(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Util.anomaly "find_last_id: empty list" | [id,_,_] -> id | _::tl -> find_last_id tl ;; let export_existential = string_of_int let print_term ids_to_inner_sorts = let rec aux = let module A = Acic in let module N = Names in let module X = Xml in function A.ARel (id,n,idref,b) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_empty "REL" ["value",(string_of_int n) ; "binder",(N.string_of_id b) ; "id",id ; "idref",idref; "sort",sort] | A.AVar (id,uri) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_empty "VAR" ["uri", uri ; "id",id ; "sort",sort] | A.AEvar (id,n,l) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_nempty "META" ["no",(export_existential n) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort] (List.fold_left (fun i t -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "substitution" [] (aux t) >] ) [< >] (List.rev l)) | A.ASort (id,s) -> let string_of_sort = match Term.family_of_sort s with Term.InProp -> "Prop" | Term.InSet -> "Set" | Term.InType -> "Type" in X.xml_empty "SORT" ["value",string_of_sort ; "id",id] | A.AProds (prods,t) -> let last_id = find_last_id prods in let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in X.xml_nempty "PROD" ["type",sort] [< List.fold_left (fun i (id,binder,s) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id) in let attrs = ("id",id)::("type",sort):: match binder with Names.Anonymous -> [] | Names.Name b -> ["binder",Names.string_of_id b] in [< X.xml_nempty "decl" attrs (aux s) ; i >] ) [< >] prods ; X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t) >] | A.ACast (id,v,t) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_nempty "CAST" ["id",id ; "sort",sort] [< X.xml_nempty "term" [] (aux v) ; X.xml_nempty "type" [] (aux t) >] | A.ALambdas (lambdas,t) -> let last_id = find_last_id lambdas in let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in X.xml_nempty "LAMBDA" ["sort",sort] [< List.fold_left (fun i (id,binder,s) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id) in let attrs = ("id",id)::("type",sort):: match binder with Names.Anonymous -> [] | Names.Name b -> ["binder",Names.string_of_id b] in [< X.xml_nempty "decl" attrs (aux s) ; i >] ) [< >] lambdas ; X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t) >] | A.ALetIns (letins,t) -> let last_id = find_last_id letins in let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in X.xml_nempty "LETIN" ["sort",sort] [< List.fold_left (fun i (id,binder,s) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id) in let attrs = ("id",id)::("sort",sort):: match binder with Names.Anonymous -> assert false | Names.Name b -> ["binder",Names.string_of_id b] in [< X.xml_nempty "def" attrs (aux s) ; i >] ) [< >] letins ; X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t) >] | A.AApp (id,li) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_nempty "APPLY" ["id",id ; "sort",sort] [< (List.fold_left (fun i x -> [< i ; (aux x) >]) [<>] li) >] | A.AConst (id,subst,uri) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in let attrs = ["uri", uri ; "id",id ; "sort",sort] in aux_subst (X.xml_empty "CONST" attrs) subst | A.AInd (id,subst,uri,i) -> let attrs = ["uri", uri ; "noType",(string_of_int i) ; "id",id] in aux_subst (X.xml_empty "MUTIND" attrs) subst | A.AConstruct (id,subst,uri,i,j) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in let attrs = ["uri", uri ; "noType",(string_of_int i) ; "noConstr",(string_of_int j) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort] in aux_subst (X.xml_empty "MUTCONSTRUCT" attrs) subst | A.ACase (id,uri,typeno,ty,te,patterns) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_nempty "MUTCASE" ["uriType", uri ; "noType", (string_of_int typeno) ; "id", id ; "sort",sort] [< X.xml_nempty "patternsType" [] [< (aux ty) >] ; X.xml_nempty "inductiveTerm" [] [< (aux te) >] ; List.fold_left (fun i x -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "pattern" [] [< aux x >] >]) [<>] patterns >] | A.AFix (id, no, funs) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_nempty "FIX" ["noFun", (string_of_int no) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort] [< List.fold_left (fun i (id,fi,ai,ti,bi) -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "FixFunction" ["id",id ; "name", (Names.string_of_id fi) ; "recIndex", (string_of_int ai)] [< X.xml_nempty "type" [] [< aux ti >] ; X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< aux bi >] >] >] ) [<>] funs >] | A.ACoFix (id,no,funs) -> let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in X.xml_nempty "COFIX" ["noFun", (string_of_int no) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort] [< List.fold_left (fun i (id,fi,ti,bi) -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "CofixFunction" ["id",id ; "name", Names.string_of_id fi] [< X.xml_nempty "type" [] [< aux ti >] ; X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< aux bi >] >] >] ) [<>] funs >] and aux_subst target (id,subst) = if subst = [] then target else Xml.xml_nempty "instantiate" (match id with None -> [] | Some id -> ["id",id]) [< target ; List.fold_left (fun i (uri,arg) -> [< i ; Xml.xml_nempty "arg" ["relUri", uri] (aux arg) >] ) [<>] subst >] in aux ;; let param_attribute_of_params params = List.fold_right (fun (path,l) i -> List.fold_right (fun x i ->path ^ "/" ^ x ^ ".var" ^ match i with "" -> "" | i' -> " " ^ i' ) l "" ^ match i with "" -> "" | i' -> " " ^ i' ) params "" ;; let print_object uri ids_to_inner_sorts = let rec aux = let module A = Acic in let module X = Xml in function A.ACurrentProof (id,n,conjectures,bo,ty) -> let xml_for_current_proof_body = (*CSC: Should the CurrentProof also have the list of variables it depends on? *) (*CSC: I think so. Not implemented yet. *) X.xml_nempty "CurrentProof" ["of",uri ; "id", id] [< List.fold_left (fun i (cid,n,canonical_context,t) -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "Conjecture" ["id", cid ; "no",export_existential n] [< List.fold_left (fun i (hid,t) -> [< (match t with n,A.Decl t -> X.xml_nempty "Decl" ["id",hid;"name",Names.string_of_id n] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t) | n,A.Def (t,_) -> X.xml_nempty "Def" ["id",hid;"name",Names.string_of_id n] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t) ) ; i >] ) [< >] canonical_context ; X.xml_nempty "Goal" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t) >] >]) [<>] (List.rev conjectures) ; X.xml_nempty "body" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo) >] in let xml_for_current_proof_type = X.xml_nempty "ConstantType" ["name",n ; "id", id] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty) in let xmlbo = [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n"); xml_for_current_proof_body >] in let xmlty = [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n"); xml_for_current_proof_type >] in xmlty, Some xmlbo | A.AConstant (id,n,bo,ty,params) -> let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in let xmlbo = match bo with None -> None | Some bo -> Some [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n") ; X.xml_nempty "ConstantBody" ["for",uri ; "params",params' ; "id", id] [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo >] >] in let xmlty = [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n"); X.xml_nempty "ConstantType" ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id] [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty >] >] in xmlty, xmlbo | A.AVariable (id,n,bo,ty,params) -> let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n") ; X.xml_nempty "Variable" ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id] [< (match bo with None -> [<>] | Some bo -> X.xml_nempty "body" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo) ) ; X.xml_nempty "type" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty) >] >], None | A.AInductiveDefinition (id,tys,params,nparams) -> let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n") ; X.xml_nempty "InductiveDefinition" ["noParams",string_of_int nparams ; "id",id ; "params",params'] [< (List.fold_left (fun i (id,typename,finite,arity,cons) -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "InductiveType" ["id",id ; "name",Names.string_of_id typename ; "inductive",(string_of_bool finite) ] [< X.xml_nempty "arity" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts arity) ; (List.fold_left (fun i (name,lc) -> [< i ; X.xml_nempty "Constructor" ["name",Names.string_of_id name] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts lc) >]) [<>] cons ) >] >] ) [< >] tys ) >] >], None in aux ;; let print_inner_types curi ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types = let module C2A = Cic2acic in let module X = Xml in [< X.xml_cdata "\n" ; X.xml_cdata ("\n"); X.xml_nempty "InnerTypes" ["of",curi] (Hashtbl.fold (fun id {C2A.annsynthesized = synty ; C2A.annexpected = expty} x -> [< x ; X.xml_nempty "TYPE" ["of",id] [< X.xml_nempty "synthesized" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts synty) ; match expty with None -> [<>] | Some expty' -> X.xml_nempty "expected" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts expty') >] >] ) ids_to_inner_types [<>] ) >] ;;