(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true | (S n') (S m') => (nateq n' m') | _ _ => false end. Lemma nateq_prop : (n,m:nat)(Is_true (nateq n m))->n==m. Proof. Induction n; Induction m; Intros; Try Contradiction. Trivial. Unfold Is_true in H1. Rewrite (H n1 H1). Trivial. Save. Hints Resolve nateq_prop eq2eqT : arithring. Definition NatTheory : (Semi_Ring_Theory plus mult (1) (0) nateq). Split; Intros; Auto with arith arithring. Apply eq2eqT; Apply simpl_plus_l with n:=n. Apply eqT2eq; Trivial. Defined. Add Semi Ring nat plus mult (1) (0) nateq NatTheory [O S]. Goal (n:nat)(S n)=(plus (S O) n). Intro; Reflexivity. Save S_to_plus_one. (* Replace all occurrences of (S exp) by (plus (S O) exp), except when exp is already O and only for those occurrences than can be reached by going down plus and mult operations *) Recursive Meta Definition S_to_plus t := Match t With | [(S O)] -> '(S O) | [(S ?1)] -> Let t1 = (S_to_plus ?1) In '(plus (S O) t1) | [(plus ?1 ?2)] -> Let t1 = (S_to_plus ?1) And t2 = (S_to_plus ?2) In '(plus t1 t2) | [(mult ?1 ?2)] -> Let t1 = (S_to_plus ?1) And t2 = (S_to_plus ?2) In '(mult t1 t2) | [?] -> 't. (* Apply S_to_plus on both sides of an equality *) Tactic Definition S_to_plus_eq := Match Context With | [ |- ?1 = ?2 ] -> (**) Try (**) Let t1 = (S_to_plus ?1) And t2 = (S_to_plus ?2) In Change t1=t2 | [ |- ?1 == ?2 ] -> (**) Try (**) Let t1 = (S_to_plus ?1) And t2 = (S_to_plus ?2) In Change (t1==t2). Tactic Definition NatRing := S_to_plus_eq;Ring.