(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A -> Prop *) wf_proof: constr; (* : well_founded R *) f_type: types; (* f: A -> Set *) f_fulltype: types; (* Type with argument and wf proof product first *) } let my_print_rec_info env t = str "Name: " ++ Nameops.pr_name t.arg_name ++ spc () ++ str "Arg type: " ++ my_print_constr env t.arg_type ++ spc () ++ str "Wf relation: " ++ my_print_constr env t.wf_relation ++ spc () ++ str "Wf proof: " ++ my_print_constr env t.wf_proof ++ spc () ++ str "Abbreviated Type: " ++ my_print_constr env t.f_type ++ spc () ++ str "Full type: " ++ my_print_constr env t.f_fulltype (* trace (str "pretype for " ++ (my_print_rawconstr env c) ++ *) (* str " and tycon "++ my_print_tycon env tycon ++ *) (* str " in environment: " ++ my_print_env env); *) let merge_evms x y = Evd.fold (fun ev evi evm -> Evd.add evm ev evi) x y let interp env isevars c tycon = let j = pretype tycon env isevars ([],[]) c in let _ = isevars := Evarutil.nf_evar_defs !isevars in let evd,_ = consider_remaining_unif_problems env !isevars in (* let unevd = undefined_evars evd in *) let unevd' = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~onlyargs:true ~all:false env (Evd.evars_of evd) evd in let evm = evars_of unevd' in isevars := unevd'; nf_evar evm j.uj_val, nf_evar evm j.uj_type let find_with_index x l = let rec aux i = function (y, _, _) as t :: tl -> if x = y then i, t else aux (succ i) tl | [] -> raise Not_found in aux 0 l let list_split_at index l = let rec aux i acc = function hd :: tl when i = index -> (List.rev acc), tl | hd :: tl -> aux (succ i) (hd :: acc) tl | [] -> failwith "list_split_at: Invalid argument" in aux 0 [] l open Vernacexpr let coqintern_constr evd env : Topconstr.constr_expr -> Rawterm.rawconstr = Constrintern.intern_constr (evars_of evd) env let coqintern_type evd env : Topconstr.constr_expr -> Rawterm.rawconstr = Constrintern.intern_type (evars_of evd) env let env_with_binders env isevars l = let rec aux ((env, rels) as acc) = function Topconstr.LocalRawDef ((loc, name), def) :: tl -> let rawdef = coqintern_constr !isevars env def in let coqdef, deftyp = interp env isevars rawdef empty_tycon in let reldecl = (name, Some coqdef, deftyp) in aux (push_rel reldecl env, reldecl :: rels) tl | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (bl, k, typ) :: tl -> let rawtyp = coqintern_type !isevars env typ in let coqtyp, typtyp = interp env isevars rawtyp empty_tycon in let acc = List.fold_left (fun (env, rels) (loc, name) -> let reldecl = (name, None, coqtyp) in (push_rel reldecl env, reldecl :: rels)) (env, rels) bl in aux acc tl | [] -> acc in aux (env, []) l let subtac_process env isevars id bl c tycon = (* let bl = Implicit_quantifiers.ctx_of_class_binders (vars_of_env env) cbl @ l in *) let c = Command.abstract_constr_expr c bl in let tycon = match tycon with None -> empty_tycon | Some t -> let t = Command.generalize_constr_expr t bl in let t = coqintern_type !isevars env t in let coqt, ttyp = interp env isevars t empty_tycon in mk_tycon coqt in let c = coqintern_constr !isevars env c in let imps = Implicit_quantifiers.implicits_of_rawterm c in let coqc, ctyp = interp env isevars c tycon in let evm = non_instanciated_map env isevars (evars_of !isevars) in evm, coqc, (match tycon with Some (None, c) -> c | _ -> ctyp), imps open Subtac_obligations let subtac_proof env isevars id bl c tycon = let evm, coqc, coqt, imps = subtac_process env isevars id bl c tycon in let evm = Subtac_utils.evars_of_term evm Evd.empty coqc in let evars, def, ty = Eterm.eterm_obligations env id !isevars evm 0 coqc coqt in add_definition id def ty ~implicits:imps evars