#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail API=https://api.github.com/repos/coq/coq OFFICIAL_REMOTE_URL="git@github.com:coq/coq" # This script depends (at least) on git and jq. # It should be used like this: dev/tools/merge-pr.sh /PR number/ RED="\033[31m" RESET="\033[0m" GREEN="\033[32m" BLUE="\033[34m" YELLOW="\033[33m" info() { echo -e "${GREEN}info:${RESET} $1 ${RESET}" } error() { echo -e "${RED}error:${RESET} $1 ${RESET}" } warning() { echo -e "${YELLOW}warning:${RESET} $1 ${RESET}" } check_util() { if ! command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then error "this script requires the $1 command line utility" exit 1 fi } ask_confirmation() { read -p "Continue anyway? [y/N] " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then exit 1 fi } check_util jq check_util curl check_util git check_util gpg # command line parsing if [ $# != 1 ]; then error "usage: $0 PR-number" exit 1 fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then PR=$1 else error "$1 is not a number" exit 1 fi # Fetching PR metadata PRDATA=$(curl -s "$API/pulls/$PR") TITLE=$(echo "$PRDATA" | jq -r '.title') info "title for PR $PR is ${BLUE}$TITLE" BASE_BRANCH=$(echo "$PRDATA" | jq -r '.base.label') info "PR $PR targets branch ${BLUE}$BASE_BRANCH" CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) info "you are merging in ${BLUE}$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH" REMOTE=$(git config --get "branch.$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH.remote") if [ -z "$REMOTE" ]; then error "branch ${BLUE}$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH${RESET} has not associated remote" error "don't know where to fetch the PR from" error "please run: git branch --set-upstream-to=THE_REMOTE/$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH" exit 1 fi REMOTE_URL=$(git remote get-url "$REMOTE" --all) if [ "$REMOTE_URL" != "$OFFICIAL_REMOTE_URL" ] && \ [ "$REMOTE_URL" != "$OFFICIAL_REMOTE_URL.git" ]; then error "remote ${BLUE}$REMOTE${RESET} does not point to the official Coq repo" error "that is ${BLUE}$OFFICIAL_REMOTE_URL" error "it points to ${BLUE}$REMOTE_URL${RESET} instead" ask_confirmation fi info "remote for $CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH is ${BLUE}$REMOTE" info "fetching from $REMOTE the PR" git remote update "$REMOTE" if ! git ls-remote "$REMOTE" | grep pull >/dev/null; then error "remote $REMOTE is not configured to fetch pull requests" error "run: git config remote.$REMOTE.fetch +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/$REMOTE/pr/*" exit 1 fi git fetch "$REMOTE" "refs/pull/$PR/head" COMMIT=$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD) info "commit for PR $PR is ${BLUE}$COMMIT" # Sanity check: merge to a different branch if [ "$BASE_BRANCH" != "coq:$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH" ]; then error "PR requests merge in ${BLUE}$BASE_BRANCH${RESET} but you are merging in ${BLUE}$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH" ask_confirmation fi; # Sanity check: CI failed STATUS=$(curl -s "$API/commits/$COMMIT/status") if [ "$(echo "$STATUS" | jq -r '.state')" != "success" ]; then error "CI unsuccessful on ${BLUE}$(echo "$STATUS" | jq -r -c '.statuses|map(select(.state != "success"))|map(.context)')" ask_confirmation fi; # Sanity check: has labels named "needs:" NEEDS_LABELS=$(echo "$PRDATA" | jq -rc '.labels | map(select(.name | match("needs:"))) | map(.name)') if [ "$NEEDS_LABELS" != "[]" ]; then error "needs:something labels still present: ${BLUE}$NEEDS_LABELS" ask_confirmation fi # Sanity check: has milestone MILESTONE=$(echo "$PRDATA" | jq -rc '.milestone.title') if [ "$MILESTONE" = "null" ]; then error "no milestone set, please set one" ask_confirmation fi # Sanity check: has kind KIND=$(echo "$PRDATA" | jq -rc '.labels | map(select(.name | match("kind:"))) | map(.name)') if [ "$KIND" = "[]" ]; then error "no kind:something label set, please set one" ask_confirmation fi # Sanity check: user.signingkey if [ -z "$(git config user.signingkey)" ]; then warning "git config user.signingkey is empty" warning "gpg will guess a key out of your git config user.* data" fi info "merging" git merge -v -S --no-ff FETCH_HEAD -m "Merge PR #$PR: $TITLE" -e # TODO: improve this check if ! git diff --quiet "$REMOTE/$CURRENT_LOCAL_BRANCH" -- dev/ci/user-overlays; then warning "this PR may have overlays (sorry the check is not perfect)" warning "if it has overlays please check the following:" warning "- each overlay has a corresponding open PR on the upstream repo" warning "- after merging please notify the upstream they can merge the PR" fi