(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* raise Not_found) (* name printers *) let ppid id = pp (pr_id id) let pplab l = pp (pr_lab l) let ppmsid msid = pp (str (debug_string_of_msid msid)) let ppmbid mbid = pp (str (debug_string_of_mbid mbid)) let ppdir dir = pp (pr_dirpath dir) let ppmp mp = pp(str (string_of_mp mp)) let ppcon con = pp(pr_con con) let ppkn kn = pp(pr_kn kn) let ppsp sp = pp(pr_sp sp) let ppqualid qid = pp(pr_qualid qid) (* term printers *) let ppconstr x = pp (Termops.print_constr x) let ppconstrdb x = pp(Options.with_option Constrextern.rawdebug Termops.print_constr x) let ppterm = ppconstr let ppsconstr x = ppconstr (Declarations.force x) let ppconstr_univ x = Constrextern.with_universes ppconstr x let pprawconstr = (fun x -> pp(pr_lrawconstr x)) let pppattern = (fun x -> pp(pr_constr_pattern x)) let pptype = (fun x -> pp(pr_ltype x)) let ppfconstr c = ppconstr (Closure.term_of_fconstr c) let ppbigint n = pp (Bigint.pr_bigint n);; let ppidset l = pp (prlist_with_sep spc pr_id (Idset.elements l)) let pP s = pp (hov 0 s) let safe_pr_global = function | ConstRef kn -> pp (str "CONSTREF(" ++ pr_con kn ++ str ")") | IndRef (kn,i) -> pp (str "INDREF(" ++ pr_kn kn ++ str "," ++ int i ++ str ")") | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) -> pp (str "INDREF(" ++ pr_kn kn ++ str "," ++ int i ++ str "," ++ int j ++ str ")") | VarRef id -> pp (str "VARREF(" ++ pr_id id ++ str ")") let ppglobal x = try pp(pr_global x) with _ -> safe_pr_global x let ppconst (sp,j) = pp (str"#" ++ pr_kn sp ++ str"=" ++ pr_lconstr j.uj_val) let ppvar ((id,a)) = pp (str"#" ++ pr_id id ++ str":" ++ pr_lconstr a) let genppj f j = let (c,t) = f j in (c ++ str " : " ++ t) let ppj j = pp (genppj pr_ljudge j) let prsubst s = pp (Mod_subst.debug_pr_subst s) (* proof printers *) let ppmetas metas = pp(pr_metaset metas) let ppevm evd = pp(pr_evar_map evd) let ppevd evd = pp(pr_evar_defs evd) let ppclenv clenv = pp(pr_clenv clenv) let ppgoal g = pp(db_pr_goal g) let pr_gls gls = hov 0 (pr_evar_map (sig_sig gls) ++ fnl () ++ db_pr_goal (sig_it gls)) let pr_glls glls = hov 0 (pr_evar_map (sig_sig glls) ++ fnl () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl db_pr_goal (sig_it glls)) let ppsigmagoal g = pp(pr_goal (sig_it g)) let prgls gls = pp(pr_gls gls) let prglls glls = pp(pr_glls glls) let pproof p = pp(print_proof Evd.empty empty_named_context p) let ppuni u = pp(pr_uni u) let ppuniverses u = pp (str"[" ++ pr_universes u ++ str"]") let ppenv e = pp (str "[" ++ pr_named_context_of e ++ str "]" ++ spc() ++ str "[" ++ pr_rel_context e (rel_context e) ++ str "]") let pptac = (fun x -> pp(Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) x)) let ppobj obj = Format.print_string (Libobject.object_tag obj) let cnt = ref 0 let cast_kind_display k = match k with | VMcast -> "VMcast" | DEFAULTcast -> "DEFAULTcast" let constr_display csr = let rec term_display c = match kind_of_term c with | Rel n -> "Rel("^(string_of_int n)^")" | Meta n -> "Meta("^(string_of_int n)^")" | Var id -> "Var("^(string_of_id id)^")" | Sort s -> "Sort("^(sort_display s)^")" | Cast (c,k, t) -> "Cast("^(term_display c)^","^(cast_kind_display k)^","^(term_display t)^")" | Prod (na,t,c) -> "Prod("^(name_display na)^","^(term_display t)^","^(term_display c)^")\n" | Lambda (na,t,c) -> "Lambda("^(name_display na)^","^(term_display t)^","^(term_display c)^")\n" | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> "LetIn("^(name_display na)^","^(term_display b)^"," ^(term_display t)^","^(term_display c)^")" | App (c,l) -> "App("^(term_display c)^","^(array_display l)^")\n" | Evar (e,l) -> "Evar("^(string_of_int e)^","^(array_display l)^")" | Const c -> "Const("^(string_of_con c)^")" | Ind (sp,i) -> "MutInd("^(string_of_kn sp)^","^(string_of_int i)^")" | Construct ((sp,i),j) -> "MutConstruct(("^(string_of_kn sp)^","^(string_of_int i)^")," ^(string_of_int j)^")" | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> "MutCase(,"^(term_display p)^","^(term_display c)^"," ^(array_display bl)^")" | Fix ((t,i),(lna,tl,bl)) -> "Fix(([|"^(Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (string_of_int x)^(if not(i="") then (";"^i) else "")) t "")^"|],"^(string_of_int i)^")," ^(array_display tl)^",[|" ^(Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (name_display x)^(if not(i="") then (";"^i) else "")) lna "")^"|]," ^(array_display bl)^")" | CoFix(i,(lna,tl,bl)) -> "CoFix("^(string_of_int i)^")," ^(array_display tl)^"," ^(Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (name_display x)^(if not(i="") then (";"^i) else "")) lna "")^"," ^(array_display bl)^")" and array_display v = "[|"^ (Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (term_display x)^(if not(i="") then (";"^i) else "")) v "")^"|]" and sort_display = function | Prop(Pos) -> "Prop(Pos)" | Prop(Null) -> "Prop(Null)" | Type u -> incr cnt; pp (str "with " ++ int !cnt ++ pr_uni u ++ fnl ()); "Type("^(string_of_int !cnt)^")" and name_display = function | Name id -> "Name("^(string_of_id id)^")" | Anonymous -> "Anonymous" in msg (str (term_display csr) ++fnl ()) open Format;; let print_pure_constr csr = let rec term_display c = match kind_of_term c with | Rel n -> print_string "#"; print_int n | Meta n -> print_string "Meta("; print_int n; print_string ")" | Var id -> print_string (string_of_id id) | Sort s -> sort_display s | Cast (c,_, t) -> open_hovbox 1; print_string "("; (term_display c); print_cut(); print_string "::"; (term_display t); print_string ")"; close_box() | Prod (Name(id),t,c) -> open_hovbox 1; print_string"("; print_string (string_of_id id); print_string ":"; box_display t; print_string ")"; print_cut(); box_display c; close_box() | Prod (Anonymous,t,c) -> print_string"("; box_display t; print_cut(); print_string "->"; box_display c; print_string ")"; | Lambda (na,t,c) -> print_string "["; name_display na; print_string ":"; box_display t; print_string "]"; print_cut(); box_display c; | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> print_string "["; name_display na; print_string "="; box_display b; print_cut(); print_string ":"; box_display t; print_string "]"; print_cut(); box_display c; | App (c,l) -> print_string "("; box_display c; Array.iter (fun x -> print_space (); box_display x) l; print_string ")" | Evar (e,l) -> print_string "Evar#"; print_int e; print_string "{"; Array.iter (fun x -> print_space (); box_display x) l; print_string"}" | Const c -> print_string "Cons("; sp_con_display c; print_string ")" | Ind (sp,i) -> print_string "Ind("; sp_display sp; print_string ","; print_int i; print_string ")" | Construct ((sp,i),j) -> print_string "Constr("; sp_display sp; print_string ","; print_int i; print_string ","; print_int j; print_string ")" | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> open_vbox 0; print_string "<"; box_display p; print_string ">"; print_cut(); print_string "Case"; print_space(); box_display c; print_space (); print_string "of"; open_vbox 0; Array.iter (fun x -> print_cut(); box_display x) bl; close_box(); print_cut(); print_string "end"; close_box() | Fix ((t,i),(lna,tl,bl)) -> print_string "Fix("; print_int i; print_string ")"; print_cut(); open_vbox 0; let rec print_fix () = for k = 0 to (Array.length tl) - 1 do open_vbox 0; name_display lna.(k); print_string "/"; print_int t.(k); print_cut(); print_string ":"; box_display tl.(k) ; print_cut(); print_string ":="; box_display bl.(k); close_box (); print_cut() done in print_string"{"; print_fix(); print_string"}" | CoFix(i,(lna,tl,bl)) -> print_string "CoFix("; print_int i; print_string ")"; print_cut(); open_vbox 0; let rec print_fix () = for k = 0 to (Array.length tl) - 1 do open_vbox 1; name_display lna.(k); print_cut(); print_string ":"; box_display tl.(k) ; print_cut(); print_string ":="; box_display bl.(k); close_box (); print_cut(); done in print_string"{"; print_fix (); print_string"}" and box_display c = open_hovbox 1; term_display c; close_box() and sort_display = function | Prop(Pos) -> print_string "Set" | Prop(Null) -> print_string "Prop" | Type u -> open_hbox(); print_string "Type("; pp (pr_uni u); print_string ")"; close_box() and name_display = function | Name id -> print_string (string_of_id id) | Anonymous -> print_string "_" (* Remove the top names for library and Scratch to avoid long names *) and sp_display sp = (* let dir,l = decode_kn sp in let ls = match List.rev (List.map string_of_id (repr_dirpath dir)) with ("Top"::l)-> l | ("Coq"::_::l) -> l | l -> l in List.iter (fun x -> print_string x; print_string ".") ls;*) print_string (string_of_kn sp) and sp_con_display sp = (* let dir,l = decode_kn sp in let ls = match List.rev (List.map string_of_id (repr_dirpath dir)) with ("Top"::l)-> l | ("Coq"::_::l) -> l | l -> l in List.iter (fun x -> print_string x; print_string ".") ls;*) print_string (string_of_con sp) in try box_display csr; print_flush() with e -> print_string (Printexc.to_string e);print_flush (); raise e let ppfconstr c = ppconstr (Closure.term_of_fconstr c) let pploc x = let (l,r) = unloc x in print_string"(";print_int l;print_string",";print_int r;print_string")" (* extendable tactic arguments *) let rec pr_argument_type = function (* Basic types *) | BoolArgType -> str"bool" | IntArgType -> str"int" | IntOrVarArgType -> str"int-or-var" | StringArgType -> str"string" | PreIdentArgType -> str"pre-ident" | IntroPatternArgType -> str"intro-pattern" | IdentArgType -> str"ident" | VarArgType -> str"var" | RefArgType -> str"ref" (* Specific types *) | SortArgType -> str"sort" | ConstrArgType -> str"constr" | ConstrMayEvalArgType -> str"constr-may-eval" | QuantHypArgType -> str"qhyp" | OpenConstrArgType _ -> str"open-constr" | ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> str"constr-with-bindings" | BindingsArgType -> str"bindings" | RedExprArgType -> str"redexp" | List0ArgType t -> pr_argument_type t ++ str" list0" | List1ArgType t -> pr_argument_type t ++ str" list1" | OptArgType t -> pr_argument_type t ++ str" opt" | PairArgType (t1,t2) -> str"("++ pr_argument_type t1 ++ str"*" ++ pr_argument_type t2 ++str")" | ExtraArgType s -> str"\"" ++ str s ++ str "\"" let pp_argument_type t = pp (pr_argument_type t) let pp_generic_argument arg = pp(str"") (**********************************************************************) (* Vernac-level debugging commands *) let in_current_context f c = let (evmap,sign) = try Pfedit.get_current_goal_context () with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> (Evd.empty, Global.env()) in f (Constrintern.interp_constr evmap sign c) (* We expand the result of preprocessing to be independent of camlp4 VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND PrintPureConstr | [ "PrintPureConstr" constr(c) ] -> [ in_current_context print_pure_constr c ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND PrintConstr [ "PrintConstr" constr(c) ] -> [ in_current_context constr_display c ] END *) open Pcoq open Genarg open Egrammar let _ = try Vernacinterp.vinterp_add "PrintConstr" (function [c] when genarg_tag c = ConstrArgType && true -> let c = out_gen rawwit_constr c in (fun () -> in_current_context constr_display c) | _ -> failwith "Vernac extension: cannot occur") with e -> Pp.pp (Cerrors.explain_exn e) let _ = extend_vernac_command_grammar "PrintConstr" [[TacTerm "PrintConstr"; TacNonTerm (dummy_loc, (Gramext.Snterm (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj Constr.constr), ConstrArgType), Some "c")]] let _ = try Vernacinterp.vinterp_add "PrintPureConstr" (function [c] when genarg_tag c = ConstrArgType && true -> let c = out_gen rawwit_constr c in (fun () -> in_current_context print_pure_constr c) | _ -> failwith "Vernac extension: cannot occur") with e -> Pp.pp (Cerrors.explain_exn e) let _ = extend_vernac_command_grammar "PrintPureConstr" [[TacTerm "PrintPureConstr"; TacNonTerm (dummy_loc, (Gramext.Snterm (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj Constr.constr), ConstrArgType), Some "c")]]