(* Utility Functions *) exception TwoModulesWhoseDirPathIsOneAPrefixOfTheOther;; let get_module_path_of_section_path path = let dirpath = fst (Libnames.repr_path path) in let modules = Lib.library_dp () :: (Library.loaded_libraries ()) in match List.filter (function modul -> Libnames.is_dirpath_prefix_of modul dirpath) modules with [modul] -> modul | _ -> raise TwoModulesWhoseDirPathIsOneAPrefixOfTheOther ;; (*CSC: Problem: here we are using the wrong (???) hypothesis that there do *) (*CSC: not exist two modules whose dir_paths are one a prefix of the other *) let remove_module_dirpath_from_dirpath ~basedir dir = let module Ln = Libnames in if Ln.is_dirpath_prefix_of basedir dir then let ids = Names.repr_dirpath dir in let rec remove_firsts n l = match n,l with (0,l) -> l | (n,he::tl) -> remove_firsts (n-1) tl | _ -> assert false in let ids' = List.rev (remove_firsts (List.length (Names.repr_dirpath basedir)) (List.rev ids)) in ids' else Names.repr_dirpath dir ;; let get_uri_of_var v pvars = let module D = Declare in let module N = Names in let rec search_in_pvars names = function [] -> None | ((name,l)::tl) -> let names' = name::names in if List.mem v l then Some names' else search_in_pvars names' tl in let rec search_in_open_sections = function [] -> Util.error "Variable not found" | he::tl as modules -> let dirpath = N.make_dirpath modules in if List.mem (N.id_of_string v) (D.last_section_hyps dirpath) then modules else search_in_open_sections tl in let path = match search_in_pvars [] pvars with None -> search_in_open_sections (N.repr_dirpath (Lib.cwd ())) | Some path -> path in "cic:" ^ List.fold_left (fun i x -> "/" ^ N.string_of_id x ^ i) "" path ;; type tag = Constant | Inductive | Variable ;; let ext_of_tag = function Constant -> "con" | Inductive -> "ind" | Variable -> "var" ;; exception FunctorsXMLExportationNotImplementedYet;; let subtract l1 l2 = let l1' = List.rev (Names.repr_dirpath l1) in let l2' = List.rev (Names.repr_dirpath l2) in let rec aux = function he::tl when tl = l2' -> [he] | he::tl -> he::(aux tl) | [] -> assert (l2' = []) ; [] in Names.make_dirpath (List.rev (aux l1')) ;; (*CSC: Dead code to be removed let token_list_of_kernel_name ~keep_sections kn tag = let module N = Names in let (modpath,dirpath,label) = Names.repr_kn kn in let token_list_of_dirpath dirpath = List.rev_map N.string_of_id (N.repr_dirpath dirpath) in let rec token_list_of_modpath = function N.MPdot (path,label) -> token_list_of_modpath path @ [N.string_of_label label] | N.MPfile dirpath -> token_list_of_dirpath dirpath | N.MPself self -> if self = Names.initial_msid then [ "Top" ] else let module_path = let f = N.string_of_id (N.id_of_msid self) in let _,longf = System.find_file_in_path (Library.get_load_path ()) (f^".v") in let ldir0 = Library.find_logical_path (Filename.dirname longf) in let id = Names.id_of_string (Filename.basename f) in Libnames.extend_dirpath ldir0 id in token_list_of_dirpath module_path | N.MPbound _ -> raise FunctorsXMLExportationNotImplementedYet in token_list_of_modpath modpath @ (if keep_sections then token_list_of_dirpath dirpath else []) @ [N.string_of_label label ^ "." ^ (ext_of_tag tag)] ;; *) let token_list_of_path dir id tag = let module N = Names in let token_list_of_dirpath dirpath = List.rev_map N.string_of_id (N.repr_dirpath dirpath) in token_list_of_dirpath dir @ [N.string_of_id id ^ "." ^ (ext_of_tag tag)] let token_list_of_kernel_name kn tag = let module N = Names in let module LN = Libnames in let dir = match tag with | Variable -> Lib.cwd () | Constant -> Lib.library_part (LN.ConstRef kn) | Inductive -> Lib.library_part (LN.IndRef (kn,0)) in let id = N.id_of_label (N.label kn) in token_list_of_path dir id tag ;; let uri_of_kernel_name kn tag = let tokens = token_list_of_kernel_name kn tag in "cic:/" ^ String.concat "/" tokens let uri_of_declaration id tag = let module LN = Libnames in let dir = LN.extract_dirpath_prefix (Lib.sections_depth ()) (Lib.cwd ()) in let tokens = token_list_of_path dir id tag in "cic:/" ^ String.concat "/" tokens (* Special functions for handling of CCorn's CProp "sort" *) type sort = Coq_sort of Term.sorts_family | CProp ;; let cprop = let module N = Names in N.make_kn (N.MPfile (Libnames.dirpath_of_string "CoRN.algebra.CLogic")) (N.make_dirpath []) (N.mk_label "CProp") ;; let prerr_endline _ = ();; let whd_betadeltaiotacprop env evar_map ty = let module R = Rawterm in let red_exp = R.Hnf (*** Instead CProp is made Opaque ***) (* R.Cbv {R.rBeta = true ; R.rIota = true ; R.rDelta = true; R.rZeta=true ; R.rConst = [Names.EvalConstRef cprop] } *) in Conv_oracle.set_opaque_const cprop; prerr_endline "###whd_betadeltaiotacprop:" ; let xxx = (*Pp.msgerr (Printer.prterm_env env ty);*) prerr_endline ""; Tacred.reduction_of_redexp red_exp env evar_map ty in prerr_endline "###FINE" ; (* Pp.msgerr (Printer.prterm_env env xxx); *) prerr_endline ""; Conv_oracle.set_transparent_const cprop; xxx ;; let family_of_term ty = match Term.kind_of_term ty with Term.Sort s -> Coq_sort (Term.family_of_sort s) | Term.Const _ -> CProp (* I could check that the constant is CProp *) | _ -> Util.anomaly "family_of_term" ;; module CPropRetyping = struct module T = Term let outsort env sigma t = family_of_term (whd_betadeltaiotacprop env sigma t) let rec subst_type env sigma typ = function | [] -> typ | h::rest -> match T.kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiotacprop env sigma typ) with | T.Prod (na,c1,c2) -> subst_type env sigma (T.subst1 h c2) rest | _ -> Util.anomaly "Non-functional construction" let sort_of_atomic_type env sigma ft args = let rec concl_of_arity env ar = match T.kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiotacprop env sigma ar) with | T.Prod (na, t, b) -> concl_of_arity (Environ.push_rel (na,None,t) env) b | T.Sort s -> Coq_sort (T.family_of_sort s) | _ -> outsort env sigma (subst_type env sigma ft (Array.to_list args)) in concl_of_arity env ft let typeur sigma metamap = let rec type_of env cstr= match Term.kind_of_term cstr with | T.Meta n -> (try T.strip_outer_cast (List.assoc n metamap) with Not_found -> Util.anomaly "type_of: this is not a well-typed term") | T.Rel n -> let (_,_,ty) = Environ.lookup_rel n env in T.lift n ty | T.Var id -> (try let (_,_,ty) = Environ.lookup_named id env in T.body_of_type ty with Not_found -> Util.anomaly ("type_of: variable "^(Names.string_of_id id)^" unbound")) | T.Const c -> let cb = Environ.lookup_constant c env in T.body_of_type cb.Declarations.const_type | T.Evar ev -> Instantiate.existential_type sigma ev | T.Ind ind -> T.body_of_type (Inductive.type_of_inductive env ind) | T.Construct cstr -> T.body_of_type (Inductive.type_of_constructor env cstr) | T.Case (_,p,c,lf) -> let Inductiveops.IndType(_,realargs) = try Inductiveops.find_rectype env sigma (type_of env c) with Not_found -> Util.anomaly "type_of: Bad recursive type" in let t = Reductionops.whd_beta (T.applist (p, realargs)) in (match Term.kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiotacprop env sigma (type_of env t)) with | T.Prod _ -> Reductionops.whd_beta (T.applist (t, [c])) | _ -> t) | T.Lambda (name,c1,c2) -> T.mkProd (name, c1, type_of (Environ.push_rel (name,None,c1) env) c2) | T.LetIn (name,b,c1,c2) -> T.subst1 b (type_of (Environ.push_rel (name,Some b,c1) env) c2) | T.Fix ((_,i),(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i) | T.CoFix (i,(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i) | T.App(f,args)-> T.strip_outer_cast (subst_type env sigma (type_of env f) (Array.to_list args)) | T.Cast (c,t) -> t | T.Sort _ | T.Prod _ -> match sort_of env cstr with Coq_sort T.InProp -> T.mkProp | Coq_sort T.InSet -> T.mkSet | Coq_sort T.InType -> T.mkType Univ.prop_univ (* ERROR HERE *) | CProp -> T.mkConst cprop and sort_of env t = match Term.kind_of_term t with | T.Cast (c,s) when T.isSort s -> family_of_term s | T.Sort (T.Prop c) -> Coq_sort (if c = T.Pos then T.InSet else T.InProp) | T.Sort (T.Type u) -> Coq_sort T.InType | T.Prod (name,t,c2) -> sort_of (Environ.push_rel (name,None,t) env) c2 | T.App(f,args) -> sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args | T.Lambda _ | T.Fix _ | T.Construct _ -> Util.anomaly "sort_of: Not a type (1)" | _ -> outsort env sigma (type_of env t) and sort_family_of env t = match T.kind_of_term t with | T.Cast (c,s) when T.isSort s -> family_of_term s | T.Sort (T.Prop c) -> Coq_sort T.InType | T.Sort (T.Type u) -> Coq_sort T.InType | T.Prod (name,t,c2) -> sort_family_of (Environ.push_rel (name,None,t) env) c2 | T.App(f,args) -> sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args | T.Lambda _ | T.Fix _ | T.Construct _ -> Util.anomaly "sort_of: Not a type (1)" | _ -> outsort env sigma (type_of env t) in type_of, sort_of, sort_family_of let get_sort_family_of env sigma c = let _,_,f = typeur sigma [] in f env c end ;; let get_sort_family_of env evar_map ty = CPropRetyping.get_sort_family_of env evar_map ty ;; let type_as_sort env evar_map ty = (* CCorn code *) family_of_term (whd_betadeltaiotacprop env evar_map ty) ;; let is_a_Prop = function "Prop" | "CProp" -> true | _ -> false ;; (* Main Functions *) type anntypes = {annsynthesized : Acic.aconstr ; annexpected : Acic.aconstr option} ;; let gen_id seed = let res = "i" ^ string_of_int !seed in incr seed ; res ;; let fresh_id seed ids_to_terms constr_to_ids ids_to_father_ids = fun father t -> let res = gen_id seed in Hashtbl.add ids_to_father_ids res father ; Hashtbl.add ids_to_terms res t ; Acic.CicHash.add constr_to_ids t res ; res ;; let source_id_of_id id = "#source#" ^ id;; let acic_of_cic_context' computeinnertypes seed ids_to_terms constr_to_ids ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types pvars ?(fake_dependent_products=false) env idrefs evar_map t expectedty = let module D = DoubleTypeInference in let module E = Environ in let module N = Names in let module A = Acic in let module T = Term in let fresh_id' = fresh_id seed ids_to_terms constr_to_ids ids_to_father_ids in (* CSC: do you have any reasonable substitute for 503? *) let terms_to_types = Acic.CicHash.create 503 in D.double_type_of env evar_map t expectedty terms_to_types ; let rec aux computeinnertypes father passed_lambdas_or_prods_or_letins env idrefs ?(subst=None,[]) tt = let fresh_id'' = fresh_id' father tt in let aux' = aux computeinnertypes (Some fresh_id'') [] in let string_of_sort_family = function Coq_sort T.InProp -> "Prop" | Coq_sort T.InSet -> "Set" | Coq_sort T.InType -> "Type" | CProp -> "CProp" in let string_of_sort t = string_of_sort_family (type_as_sort env evar_map t) in let ainnertypes,innertype,innersort,expected_available = let {D.synthesized = synthesized; D.expected = expected} = if computeinnertypes then try Acic.CicHash.find terms_to_types tt with _ -> (*CSC: Warning: it really happens, for example in Ring_theory!!! *) Pp.ppnl (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "BUG: this subterm was not visited during the double-type-inference: ") (Printer.prterm tt)) ; assert false (* buco nella double-type-inference *) ; {D.synthesized = Reductionops.nf_beta (Retyping.get_type_of env evar_map (Evarutil.refresh_universes tt)) ; D.expected = None} else (* We are already in an inner-type and Coscoy's double *) (* type inference algorithm has not been applied. *) (* We need to refresh the universes because we are doing *) (* type inference on an already inferred type. *) {D.synthesized = Reductionops.nf_beta (Retyping.get_type_of env evar_map (Evarutil.refresh_universes tt)) ; D.expected = None} in (* Debugging only: print_endline "TERMINE:" ; flush stdout ; Pp.ppnl (Printer.prterm tt) ; flush stdout ; print_endline "TIPO:" ; flush stdout ; Pp.ppnl (Printer.prterm synthesized) ; flush stdout ; print_endline "ENVIRONMENT:" ; flush stdout ; Pp.ppnl (Printer.pr_context_of env) ; flush stdout ; print_endline "FINE_ENVIRONMENT" ; flush stdout ; *) let innersort = get_sort_family_of env evar_map synthesized in (* Debugging only: print_endline "PASSATO" ; flush stdout ; *) let ainnertypes,expected_available = if computeinnertypes then let annexpected,expected_available = match expected with None -> None,false | Some expectedty' -> Some (aux false (Some fresh_id'') [] env idrefs expectedty'), true in Some {annsynthesized = aux false (Some fresh_id'') [] env idrefs synthesized ; annexpected = annexpected }, expected_available else None,false in ainnertypes,synthesized, string_of_sort_family innersort, expected_available in let add_inner_type id = match ainnertypes with None -> () | Some ainnertypes -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_types id ainnertypes in (* explicit_substitute_and_eta_expand_if_required h t t' *) (* where [t] = [] and [tt] = [h]{[t']} ("{.}" denotes explicit *) (* named substitution) or [tt] = (App [h]::[t]) (and [t'] = []) *) (* check if [h] is a term that requires an explicit named *) (* substitution and, in that case, uses the first arguments of *) (* [t] as the actual arguments of the substitution. If there *) (* are not enough parameters in the list [t], then eta-expansion *) (* is performed. *) let explicit_substitute_and_eta_expand_if_required h t t' compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required = let subst,residual_args,uninst_vars = let variables,basedir = try let g = Libnames.reference_of_constr h in let sp = match g with Libnames.ConstructRef ((induri,_),_) | Libnames.IndRef (induri,_) -> Nametab.sp_of_global (Libnames.IndRef (induri,0)) | Libnames.VarRef id -> (* Invariant: variables are never cooked in Coq *) raise Not_found | _ -> Nametab.sp_of_global g in Dischargedhypsmap.get_discharged_hyps sp, get_module_path_of_section_path sp with Not_found -> (* no explicit substitution *) [], Libnames.dirpath_of_string "dummy" in (* returns a triple whose first element is *) (* an explicit named substitution of "type" *) (* (variable * argument) list, whose *) (* second element is the list of residual *) (* arguments and whose third argument is *) (* the list of uninstantiated variables *) let rec get_explicit_subst variables arguments = match variables,arguments with [],_ -> [],arguments,[] | _,[] -> [],[],variables | he1::tl1,he2::tl2 -> let subst,extra_args,uninst = get_explicit_subst tl1 tl2 in let (he1_sp, he1_id) = Libnames.repr_path he1 in let he1' = remove_module_dirpath_from_dirpath ~basedir he1_sp in let he1'' = String.concat "/" (List.map Names.string_of_id (List.rev he1')) ^ "/" ^ (Names.string_of_id he1_id) ^ ".var" in (he1'',he2)::subst, extra_args, uninst in get_explicit_subst variables t' in let uninst_vars_length = List.length uninst_vars in if uninst_vars_length > 0 then (* Not enough arguments provided. We must eta-expand! *) let un_args,_ = T.decompose_prod_n uninst_vars_length (Retyping.get_type_of env evar_map tt) in let eta_expanded = let arguments = List.map (T.lift uninst_vars_length) t @ Termops.rel_list 0 uninst_vars_length in Unshare.unshare (T.lamn uninst_vars_length un_args (T.applistc h arguments)) in D.double_type_of env evar_map eta_expanded None terms_to_types ; Hashtbl.remove ids_to_inner_types fresh_id'' ; aux' env idrefs eta_expanded else compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required subst residual_args in (* Now that we have all the auxiliary functions we *) (* can finally proceed with the main case analysis. *) match T.kind_of_term tt with T.Rel n -> let id = match List.nth (E.rel_context env) (n - 1) with (N.Name id,_,_) -> id | (N.Anonymous,_,_) -> Nameops.make_ident "_" None in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort && expected_available then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; A.ARel (fresh_id'', n, List.nth idrefs (n-1), id) | T.Var id -> let path = get_uri_of_var (N.string_of_id id) pvars in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort && expected_available then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; A.AVar (fresh_id'', path ^ "/" ^ (N.string_of_id id) ^ ".var") | T.Evar (n,l) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort && expected_available then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; A.AEvar (fresh_id'', n, Array.to_list (Array.map (aux' env idrefs) l)) | T.Meta _ -> Util.anomaly "Meta met during exporting to XML" | T.Sort s -> A.ASort (fresh_id'', s) | T.Cast (v,t) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; A.ACast (fresh_id'', aux' env idrefs v, aux' env idrefs t) | T.Prod (n,s,t) -> let n' = match n with N.Anonymous -> N.Anonymous | _ -> if not fake_dependent_products && T.noccurn 1 t then N.Anonymous else N.Name (Nameops.next_name_away n (Termops.ids_of_context env)) in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' (string_of_sort innertype) ; let sourcetype = Retyping.get_type_of env evar_map s in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'') (string_of_sort sourcetype) ; let new_passed_prods = let father_is_prod = match father with None -> false | Some father' -> match Term.kind_of_term (Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms father') with T.Prod _ -> true | _ -> false in (fresh_id'', n', aux' env idrefs s):: (if father_is_prod then passed_lambdas_or_prods_or_letins else []) in let new_env = E.push_rel (n', None, s) env in let new_idrefs = fresh_id''::idrefs in (match Term.kind_of_term t with T.Prod _ -> aux computeinnertypes (Some fresh_id'') new_passed_prods new_env new_idrefs t | _ -> A.AProds (new_passed_prods, aux' new_env new_idrefs t)) | T.Lambda (n,s,t) -> let n' = match n with N.Anonymous -> N.Anonymous | _ -> N.Name (Nameops.next_name_away n (Termops.ids_of_context env)) in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; let sourcetype = Retyping.get_type_of env evar_map s in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'') (string_of_sort sourcetype) ; let father_is_lambda = match father with None -> false | Some father' -> match Term.kind_of_term (Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms father') with T.Lambda _ -> true | _ -> false in if is_a_Prop innersort && ((not father_is_lambda) || expected_available) then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let new_passed_lambdas = (fresh_id'',n', aux' env idrefs s):: (if father_is_lambda then passed_lambdas_or_prods_or_letins else []) in let new_env = E.push_rel (n', None, s) env in let new_idrefs = fresh_id''::idrefs in (match Term.kind_of_term t with T.Lambda _ -> aux computeinnertypes (Some fresh_id'') new_passed_lambdas new_env new_idrefs t | _ -> let t' = aux' new_env new_idrefs t in (* eta-expansion for explicit named substitutions *) (* can create nested Lambdas. Here we perform the *) (* flattening. *) match t' with A.ALambdas (lambdas, t'') -> A.ALambdas (lambdas@new_passed_lambdas, t'') | _ -> A.ALambdas (new_passed_lambdas, t') ) | T.LetIn (n,s,t,d) -> let n' = match n with N.Anonymous -> N.Anonymous | _ -> N.Name (Nameops.next_name_away n (Termops.ids_of_context env)) in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; let sourcesort = get_sort_family_of env evar_map (Retyping.get_type_of env evar_map s) in Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'') (string_of_sort_family sourcesort) ; let father_is_letin = match father with None -> false | Some father' -> match Term.kind_of_term (Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms father') with T.LetIn _ -> true | _ -> false in if is_a_Prop innersort then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let new_passed_letins = (fresh_id'',n', aux' env idrefs s):: (if father_is_letin then passed_lambdas_or_prods_or_letins else []) in let new_env = E.push_rel (n', Some s, t) env in let new_idrefs = fresh_id''::idrefs in (match Term.kind_of_term d with T.LetIn _ -> aux computeinnertypes (Some fresh_id'') new_passed_letins new_env new_idrefs d | _ -> A.ALetIns (new_passed_letins, aux' new_env new_idrefs d)) | T.App (h,t) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required subst residual_args = let residual_args_not_empty = List.length residual_args > 0 in let h' = if residual_args_not_empty then aux' env idrefs ~subst:(None,subst) h else aux' env idrefs ~subst:(Some fresh_id'',subst) h in (* maybe all the arguments were used for the explicit *) (* named substitution *) if residual_args_not_empty then A.AApp (fresh_id'', h'::residual_args) else h' in let t' = Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (aux' env idrefs x)::i) t [] in explicit_substitute_and_eta_expand_if_required h (Array.to_list t) t' compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required | T.Const kn -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort && expected_available then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required _ _ = A.AConst (fresh_id'', subst, (uri_of_kernel_name kn Constant)) in let (_,subst') = subst in explicit_substitute_and_eta_expand_if_required tt [] (List.map snd subst') compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required | T.Ind (kn,i) -> let compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required _ _ = A.AInd (fresh_id'', subst, (uri_of_kernel_name kn Inductive), i) in let (_,subst') = subst in explicit_substitute_and_eta_expand_if_required tt [] (List.map snd subst') compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required | T.Construct ((kn,i),j) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort && expected_available then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required _ _ = A.AConstruct (fresh_id'', subst, (uri_of_kernel_name kn Inductive), i, j) in let (_,subst') = subst in explicit_substitute_and_eta_expand_if_required tt [] (List.map snd subst') compute_result_if_eta_expansion_not_required | T.Case ({T.ci_ind=(kn,i)},ty,term,a) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let a' = Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (aux' env idrefs x)::i) a [] in A.ACase (fresh_id'', (uri_of_kernel_name kn Inductive), i, aux' env idrefs ty, aux' env idrefs term, a') | T.Fix ((ai,i),(f,t,b)) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let fresh_idrefs = Array.init (Array.length t) (function _ -> gen_id seed) in let new_idrefs = (List.rev (Array.to_list fresh_idrefs)) @ idrefs in let f' = let ids = ref (Termops.ids_of_context env) in Array.map (function N.Anonymous -> Util.error "Anonymous fix function met" | N.Name id as n -> let res = N.Name (Nameops.next_name_away n !ids) in ids := id::!ids ; res ) f in A.AFix (fresh_id'', i, Array.fold_right (fun (id,fi,ti,bi,ai) i -> let fi' = match fi with N.Name fi -> fi | N.Anonymous -> Util.error "Anonymous fix function met" in (id, fi', ai, aux' env idrefs ti, aux' (E.push_rec_types (f',t,b) env) new_idrefs bi)::i) (Array.mapi (fun j x -> (fresh_idrefs.(j),x,t.(j),b.(j),ai.(j))) f' ) [] ) | T.CoFix (i,(f,t,b)) -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ; if is_a_Prop innersort then add_inner_type fresh_id'' ; let fresh_idrefs = Array.init (Array.length t) (function _ -> gen_id seed) in let new_idrefs = (List.rev (Array.to_list fresh_idrefs)) @ idrefs in let f' = let ids = ref (Termops.ids_of_context env) in Array.map (function N.Anonymous -> Util.error "Anonymous fix function met" | N.Name id as n -> let res = N.Name (Nameops.next_name_away n !ids) in ids := id::!ids ; res ) f in A.ACoFix (fresh_id'', i, Array.fold_right (fun (id,fi,ti,bi) i -> let fi' = match fi with N.Name fi -> fi | N.Anonymous -> Util.error "Anonymous fix function met" in (id, fi', aux' env idrefs ti, aux' (E.push_rec_types (f',t,b) env) new_idrefs bi)::i) (Array.mapi (fun j x -> (fresh_idrefs.(j),x,t.(j),b.(j)) ) f' ) [] ) in aux computeinnertypes None [] env idrefs t ;; let acic_of_cic_context metasenv context t = let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in let constr_to_ids = Acic.CicHash.create 503 in let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in let seed = ref 0 in acic_of_cic_context' true seed ids_to_terms constr_to_ids ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types metasenv context t, ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_sorts, ids_to_inner_types ;; let acic_object_of_cic_object pvars sigma obj = let module A = Acic in let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in let constr_to_ids = Acic.CicHash.create 503 in let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in let ids_to_conjectures = Hashtbl.create 11 in let ids_to_hypotheses = Hashtbl.create 127 in let hypotheses_seed = ref 0 in let conjectures_seed = ref 0 in let seed = ref 0 in let acic_term_of_cic_term_context' = acic_of_cic_context' true seed ids_to_terms constr_to_ids ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types pvars in (*CSC: is this the right env to use? Hhmmm. There is a problem: in *) (*CSC: Global.env () the object we are exporting is already defined, *) (*CSC: either in the environment or in the named context (in the case *) (*CSC: of variables. Is this a problem? *) let env = Global.env () in let acic_term_of_cic_term' = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' env [] sigma in (*CSC: the fresh_id is not stored anywhere. This _MUST_ be fixed using *) (*CSC: a modified version of the already existent fresh_id function *) let fresh_id () = let res = "i" ^ string_of_int !seed in incr seed ; res in let aobj = match obj with A.Constant (id,bo,ty,params) -> let abo = match bo with None -> None | Some bo' -> Some (acic_term_of_cic_term' bo' (Some ty)) in let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in A.AConstant (fresh_id (),id,abo,aty,params) | A.Variable (id,bo,ty,params) -> let abo = match bo with Some bo -> Some (acic_term_of_cic_term' bo (Some ty)) | None -> None in let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in A.AVariable (fresh_id (),id,abo,aty,params) | A.CurrentProof (id,conjectures,bo,ty) -> let aconjectures = List.map (function (i,canonical_context,term) as conjecture -> let cid = "c" ^ string_of_int !conjectures_seed in Hashtbl.add ids_to_conjectures cid conjecture ; incr conjectures_seed ; let canonical_env,idrefs',acanonical_context = let rec aux env idrefs = function [] -> env,idrefs,[] | ((n,decl_or_def) as hyp)::tl -> let hid = "h" ^ string_of_int !hypotheses_seed in let new_idrefs = hid::idrefs in Hashtbl.add ids_to_hypotheses hid hyp ; incr hypotheses_seed ; match decl_or_def with A.Decl t -> let final_env,final_idrefs,atl = aux (Environ.push_rel (Names.Name n,None,t) env) new_idrefs tl in let at = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' env idrefs sigma t None in final_env,final_idrefs,(hid,(n,A.Decl at))::atl | A.Def (t,ty) -> let final_env,final_idrefs,atl = aux (Environ.push_rel (Names.Name n,Some t,ty) env) new_idrefs tl in let at = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' env idrefs sigma t None in let dummy_never_used = let s = "dummy_never_used" in A.ARel (s,99,s,Names.id_of_string s) in final_env,final_idrefs, (hid,(n,A.Def (at,dummy_never_used)))::atl in aux env [] canonical_context in let aterm = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' canonical_env idrefs' sigma term None in (cid,i,List.rev acanonical_context,aterm) ) conjectures in let abo = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' env [] sigma bo (Some ty) in let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' env [] sigma ty None in A.ACurrentProof (fresh_id (),id,aconjectures,abo,aty) | A.InductiveDefinition (tys,params,paramsno) -> let env' = List.fold_right (fun (name,_,arity,_) env -> Environ.push_rel (Names.Name name, None, arity) env ) (List.rev tys) env in let idrefs = List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) tys in let atys = List.map2 (fun id (name,inductive,ty,cons) -> let acons = List.map (function (name,ty) -> (name, acic_term_of_cic_term_context' ~fake_dependent_products:true env' idrefs Evd.empty ty None) ) cons in (id,name,inductive,acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None,acons) ) (List.rev idrefs) tys in A.AInductiveDefinition (fresh_id (),atys,params,paramsno) in aobj,ids_to_terms,constr_to_ids,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts, ids_to_inner_types,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses ;;