This package was debianized by Fernando Sanchez on Fri, 3 Dec 1999 22:06:04 +0100. It was downloaded from The "Coq proof assistant" was developed conjointly by INRIA (since 1985), Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallelisme LIP associated to CNRS and ENS Lyon (sept.89-sept.97), Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique associated to CNRS and Paris 11 (since sept. 97). The following people have contributed to the core of the system during the indicated time : Bruno Barras, (INRIA, 1995-1999) Cristina Cornes, (INRIA, 1993-1996) David Delahaye, (INRIA, 1997-1999) Daniel de Rauglaudre, (INRIA, 1996-1998) Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, (ENS Lyon, 1994-1997) (Paris 11,1997-1999) Eduardo Giménez, (ENS Lyon, 1993-1996, INRIA, 1997-1998) Hugo Herbelin, (INRIA, 1996-1999) Gérard Huet, (INRIA, 1985-1997) César Muñoz, (INRIA, 1994-1995) Chetan Murthy, (INRIA, 1992-1994) Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, (ENS Lyon 1992-1995) Patrick Loiseleur, (Paris 11, 1997-1999) Christine Paulin-Mohring, (INRIA, 1985-1989) (ENS Lyon, 1989-1997) (Paris 11, 1997-1999) Amokrane Saïbi, (INRIA, 1993-1998) The following directories contain independent contributions: tactics/contrib/eqdecide developed by Eduardo Gimenez (INRIA, 1997-1998) tactics/contrib/extraction developed by Benjamin Werner (INRIA, 1989) and Jean-Christophe Filliatre (ENS Lyon, 1994-1997) tactics/contrib/linear developed by Jean-Christophe Filliatre (ENS Lyon, 1994-1997) tactics/contrib/natural developed by Yann Coscoy (INRIA, 1996) tactics/contrib/omega developed by Pierre Cregut (CNET-France Telecom, 1996) tactics/contrib/pcoq developed by Yves Bertot (INRIA, 1996-1999) tactics/contrib/polynom developed by Samuel Boutin (INRIA, 1996) and Patrick Loiseleur (LRI, 1997-1999) tactics/programs developed by Jean-Christophe Filliatre (LRI, 1997-1999) theories/REALS developed by Micaela Mayero (INRIA, 1997-1999) *************************************************************************** INRIA refers to : Institute National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique CNRS refers to : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris 11 refers to : Universite Paris Sud ENS Lyon refers to : Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon **************************************************************************** Copyright: All files of the "Coq proof assistant" in directories or sub-directories of src, tactics, theories, tools are distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. See /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1