#!/usr/bin/env bash # Add user overlays here. You can use some logic to detect if you are # in your travis branch and conditionally enable the overlay. # Some useful Travis variables: # (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Default-Environment-Variables) # # - TRAVIS_BRANCH: For builds not triggered by a pull request this is # the name of the branch currently being built; whereas for builds # triggered by a pull request this is the name of the branch # targeted by the pull request (in many cases this will be master). # # - TRAVIS_COMMIT: The commit that the current build is testing. # # - TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST: The pull request number if the current job is # a pull request, “false” if it’s not a pull request. # # - TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH: If the current job is a pull request, # the name of the branch from which the PR originated. "" if the # current job is a push build. echo $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH echo $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH echo $TRAVIS_COMMIT if [ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == "669" ] || [ $TRAVIS_BRANCH == "ssr-merge" ]; then mathcomp_CI_BRANCH=ssr-merge mathcomp_CI_GITURL=https://github.com/maximedenes/math-comp.git fi