\chapter{Utilities}\label{Utilities} The distribution provides utilities to simplify some tedious works beside proof development, tactics writing or documentation. \section{Building a toplevel extended with user tactics} \label{Coqmktop}\index{Coqmktop@{\tt coqmktop}} The native-code version of \Coq\ cannot dynamically load user tactics using Objective Caml code. It is possible to build a toplevel of \Coq, with Objective Caml code statically linked, with the tool {\tt coqmktop}. For example, one can build a native-code \Coq\ toplevel extended with a tactic which source is in {\tt tactic.ml} with the command \begin{verbatim} % coqmktop -opt -o mytop.out tactic.cmx \end{verbatim} where {\tt tactic.ml} has been compiled with the native-code compiler {\tt ocamlopt}. This command generates an executable called {\tt mytop.out}. To use this executable to compile your \Coq\ files, use {\tt coqc -image mytop.out}. A basic example is the native-code version of \Coq\ ({\tt coqtop.opt}), which can be generated by {\tt coqmktop -opt -o coqopt.opt}. \paragraph{Application: how to use the Objective Caml debugger with Coq.} \index{Debugger} One useful application of \texttt{coqmktop} is to build a \Coq\ toplevel in order to debug your tactics with the Objective Caml debugger. You need to have configured and compiled \Coq\ for debugging (see the file \texttt{INSTALL} included in the distribution). Then, you must compile the Caml modules of your tactic with the option \texttt{-g} (with the bytecode compiler) and build a stand-alone bytecode toplevel with the following command: \begin{quotation} \texttt{\% coqmktop -g -o coq-debug}~\emph{} \end{quotation} To launch the \ocaml\ debugger with the image you need to execute it in an environment which correctly sets the \texttt{COQLIB} variable. Moreover, you have to indicate the directories in which \texttt{ocamldebug} should search for Caml modules. A possible solution is to use a wrapper around \texttt{ocamldebug} which detects the executables containing the word \texttt{coq}. In this case, the debugger is called with the required additional arguments. In other cases, the debugger is simply called without additional arguments. Such a wrapper can be found in the \texttt{dev/} subdirectory of the sources. \section{Modules dependencies}\label{Dependencies}\index{Dependencies} \index{Coqdep@{\tt coqdep}} In order to compute modules dependencies (so to use {\tt make}), \Coq\ comes with an appropriate tool, {\tt coqdep}. {\tt coqdep} computes inter-module dependencies for \Coq\ and \ocaml\ programs, and prints the dependencies on the standard output in a format readable by make. When a directory is given as argument, it is recursively looked at. Dependencies of \Coq\ modules are computed by looking at {\tt Require} commands ({\tt Require}, {\tt Requi\-re Export}, {\tt Require Import}, {\tt Require Implementation}), but also at the command {\tt Declare ML Module}. Dependencies of \ocaml\ modules are computed by looking at \verb!open! commands and the dot notation {\em module.value}. However, this is done approximatively and you are advised to use {\tt ocamldep} instead for the \ocaml\ modules dependencies. See the man page of {\tt coqdep} for more details and options. \section{Creating a {\tt Makefile} for \Coq\ modules} \label{Makefile} \index{Makefile@{\tt Makefile}} \index{CoqMakefile@{\tt coq\_Makefile}} When a proof development becomes large and is split into several files, it becomes crucial to use a tool like {\tt make} to compile \Coq\ modules. The writing of a generic and complete {\tt Makefile} may be a tedious work and that's why \Coq\ provides a tool to automate its creation, {\tt coq\_makefile}. Given the files to compile, the command {\tt coq\_makefile} prints a {\tt Makefile} on the standard output. So one has just to run the command: \begin{quotation} \texttt{\% coq\_makefile} {\em file$_1$.v \dots\ file$_n$.v} \texttt{> Makefile} \end{quotation} The resulted {\tt Makefile} has a target {\tt depend} which computes the dependencies and puts them in a separate file {\tt .depend}, which is included by the {\tt Makefile}. Therefore, you should create such a file before the first invocation of make. You can for instance use the command \begin{quotation} \texttt{\% touch .depend} \end{quotation} Then, to initialize or update the modules dependencies, type in: \begin{quotation} \texttt{\% make depend} \end{quotation} There is a target {\tt all} to compile all the files {\em file$_1$ \dots\ file$_n$}, and a generic target to produce a {\tt .vo} file from the corresponding {\tt .v} file (so you can do {\tt make} {\em file}{\tt.vo} to compile the file {\em file}{\tt.v}). {\tt coq\_makefile} can also handle the case of ML files and subdirectories. For more options type \begin{quotation} \texttt{\% coq\_makefile --help} \end{quotation} \Warning To compile a project containing \ocaml{} files you must keep the sources of \Coq{} somewhere and have an environment variable named \texttt{COQTOP} that points to that directory. % \section{{\sf Coq\_SearchIsos}: information retrieval in a \Coq\ proofs % library} % \label{coqsearchisos} % \index{Coq\_SearchIsos@{\sf Coq\_SearchIsos}} % In the \Coq\ distribution, there is also a separated and independent tool, % called {\sf Coq\_SearchIsos}, which allows the search in accordance with {\tt % SearchIsos}\index{SearchIsos@{\tt SearchIsos}} (see section~\ref{searchisos}) % in a \Coq\ proofs library. More precisely, this program begins, once launched % by {\tt coqtop -searchisos}\index{coqtopsearchisos@{\tt % coqtop -searchisos}}, loading lightly (by using specifications functions) % all the \Coq\ objects files ({\tt .vo}) accessible by the {\tt LoadPath} (see % section~\ref{loadpath}). Next, a prompt appears and four commands are then % available: % \begin{description} % \item [{\tt SearchIsos}]\ \\ % Scans the fixed context. % \item [{\tt Time}]\index{Time@{\tt Time}}\ \\ % Turns on the Time Search Display mode (see section~\ref{time}). % \item [{\tt Untime}]\index{Untime@{\tt Untime}}\ \\ % Turns off the Time Search Display mode (see section~\ref{time}). % \item [{\tt Quit}]\index{Quit@{\tt Quit}}\ \\ % Ends the {\tt coqtop -searchisos} session. % \end{description} % When running {\tt coqtop -searchisos} you can use the two options: % \begin{description} % \item[{\tt -opt}]\ \\ % Runs the native-code version of {\sf Coq\_SearchIsos}. % \item[{\tt -image} {\em file}]\ \\ % This option sets the binary image to be used to be {\em file} % instead of the standard one. Not of general use. % \end{description} \section{\Coq\ and \LaTeX}\label{Latex} \index{Latex@{\LaTeX}} \subsection{Embedded \Coq\ phrases inside \LaTeX\ documents} \index{Coqtex@{\tt coq-tex}} When writing a documentation about a proof development, one may want to insert \Coq\ phrases inside a \LaTeX\ document, possibly together with the corresponding answers of the system. We provide a mechanical way to process such \Coq\ phrases embedded in \LaTeX\ files: the {\tt coq-tex} filter. This filter extracts Coq phrases embedded in LaTeX files, evaluates them, and insert the outcome of the evaluation after each phrase. Starting with a file {\em file}{\tt.tex} containing \Coq\ phrases, the {\tt coq-tex} filter produces a file named {\em file}{\tt.v.tex} with the \Coq\ outcome. There are options to produce the \Coq\ parts in smaller font, italic, between horizontal rules, etc. See the man page of {\tt coq-tex} for more details. \medskip\noindent {\bf Remark.} This Reference Manual and the Tutorial have been completely produced with {\tt coq-tex}. \subsection{Documenting \Coq\ files} \index{Coqdoc@{\tt coqdoc}} A nice documentation can be produced from \Coq\ sources using the documentation tool \verb!coqdoc!. The task of \verb!coqdoc! is \begin{enumerate} \item to produce a nice \LaTeX\ and/or HTML document from the Coq sources, readable for a human and not only for the proof assistant; \item to help the user navigating in his own (or third-party) sources. \end{enumerate} \verb!coqdoc! is developped and distributed independently of the system \Coq. It is freely available, with sources, binaries and a full documentation, at \verb!www.lri.fr/~filliatr/coqdoc/!. \section{\Coq\ and \emacs}\label{Emacs}\index{Emacs} \subsection{The \Coq\ Emacs mode} \Coq\ comes with a Major mode for \emacs, {\tt coq.el}. This mode provides syntax highlighting (assuming your \emacs\ library provides {\tt hilit19.el}) and also a rudimentary indentation facility in the style of the Caml \emacs\ mode. Add the following lines to your \verb!.emacs! file: \begin{verbatim} (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.v$" . coq-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'coq-mode "coq" "Major mode for editing Coq vernacular." t) \end{verbatim} The \Coq\ major mode is triggered by visiting a file with extension {\tt .v}, or manually with the command \verb!M-x coq-mode!. It gives you the correct syntax table for the \Coq\ language, and also a rudimentary indentation facility: \begin{itemize} \item pressing {\sc Tab} at the beginning of a line indents the line like the line above; \item extra {\sc Tab}s increase the indentation level (by 2 spaces by default); \item M-{\sc Tab} decreases the indentation level. \end{itemize} An inferior mode to run \Coq\ under Emacs, by Marco Maggesi, is also included in the distribution, in file \texttt{coq-inferior.el}. Instructions to use it are contained in this file. \subsection{Proof General}\index{Proof General} Proof General is a generic interface for proof assistants based on Emacs (or XEmacs). The main idea is that the \Coq\ commands you are editing are sent to a \Coq\ toplevel running behind Emacs and the answers of the system automatically inserted into other Emacs buffers. Thus you don't need to copy-paste the \Coq\ material from your files to the \Coq\ toplevel or conversely from the \Coq\ toplevel to some files. Proof General is developped and distributed independently of the system \Coq. It is freely available at \verb!www.proofgeneral.org!. \section{Module specification}\label{gallina}\index{Gallina@{\tt gallina}} Given a \Coq\ vernacular file, the {\tt gallina} filter extracts its specification (inductive types declarations, definitions, type of lemmas and theorems), removing the proofs parts of the file. The \Coq\ file {\em file}{\tt.v} gives birth to the specification file {\em file}{\tt.g} (where the suffix {\tt.g} stands for \gallina). See the man page of {\tt gallina} for more details and options. \section{Man pages}\label{ManPages}\index{Man pages} There are man pages for the commands {\tt coqdep}, {\tt gallina} and {\tt coq-tex}. Man pages are installed at installation time (see installation instructions in file {\tt INSTALL}, step 6). %BEGIN LATEX \RefManCutCommand{ENDREFMAN=\thepage} %END LATEX % $Id$ %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: