open Names open Term (* Maps fron \em{unshared} [constr] to ['a]. *) module CicHash = Hashtbl.Make (struct type t = Term.constr let equal = (==) let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) ;; type id = string (* the type of the (annotated) node identifiers *) type uri = string type 'constr context_entry = Decl of 'constr (* Declaration *) | Def of 'constr * 'constr (* Definition; the second argument (the type) *) (* is not present in the DTD, but is needed *) (* to use Coq functions during exportation. *) type 'constr hypothesis = identifier * 'constr context_entry type context = constr hypothesis list type conjecture = int * context * constr type metasenv = conjecture list (* list of couples section path -- variables defined in that section *) type params = (string * uri list) list type obj = Constant of string * (* id, *) constr option * constr * (* value, type, *) params (* parameters *) | Variable of string * constr option * constr * (* name, body, type *) params (* parameters *) | CurrentProof of string * metasenv * (* name, conjectures, *) constr * constr (* value, type *) | InductiveDefinition of inductiveType list * (* inductive types , *) params * int (* parameters,n ind. pars*) and inductiveType = identifier * bool * constr * (* typename, inductive, arity *) constructor list (* constructors *) and constructor = identifier * constr (* id, type *) type aconstr = | ARel of id * int * id * identifier | AVar of id * uri | AEvar of id * int * aconstr list | ASort of id * sorts | ACast of id * aconstr * aconstr | AProds of (id * name * aconstr) list * aconstr | ALambdas of (id * name * aconstr) list * aconstr | ALetIns of (id * name * aconstr) list * aconstr | AApp of id * aconstr list | AConst of id * explicit_named_substitution * uri | AInd of id * explicit_named_substitution * uri * int | AConstruct of id * explicit_named_substitution * uri * int * int | ACase of id * uri * int * aconstr * aconstr * aconstr list | AFix of id * int * ainductivefun list | ACoFix of id * int * acoinductivefun list and ainductivefun = id * identifier * int * aconstr * aconstr and acoinductivefun = id * identifier * aconstr * aconstr and explicit_named_substitution = id option * (uri * aconstr) list type acontext = (id * aconstr hypothesis) list type aconjecture = id * int * acontext * aconstr type ametasenv = aconjecture list type aobj = AConstant of id * string * (* id, *) aconstr option * aconstr * (* value, type, *) params (* parameters *) | AVariable of id * string * aconstr option * aconstr * (* name, body, type *) params (* parameters *) | ACurrentProof of id * string * ametasenv * (* name, conjectures, *) aconstr * aconstr (* value, type *) | AInductiveDefinition of id * anninductiveType list * (* inductive types , *) params * int (* parameters,n ind. pars*) and anninductiveType = id * identifier * bool * aconstr * (* typename, inductive, arity *) annconstructor list (* constructors *) and annconstructor = identifier * aconstr (* id, type *)