(* -*- compile-command: "make -C ../.. bin/coqtop.byte" -*- *) (************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mkRel i | PCstr (c, p) -> let c' = mkConstruct c in mkApp (c', Array.of_list (constrs_of_pats ~inacc env p)) | PInac r -> if inacc then try mkInac env r with _ -> r else r and constrs_of_pats ?(inacc=true) env l = map (constr_of_pat ~inacc env) l let rec pat_vars = function | PRel i -> Intset.singleton i | PCstr (c, p) -> pats_vars p | PInac _ -> Intset.empty and pats_vars l = fold_left (fun vars p -> let pvars = pat_vars p in let inter = Intset.inter pvars vars in if inter = Intset.empty then Intset.union pvars vars else error ("Non-linear pattern: variable " ^ string_of_int (Intset.choose inter) ^ " appears twice")) Intset.empty l let rec pats_of_constrs l = map pat_of_constr l and pat_of_constr c = match kind_of_term c with | Rel i -> PRel i | App (f, [| a ; c |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force coq_inacc) -> PInac c | App (f, args) when isConstruct f -> PCstr (destConstruct f, pats_of_constrs (Array.to_list args)) | Construct f -> PCstr (f, []) | _ -> PInac c let inaccs_of_constrs l = map (fun x -> PInac x) l exception Conflict let rec pmatch p c = match p, c with | PRel i, t -> [i, t] | PCstr (c, pl), PCstr (c', pl') when c = c' -> pmatches pl pl' | PInac _, _ -> [] | _, PInac _ -> [] | _, _ -> raise Conflict and pmatches pl l = match pl, l with | [], [] -> [] | hd :: tl, hd' :: tl' -> pmatch hd hd' @ pmatches tl tl' | _ -> raise Conflict let pattern_matches pl l = try Some (pmatches pl l) with Conflict -> None let rec pinclude p c = match p, c with | PRel i, t -> true | PCstr (c, pl), PCstr (c', pl') when c = c' -> pincludes pl pl' | PInac _, _ -> true | _, PInac _ -> true | _, _ -> false and pincludes pl l = match pl, l with | [], [] -> true | hd :: tl, hd' :: tl' -> pinclude hd hd' && pincludes tl tl' | _ -> false let pattern_includes pl l = pincludes pl l (** Specialize by a substitution. *) let subst_tele s = replace_vars (List.map (fun (id, _, t) -> id, t) s) let subst_rel_subst k s c = let rec aux depth c = match kind_of_term c with | Rel n -> let k = n - depth in if k >= 0 then try lift depth (snd (assoc k s)) with Not_found -> c else c | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ aux depth c in aux k c let subst_context s ctx = let (_, ctx') = fold_right (fun (id, b, t) (k, ctx') -> (succ k, (id, Option.map (subst_rel_subst k s) b, subst_rel_subst k s t) :: ctx')) ctx (0, []) in ctx' let subst_rel_context k cstr ctx = let (_, ctx') = fold_right (fun (id, b, t) (k, ctx') -> (succ k, (id, Option.map (substnl [cstr] k) b, substnl [cstr] k t) :: ctx')) ctx (k, []) in ctx' let rec lift_pat n k p = match p with | PRel i -> if i >= k then PRel (i + n) else p | PCstr(c, pl) -> PCstr (c, lift_pats n k pl) | PInac r -> PInac (liftn n k r) and lift_pats n k = map (lift_pat n k) let rec subst_pat env k t p = match p with | PRel i -> if i = k then t else if i > k then PRel (pred i) else p | PCstr(c, pl) -> PCstr (c, subst_pats env k t pl) | PInac r -> PInac (substnl [constr_of_pat ~inacc:false env t] (pred k) r) and subst_pats env k t = map (subst_pat env k t) let rec specialize s p = match p with | PRel i -> if mem_assoc i s then let b, t = assoc i s in if b then PInac t else PRel (destRel t) else p | PCstr(c, pl) -> PCstr (c, specialize_pats s pl) | PInac r -> PInac (specialize_constr s r) and specialize_constr s c = subst_rel_subst 0 s c and specialize_pats s = map (specialize s) let specialize_patterns = function | [] -> fun p -> p | s -> specialize_pats s let specialize_rel_context s ctx = snd (fold_right (fun (n, b, t) (k, ctx) -> (succ k, (n, Option.map (subst_rel_subst k s) b, subst_rel_subst k s t) :: ctx)) ctx (0, [])) let lift_contextn n k sign = let rec liftrec k = function | (na,c,t)::sign -> (na,Option.map (liftn n k) c,liftn n k t)::(liftrec (k-1) sign) | [] -> [] in liftrec (rel_context_length sign + k) sign type program = signature * clause list and signature = identifier * rel_context * constr and clause = lhs * (constr, int) rhs and lhs = rel_context * identifier * pat list and ('a, 'b) rhs = | Program of 'a | Empty of 'b type splitting = | Compute of clause | Split of lhs * int * inductive_family * unification_result array * splitting option array and unification_result = rel_context * int * constr * pat * substitution option and substitution = (int * (bool * constr)) list type problem = identifier * lhs let rels_of_tele tele = rel_list 0 (List.length tele) let patvars_of_tele tele = map (fun c -> PRel (destRel c)) (rels_of_tele tele) let split_solves split prob = match split with | Compute (lhs, rhs) -> lhs = prob | Split (lhs, id, indf, us, ls) -> lhs = prob let ids_of_constr c = let rec aux vars c = match kind_of_term c with | Var id -> Idset.add id vars | _ -> fold_constr aux vars c in aux Idset.empty c let ids_of_constrs = fold_left (fun acc x -> Idset.union (ids_of_constr x) acc) Idset.empty let idset_of_list = fold_left (fun s x -> Idset.add x s) Idset.empty let intset_of_list = fold_left (fun s x -> Intset.add x s) Intset.empty let solves split (delta, id, pats as prob) = split_solves split prob && Intset.equal (pats_vars pats) (intset_of_list (map destRel (rels_of_tele delta))) let check_judgment ctx c t = ignore(Typing.check (push_rel_context ctx (Global.env ())) Evd.empty c t); true let check_context env ctx = fold_right (fun (_, _, t as decl) env -> ignore(Typing.sort_of env Evd.empty t); push_rel decl env) ctx env let split_context n c = let after, before = list_chop n c in match before with | hd :: tl -> after, hd, tl | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "split_context") let split_tele n (ctx : rel_context) = let rec aux after n l = match n, l with | 0, decl :: before -> before, decl, List.rev after | n, decl :: before -> aux (decl :: after) (pred n) before | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "split_tele") in aux [] n ctx let rec add_var_subst env subst n c = if mem_assoc n subst then let t = assoc n subst in if eq_constr t c then subst else unify env subst t c else let rel = mkRel n in if rel = c then subst else if dependent rel c then raise Conflict else (n, c) :: subst and unify env subst x y = match kind_of_term x, kind_of_term y with | Rel n, _ -> add_var_subst env subst n y | _, Rel n -> add_var_subst env subst n x | App (c, l), App (c', l') when eq_constr c c' -> unify_constrs env subst (Array.to_list l) (Array.to_list l') | _, _ -> if eq_constr x y then subst else raise Conflict and unify_constrs (env : env) subst l l' = if List.length l = List.length l' then fold_left2 (unify env) subst l l' else raise Conflict let fold_rel_context_with_binders f ctx init = snd (List.fold_right (fun decl (depth, acc) -> (succ depth, f depth decl acc)) ctx (0, init)) let dependent_rel_context (ctx : rel_context) k = fold_rel_context_with_binders (fun depth (n,b,t) acc -> let r = mkRel (depth + k) in acc || dependent r t || (match b with | Some b -> dependent r b | None -> false)) ctx false let liftn_between n k p c = let rec aux depth c = match kind_of_term c with | Rel i -> if i <= depth then c else if i-depth > p then c else mkRel (i - n) | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ aux depth c in aux k c let liftn_rel_context n k sign = let rec liftrec k = function | (na,c,t)::sign -> (na,Option.map (liftn n k) c,liftn n k t)::(liftrec (k-1) sign) | [] -> [] in liftrec (k + rel_context_length sign) sign let substnl_rel_context n l = map_rel_context_with_binders (fun k -> substnl l (n+k-1)) let reduce_rel_context (ctx : rel_context) (subst : (int * (bool * constr)) list) = let _, s, ctx' = fold_left (fun (k, s, ctx') (n, b, t as decl) -> match b with | None -> (succ k, mkRel k :: s, ctx' @ [decl]) | Some t -> (k, lift (pred k) t :: map (substnl [t] (pred k)) s, subst_rel_context 0 t ctx')) (1, [], []) ctx in let s = rev s in let s' = map (fun (korig, (b, knew)) -> korig, (b, substl s knew)) subst in s', ctx' (* Compute the transitive closure of the dependency relation for a term in a context *) let rec dependencies_of_rel ctx k = let (n,b,t) = nth ctx (pred k) in let b = Option.map (lift k) b and t = lift k t in let bdeps = match b with Some b -> dependencies_of_term ctx b | None -> Intset.empty in Intset.union (Intset.singleton k) (Intset.union bdeps (dependencies_of_term ctx t)) and dependencies_of_term ctx t = let rels = free_rels t in Intset.fold (fun i -> Intset.union (dependencies_of_rel ctx i)) rels Intset.empty let subst_telescope k cstr ctx = let (_, ctx') = fold_left (fun (k, ctx') (id, b, t) -> (succ k, (id, Option.map (substnl [cstr] k) b, substnl [cstr] k t) :: ctx')) (k, []) ctx in rev ctx' let lift_telescope n k sign = let rec liftrec k = function | (na,c,t)::sign -> (na,Option.map (liftn n k) c,liftn n k t)::(liftrec (succ k) sign) | [] -> [] in liftrec k sign type ('a,'b) either = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b let strengthen (ctx : rel_context) (t : constr) : rel_context * rel_context * (int * (int, int) either) list = let rels = dependencies_of_term ctx t in let len = length ctx in let nbdeps = Intset.cardinal rels in let lifting = len - nbdeps in (* Number of variables not linked to t *) let rec aux k n acc m rest s = function | decl :: ctx' -> if Intset.mem k rels then let rest' = subst_telescope 0 (mkRel (nbdeps + lifting - pred m)) rest in aux (succ k) (succ n) (decl :: acc) m rest' ((k, Inl n) :: s) ctx' else aux (succ k) n (subst_telescope 0 mkProp acc) (succ m) (decl :: rest) ((k, Inr m) :: s) ctx' | [] -> rev acc, rev rest, s in aux 1 1 [] 1 [] [] ctx let merge_subst (ctx', rest, s) = let lenrest = length rest in map (function (k, Inl x) -> (k, (false, mkRel (x + lenrest))) | (k, Inr x) -> k, (false, mkRel x)) s (* let simplify_subst s = *) (* fold_left (fun s (k, t) -> *) (* match kind_of_term t with *) (* | Rel n when n = k -> s *) (* | _ -> (k, t) :: s) *) (* [] s *) let compose_subst s' s = map (fun (k, (b, t)) -> (k, (b, specialize_constr s' t))) s let substitute_in_ctx n c ctx = let rec aux k after = function | [] -> [] | (name, b, t as decl) :: before -> if k = n then rev after @ (name, Some c, t) :: before else aux (succ k) (decl :: after) before in aux 1 [] ctx let rec reduce_subst (ctx : rel_context) (substacc : (int * (bool * constr)) list) (cursubst : (int * (bool * constr)) list) = match cursubst with | [] -> ctx, substacc | (k, (b, t)) :: rest -> if t = mkRel k then reduce_subst ctx substacc rest else if noccur_between 1 k t then (* The term to substitute refers only to previous variables. *) let t' = lift (-k) t in let ctx' = substitute_in_ctx k t' ctx in reduce_subst ctx' substacc rest else (* The term refers to variables declared after [k], so we have to move these dependencies before [k]. *) let (minctx, ctxrest, subst as str) = strengthen ctx t in match assoc k subst with | Inl _ -> error "Occurs check in substituted_context" | Inr k' -> let s = merge_subst str in let ctx' = ctxrest @ minctx in let rest' = let substsubst (k', (b, t')) = match kind_of_term (snd (assoc k' s)) with | Rel k'' -> (k'', (b, specialize_constr s t')) | _ -> error "Non-variable substituted for variable by strenghtening" in map substsubst ((k, (b, t)) :: rest) in reduce_subst ctx' (compose_subst s substacc) rest' (* (compose_subst s ((k, (b, t)) :: rest)) *) let substituted_context (subst : (int * constr) list) (ctx : rel_context) = let _, subst = fold_left (fun (k, s) _ -> try let t = assoc k subst in (succ k, (k, (true, t)) :: s) with Not_found -> (succ k, ((k, (false, mkRel k)) :: s))) (1, []) ctx in let ctx', subst' = reduce_subst ctx subst subst in reduce_rel_context ctx' subst' let unify_type before ty = try let envb = push_rel_context before (Global.env()) in let IndType (indf, args) = find_rectype envb Evd.empty ty in let ind, params = dest_ind_family indf in let vs = map (Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota envb) args in let cstrs = Inductiveops.arities_of_constructors envb ind in let cstrs = Array.mapi (fun i ty -> let ty = prod_applist ty params in let ctx, ty = decompose_prod_assum ty in let ctx, ids = let ids = ids_of_rel_context ctx in fold_right (fun (n, b, t as decl) (acc, ids) -> match n with Name _ -> (decl :: acc), ids | Anonymous -> let id = next_name_away Anonymous ids in ((Name id, b, t) :: acc), (id :: ids)) ctx ([], ids) in let env' = push_rel_context ctx (Global.env ()) in let IndType (indf, args) = find_rectype env' Evd.empty ty in let ind, params = dest_ind_family indf in let constr = applist (mkConstruct (ind, succ i), params @ rels_of_tele ctx) in let constrpat = PCstr ((ind, succ i), inaccs_of_constrs params @ patvars_of_tele ctx) in env', ctx, constr, constrpat, (* params @ *)args) cstrs in let res = Array.map (fun (env', ctxc, c, cpat, us) -> let _beforelen = length before and ctxclen = length ctxc in let fullctx = ctxc @ before in try let fullenv = push_rel_context fullctx (Global.env ()) in let vs' = map (lift ctxclen) vs in let subst = unify_constrs fullenv [] vs' us in let subst', ctx' = substituted_context subst fullctx in (ctx', ctxclen, c, cpat, Some subst') with Conflict -> (fullctx, ctxclen, c, cpat, None)) cstrs in Some (res, indf) with Not_found -> (* not an inductive type *) None let rec id_of_rel n l = match n, l with | 0, (Name id, _, _) :: tl -> id | n, _ :: tl -> id_of_rel (pred n) tl | _, _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "id_of_rel") let constrs_of_lhs ?(inacc=true) env (ctx, _, pats) = constrs_of_pats ~inacc (push_rel_context ctx env) pats let rec valid_splitting (f, delta, t, pats) tree = split_solves tree (delta, f, pats) && valid_splitting_tree (f, delta, t) tree and valid_splitting_tree (f, delta, t) = function | Compute (lhs, Program rhs) -> let subst = constrs_of_lhs ~inacc:false (Global.env ()) lhs in ignore(check_judgment (pi1 lhs) rhs (substl subst t)); true | Compute ((ctx, id, lhs), Empty split) -> let before, (x, _, ty), after = split_context split ctx in let unify = match unify_type before ty with | Some (unify, _) -> unify | None -> assert false in array_for_all (fun (_, _, _, _, x) -> x = None) unify | Split ((ctx, id, lhs), rel, indf, unifs, ls) -> let before, (id, _, ty), after = split_tele (pred rel) ctx in let unify, indf' = Option.get (unify_type before ty) in assert(indf = indf'); if not (array_exists (fun (_, _, _, _, x) -> x <> None) unify) then false else let ok, splits = Array.fold_left (fun (ok, splits as acc) (ctx', ctxlen, cstr, cstrpat, subst) -> match subst with | None -> acc | Some subst -> (* let env' = push_rel_context ctx' (Global.env ()) in *) (* let ctx_correct = *) (* ignore(check_context env' (subst_context subst ctxc)); *) (* ignore(check_context env' (subst_context subst before)); *) (* true *) (* in *) let newdelta = subst_context subst (subst_rel_context 0 cstr (lift_contextn ctxlen 0 after)) @ before in let liftpats = lift_pats ctxlen rel lhs in let newpats = specialize_patterns subst (subst_pats (Global.env ()) rel cstrpat liftpats) in (ok, (f, newdelta, newpats) :: splits)) (true, []) unify in let subst = List.map2 (fun (id, _, _) x -> out_name id, x) delta (constrs_of_pats ~inacc:false (Global.env ()) lhs) in let t' = replace_vars subst t in ok && for_all (fun (f, delta', pats') -> array_exists (function None -> false | Some tree -> valid_splitting (f, delta', t', pats') tree) ls) splits let valid_tree (f, delta, t) tree = valid_splitting (f, delta, t, patvars_of_tele delta) tree let is_constructor c = match kind_of_term (fst (decompose_app c)) with | Construct _ -> true | _ -> false let find_split (_, _, curpats : lhs) (_, _, patcs : lhs) = let rec find_split_pat curpat patc = match patc with | PRel _ -> None | PCstr (f, args) -> (match curpat with | PCstr (f', args') when f = f' -> (* Already split at this level, continue *) find_split_pats args' args | PRel i -> (* Split on i *) Some i | PInac c when isRel c -> Some (destRel c) | _ -> None) | PInac _ -> None and find_split_pats curpats patcs = assert(List.length curpats = List.length patcs); fold_left2 (fun acc -> match acc with | None -> find_split_pat | _ -> fun _ _ -> acc) None curpats patcs in find_split_pats curpats patcs open Pp open Termops let pr_constr_pat env c = let pr = print_constr_env env c in match kind_of_term c with | App _ -> str "(" ++ pr ++ str ")" | _ -> pr let pr_pat env c = try let patc = constr_of_pat env c in try pr_constr_pat env patc with _ -> str"pr_constr_pat raised an exception" with _ -> str"constr_of_pat raised an exception" let pr_context env c = let pr_decl (id,b,_) = let bstr = match b with Some b -> str ":=" ++ spc () ++ print_constr_env env b | None -> mt() in let idstr = match id with Name id -> pr_id id | Anonymous -> str"_" in idstr ++ bstr in prlist_with_sep pr_spc pr_decl (List.rev c) (* Printer.pr_rel_context env c *) let pr_lhs env (delta, f, patcs) = let env = push_rel_context delta env in let ctx = pr_context env delta in (if delta = [] then ctx else str "[" ++ ctx ++ str "]" ++ spc ()) ++ pr_id f ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc (pr_pat env) patcs let pr_rhs env = function | Empty var -> spc () ++ str ":=!" ++ spc () ++ print_constr_env env (mkRel var) | Program rhs -> spc () ++ str ":=" ++ spc () ++ print_constr_env env rhs let pr_clause env (lhs, rhs) = pr_lhs env lhs ++ (let env' = push_rel_context (pi1 lhs) env in pr_rhs env' rhs) (* let pr_splitting env = function *) (* | Compute cl -> str "Compute " ++ pr_clause env cl *) (* | Split (lhs, n, indf, results, splits) -> *) (* let pr_unification_result (ctx, n, c, pat, subst) = *) (* unification_result array * splitting option array *) let pr_clauses env = prlist_with_sep fnl (pr_clause env) let lhs_includes (delta, _, patcs : lhs) (delta', _, patcs' : lhs) = pattern_includes patcs patcs' let lhs_matches (delta, _, patcs : lhs) (delta', _, patcs' : lhs) = pattern_matches patcs patcs' let rec split_on env var (delta, f, curpats as lhs) clauses = let before, (id, _, ty), after = split_tele (pred var) delta in let unify, indf = match unify_type before ty with | Some r -> r | None -> assert false (* We decided... so it better be inductive *) in let clauses = ref clauses in let splits = Array.map (fun (ctx', ctxlen, cstr, cstrpat, s) -> match s with | None -> None | Some s -> (* ctx' |- s cstr, s cstrpat *) let newdelta = subst_context s (subst_rel_context 0 cstr (lift_contextn ctxlen 1 after)) @ ctx' in let liftpats = (* delta |- curpats -> before; ctxc; id; after |- liftpats *) lift_pats ctxlen (succ var) curpats in let liftpat = (* before; ctxc |- cstrpat -> before; ctxc; after |- liftpat *) lift_pat (pred var) 1 cstrpat in let substpat = (* before; ctxc; after |- liftpats[id:=liftpat] *) subst_pats env var liftpat liftpats in let lifts = (* before; ctxc |- s : newdelta -> before; ctxc; after |- lifts : newdelta ; after *) map (fun (k,(b,x)) -> (pred var + k, (b, lift (pred var) x))) s in let newpats = specialize_patterns lifts substpat in let newlhs = (newdelta, f, newpats) in let matching, rest = fold_right (fun (lhs, rhs as clause) (matching, rest) -> if lhs_includes newlhs lhs then (clause :: matching, rest) else (matching, clause :: rest)) !clauses ([], []) in clauses := rest; if matching = [] then ( (* Try finding a splittable variable *) let (id, _) = fold_right (fun (id, _, ty as decl) (accid, ctx) -> match accid with | Some _ -> (accid, ctx) | None -> match unify_type ctx ty with | Some (unify, indf) -> if array_for_all (fun (_, _, _, _, x) -> x = None) unify then (Some id, ctx) else (None, decl :: ctx) | None -> (None, decl :: ctx)) newdelta (None, []) in match id with | None -> errorlabstrm "deppat" (str "Non-exhaustive pattern-matching, no clause found for:" ++ fnl () ++ pr_lhs env newlhs) | Some id -> Some (Compute (newlhs, Empty (fst (lookup_rel_id (out_name id) newdelta)))) ) else ( let splitting = make_split_aux env newlhs matching in Some splitting)) unify in (* if !clauses <> [] then *) (* errorlabstrm "deppat" *) (* (str "Impossible clauses:" ++ fnl () ++ pr_clauses env !clauses); *) Split (lhs, var, indf, unify, splits) and make_split_aux env lhs clauses = let split = fold_left (fun acc (lhs', rhs) -> match acc with | None -> find_split lhs lhs' | _ -> acc) None clauses in match split with | Some var -> split_on env var lhs clauses | None -> (match clauses with | [] -> error "No clauses left" | [(lhs', rhs)] -> (* No need to split anymore, fix the environments so that they are correctly aligned. *) (match lhs_matches lhs' lhs with | Some s -> let s = map (fun (x, p) -> x, (true, constr_of_pat ~inacc:false env p)) s in let rhs' = match rhs with | Program c -> Program (specialize_constr s c) | Empty i -> Empty (destRel (snd (assoc i s))) in Compute ((pi1 lhs, pi2 lhs, specialize_patterns s (pi3 lhs')), rhs') | None -> anomaly "Non-matching clauses at a leaf of the splitting tree") | _ -> errorlabstrm "make_split_aux" (str "Overlapping clauses:" ++ fnl () ++ pr_clauses env clauses)) let make_split env (f, delta, t) clauses = make_split_aux env (delta, f, patvars_of_tele delta) clauses open Evd open Evarutil let lift_substitution n s = map (fun (k, x) -> (k + n, x)) s let map_substitution s t = map (subst_rel_subst 0 s) t let term_of_tree status isevar env (i, delta, ty) ann tree = (* let envrec = match ann with *) (* | None -> [] *) (* | Some (loc, i) -> *) (* let (n, t) = lookup_rel_id i delta in *) (* let t' = lift n t in *) (* in *) let rec aux = function | Compute ((ctx, _, pats as lhs), Program rhs) -> let ty' = substl (rev (constrs_of_lhs ~inacc:false env lhs)) ty in let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn rhs ctx and typ = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty' ctx in mkCast(body, DEFAULTcast, typ), typ | Compute ((ctx, _, pats as lhs), Empty split) -> let ty' = substl (rev (constrs_of_lhs ~inacc:false env lhs)) ty in let split = (Name (id_of_string "split"), Some (Class_tactics.coq_nat_of_int (1 + (length ctx - split))), Lazy.force Class_tactics.coq_nat) in let ty' = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty' ctx in let let_ty' = mkLambda_or_LetIn split (lift 1 ty') in let term = e_new_evar isevar env ~src:(dummy_loc, QuestionMark (Define true)) let_ty' in term, ty' | Split ((ctx, _, pats as lhs), rel, indf, unif, sp) -> let before, decl, after = split_tele (pred rel) ctx in let ty' = substl (rev (constrs_of_lhs ~inacc:false env lhs)) ty in let branches = array_map2 (fun (ctx', ctxlen, cstr, cstrpat, subst) split -> match split with | Some s -> aux s | None -> (* dead code, inversion will find a proof of False by splitting on the rel'th hyp *) Class_tactics.coq_nat_of_int rel, Lazy.force Class_tactics.coq_nat) unif sp in let branches_ctx = Array.mapi (fun i (br, brt) -> (id_of_string ("m_" ^ string_of_int i), Some br, brt)) branches in let n, branches_lets = Array.fold_left (fun (n, lets) (id, b, t) -> (succ n, (Name id, Option.map (lift n) b, lift n t) :: lets)) (0, []) branches_ctx in let liftctx = lift_contextn (Array.length branches) 0 ctx in let case = let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty' liftctx in let ty = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ty branches_lets in let nbbranches = (Name (id_of_string "branches"), Some (Class_tactics.coq_nat_of_int (length branches_lets)), Lazy.force Class_tactics.coq_nat) in let nbdiscr = (Name (id_of_string "target"), Some (Class_tactics.coq_nat_of_int (length before)), Lazy.force Class_tactics.coq_nat) in let ty = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift 2 ty) [nbbranches;nbdiscr] in let term = e_new_evar isevar env ~src:(dummy_loc, QuestionMark status) ty in term in let casetyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty' ctx in mkCast(case, DEFAULTcast, casetyp), casetyp in aux tree open Topconstr open Constrintern open Decl_kinds type equation = constr_expr * (constr_expr, identifier located) rhs let locate_reference qid = match Nametab.extended_locate qid with | TrueGlobal ref -> true | SyntacticDef kn -> true let is_global id = try locate_reference (make_short_qualid id) with Not_found -> false let is_freevar ids env x = try if Idset.mem x ids then false else try ignore(Environ.lookup_named x env) ; false with _ -> not (is_global x) with _ -> true let ids_of_patc c ?(bound=Idset.empty) l = let found id bdvars l = if not (is_freevar bdvars (Global.env ()) (snd id)) then l else if List.exists (fun (_, id') -> id' = snd id) l then l else id :: l in let rec aux bdvars l c = match c with | CRef (Ident lid) -> found lid bdvars l | CNotation (_, "{ _ : _ | _ }", ((CRef (Ident (_, id))) :: _,[])) when not (Idset.mem id bdvars) -> fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Idset.add a l) aux (Idset.add id bdvars) l c | c -> fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Idset.add a l) aux bdvars l c in aux bound l c let interp_pats i isevar env impls pat sign recu = let bound = Idset.singleton i in let vars = ids_of_patc pat ~bound [] in let varsctx, env' = fold_right (fun (loc, id) (ctx, env) -> let decl = let ty = e_new_evar isevar env ~src:(loc, BinderType (Name id)) (new_Type ()) in (Name id, None, ty) in decl::ctx, push_rel decl env) vars ([], env) in let pats = let patenv = match recu with None -> env' | Some ty -> push_named (i, None, ty) env' in let patt, _ = interp_constr_evars_impls ~evdref:isevar patenv ~impls:([],[]) pat in match kind_of_term patt with | App (m, args) -> if not (eq_constr m (mkRel (succ (length varsctx)))) then user_err_loc (constr_loc pat, "interp_pats", str "Expecting a pattern for " ++ pr_id i) else Array.to_list args | _ -> user_err_loc (constr_loc pat, "interp_pats", str "Error parsing pattern: unnexpected left-hand side") in isevar := nf_evar_defs !isevar; (nf_rel_context_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) varsctx, nf_env_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) env', rev_map (nf_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar)) pats) let interp_eqn i isevar env impls sign arity recu (pats, rhs) = let ctx, env', patcs = interp_pats i isevar env impls pats sign recu in let rhs' = match rhs with | Program p -> let ty = nf_isevar !isevar (substl patcs arity) in Program (interp_casted_constr_evars isevar env' ~impls p ty) | Empty lid -> Empty (fst (lookup_rel_id (snd lid) ctx)) in ((ctx, i, pats_of_constrs (rev patcs)), rhs') open Entries open Tacmach open Tacexpr open Tactics open Tacticals let contrib_tactics_path = make_dirpath (List.map id_of_string ["Equality";"Program";"Coq"]) let tactics_tac s = make_kn (MPfile contrib_tactics_path) (make_dirpath []) (mk_label s) let equations_tac = lazy (Tacinterp.eval_tactic (TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc, ArgArg(dummy_loc, tactics_tac "equations"), [])))) let define_by_eqs with_comp i (l,ann) t nt eqs = let env = Global.env () in let isevar = ref (create_evar_defs Evd.empty) in let (env', sign), impls = interp_context_evars isevar env l in let arity = interp_type_evars isevar env' t in let sign = nf_rel_context_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) sign in let arity = nf_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) arity in let arity = if with_comp then let compid = add_suffix i "_comp" in let ce = { const_entry_body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn arity sign; const_entry_type = None; const_entry_opaque = false; const_entry_boxed = false} in let c = Declare.declare_constant compid (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition Definition) in mkApp (mkConst c, rel_vect 0 (length sign)) else arity in let env = Global.env () in let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn arity sign in let data = Command.compute_interning_datas env Constrintern.Recursive [] [i] [ty] [impls] in let fixdecls = [(Name i, None, ty)] in let fixenv = push_rel_context fixdecls env in let equations = States.with_heavy_rollback (fun () -> Option.iter (Command.declare_interning_data data) nt; map (interp_eqn i isevar fixenv data sign arity None) eqs) () in let sign = nf_rel_context_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) sign in let arity = nf_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) arity in let prob = (i, sign, arity) in let fixenv = nf_env_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) fixenv in let fixdecls = nf_rel_context_evar (Evd.evars_of !isevar) fixdecls in (* let ce = check_evars fixenv Evd.empty !isevar in *) (* List.iter (function (_, _, Program rhs) -> ce rhs | _ -> ()) equations; *) let is_recursive, env' = let occur_eqn ((ctx, _, _), rhs) = match rhs with | Program c -> dependent (mkRel (succ (length ctx))) c | _ -> false in if exists occur_eqn equations then true, fixenv else false, env in let split = make_split env' prob equations in (* if valid_tree prob split then *) let status = (* if is_recursive then Expand else *) Define false in let t, ty = term_of_tree status isevar env' prob ann split in let undef = undefined_evars !isevar in let t, ty = if is_recursive then (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn t fixdecls, it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty fixdecls) else t, ty in let obls, t', ty' = Eterm.eterm_obligations env i !isevar (Evd.evars_of undef) 0 ~status t ty in if is_recursive then ignore(Subtac_obligations.add_mutual_definitions [(i, t', ty', impls, obls)] [] ~tactic:(Lazy.force equations_tac) (Command.IsFixpoint [None, CStructRec])) else ignore(Subtac_obligations.add_definition ~implicits:impls i t' ty' ~tactic:(Lazy.force equations_tac) obls) module Gram = Pcoq.Gram module Vernac = Pcoq.Vernac_ module Tactic = Pcoq.Tactic module DeppatGram = struct let gec s = Gram.Entry.create ("Deppat."^s) let deppat_equations : equation list Gram.Entry.e = gec "deppat_equations" let binders_let2 : (local_binder list * (identifier located option * recursion_order_expr)) Gram.Entry.e = gec "binders_let2" (* let where_decl : decl_notation Gram.Entry.e = gec "where_decl" *) end open Rawterm open DeppatGram open Util open Pcoq open Prim open Constr open G_vernac GEXTEND Gram GLOBAL: (* deppat_gallina_loc *) deppat_equations binders_let2; deppat_equations: [ [ l = LIST1 equation SEP ";" -> l ] ] ; binders_let2: [ [ l = binders_let_fixannot -> l ] ] ; equation: [ [ c = Constr.lconstr; r=rhs -> (c, r) ] ] ; rhs: [ [ ":=!"; id = identref -> Empty id |":="; c = Constr.lconstr -> Program c ] ] ; END type 'a deppat_equations_argtype = (equation list, 'a) Genarg.abstract_argument_type let (wit_deppat_equations : Genarg.tlevel deppat_equations_argtype), (globwit_deppat_equations : Genarg.glevel deppat_equations_argtype), (rawwit_deppat_equations : Genarg.rlevel deppat_equations_argtype) = Genarg.create_arg "deppat_equations" type 'a binders_let2_argtype = (local_binder list * (identifier located option * recursion_order_expr), 'a) Genarg.abstract_argument_type let (wit_binders_let2 : Genarg.tlevel binders_let2_argtype), (globwit_binders_let2 : Genarg.glevel binders_let2_argtype), (rawwit_binders_let2 : Genarg.rlevel binders_let2_argtype) = Genarg.create_arg "binders_let2" type 'a decl_notation_argtype = (Vernacexpr.decl_notation, 'a) Genarg.abstract_argument_type let (wit_decl_notation : Genarg.tlevel decl_notation_argtype), (globwit_decl_notation : Genarg.glevel decl_notation_argtype), (rawwit_decl_notation : Genarg.rlevel decl_notation_argtype) = Genarg.create_arg "decl_notation" let equations wc i l t nt eqs = try define_by_eqs wc i l t nt eqs with e -> msg (Cerrors.explain_exn e) VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Define_equations | [ "Equations" ident(i) binders_let2(l) ":" lconstr(t) ":=" deppat_equations(eqs) decl_notation(nt) ] -> [ equations true i l t nt eqs ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Define_equations2 | [ "Equations_nocomp" ident(i) binders_let2(l) ":" lconstr(t) ":=" deppat_equations(eqs) decl_notation(nt) ] -> [ equations false i l t nt eqs ] END let rec int_of_coq_nat c = match kind_of_term c with | App (f, [| arg |]) -> succ (int_of_coq_nat arg) | _ -> 0 let solve_equations_goal destruct_tac tac gl = let concl = pf_concl gl in let targetn, branchesn, targ, brs, b = match kind_of_term concl with | LetIn (Name target, targ, _, b) -> (match kind_of_term b with | LetIn (Name branches, brs, _, b) -> target, branches, int_of_coq_nat targ, int_of_coq_nat brs, b | _ -> error "Unnexpected goal") | _ -> error "Unnexpected goal" in let branches, b = let rec aux n c = if n = 0 then [], c else match kind_of_term c with | LetIn (Name id, br, brt, b) -> let rest, b = aux (pred n) b in (id, br, brt) :: rest, b | _ -> error "Unnexpected goal" in aux brs b in let ids = targetn :: branchesn :: map pi1 branches in let cleantac = tclTHEN (intros_using ids) (thin ids) in let dotac = tclDO (succ targ) intro in let subtacs = tclTHENS destruct_tac (map (fun (id, br, brt) -> tclTHEN (letin_tac None (Name id) br (Some brt) onConcl) tac) branches) in tclTHENLIST [cleantac ; dotac ; subtacs] gl TACTIC EXTEND solve_equations [ "solve_equations" tactic(destruct) tactic(tac) ] -> [ solve_equations_goal (snd destruct) (snd tac) ] END let coq_eq = Lazy.lazy_from_fun Coqlib.build_coq_eq let coq_eq_refl = lazy ((Coqlib.build_coq_eq_data ()).Coqlib.refl) let coq_heq = lazy (Coqlib.coq_constant "mkHEq" ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq") let coq_heq_refl = lazy (Coqlib.coq_constant "mkHEq" ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq_refl") let specialize_hyp id gl = let env = pf_env gl in let ty = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in let evars = ref (create_evar_defs (project gl)) in let rec aux in_eqs acc ty = match kind_of_term ty with | Prod (_, t, b) -> (match kind_of_term t with | App (eq, [| eqty; x; y |]) when eq_constr eq (Lazy.force coq_eq) -> let pt = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| eqty; x; x |]) in let p = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq_refl, [| eqty; x |]) in if e_conv env evars pt t then aux true (mkApp (acc, [| p |])) (subst1 p b) else error "Unconvertible members of an homogeneous equality" | App (heq, [| eqty; x; eqty'; y |]) when eq_constr heq (Lazy.force coq_heq) -> let pt = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_heq, [| eqty; x; eqty; x |]) in let p = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_heq_refl, [| eqty; x |]) in if e_conv env evars pt t then aux true (mkApp (acc, [| p |])) (subst1 p b) else error "Unconvertible members of an heterogeneous equality" | _ -> if in_eqs then acc, in_eqs, ty else let e = e_new_evar evars env t in aux false (mkApp (acc, [| e |])) (subst1 e b)) | t -> acc, in_eqs, ty in try let acc, worked, ty = aux false (mkVar id) ty in let ty = Evarutil.nf_isevar !evars ty in if worked then tclTHENFIRST (fun g -> Tacmach.internal_cut true id ty g) (exact_no_check (Evarutil.nf_isevar !evars acc)) gl else tclFAIL 0 (str "Nothing to do in hypothesis " ++ pr_id id) gl with e -> tclFAIL 0 (Cerrors.explain_exn e) gl TACTIC EXTEND specialize_hyp [ "specialize_hypothesis" constr(c) ] -> [ match kind_of_term c with | Var id -> specialize_hyp id | _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Not an hypothesis") ] END