Performance analysis for V8-0 branch ------------------------------------ Apr 11, 2007: added primitive integers (+6% CoLoR, +7% CoRN, ...) Between Feb 22 and March 16, 2007: bench temporarily moved on JMN's computer (-25% CoRN, -25% Fairisle, ...) Oct 29 and Oct 30, 2006: abandoned attempt to add polymorphism on definitions (+4% in general during these two days) Oct 17, 2006: improvement in new field [r9248] (QArith -3%, geometry: -2%) Oct 5, 2006: fixing wrong unification of Meta below binders (e.g. CatsInZFC: +10%, CoRN: -2.5%, Godel: +4%, LinAlg: +7%, DISTRIBUTED_REFERENCE_COUNTING: +10%, CoLoR: +1%) Sep 26, 2006: new field [r9178-9181] (QArith: -16%, geometry: -5%, Float: +6%, BDDS:+5% but no ring in it) Sep 12, 2006: Rocq/AREA_METHOD extended (~ 530s) Aug 12, 2006: Rocq/AREA_METHOD added (~ 480s) May 30, 2006: Nancy/CoLoR added (~ 319s) May 23, 2006: new, lighter version of polymorphic inductive types (CoRN: -27%, back to Mar-24 time) May 17, 2006: changes in List.v (DISTRIBUTED_REFERENCE_COUNTING: -) May 5, 2006: improvement in closure (array instead of lists) (e.g. CatsInZFC: -10%, CoRN: -3%, May 23, 2006: polymorphic inductive types (precise, heavy algorithm) (CoRN: +37%) Dec 29, 2005: new test and use of -vm in Stalmarck Dec 27, 2005: contrib Karatsuba added (~ 30s) Dec 28, 2005: size decrease mainly due to Defined moved to Qed in FSets (reduction from 95M to 7Mo) Dec 1-14, 2005: benchmarking server down between the two dates: Godel: -10%, CoRN: -10% probably due to changes around vm (new informative Cast, change of equality in named_context_val) Oct 6, 2005: contribs IPC and Tait added (~ 22s and ~ 25s) Aug 19, 2005: time decrease after application of "Array.length x=0" Xavier's suggestions for optimisation (e.g. Nijmegen/QArith: -3%, Nijmegen/CoRN: -7%, Godel: -3%) Aug 1, 2005: contrib Kildall added (~ 65s) Jul 26-Aug 2, 2005: bench down Jul 14-15, 2005: 4 contribs failed including CoRN Jul 14, 2005: time increase after activation of "closure optimisation" (e.g. Nijmegen/QArith: +8%, Nijmegen/CoRN: +3%, Godel: +13%) Jul 7, 2005: adding contrib Fermat4 Jun 17, 2005: contrib Goodstein extended and moved to CantorOrdinals (~ 30s) May 19, 2005: contrib Goodstein and prfx (~ 9s) added Apr 21, 2005: strange time decrease (could it be due to the change of Back and Reset mechanism) (e.g. Nijmegen/CoRN: -2%, Nijmegen/QARITH: -4%, Godel: -11%) Mar 20, 2005: fixed Logic.with_check bug global time decrease (e.g. Nijmegen/CoRN: -3%, Nijmegen/QARITH: -1.5%) Jan 31-Feb 8, 2005: small instability (e.g. CoRN: ~2015s -> ~1999s -> ~2032s, Godel: ~340s -> ~370s) Jan 13, 2005: contrib SumOfTwoSquare added (~ 38s)