(* line-oriented Syntactic analyser for a Coq parser *) (* This parser expects a very small number of commands, each given on a complete line. Some of these commands are then followed by a text fragment terminated by a precise keyword, which is also expected to appear alone on a line. *) (* The main parsing loop procedure is "parser_loop", given at the end of this file. It read lines one by one and checks whether they can be parsed using a very simple parser. This very simple parser uses a lexer, which is also given in this file. The lexical analyser: There are only 5 sorts of tokens *) type simple_tokens = Tspace | Tid of string | Tint of int | Tstring of string | Tlbracket | Trbracket;; (* When recognizing identifiers or strings, the lexical analyser accumulates the characters in a buffer, using the command add_in_buff. To recuperate the characters, one can use get_buff (this code was inspired by the code in src/meta/lexer.ml of Coq revision 6.1) *) let add_in_buff,get_buff = let buff = ref (String.create 80) in (fun i x -> let len = String.length !buff in if i >= len then (buff := !buff ^ (String.create len);()); String.set !buff i x; succ i), (fun len -> String.sub !buff 0 len);; (* Identifiers are [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. When arriving here the first character has already been recognized. *) let rec ident len = parser [<''_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' as c; s >] -> ident (add_in_buff len c) s | [< >] -> let str = get_buff len in Tid(str);; (* While recognizing integers, one constructs directly the integer value. The ascii code of '0' is important for this. *) let code0 = Char.code '0';; let get_digit c = Char.code c - code0;; (* Integers are [0-9]* The variable intval is the integer value of the text that has already been recognized. As for identifiers, the first character has already been recognized. *) let rec parse_int intval = parser [< ''0'..'9' as c ; i=parse_int (10 * intval + get_digit c)>] -> i | [< >] -> Tint intval;; (* The string lexer is borrowed from the string parser of Coq V6.1 This may be a problem if convention have changed in Coq, However this parser is only used to recognize file names which should not contain too many special characters *) let rec spec_char = parser [< ''n' >] -> '\n' | [< ''t' >] -> '\t' | [< ''b' >] -> '\008' | [< ''r' >] -> '\013' | [< ''0'..'9' as c; v= (spec1 (get_digit c)) >] -> Char.chr v | [< 'x >] -> x and spec1 v = parser [< ''0'..'9' as c; s >] -> spec1 (10*v+(get_digit c)) s | [< >] -> v ;; (* This is the actual string lexical analyser. Strings are QUOT([^QUOT\\]|\\[0-9]*|\\[^0-9])QUOT (the word QUOT is used to represents double quotation characters, that cannot be used freely, even inside comments. *) let rec string len = parser [< ''"' >] -> len | [<''\\' ; len = (parser [< ''\n' >] -> len | [< c=spec_char >] -> add_in_buff len c); s >] -> string len s | [< 'x; s >] -> string (add_in_buff len x) s;; (* The lexical analyser repeats the recognized given by next_token: spaces and tabulations are ignored, identifiers, integers, strings, opening and closing square brackets. Lexical errors are ignored ! *) let rec next_token = parser count [< '' ' | '\t'; tok = next_token >] -> tok | [< ''_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c;i = (ident (add_in_buff 0 c))>] -> i | [< ''0'..'9' as c ; i = (parse_int (get_digit c))>] -> i | [< ''"' ; len = (string 0) >] -> Tstring (get_buff len) | [< ''[' >] -> Tlbracket | [< '']' >] -> Trbracket | [< '_ ; x = next_token >] -> x;; (* A very simple lexical analyser to recognize a integer value behind blank characters *) let rec next_int = parser count [< '' ' | '\t'; v = next_int >] -> v | [< ''0'..'9' as c; i = (parse_int (get_digit c))>] -> (match i with Tint n -> n | _ -> failwith "unexpected branch in next_int");; (* This is the actual lexical analyser, implemented as a function on a stream. It will be used with the Stream.from primitive to construct a function of type char Stream.t -> simple_token option Stream.t *) let token_stream cs _ = try let tok = next_token cs in Some tok with Stream.Failure -> None;; (* Two of the actions of the parser request that one reads the rest of the input up to a specific string stop_string. This is done with a function that transform the input_channel into a pair of char Stream.t, reading from the input_channel all the lines to the stop_string first. *) let rec gather_strings stop_string input_channel = let buff = input_line input_channel in if buff = stop_string then [] else (buff::(gather_strings stop_string input_channel));; (* the result of this function is supposed to be used in a Stream.from construction. *) let line_list_to_stream string_list = let count = ref 0 in let buff = ref "" in let reserve = ref string_list in let current_length = ref 0 in (fun i -> if (i - !count) >= !current_length then begin count := !count + !current_length + 1; match !reserve with | [] -> None | s1::rest -> begin buff := s1; current_length := String.length !buff; reserve := rest; Some '\n' end end else Some(String.get !buff (i - !count)));; (* In older revisions of this file you would find a function that does line oriented breakdown of the input channel without resorting to a list of lines. However, the need for the list of line appeared when we wanted to have a channel and a list of strings describing the same data, one for regular parsing and the other for error recovery. *) let channel_to_stream_and_string_list stop_string input_channel = let string_list = gather_strings stop_string input_channel in (line_list_to_stream string_list, string_list);; let flush_until_end_of_stream char_stream = Stream.iter (function _ -> ()) char_stream;; (* There are only 5 kinds of lines recognized by our little parser. Unrecognized lines are ignored. *) type parser_request = | PRINT_VERSION | PARSE_STRING of string (* parse_string [] then text and && END--OF--DATA *) | QUIET_PARSE_STRING (* quiet_parse_string then text and && END--OF--DATA *) | PARSE_FILE of string (* parse_file *) | ADD_PATH of string (* add_path *) | LOAD_SYNTAX of string (* load_syntax_file *) | GARBAGE ;; (* The procedure parser_loop should never terminate while the input_channel is not closed. This procedure receives the functions called for each sentence as arguments. Thus the code is completely independent from the Coq sources. *) let parser_loop functions input_channel = let print_version_action, parse_string_action, quiet_parse_string_action, parse_file_action, add_path_action, load_syntax_action = functions in let rec parser_loop_rec input_channel = (let line = input_line input_channel in let reqid, parser_request = try (match Stream.from (token_stream (Stream.of_string line)) with parser | [< 'Tid "print_version" >] -> 0, PRINT_VERSION | [< 'Tid "parse_string" ; 'Tint reqid ; 'Tlbracket ; 'Tid phylum ; 'Trbracket >] -> reqid,PARSE_STRING phylum | [< 'Tid "quiet_parse_string" >] -> 0,QUIET_PARSE_STRING | [< 'Tid "parse_file" ; 'Tint reqid ; 'Tstring fname >] -> reqid, PARSE_FILE fname | [< 'Tid "add_path"; 'Tint reqid ; 'Tstring directory >] -> reqid, ADD_PATH directory | [< 'Tid "load_syntax_file"; 'Tint reqid; 'Tid module_name >] -> reqid, LOAD_SYNTAX module_name | [< 'Tid "quit_parser" >] -> raise End_of_file | [< >] -> 0, GARBAGE) with Stream.Failure | Stream.Error _ -> 0,GARBAGE in match parser_request with PRINT_VERSION -> print_version_action () | PARSE_STRING phylum -> let regular_stream, string_list = channel_to_stream_and_string_list "&& END--OF--DATA" input_channel in parse_string_action reqid phylum (Stream.from regular_stream) string_list;() | QUIET_PARSE_STRING -> let regular_stream, string_list = channel_to_stream_and_string_list "&& END--OF--DATA" input_channel in quiet_parse_string_action (Stream.from regular_stream);() | PARSE_FILE file_name -> parse_file_action reqid file_name | ADD_PATH path -> add_path_action reqid path | LOAD_SYNTAX syn -> load_syntax_action reqid syn | GARBAGE -> ()); parser_loop_rec input_channel in parser_loop_rec input_channel;;