An intuitionistic first-order theorem prover -- JProver. Usage: Require JProver. Jp [num]. Whem [num] is provided, proof is done automatically with the multiplicity limit [num], otherwise no limit is forced and JProver may not terminate. Example: Require JProver. Coq < Goal (P:Prop) P->P. 1 subgoal ============================ (P:Prop)P->P Unnamed_thm < Jp 1. Proof is built. Subtree proved! ----------------------------------------- Description: JProver is a theorem prover for first-order intuitionistic logic. It is originally implemented by Stephan Schmitt and then integrated into MetaPRL by Aleksey Nogin (see After this, Huang extracted the necessary ML-codes from MetaPRL and then integrated it into Coq. Structure of this directory: This directory contains README ------ this file ------ the main module of JProver ------ string unification procedures for ------ interface module of ------ implement the infrastructure for ------ the interface of to Coq JProver.v ------ declaration for Coq Makefile ------ the makefile go ------ batch file to load JProver to Coq dynamically Comments: 1. The original is located in meta-prl/refiner/reflib of the MetaPRL directory. Some parts of this file are modified by Huang. 2. is also located in meta-prl/refiner/reflib with no modification. 3. is modified from meta-prl/refiner/reflib/jlogic_sig.mlz. 4. and are modified from the standard term module of MetaPRL in meta-prl/refiner/term_std. 5. The Jp tactic currently cannot prove formula as ((x:nat) (P x)) -> (EX y:nat| (P y)), which requires extra constants in the domain when the left-All rule is applied. by Huang Guan-Shieng (, March 2002.