REM This script either runs the test suite with OPAM (if USEOPAM is true) or REM builds the Coq binary packages for windows (if USEOPAM is false). if %ARCH% == 32 ( SET ARCHLONG=i686 SET CYGROOT=C:\cygwin SET SETUP=setup-x86.exe ) if %ARCH% == 64 ( SET ARCHLONG=x86_64 SET CYGROOT=C:\cygwin64 SET SETUP=setup-x86_64.exe ) SET CYGCACHE=%CYGROOT%\var\cache\setup SET APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER_MFMT=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER:\=/% SET APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER_CFMT=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER_MFMT:C:/=/cygdrive/c/% SET DESTCOQ=C:\coq%ARCH%_inst SET COQREGTESTING=Y if %USEOPAM% == false ( call %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\dev\build\windows\MakeCoq_MinGW.bat -threads=1 ^ -arch=%ARCH% -installer=Y -coqver=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER_CFMT% ^ -destcyg=%CYGROOT% -destcoq=%DESTCOQ% -cygcache=%CYGCACHE% ^ -setup %CYGROOT%\%SETUP% || GOTO ErrorExit copy "%CYGROOT%\build\coq-local\dev\nsis\*.exe" dev\nsis || GOTO ErrorExit 7z a %CYGROOT%\build\tarballs\* || GOTO ErrorExit ) if %USEOPAM% == true ( %CYGROOT%\%SETUP% -qnNdO -R %CYGROOT% -l %CYGCACHE% -s %CYGMIRROR% ^ -P rsync -P patch -P diffutils -P make -P unzip -P m4 -P findutils -P time %CYGROOT%/bin/bash -l %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%/dev/ci/ || GOTO ErrorExit ) GOTO :EOF :ErrorExit ECHO ERROR MakeCoq_MinGW.bat failed EXIT /b 1