Vers Ctcoq
open Metasyntax
open Printer
open Pp
open Translate
open Ascent
open Vtp
open Xlate
let ct_text x = CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident x);;
let sps s =
ct_text s
let sphs s =
ct_text s
let spe = sphs "";;
let spb = sps " ";;
let spr = sps "Retour chariot pour Show proof";;
let spnb n =
let s = ref "" in
for i=1 to n do s:=(!s)^" "; done; sps !s
let rec spclean l =
match l with
[] -> []
|x::l -> if x=spe then (spclean l) else x::(spclean l)
let spnb n =
let s = ref "" in
for i=1 to n do s:=(!s)^" "; done; sps !s
let ct_FORMULA_constr = Hashtbl.create 50;;
let stde() = (Global.env())
let spt t =
let f = (translate_constr true (stde()) t) in
Hashtbl.add ct_FORMULA_constr f t;
CT_text_formula f
let root_of_text_proof t=
CT_text_op [ct_text "root_of_text_proof";
let spshrink info t =
CT_text_op [ct_text "shrink";
CT_text_op [ct_text info;
let spuselemma intro x y =
CT_text_op [ct_text "uselemma";
ct_text intro;
let sptoprove p t =
CT_text_op [ct_text "to_prove";
CT_text_path p;
ct_text "goal";
(spt t)]
let sphyp p h t =
CT_text_op [ct_text "hyp";
CT_text_path p;
ct_text h;
(spt t)]
let sphypt p h t =
CT_text_op [ct_text "hyp_with_type";
CT_text_path p;
ct_text h;
(spt t)]
let spwithtac x t =
CT_text_op [ct_text "with_tactic";
ct_text t;
let spv l =
let l= spclean l in
CT_text_v l
let sph l =
let l= spclean l in
CT_text_h l
let sphv l =
let l= spclean l in
CT_text_hv l
let rec prlist_with_sep f g l =
match l with
[] -> hov 0 (mt ())
|x::l1 -> hov 0 ((g x) ++ (f ()) ++ (prlist_with_sep f g l1))
let rec sp_print x =
match x with
| CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident s)
-> (match s with
| "\n" -> fnl ()
| "Retour chariot pour Show proof" -> fnl ()
|_ -> str s)
| CT_text_formula f -> pr_lconstr (Hashtbl.find ct_FORMULA_constr f)
| CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "to_prove");
CT_text_path (CT_signed_int_list p);
CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "goal");
g] ->
let _p=(List.map (fun y -> match y with
(CT_int x)) -> x
| _ -> raise (Failure "sp_print")) p) in
h 0 (str "" ++ sp_print g ++ str "")
| CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "uselemma");
CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident intro);
l;g] ->
h 0 (str ("("^intro^" ") ++ sp_print l ++ str ")" ++ sp_print g)
| CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "hyp");
CT_text_path (CT_signed_int_list p);
CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident hyp);
g] ->
let _p=(List.map (fun y -> match y with
(CT_int x)) -> x
| _ -> raise (Failure "sp_print")) p) in
h 0 (str hyp)
| CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "hyp_with_type");
CT_text_path (CT_signed_int_list p);
CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident hyp);
g] ->
let _p=(List.map (fun y -> match y with
(CT_int x)) -> x
| _ -> raise (Failure "sp_print")) p) in
h 0 (sp_print g ++ spc () ++ str "(" ++ str hyp ++ str ")")
| CT_text_h l ->
h 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> mt ())
(fun y -> sp_print y) l)
| CT_text_v l ->
v 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> mt ())
(fun y -> sp_print y) l)
| CT_text_hv l ->
h 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> mt ())
(fun y -> sp_print y) l)
| CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "shrink");
CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident info); t]] ->
h 0 (str ("("^info^": ") ++ sp_print t ++ str ")")
| CT_text_op [CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT (CT_ident "root_of_text_proof");
sp_print t
| _ -> str "..."