#!/usr/bin/env bash # Use this script to preserve the exit code of $CI_SCRIPT when piping # it to `tee time-of-build.log`. We have a separate script, because # this only works in bash, which we don't require project-wide. set -eo pipefail function travis_fold { if [ -n "${TRAVIS}" ]; then echo "travis_fold:$1:$2" fi } CI_SCRIPT="$1" DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # assume this script is in dev/ci/, cd to the root Coq directory cd "${DIR}/../.." "${DIR}/${CI_SCRIPT}" 2>&1 | tee time-of-build.log travis_fold 'start' 'coq.test.timing' && echo 'Aggregating timing log...' python ./tools/make-one-time-file.py time-of-build.log travis_fold 'end' 'coq.test.timing'