(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [ polynom l ] END (* The vernac commands "Add Ring" and co *) let cset_of_constrarg_list l = List.fold_right ConstrSet.add (List.map constr_of l) ConstrSet.empty VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddRing [ "Add" "Ring" constr(a) constr(aplus) constr(amult) constr(aone) constr(azero) constr(aopp) constr(aeq) constr(t) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" ] -> [ add_theory true false false (constr_of a) None None None (constr_of aplus) (constr_of amult) (constr_of aone) (constr_of azero) (Some (constr_of aopp)) (constr_of aeq) (constr_of t) (cset_of_constrarg_list l) ] | [ "Add" "Semi" "Ring" constr(a) constr(aplus) constr(amult) constr(aone) constr(azero) constr(aeq) constr(t) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" ] -> [ add_theory false false false (constr_of a) None None None (constr_of aplus) (constr_of amult) (constr_of aone) (constr_of azero) None (constr_of aeq) (constr_of t) (cset_of_constrarg_list l) ] | [ "Add" "Abstract" "Ring" constr(a) constr(aplus) constr(amult) constr(aone) constr(azero) constr(aopp) constr(aeq) constr(t) ] -> [ add_theory true true false (constr_of a) None None None (constr_of aplus) (constr_of amult) (constr_of aone) (constr_of azero) (Some (constr_of aopp)) (constr_of aeq) (constr_of t) ConstrSet.empty ] | [ "Add" "Abstract" "Semi" "Ring" constr(a) constr(aplus) constr(amult) constr(aone) constr(azero) constr(aeq) constr(t) ] -> [ add_theory false true false (constr_of a) None None None (constr_of aplus) (constr_of amult) (constr_of aone) (constr_of azero) None (constr_of aeq) (constr_of t) ConstrSet.empty ] | [ "Add" "Setoid" "Ring" constr(a) constr(aequiv) constr(asetth) constr(aplus) constr(amult) constr(aone) constr(azero) constr(aopp) constr(aeq) constr(pm) constr(mm) constr(om) constr(t) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" ] -> [ add_theory true false true (constr_of a) (Some (constr_of aequiv)) (Some (constr_of asetth)) (Some { plusm = (constr_of pm); multm = (constr_of mm); oppm = Some (constr_of om) }) (constr_of aplus) (constr_of amult) (constr_of aone) (constr_of azero) (Some (constr_of aopp)) (constr_of aeq) (constr_of t) (cset_of_constrarg_list l) ] | [ "Add" "Semi" "Setoid" "Ring" constr(a) constr(aequiv) constr(asetth) constr(aplus) constr(amult) constr(aone) constr(azero) constr(aeq) constr(pm) constr(mm) constr(t) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" ] -> [ add_theory false false true (constr_of a) (Some (constr_of aequiv)) (Some (constr_of asetth)) (Some { plusm = (constr_of pm); multm = (constr_of mm); oppm = None }) (constr_of aplus) (constr_of amult) (constr_of aone) (constr_of azero) None (constr_of aeq) (constr_of t) (cset_of_constrarg_list l) ] END