#!/bin/bash # Fail on first error set -e # Configuration setup eval `opam config env` make distclean OUTDIR=$PWD/_install DMGDIR=$PWD/_dmg ./configure -debug -prefix $OUTDIR -native-compiler no VERSION=$(sed -n -e '/^let coq_version/ s/^[^"]*"\([^"]*\)"$/\1/p' configure.ml) APP=bin/CoqIDE_${VERSION}.app # Create a .app file with CoqIDE ~/.local/bin/jhbuild run make -j -l2 $APP # Build Coq and run test-suite make && make check # Add Coq to the .app file make OLDROOT=$OUTDIR COQINSTALLPREFIX=$APP/Contents/Resources/ install-coq install-ide-toploop # Sign the .app file codesign -f -s - $APP # Create the dmg bundle mkdir -p $DMGDIR ln -sf /Applications $DMGDIR/Applications cp -r $APP $DMGDIR hdiutil create -imagekey zlib-level=9 -volname CoqIDE_$VERSION -srcfolder $DMGDIR -ov -format UDZO CoqIDE_$VERSION.dmg