUPPRIMER %% \include{Correctness.v}% = preuve de pgms imperatifs \include{Extraction.v}% Pierre L \include{Polynom.v}% = Ring Julien N \include{Setoid.v}% Tactique pour les setoides Clement \addtocontents{sh}{ENDADDENDUM=\thepage} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{biblio} \addtocontents{sh}{psselect -q -p-$ENDREFMAN,$BEGINBIBLIO- Reference-Manual.ps Reference-Manual-base.ps} \addtocontents{sh}{psselect -q -p$BEGINADDENDUM-$ENDADDENDUM Reference-Manual.ps Reference-Manual-addendum.ps} \addtocontents{sh}{dviselect -i Reference-Manual.dvi -o Reference-Manual-base.dvi 1-$ENDREFMAN $BEGINBIBLIO-} \addtocontents{sh}{dviselect -i Reference-Manual.dvi -o Reference-Manual-addendum.dvi $BEGINADDENDUM-$ENDADDENDUM} \printindex \printindex[tactic] \printindex[command] \printindex[error] \end{document} % $Id$