(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*) open Jlogic module JA = Jall module JT = Jterm module T = Tactics module TCL = Tacticals module TM = Tacmach module N = Names module PT = Proof_type module HT = Hiddentac module PA = Pattern module HP = Hipattern module TR = Term module PR = Printer module RO = Reductionops module UT = Util module RA = Rawterm module J=JA.JProver(JLogic) (* the JProver *) (*i module NO = Nameops module TO = Termops module RE = Reduction module CL = Coqlib module ID = Inductiveops module CV = Clenv module RF = Refiner i*) (* Interface to JProver: *) (* type JLogic.inf_step = rule * (string * Jterm.term) * (string * Jterm.term) *) type jp_inf_step = JLogic.inf_step type jp_inference = JLogic.inference (* simply a list of [inf_step] *) (* Definitions for rebuilding proof tree from JProver: *) (* leaf, one-branch, two-branch, two-branch, true, false *) type jpbranch = JP0 | JP1 | JP2 | JP2' | JPT | JPF type jptree = | JPempty (* empty tree *) | JPAx of jp_inf_step (* Axiom node *) | JPA of jp_inf_step * jptree | JPB of jp_inf_step * jptree * jptree (* Private debugging tools: *) (*i*) let mbreak s = Format.print_flush (); print_string ("-break at: "^s); Format.print_flush (); let _ = input_char stdin in () (*i*) let jp_error re = raise (JT.RefineError ("jprover", JT.StringError re)) (* print Coq constructor *) let print_constr ct = Pp.ppnl (PR.prterm ct); Format.print_flush () let rec print_constr_list = function | [] -> () | ct::r -> print_constr ct; print_constr_list r let print_constr_pair op c1 c2 = print_string (op^"("); print_constr c1; print_string ","; print_constr c2; print_string ")\n" (* Parsing modules for Coq: *) (* [is_coq_???] : testing functions *) (* [dest_coq_???] : destructors *) let is_coq_true ct = (HP.is_unit_type ct) && not (HP.is_equation ct) let is_coq_false = HP.is_empty_type (* return two subterms *) let dest_coq_and ct = match (HP.match_with_conjunction ct) with | Some (hdapp,args) -> (*i print_constr hdapp; print_constr_list args; i*) begin match args with | s1::s2::[] -> (*i print_constr_pair "and" s1 s2; i*) (s1,s2) | _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_and" end | None -> jp_error "dest_coq_and" let is_coq_or = HP.is_disjunction (* return two subterms *) let dest_coq_or ct = match (HP.match_with_disjunction ct) with | Some (hdapp,args) -> (*i print_constr hdapp; print_constr_list args; i*) begin match args with | s1::s2::[] -> (*i print_constr_pair "or" s1 s2; i*) (s1,s2) | _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_or" end | None -> jp_error "dest_coq_or" let is_coq_not = HP.is_nottype let dest_coq_not ct = match (HP.match_with_nottype ct) with | Some (hdapp,arg) -> (*i print_constr hdapp; print_constr args; i*) (*i print_string "not "; print_constr arg; i*) arg | None -> jp_error "dest_coq_not" let is_coq_impl ct = match TR.kind_of_term ct with | TR.Prod (_,_,b) -> (not (Termops.dependent (TR.mkRel 1) b)) | _ -> false let dest_coq_impl c = match TR.kind_of_term c with | TR.Prod (_,b,c) -> (*i print_constr_pair "impl" b c; i*) (b, c) | _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_impl" (* provide new variables for renaming of universal variables *) let new_counter = let ctr = ref 0 in fun () -> incr ctr;!ctr (* provide new symbol name for unknown Coq constructors *) let new_ecounter = let ectr = ref 0 in fun () -> incr ectr;!ectr (* provide new variables for address naming *) let new_acounter = let actr = ref 0 in fun () -> incr actr;!actr let is_coq_forall ct = match TR.kind_of_term (RO.whd_betaiota ct) with | TR.Prod (_,_,b) -> Termops.dependent (TR.mkRel 1) b | _ -> false (* return the bounded variable (as a string) and the bounded term *) let dest_coq_forall ct = match TR.kind_of_term (RO.whd_betaiota ct) with | TR.Prod (_,_,b) -> let x ="jp_"^(string_of_int (new_counter())) in let v = TR.mkVar (N.id_of_string x) in let c = TR.subst1 v b in (* substitute de Bruijn variable by [v] *) (*i print_constr_pair "forall" v c; i*) (x, c) | _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_forall" (* Apply [ct] to [t]: *) let sAPP ct t = match TR.kind_of_term (RO.whd_betaiota ct) with | TR.Prod (_,_,b) -> let c = TR.subst1 t b in c | _ -> jp_error "sAPP" let is_coq_exists ct = if not (HP.is_conjunction ct) then false else let (hdapp,args) = TR.decompose_app ct in match args with | _::la::[] -> begin try match TR.destLambda la with | (N.Name _,_,_) -> true | _ -> false with _ -> false end | _ -> false (* return the bounded variable (as a string) and the bounded term *) let dest_coq_exists ct = let (hdapp,args) = TR.decompose_app ct in match args with | _::la::[] -> begin try match TR.destLambda la with | (N.Name x,t1,t2) -> let v = TR.mkVar x in let t3 = TR.subst1 v t2 in (*i print_constr_pair "exists" v t3; i*) (N.string_of_id x, t3) | _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_exists" with _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_exists" end | _ -> jp_error "dest_coq_exists" let is_coq_and ct = if (HP.is_conjunction ct) && not (is_coq_exists ct) && not (is_coq_true ct) then true else false (* Parsing modules: *) let jtbl = Hashtbl.create 53 (* associate for unknown Coq constr. *) let rtbl = Hashtbl.create 53 (* reverse table of [jtbl] *) let dest_coq_symb ct = N.string_of_id (TR.destVar ct) (* provide new names for unknown Coq constr. *) (* [ct] is the unknown constr., string [s] is appended to the name encoding *) let create_coq_name ct s = try Hashtbl.find jtbl ct with Not_found -> let t = ("jp_"^s^(string_of_int (new_ecounter()))) in Hashtbl.add jtbl ct t; Hashtbl.add rtbl t ct; t let dest_coq_app ct s = let (hd, args) = TR.decompose_app ct in (*i print_constr hd; print_constr_list args; i*) if TR.isVar hd then (dest_coq_symb hd, args) else (* unknown constr *) (create_coq_name hd s, args) let rec parsing2 c = (* for function symbols, variables, constants *) if (TR.isApp c) then (* function symbol? *) let (f,args) = dest_coq_app c "fun_" in JT.fun_ f (List.map parsing2 args) else if TR.isVar c then (* identifiable variable or constant *) JT.var_ (dest_coq_symb c) else (* unknown constr *) JT.var_ (create_coq_name c "var_") (* the main parsing function *) let rec parsing c = let ct = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota (Global.env ()) c in (* let ct = Reduction.whd_betaiotazeta (Global.env ()) c in *) if is_coq_true ct then JT.true_ else if is_coq_false ct then JT.false_ else if is_coq_not ct then JT.not_ (parsing (dest_coq_not ct)) else if is_coq_impl ct then let (t1,t2) = dest_coq_impl ct in JT.imp_ (parsing t1) (parsing t2) else if is_coq_or ct then let (t1,t2) = dest_coq_or ct in JT.or_ (parsing t1) (parsing t2) else if is_coq_and ct then let (t1,t2) = dest_coq_and ct in JT.and_ (parsing t1) (parsing t2) else if is_coq_forall ct then let (v,t) = dest_coq_forall ct in JT.forall v (parsing t) else if is_coq_exists ct then let (v,t) = dest_coq_exists ct in JT.exists v (parsing t) else if TR.isApp ct then (* predicate symbol with arguments *) let (p,args) = dest_coq_app ct "P_" in JT.pred_ p (List.map parsing2 args) else if TR.isVar ct then (* predicate symbol without arguments *) let p = dest_coq_symb ct in JT.pred_ p [] else (* unknown predicate *) JT.pred_ (create_coq_name ct "Q_") [] (*i print_string "??";print_constr ct; JT.const_ ("err_"^(string_of_int (new_ecounter()))) i*) (* Translate JProver terms into Coq constructors: *) (* The idea is to retrieve it from [rtbl] if it exists indeed, otherwise create one. *) let rec constr_of_jterm t = if (JT.is_var_term t) then (* a variable *) let v = JT.dest_var t in try Hashtbl.find rtbl v with Not_found -> TR.mkVar (N.id_of_string v) else if (JT.is_fun_term t) then (* a function symbol *) let (f,ts) = JT.dest_fun t in let f' = try Hashtbl.find rtbl f with Not_found -> TR.mkVar (N.id_of_string f) in TR.mkApp (f', Array.of_list (List.map constr_of_jterm ts)) else jp_error "constr_of_jterm" (* Coq tactics for Sequent Calculus LJ: *) (* Note that for left-rule a name indicating the being applied rule in Coq's Hints is required; for right-rule a name is also needed if it will pass some subterm to the left-hand side. However, all of these can be computed by the path [id] of the being applied rule. *) let assoc_addr = Hashtbl.create 97 let short_addr s = let ad = try Hashtbl.find assoc_addr s with Not_found -> let t = ("jp_H"^(string_of_int (new_acounter()))) in Hashtbl.add assoc_addr s t; t in N.id_of_string ad (* and-right *) let dyn_andr = T.split RA.NoBindings (* For example, the following implements the [and-left] rule: *) let dyn_andl id = (* [id1]: left child; [id2]: right child *) let id1 = (short_addr (id^"_1")) and id2 = (short_addr (id^"_2")) in (TCL.tclTHEN (T.simplest_elim (TR.mkVar (short_addr id))) (T.intros_using [id1;id2])) let dyn_orr1 = T.left RA.NoBindings let dyn_orr2 = T.right RA.NoBindings let dyn_orl id = let id1 = (short_addr (id^"_1")) and id2 = (short_addr (id^"_2")) in (TCL.tclTHENS (T.simplest_elim (TR.mkVar (short_addr id))) [T.intro_using id1; T.intro_using id2]) let dyn_negr id = let id1 = id^"_1_1" in HT.h_intro (short_addr id1) let dyn_negl id = T.simplest_elim (TR.mkVar (short_addr id)) let dyn_impr id = let id1 = id^"_1_1" in HT.h_intro (short_addr id1) let dyn_impl id gl = let t = TM.pf_get_hyp_typ gl (short_addr id) in let ct = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota (Global.env ()) t in (* unfolding *) let (_,b) = dest_coq_impl ct in let id2 = (short_addr (id^"_1_2")) in (TCL.tclTHENLAST (TCL.tclTHENS (T.cut b) [T.intro_using id2;TCL.tclIDTAC]) (T.apply_term (TR.mkVar (short_addr id)) [TR.mkMeta (Evarutil.new_meta())])) gl let dyn_allr c = (* [c] must be an eigenvariable which replaces [v] *) HT.h_intro (N.id_of_string c) (* [id2] is the path of the instantiated term for [id]*) let dyn_alll id id2 t gl = let id' = short_addr id in let id2' = short_addr id2 in let ct = TM.pf_get_hyp_typ gl id' in let ct' = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota (Global.env ()) ct in (* unfolding *) let ta = sAPP ct' t in TCL.tclTHENS (T.cut ta) [T.intro_using id2'; T.apply (TR.mkVar id')] gl let dyn_exl id id2 c = (* [c] must be an eigenvariable *) (TCL.tclTHEN (T.simplest_elim (TR.mkVar (short_addr id))) (T.intros_using [(N.id_of_string c);(short_addr id2)])) let dyn_exr t = T.one_constructor 1 (RA.ImplicitBindings [t]) let dyn_falsel = dyn_negl let dyn_truer = T.one_constructor 1 RA.NoBindings (* Do the proof by the guidance of JProver. *) let do_one_step inf = let (rule, (s1, t1), ((s2, t2) as k)) = inf in begin (*i if not (Jterm.is_xnil_term t2) then begin print_string "1: "; JT.print_term stdout t2; print_string "\n"; print_string "2: "; print_constr (constr_of_jterm t2); print_string "\n"; end; i*) match rule with | Andl -> dyn_andl s1 | Andr -> dyn_andr | Orl -> dyn_orl s1 | Orr1 -> dyn_orr1 | Orr2 -> dyn_orr2 | Impr -> dyn_impr s1 | Impl -> dyn_impl s1 | Negr -> dyn_negr s1 | Negl -> dyn_negl s1 | Allr -> dyn_allr (JT.dest_var t2) | Alll -> dyn_alll s1 s2 (constr_of_jterm t2) | Exr -> dyn_exr (constr_of_jterm t2) | Exl -> dyn_exl s1 s2 (JT.dest_var t2) | Ax -> T.assumption (*i TCL.tclIDTAC i*) | Truer -> dyn_truer | Falsel -> dyn_falsel s1 | _ -> jp_error "do_one_step" (* this is impossible *) end ;; (* Parameter [tr] is the reconstucted proof tree from output of JProver. *) let do_coq_proof tr = let rec rec_do trs = match trs with | JPempty -> TCL.tclIDTAC | JPAx h -> do_one_step h | JPA (h, t) -> TCL.tclTHEN (do_one_step h) (rec_do t) | JPB (h, left, right) -> TCL.tclTHENS (do_one_step h) [rec_do left; rec_do right] in rec_do tr (* Rebuild the proof tree from the output of JProver: *) (* Since some universal variables are not necessarily first-order, lazy substitution may happen. They are recorded in [rtbl]. *) let reg_unif_subst t1 t2 = let (v,_,_) = JT.dest_all t1 in Hashtbl.add rtbl v (TR.mkVar (N.id_of_string (JT.dest_var t2))) let count_jpbranch one_inf = let (rule, (_, t1), (_, t2)) = one_inf in begin match rule with | Ax -> JP0 | Orr1 | Orr2 | Negl | Impr | Alll | Exr | Exl -> JP1 | Andr | Orl -> JP2 | Negr -> if (JT.is_true_term t1) then JPT else JP1 | Andl -> if (JT.is_false_term t1) then JPF else JP1 | Impl -> JP2' (* reverse the sons of [Impl] since [dyn_impl] reverses them *) | Allr -> reg_unif_subst t1 t2; JP1 | _ -> jp_error "count_jpbranch" end let replace_by r = function (rule, a, b) -> (r, a, b) let rec build_jptree inf = match inf with | [] -> ([], JPempty) | h::r -> begin match count_jpbranch h with | JP0 -> (r,JPAx h) | JP1 -> let (r1,left) = build_jptree r in (r1, JPA(h, left)) | JP2 -> let (r1,left) = build_jptree r in let (r2,right) = build_jptree r1 in (r2, JPB(h, left, right)) | JP2' -> let (r1,left) = build_jptree r in (* for [Impl] *) let (r2,right) = build_jptree r1 in (r2, JPB(h, right, left)) | JPT -> let (r1,left) = build_jptree r in (* right True *) (r1, JPAx (replace_by Truer h)) | JPF -> let (r1,left) = build_jptree r in (* left False *) (r1, JPAx (replace_by Falsel h)) end (* The main function: *) (* [limits] is the multiplicity limit. *) let jp limits gls = let concl = TM.pf_concl gls in let ct = concl in (*i print_constr ct; i*) Hashtbl.clear jtbl; (* empty the hash tables *) Hashtbl.clear rtbl; Hashtbl.clear assoc_addr; let t = parsing ct in (*i JT.print_term stdout t; i*) try let p = (J.prover limits [] t) in (*i print_string "\n"; JLogic.print_inf p; i*) let (il,tr) = build_jptree p in if (il = []) then begin Pp.msgnl (Pp.str "Proof is built."); do_coq_proof tr gls end else UT.error "Cannot reconstruct proof tree from JProver." with e -> Pp.msgnl (Pp.str "JProver fails to prove this:"); JT.print_error_msg e; UT.error "JProver terminated." (* an unfailed generalization procedure *) let non_dep_gen b gls = let concl = TM.pf_concl gls in if (not (Termops.dependent b concl)) then T.generalize [b] gls else TCL.tclIDTAC gls let rec unfail_gen = function | [] -> TCL.tclIDTAC | h::r -> TCL.tclTHEN (TCL.tclORELSE (non_dep_gen h) (TCL.tclIDTAC)) (unfail_gen r) (* (* no argument, which stands for no multiplicity limit *) let jp gls = let ls = List.map (fst) (TM.pf_hyps_types gls) in (*i T.generalize (List.map TR.mkVar ls) gls i*) (* generalize the context *) TCL.tclTHEN (TCL.tclTRY T.red_in_concl) (TCL.tclTHEN (unfail_gen (List.map TR.mkVar ls)) (jp None)) gls *) (* let dyn_jp l gls = assert (l = []); jp *) (* one optional integer argument for the multiplicity *) let jpn n gls = let ls = List.map (fst) (TM.pf_hyps_types gls) in TCL.tclTHEN (TCL.tclTRY T.red_in_concl) (TCL.tclTHEN (unfail_gen (List.map TR.mkVar ls)) (jp n)) gls (* let dyn_jpn l gls = match l with | [PT.Integer n] -> jpn n | _ -> jp_error "Impossible!!!" let h_jp = TM.hide_tactic "Jp" dyn_jp let h_jpn = TM.hide_tactic "Jpn" dyn_jpn *) TACTIC EXTEND Jprover [ "Jp" natural_opt(n) ] -> [ jpn n ] END (* TACTIC EXTEND Andl [ "Andl" ident(id)] -> [ ... (Andl id) ... ]. END *)