open Sign;; open Classops;; open Names;; open Coqast;; open Ast;; open Termast;; open Term;; open Impargs;; open Reduction;; open Libobject;; open Environ;; open Declarations;; open Pretty;; open Inductive;; open Util;; open Pp;; open Declare;; (* This function converts the parameter binders of an inductive definition, in particular you have to be careful to handle each element in the context containing all previously defined variables. This squeleton of this procedure is taken from the function print_env in *) let convert_env = let convert_binder env (na, _, c) = match na with | Name id -> ope("BINDER", [ast_of_constr true env c;nvar(string_of_id id)]) | Anonymous -> failwith "anomaly: Anonymous variables in inductives" in let rec cvrec env = function [] -> [] | b::rest -> (convert_binder env b)::(cvrec (push_rel b env) rest) in cvrec (Global.env());; (* let mib string = let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id CCI (id_of_string string) in let lobj = Lib.map_leaf (objsp_of sp) in let (cmap, _) = outMutualInductive lobj in cmap CCI;; *) (* This function is directly inspired by print_impl_args in *) let impl_args_to_string = function [] -> None | [i] -> Some(" position " ^ (string_of_int i) ^ " is implicit.") | l -> Some (" positions " ^ (List.fold_right (fun i s -> (string_of_int i) ^ " " ^ s) l " are implicit."));; (* This function is directly inspired by implicit_args_id in *) let implicit_args_id_to_ast_list id l ast_list = (match impl_args_to_string l with None -> ast_list | Some(s) -> (str("For " ^ (string_of_id id))):: (str s):: ast_list);; (* This function construct an ast to enumerate the implicit positions for an inductive type and its constructors. It is obtained directly from implicit_args_msg in *) let implicit_args_to_ast_list sp mipv = let implicit_args_descriptions = let ast_list = ref ([]:Coqast.t list) in (Array.iteri (fun i mip -> let imps = inductive_implicits_list(sp, i) in (ast_list := implicit_args_id_to_ast_list mip.mind_typename imps !ast_list; Array.iteri (fun j idc -> let impls = constructor_implicits_list ((sp,i), succ j) in ast_list := implicit_args_id_to_ast_list idc impls !ast_list) mip.mind_consnames)) mipv; !ast_list) in match implicit_args_descriptions with [] -> [] | _ -> [ope("COMMENT", List.rev implicit_args_descriptions)];; let convert_qualid qid = let d, id = Nametab.repr_qualid qid in match d with [] -> nvar(string_of_id id) | _ -> ope("QUALID", List.fold_right (fun s l -> (nvar s)::l) d [nvar (string_of_id id)]);; (* This function converts constructors for an inductive definition to a Coqast.t. It is obtained directly from print_constructors in *) let convert_constructors envpar names types = let array_idC = array_map2 (fun n t -> ope("BINDER", [ast_of_constr true envpar t; nvar(string_of_id n)])) names types in Node((0,0), "BINDERLIST", Array.to_list array_idC);; (* this function converts one inductive type in a possibly multiple inductive definition *) let convert_one_inductive sp tyi = let (ref, params, arity, cstrnames, cstrtypes) = build_inductive sp tyi in let env = Global.env () in let envpar = push_rels params env in ope("VERNACARGLIST", [convert_qualid (Global.qualid_of_global(IndRef (sp, tyi))); ope("CONSTR", [ast_of_constr true envpar arity]); ope("BINDERLIST", convert_env(List.rev params)); convert_constructors envpar cstrnames cstrtypes]);; (* This function converts a Mutual inductive definition to a Coqast.t. It is obtained directly from print_mutual in However, all references to kinds have been removed and it treats only CCI stuff. *) let mutual_to_ast_list sp mib = let mipv = (Global.lookup_mind sp).mind_packets in let _, ast_list = Array.fold_right (fun mi (n,l) -> (n+1, (convert_one_inductive sp n)::l)) mipv (0, []) in (ope("MUTUALINDUCTIVE", [str (if (mipv.(0)).mind_finite then "Inductive" else "CoInductive"); ope("VERNACARGLIST", ast_list)]):: (implicit_args_to_ast_list sp mipv));; let constr_to_ast v = ast_of_constr true (Global.env()) v;; let implicits_to_ast_list implicits = (match (impl_args_to_string implicits) with None -> [] | Some s -> [ope("COMMENT", [str s])]);; let make_variable_ast name typ implicits = (ope("VARIABLE", [str "VARIABLE"; ope("BINDERLIST", [ope("BINDER", [(constr_to_ast (body_of_type typ)); nvar name])])]))::(implicits_to_ast_list implicits) ;; let make_definition_ast name c typ implicits = (ope("DEFINITION", [str "DEFINITION"; nvar name; ope("COMMAND", [ope("CAST", [(constr_to_ast c); (constr_to_ast (body_of_type typ))])])])):: (implicits_to_ast_list implicits);; (* This function is inspired by print_constant *) let constant_to_ast_list sp = let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in if kind_of_path sp = CCI then let c = cb.const_body in let typ = cb.const_type in let l = constant_implicits_list sp in (match c with None -> make_variable_ast (string_of_id (basename sp)) typ l | Some c1 -> make_definition_ast (string_of_id (basename sp)) c1 typ l) else errorlabstrm "print" [< 'sTR "printing of FW terms not implemented" >];; let variable_to_ast_list sp = let ((id, c, v), _, _) = get_variable sp in let l = implicits_of_var sp in (match c with None -> make_variable_ast (string_of_id id) v l | Some c1 -> make_definition_ast (string_of_id id) c1 v l);; (* this function is taken from print_inductive in file *) let inductive_to_ast_list sp = let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in if kind_of_path sp = CCI then mutual_to_ast_list sp mib else errorlabstrm "print" [< 'sTR "printing of FW not implemented" >];; (* this function is inspired by print_leaf_entry from *) let leaf_entry_to_ast_list (sp,lobj) = let tag = object_tag lobj in match (sp,tag) with | (_, "VARIABLE") -> variable_to_ast_list sp | (_, ("CONSTANT"|"PARAMETER")) -> constant_to_ast_list sp | (_, "INDUCTIVE") -> inductive_to_ast_list sp | (_, s) -> errorlabstrm "print" [< 'sTR ("printing of unrecognized object " ^ s ^ " has been required") >];; (* this function is inspired by print_name *) let name_to_ast (qid:Nametab.qualid) = let l = try let sp,_ = Nametab.locate_obj qid in let (sp,lobj) = let (sp,entry) = List.find (fun en -> (fst en) = sp) (Lib.contents_after None) in match entry with | Lib.Leaf obj -> (sp,obj) | _ -> raise Not_found in leaf_entry_to_ast_list (sp,lobj) with Not_found -> try match Nametab.locate qid with | ConstRef sp -> constant_to_ast_list sp | IndRef (sp,_) -> inductive_to_ast_list sp | ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> inductive_to_ast_list sp | VarRef sp -> variable_to_ast_list sp with Not_found -> try (* Var locale de but, pas var de section... donc pas d'implicits *) let dir,name = Nametab.repr_qualid qid in if dir <> [] then raise Not_found; let (c,typ) = Global.lookup_named name in (match c with None -> make_variable_ast (string_of_id name) typ [] | Some c1 -> make_definition_ast (string_of_id name) c1 typ []) with Not_found -> try let sp = Syntax_def.locate_syntactic_definition qid in errorlabstrm "print" [< 'sTR "printing of syntax definitions not implemented" >] with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "print" [< Nametab.pr_qualid qid; 'sPC; 'sTR "not a defined object" >] in ope("vernac_list", l);;