#!/usr/bin/env bash # A script to check prettyness for a range of commits CALLNAME="$0" function usage { >&2 echo "usage: $CALLNAME " >&2 echo "The order of commits is as given to 'git diff'" } if [ "$#" != 2 ]; then usage exit 1 fi BASE_COMMIT="$1" HEAD_COMMIT="$2" bad=() while IFS= read -r commit; do echo Checking "$commit" # git diff --check # uses .gitattributes to know what to check if ! git diff --check "${commit}^" "$commit"; then bad+=("$commit") fi done < <(git rev-list "$HEAD_COMMIT" --not "$BASE_COMMIT" --) if [ "${#bad[@]}" != 0 ] then >&2 echo "Whitespace errors!" >&2 echo "In commits ${bad[*]}" >&2 echo "If you use emacs, you can prevent this kind of error from reocurring by installing ws-butler and enabling ws-butler-convert-leading-tabs-or-spaces." exit 1 fi