(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* *) (* 06/12/2000 *) (* *) (* This module adds to the vernacular interpreter the functions that fullfill *) (* the new commands defined in Xml.v *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) open Util;; open Vernacinterp;; vinterp_add "Print" (function [VARG_QUALID id] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.print id None) | [VARG_QUALID id ; VARG_STRING fn] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.print id (Some fn)) | _ -> anomaly "This should be trapped");; vinterp_add "Show" (function [] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.show None) | [VARG_STRING fn] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.show (Some fn)) | _ -> anomaly "This should be trapped");; vinterp_add "XmlPrintAll" (function [] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.printAll ()) | _ -> anomaly "This should be trapped");; vinterp_add "XmlPrintModule" (function [VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.printModule id None) | [VARG_IDENTIFIER id ; VARG_STRING dn] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.printModule id (Some dn)) | _ -> anomaly "This should be trapped");; vinterp_add "XmlPrintSection" (function [VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.printSection id None) | [VARG_IDENTIFIER id ; VARG_STRING dn] -> (fun () -> Xmlcommand.printSection id (Some dn)) | _ -> anomaly "This should be trapped");;