#!/usr/bin/env bash # $0 is not the safest way, but... ci_dir="$(dirname "$0")" . "${ci_dir}/ci-common.sh" pidetop_CI_DIR="${CI_BUILD_DIR}/pidetop" git_checkout "${pidetop_CI_BRANCH}" "${pidetop_CI_GITURL}" "${pidetop_CI_DIR}" # Travis / Gitlab have different filesystem layout due to use of # `-local`. We need to improve this divergence but if we use Dune this # "local" oddity goes away automatically so not bothering... if [ -d "$COQBIN/../lib/coq" ]; then COQOCAMLLIB="$COQBIN/../lib/" COQLIB="$COQBIN/../lib/coq/" else COQOCAMLLIB="$COQBIN/../" COQLIB="$COQBIN/../" fi ( cd "${pidetop_CI_DIR}" && OCAMLPATH="$COQOCAMLLIB" jbuilder build @install ) echo -en '4\nexit' | "$pidetop_CI_DIR/_build/install/default/bin/pidetop" -coqlib "$COQLIB" -main-channel stdfds