\achapter{Proof of imperative programs} \aauthor{Jean-Christophe Filliâtre} \label{Addoc-programs} \index{Imperative programs!proof of} \comindex{Correctness} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Introduction % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \noindent\framebox{Warning:} The tactic presented in this chapter was a prototype implementation, now deprecated and no more maintained. It is subsumed by a much more powerful tool, developped and distributed independently of the system \Coq, called \textsc{Why} (see \url{http://why.lri.fr/}). \bigskip This chapter describes a tactic to prove the correctness and termination of imperative programs annotated in a Floyd-Hoare logic style. The theoretical fundations of this tactic are described in~\cite{Filliatre99,Filliatre03jfp}. This tactic is provided in the \Coq\ module \texttt{Correctness}, which does not belong to the initial state of \Coq. So you must import it when necessary, with the following command: $$ \mbox{\texttt{Require Correctness.}} $$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % comment ça marche % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \asection{How it works} Before going on into details and syntax, let us give a quick overview of how that tactic works. Its behavior is the following: you give a program annotated with logical assertions and the tactic will generate a bundle of subgoals, called \emph{proof obligations}. Then, if you prove all those proof obligations, you will establish the correctness and the termination of the program. The implementation currently supports traditional imperative programs with references and arrays on arbitrary purely functional datatypes, local variables, functions with call-by-value and call-by-variable arguments, and recursive functions. Although it behaves as an implementation of Floyd-Hoare logic, it is not. The idea of the underlying mechanism is to translate the imperative program into a partial proof of a proposition of the kind $$ \forall \vec{x}. P(\vec{x}) \Rightarrow \exists(\vec{y},v). Q(\vec{x},\vec{y},v) $$ where $P$ and $Q$ stand for the pre- and post-conditions of the program, $\vec{x}$ and $\vec{y}$ the variables used and modified by the program and $v$ its result. Then this partial proof is given to the tactic \texttt{Refine} (see~\ref{Refine}, page~\pageref{Refine}), which effect is to generate as many subgoals as holes in the partial proof term. \medskip The syntax to invoke the tactic is the following: $$ \mbox{\tt Correctness} ~~ ident ~~ annotated\_program. $$ Notice that this is not exactly a \emph{tactic}, since it does not apply to a goal. To be more rigorous, it is the combination of a vernacular command (which creates the goal from the annotated program) and a tactic (which partially solves it, leaving some proof obligations to the user). Although \texttt{Correctness} is not a tactic, the following syntax is available: $$ \mbox{\tt Correctness} ~~ ident ~~ annotated\_program ~ ; ~ tactic. $$ In that case, the given tactic is applied on any proof obligation generated by the first command. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Syntaxe de programmes annotes % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \asection{Syntax of annotated programs} \asubsection{Programs} The syntax of programs is given in figure~\ref{fig:ProgramsSyntax}. Basically, the programming language is a purely functional kernel with an addition of references and arrays on purely functional values. If you do not consider the logical assertions, the syntax coincide with \ocaml\ syntax, except for elements of arrays which are written $t[i]$. In particular, the dereference of a mutable variable $x$ is written $!x$ and assignment is written \verb!:=! (for instance, the increment of the variable $x$ will be written \verb@x := !x + 1@). Actually, that syntax does not really matters, since it would be extracted later to real concrete syntax, in different programming languages. \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \leavevmode $$ \begin{array}{lrl} prog & ::= & \verb!{! ~ predicate ~ \verb!}! * ~ statement ~ [ \verb!{! ~ predicate ~ \verb!}! ] \\ & & \\[0.1em] statement & ::= & expression \\ & | & identifier ~ \verb!:=! ~ prog \\ & | & identifier ~ \verb![! ~ expression ~ \verb!]! ~ \verb!:=! ~ prog \\ & | & \verb!let! ~ identifier ~ \verb!=! ~ \verb!ref! ~ prog ~ \verb!in! ~ prog \\ & | & \verb!if! ~ prog ~ \verb!then! ~ prog ~ [ \verb!else! ~ prog ] \\ & | & \verb!while! ~ prog ~ \verb!do! ~ loop\_annot ~ block ~ \verb!done! \\ & | & \verb!begin! ~ block ~ \verb!end! \\ & | & \verb!let! ~ identifier ~ \verb!=! ~ prog ~ \verb!in! ~ prog \\ & | & \verb!fun! ~ binders ~ \verb!->! ~ prog \\ & | & \verb!let! ~ \verb!rec! ~ identifier ~ binder ~ \verb!:! ~ value\_type \\ & & ~~ \verb!{! ~ \verb!variant! ~ wf\_arg ~ \verb!}! ~ \verb!=! ~ prog ~ [ \verb!in! ~ prog ] \\ & | & \verb!(! ~ prog ~~ prog ~ \verb!)! \\ & & \\[1em] expression & ::= & identifier \\ & | & \verb@!@ ~ identifier \\ & | & identifier ~ \verb![! ~ expression ~ \verb!]! \\ & | & integer \\ & | & \verb!(! ~ expression+ \verb!)! \\ & & \\[1em] block & ::= & block\_statement ~ [ ~ \verb!;! ~ block ~ ] \\ & & \\[0.1em] block\_statement & ::= & prog \\ & | & \verb!label! ~ identifier \\ & | & \verb!assert! ~ \verb!{! ~ predicate ~ \verb!}! \\ & & \\[1em] binders & ::= & \verb!(! ~ identifier,\dots,identifier ~ \verb!:! ~ value\_type ~ \verb!)! + \\ & & \\[1em] loop\_annot & ::= & \verb!{! ~ \verb!invariant! ~ predicate ~ \verb!variant! ~ wf\_arg ~ \verb!}! \\ & & \\[0.1em] wf\_arg & ::= & cic\_term ~ [ \verb!for! ~ cic\_term ] \\ & & \\[0.1em] predicate & ::= & cci\_term ~ [ \verb!as! ~ identifier ] \\ \end{array} $$ \caption{Syntax of annotated programs} \label{fig:ProgramsSyntax} \end{center} \end{figure} \paragraph{Syntactic sugar.} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Boolean expressions:} Boolean expressions appearing in programs (and in particular in \kw{if} and \kw{while} tests) are arbitrary programs of type \texttt{bool}. In order to make programs more readable, some syntactic sugar is provided for the usual logical connectives and the usual order relations over type \texttt{Z}, with the following syntax: $$ \begin{array}{lrl} prog & ::= & prog ~ \verb!and! ~ prog \\ & | & prog ~ \verb!or! ~ prog \\ & | & \verb!not! ~ prog \\ & | & expression ~ order\_relation ~ expression \\[1em] order\_relation & ::= & \verb!>! ~|~ \verb!>=! ~|~ \verb!! \\ \end{array} $$ where the order relations have the strongest precedences, \verb!not! has a stronger precedence than \verb!and!, and \verb!and! a stronger precedence than \verb!or!. Order relations in other types, like \texttt{lt}, \texttt{le}, \dots in type \texttt{nat}, should be explicited as described in the paragraph about \emph{Boolean expressions}, page~\pageref{prog:booleans}. \item \textbf{Arithmetical expressions:} Some syntactic sugar is provided for the usual arithmetic operator over type \texttt{Z}, with the following syntax: $$ \begin{array}{lrl} prog & ::= & prog ~ \verb!*! ~ prog \\ & | & prog ~ \verb!+! ~ prog \\ & | & prog ~ \verb!-! ~ prog \\ & | & \verb!-! ~ prog \end{array} $$ where the unary operator \texttt{-} has the strongest precedence, and \texttt{*} a stronger precedence than \texttt{+} and \texttt{-}. Operations in other arithmetical types (such as type \texttt{nat}) must be explicitly written as applications, like \texttt{(plus~a~b)}, \texttt{(pred~a)}, etc. \item \texttt{if $b$ then $p$} is a shortcut for \texttt{if $b$ then $p$ else tt}, where \texttt{tt} is the constant of type \texttt{unit}; \item Values in type \texttt{Z} may be directly written as integers : 0,1,12546,\dots Negative integers are not recognized and must be written as \texttt{(Zinv $x$)}; \item Multiple application may be written $(f~a_1~\dots~a_n)$, which must be understood as left-associa\-tive i.e. as $(\dots((f~a_1)~a_2)\dots~a_n)$. \end{itemize} \paragraph{Restrictions.} You can notice some restrictions with respect to real ML programs: \begin{enumerate} \item Binders in functions (recursive or not) are explicitly typed, and the type of the result of a recursive function is also given. This is due to the lack of type inference. \item Full expressions are not allowed on left-hand side of assignment, but only variables. Therefore, you can not write \begin{verbatim} (if b then x else y) := 0 \end{verbatim} But, in most cases, you can rewrite them into acceptable programs. For instance, the previous program may be rewritten into the following one: \begin{verbatim} if b then x := 0 else y := 0 \end{verbatim} \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Type system % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \asubsection{Typing} The types of annotated programs are split into two kinds: the types of \emph{values} and the types of \emph{computations}. Those two types families are recursively mutually defined with the following concrete syntax: $$ \begin{array}{lrl} value\_type & ::= & cic\_term \\ & | & {cic\_term} ~ \verb!ref! \\ & | & \verb!array! ~ cic\_term ~ \verb!of! ~ cic\_term \\ & | & \verb!fun! ~ \verb!(! ~ x \verb!:! value\_type ~ \verb!)!\!+ ~ computation\_type \\ & & \\ computation\_type & ::= & \verb!returns! ~ identifier \verb!:! value\_type \\ & & [\verb!reads! ~ identifier,\ldots,identifier] ~ [\verb!writes! ~ identifier,\ldots,identifier] \\ & & [\verb!pre! ~ predicate] ~ [\verb!post! ~ predicate] \\ & & \verb!end! \\ & & \\ predicate & ::= & cic\_term \\ & & \\ \end{array} $$ The typing is mostly the one of ML, without polymorphism. The user should notice that: \begin{itemize} \item Arrays are indexed over the type \texttt{Z} of binary integers (defined in the module \texttt{ZArith}); \item Expressions must have purely functional types, and can not be references or arrays (but, of course, you can pass mutables to functions as call-by-variable arguments); \item There is no partial application. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Specifications % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \asubsection{Specification} The specification part of programs is made of different kind of annotations, which are terms of sort \Prop\ in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. Those annotations can refer to the values of the variables directly by their names. \emph{There is no dereference operator ``!'' in annotations}. Annotations are read with the \Coq\ parser, so you can use all the \Coq\ syntax to write annotations. For instance, if $x$ and $y$ are references over integers (in type \texttt{Z}), you can write the following annotation $$ \mbox{\texttt{\{ `0 < x <= x+y` \}}} $$ In a post-condition, if necessary, you can refer to the value of the variable $x$ \emph{before} the evaluation with the notation $x@$. Actually, it is possible to refer to the value of a variable at any moment of the evaluation with the notation $x@l$, provided that $l$ is a \emph{label} previously inserted in your program (see below the paragraph about labels). You have the possibility to give some names to the annotations, with the syntax $$ \texttt{\{ \emph{annotation} as \emph{identifier} \}} $$ and then the annotation will be given this name in the proof obligations. Otherwise, fresh names are given automatically, of the kind \texttt{Post3}, \texttt{Pre12}, \texttt{Test4}, etc. You are encouraged to give explicit names, in order not to have to modify your proof script when your proof obligations change (for instance, if you modify a part of the program). \asubsubsection{Pre- and post-conditions} Each program, and each of its sub-programs, may be annotated by a pre-condition and/or a post-condition. The pre-condition is an annotation about the values of variables \emph{before} the evaluation, and the post-condition is an annotation about the values of variables \emph{before} and \emph{after} the evaluation. Example: $$ \mbox{\texttt{\{ `0 < x` \} x := (Zplus !x !x) \{ `x@ < x` \}}} $$ Moreover, you can assert some properties of the result of the evaluation in the post-condition, by referring to it through the name \emph{result}. Example: $$ \mbox{\texttt{(Zs (Zplus !x !x)) \{ (Zodd result) \}}} $$ \asubsubsection{Loops invariants and variants} Loop invariants and variants are introduced just after the \kw{do} keyword, with the following syntax: $$ \begin{array}{l} \kw{while} ~ B ~ \kw{do} \\ ~~~ \{ ~ \kw{invariant} ~ I ~~~ \kw{variant} ~ \phi ~ \kw{for} ~ R ~ \} \\ ~~~ block \\ \kw{done} \end{array} $$ The invariant $I$ is an annotation about the values of variables when the loop is entered, since $B$ has no side effects ($B$ is a purely functional expression). Of course, $I$ may refer to values of variables at any moment before the entering of the loop. The variant $\phi$ must be given in order to establish the termination of the loop. The relation $R$ must be a term of type $A\rightarrow A\rightarrow\Prop$, where $\phi$ is of type $A$. When $R$ is not specified, then $\phi$ is assumed to be of type \texttt{Z} and the usual order relation on natural number is used. \asubsubsection{Recursive functions} The termination of a recursive function is justified in the same way as loops, using a variant. This variant is introduced with the following syntax $$ \kw{let} ~ \kw{rec} ~ f ~ (x_1:V_1)\dots(x_n:V_n) : V ~ \{ ~ \kw{variant} ~ \phi ~ \kw{for} ~ R ~ \} = prog $$ and is interpreted as for loops. Of course, the variant may refer to the bound variables $x_i$. The specification of a recursive function is the one of its body, $prog$. Example: $$ \kw{let} ~ \kw{rec} ~ fact ~ (x:Z) : Z ~ \{ ~ \kw{variant} ~ x \} = \{ ~ x\ge0 ~ \} ~ \dots ~ \{ ~ result=x! ~ \} $$ \asubsubsection{Assertions inside blocks} Assertions may be inserted inside blocks, with the following syntax $$ \kw{begin} ~ block\_statements \dots; ~ \kw{assert} ~ \{ ~ P ~ \}; ~ block\_statements \dots ~ \kw{end} $$ The annotation $P$ may refer to the values of variables at any labels known at this moment of evaluation. \asubsubsection{Inserting labels in your program} In order to refer to the values of variables at any moment of evaluation of the program, you may put some \emph{labels} inside your programs. Actually, it is only necessary to insert them inside blocks, since this is the only place where side effects can appear. The syntax to insert a label is the following: $$ \kw{begin} ~ block\_statements \dots; ~ \kw{label} ~ L; ~ block\_statements \dots ~ \kw{end} $$ Then it is possible to refer to the value of the variable $x$ at step $L$ with the notation $x@L$. There is a special label $0$ which is automatically inserted at the beginning of the program. Therefore, $x@0$ will always refer to the initial value of the variable $x$. \medskip Notice that this mechanism allows the user to get rid of the so-called \emph{auxiliary variables}, which are usually widely used in traditional frameworks to refer to previous values of variables. %%%%%%%%%%%% % booléens % %%%%%%%%%%%% \asubsubsection{Boolean expressions}\label{prog:booleans} As explained above, boolean expressions appearing in \kw{if} and \kw{while} tests are arbitrary programs of type \texttt{bool}. Actually, there is a little restriction: a test can not do some side effects. Usually, a test if annotated in such a way: $$ B ~ \{ \myifthenelse{result}{T}{F} \} $$ (The \textsf{if then else} construction in the annotation is the one of \Coq\ !) Here $T$ and $F$ are the two propositions you want to get in the two branches of the test. If you do not annotate a test, then $T$ and $F$ automatically become $B=\kw{true}$ and $B=\kw{false}$, which is the usual annotation in Floyd-Hoare logic. But you should take advantages of the fact that $T$ and $F$ may be arbitrary propositions, or you can even annotate $B$ with any other kind of proposition (usually depending on $result$). As explained in the paragraph about the syntax of boolean expression, some syntactic sugar is provided for usual order relations over type \texttt{Z}. When you write $\kw{if} ~ x \kw{if} $(odd ~ !n)$ \kw{then} $y$ := $!y \times !m$ ;\\ \> $m$ := $!m \times !m$ ; \\ \> $n$ := $!n / 2$ \\ \kw{done} \\ \end{tabbing} \end{minipage} \end{center} \paragraph{Specification part.} Here we choose to use the binary integers of \texttt{ZArith}. The exponentiation $X^n$ is defined, for $n \ge 0$, in the module \texttt{Zpower}: \begin{coq_example*} Require Import ZArith. Require Import Zpower. \end{coq_example*} In particular, the module \texttt{ZArith} loads a module \texttt{Zmisc} which contains the definitions of the predicate \texttt{Zeven} and \texttt{Zodd}, and the function \texttt{Zdiv2}. This module \texttt{ProgBool} also contains a test function \texttt{Zeven\_odd\_bool} of type $\forall n. \exists b. \myifthenelse{b}{(Zeven~n)}{(Zodd~n)}$ derived from the proof \texttt{Zeven\_odd\_dec}, as explained in section~\ref{prog:booleans}: \begin{coq_eval} Require Import Ring. \end{coq_eval} \paragraph{Correctness part.} Then we come to the correctness proof. We first import the \Coq\ module \texttt{Correctness}: \begin{coq_example*} Require Import Correctness. \end{coq_example*} \begin{coq_eval} Definition Zsquare (n:Z) := n * n. Definition Zdouble (n:Z) := 2 * n. \end{coq_eval} Then we introduce all the variables needed by the program: \begin{coq_example*} Parameter x : Z. Global Variable n, m, y :Z ref. \end{coq_example*} At last, we can give the annotated program: \begin{coq_example} Correctness i_exp {n >= 0} begin m := x; y := 1; while (!n>0) do { invariant (Zpower x n@0 = y * Zpower m n /\ n >= 0) variant n } (if (not (Zeven_odd_bool !n)) then y := (Zmult !y !m) else tt) {Zpower x n@0 = y * Zpower m (Zdouble (Zdiv2 n))}; m := (Zsquare !m); n := (Zdiv2 !n) done end {y = Zpower x n@0}. \end{coq_example} The proof obligations require some lemmas involving \texttt{Zpower} and \texttt{Zdiv2}. You can find the whole proof in the \Coq\ standard library (see below). Let us make some quick remarks about this program and the way it was written: \begin{itemize} \item The name \verb!n@0! is used to refer to the initial value of the variable \verb!n!, as well inside the loop invariant as in the post-condition; \item Purely functional expressions are allowed anywhere in the program and they can use any purely informative \Coq\ constants; That is why we can use \texttt{Zmult}, \texttt{Zsquare} and \texttt{Zdiv2} in the programs even if they are not other functions previously introduced as programs. \end{itemize} \asubsection{A recursive program} To give an example of a recursive program, let us rewrite the previous program into a recursive one. We obtain the following program: \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{8cm} \begin{tabbing} AA\=AA\=AA\=\kill \kw{let} \kw{rec} $exp$ $x$ $n$ = \\ \> \kw{if} $n = 0$ \kw{then} \\ \> \> 1 \\ \> \kw{else} \\ \> \> \kw{let} $y$ = $(exp ~ x ~ (n/2))$ \kw{in} \\ \> \> \kw{if} $(even ~ n)$ \kw{then} $y\times y$ \kw{else} $x\times (y\times y)$ \\ \end{tabbing} \end{minipage} \end{center} This recursive program, once it is annotated, is given to the tactic \texttt{Correctness}: \begin{coq_eval} Reset n. \end{coq_eval} \begin{coq_example} Correctness r_exp let rec exp (x:Z)(n:Z) :Z { variant n } = {n >= 0} (if (n=0) then 1 else let y = (exp x (Zdiv2 n)) in (if (Zeven_odd_bool n) then (Zmult y y) else (Zmult x (Zmult y y))) {result = Zpower x n}) {result = Zpower x n}. \end{coq_example} You can notice that the specification is simpler in the recursive case: we only have to give the pre- and post-conditions --- which are the same as for the imperative version --- but there is no annotation corresponding to the loop invariant. The other two annotations in the recursive program are added for the recursive call and for the test inside the \textsf{let in} construct (it can not be done automatically in general, so the user has to add it by himself). \asubsection{Other examples} You will find some other examples with the distribution of the system \Coq, in the sub-directory \verb!contrib/correctness! of the \Coq\ standard library. Those examples are mostly programs to compute the factorial and the exponentiation in various ways (on types \texttt{nat} or \texttt{Z}, in imperative way or recursively, with global variables or as functions, \dots). There are also some bigger correctness developments in the \Coq\ contributions, which are available on the web page \verb!coq.inria.fr/contribs!. for the moment, you can find: \begin{itemize} \item A proof of \emph{insertion sort} by Nicolas Magaud, ENS Lyon; \item Proofs of \emph{quicksort}, \emph{heapsort} and \emph{find} by the author. \end{itemize} These examples are fully detailed in~\cite{FilliatreMagaud99,Filliatre99c}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BUG REPORTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \asection{Bugs} \begin{itemize} \item There is no discharge mechanism for programs; so you \emph{cannot} do a program's proof inside a section (actually, you can do it, but your program will not exist anymore after having closed the section). \end{itemize} Surely there are still many bugs in this implementation. Please send bug reports to \textsf{Jean-Christophe.Filliatre$@$lri.fr}. Don't forget to send the version of \Coq\ used (given by \texttt{coqtop -v}) and a script producing the bug. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "Reference-Manual" %%% End: