(*Toplevel loop for the communication between Coq and Centaur *) open Names;; open Util;; open Ast;; open Term;; open Pp;; open Libobject;; open Library;; open Vernacinterp;; open Evd;; open Proof_trees;; open Termast;; open Tacmach;; open Pfedit;; open Proof_type;; open Parsing;; open Environ;; open Declare;; open Declarations;; open Rawterm;; open Reduction;; open Classops;; open Vernacinterp;; open Vernac;; open Command;; open Protectedtoplevel;; open Coqast;; open Line_oriented_parser;; open Xlate;; open Vtp;; open Ascent;; open Translate;; open Name_to_ast;; open Pbp;; open Dad;; open Debug_tac;; open Search;; open Astterm;; open Nametab;; open Showproof;; open Showproof_ct;; let text_proof_flag = ref "en";; let current_proof_name = ref "";; let current_goal_index = ref 0;; set_flags := (function () -> if List.mem "G_natsyntax" (Mltop.get_loaded_modules()) then (g_nat_syntax_flag := true; ()) else ());; let guarded_force_eval_stream s = let l = ref [] in let f elt = l:= elt :: !l in (try Stream.iter f s with | _ -> f (sTR "error guarded_force_eval_stream")); Stream.of_list (List.rev !l);; let rec string_of_path p = match p with [] -> "\n" | i::p -> (string_of_int i)^" "^ (string_of_path p) ;; let print_path p = output_results_nl [< 'sTR "Path:"; 'sTR (string_of_path p)>] ;; let kill_proof_node index = let paths = History.historical_undo !current_proof_name index in let _ = List.iter (fun path -> (traverse_to path; Pfedit.mutate weak_undo_pftreestate; traverse_to [])) paths in History.border_length !current_proof_name;; (*Message functions, the text of these messages is recognized by the protocols *) (*of CtCoq *) let ctf_header message_name request_id = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR message_name; 'fNL; 'iNT request_id; 'fNL >];; let ctf_acknowledge_command request_id command_count opt_exn = let goal_count, goal_index = if refining() then let g_count = List.length (fst (frontier (proof_of_pftreestate (get_pftreestate ())))) in g_count, (min g_count !current_goal_index) else (0, 0) in [< ctf_header "acknowledge" request_id; 'iNT command_count; 'fNL; 'iNT goal_count; 'fNL; 'iNT goal_index; 'fNL; 'sTR !current_proof_name; 'fNL; (match opt_exn with Some e -> Errors.explain_exn e | None -> [< >]); 'fNL; 'sTR "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_undoResults = ctf_header "undo_results";; let ctf_TextMessage = ctf_header "text_proof";; let ctf_SearchResults = ctf_header "search_results";; let ctf_OtherGoal = ctf_header "other_goal";; let ctf_Location = ctf_header "location";; let ctf_StateMessage = ctf_header "state";; let ctf_PathGoalMessage () = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "single_goal"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_GoalReqIdMessage = ctf_header "single_goal_state";; let ctf_NewStateMessage = ctf_header "fresh_state";; let ctf_SavedMessage () = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "saved"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_KilledMessage req_id ngoals = [< ctf_header "killed" req_id; 'iNT ngoals; 'fNL >];; let ctf_AbortedAllMessage () = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "aborted_all"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_AbortedMessage request_id na = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "aborted_proof"; 'fNL; 'iNT request_id; 'fNL; 'sTR na; 'fNL; 'sTR "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_UserErrorMessage request_id stream = let stream = guarded_force_eval_stream stream in [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "user_error"; 'fNL; 'iNT request_id; 'fNL; stream; 'fNL; 'sTR "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_ResetInitialMessage () = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "reset_initial"; 'fNL >];; let ctf_ResetIdentMessage request_id str = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "reset_ident"; 'fNL; 'iNT request_id; 'fNL; 'sTR str; 'fNL; 'sTR "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e"; 'fNL >];; type vtp_tree = | P_rl of ct_RULE_LIST | P_r of ct_RULE | P_s_int of ct_SIGNED_INT_LIST | P_pl of ct_PREMISES_LIST | P_cl of ct_COMMAND_LIST | P_t of ct_TACTIC_COM | P_text of ct_TEXT | P_ids of ct_ID_LIST;; let print_tree t = (match t with | P_rl x -> fRULE_LIST x | P_r x -> fRULE x | P_s_int x -> fSIGNED_INT_LIST x | P_pl x -> fPREMISES_LIST x | P_cl x -> fCOMMAND_LIST x | P_t x -> fTACTIC_COM x | P_text x -> fTEXT x | P_ids x -> fID_LIST x); print_string "e\nblabla\n";; let break_happened = ref false;; let output_results stream vtp_tree = let _ = Sys.signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle(fun i -> (break_happened := true;()))) in mSG stream; match vtp_tree with Some t -> print_tree t | None -> ();; let output_results_nl stream = let _ = Sys.signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle(fun i -> break_happened := true;())) in mSGNL stream;; let rearm_break () = let _ = Sys.signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle(fun i -> raise Sys.Break)) in ();; let check_break () = if (!break_happened) then begin break_happened := false; raise Sys.Break end else ();; let print_past_goal index = let path = History.get_path_for_rank !current_proof_name index in try traverse_to path; let pf = proof_of_pftreestate (get_pftreestate ()) in output_results (ctf_PathGoalMessage ()) (Some (P_r (translate_goal pf.goal))) with | Invalid_argument s -> ((try traverse_to [] with _ -> ()); error "No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress)") | e -> (try traverse_to [] with _ -> ()); raise e ;; let show_nth n = try let pf = proof_of_pftreestate (get_pftreestate()) in if (!text_proof_flag<>"off") then (* errorlabstrm "debug" [< 'sTR "text printing unplugged" >]*) (if n=0 then output_results (ctf_TextMessage !global_request_id) (Some (P_text (show_proof !text_proof_flag []))) else let path = History.get_nth_open_path !current_proof_name n in output_results (ctf_TextMessage !global_request_id) (Some (P_text (show_proof !text_proof_flag path)))) else output_results (ctf_GoalReqIdMessage !global_request_id) (let goal = List.nth (fst (frontier pf)) (n - 1) in (Some (P_r (translate_goal goal)))) with | Invalid_argument s -> error "No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress)";; (* The rest of the file contains commands that are changed from the plain Coq distribution *) let ctv_SEARCH_LIST = ref ([] : ct_PREMISE list);; let filter_by_module_from_varg_list (l:vernac_arg list) = let dir_list, b = Vernacentries.inside_outside l in Search.filter_by_module_from_list (dir_list, b);; let add_search (global_reference:global_reference) assumptions cstr = try let id_string = string_of_qualid (Global.qualid_of_global global_reference) in let ast = try CT_premise (CT_ident id_string, translate_constr assumptions cstr) with Not_found -> CT_premise (CT_ident id_string, CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA( CT_ident ("Error printing" ^ id_string))) in ctv_SEARCH_LIST:= ast::!ctv_SEARCH_LIST with e -> mSGNL [< 'sTR "add_search raised an exception" >]; raise e;; let make_error_stream node_string = [< 'sTR "The syntax of "; 'sTR node_string; 'sTR " is inconsistent with the vernac interpreter entry" >];; let ctf_EmptyGoalMessage id = [< 'fNL; 'sTR "Empty Goal is a no-op. Fun oh fun."; 'fNL >];; let print_check (ast, judg) = let {uj_val=value; uj_type=typ} = judg in let value_ct_ast = (try translate_constr (Global.env()) value with UserError(f,str) -> raise(UserError(f, [< Ast.print_ast (ast_of_constr true (Global.env()) value); 'fNL; str >]))) in let type_ct_ast = (try translate_constr (Global.env()) typ with UserError(f,str) -> raise(UserError(f, [< Ast.print_ast (ast_of_constr true (Global.env()) value); 'fNL; str >]))) in ((ctf_SearchResults !global_request_id), (Some (P_pl (CT_premises_list [CT_coerce_TYPED_FORMULA_to_PREMISE (CT_typed_formula(value_ct_ast,type_ct_ast) )]))));; let ct_print_eval ast red_fun env evd judg = ((if refining() then traverse_to []); let {uj_val=value; uj_type=typ} = judg in let nvalue = red_fun value (* // Attention , ici il faut peut être utiliser des environnemenst locaux *) and ntyp = nf_betaiota typ in (ctf_SearchResults !global_request_id, Some (P_pl (CT_premises_list [CT_eval_result (xlate_formula ast, translate_constr env nvalue, translate_constr env ntyp)]))));; (* The following function is copied from globpr in env/printer.ml *) let globcv = function | Node(_,"MUTIND", (Path(_,sp))::(Num(_,tyi))::_) -> convert_qualid (Global.qualid_of_global (IndRef(sp,tyi))) | Node(_,"MUTCONSTRUCT",(Path(_,sp))::(Num(_,tyi))::(Num(_,i))::_) -> convert_qualid (Global.qualid_of_global (ConstructRef ((sp, tyi), i))) | _ -> failwith "globcv : unexpected value";; let pbp_tac_pcoq = pbp_tac (function x -> output_results [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "pbp_results"; 'fNL; 'iNT !global_request_id; 'fNL>] (Some (P_t(xlate_tactic x))));; let dad_tac_pcoq = dad_tac(function x -> output_results [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "pbp_results"; 'fNL; 'iNT !global_request_id; 'fNL >] (Some (P_t(xlate_tactic x))));; let search_output_results () = output_results (ctf_SearchResults !global_request_id) (Some (P_pl (CT_premises_list (List.rev !ctv_SEARCH_LIST))));; let debug_tac2_pcoq = function [Tacexp ast] -> (fun g -> let the_goal = ref (None : goal sigma option) in let the_ast = ref ast in let the_path = ref ([] : int list) in try let result = report_error ast the_goal the_ast the_path [] g in (errorlabstrm "DEBUG TACTIC" [< 'sTR "no error here "; 'fNL; pr_goal (sig_it g); 'fNL; 'sTR "the tactic is"; 'fNL ; Printer.gentacpr ast >]; result) with e -> match !the_goal with None -> raise e | Some g -> (output_results (ctf_Location !global_request_id) (Some (P_s_int (CT_signed_int_list (List.map (fun n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_SIGNED_INT (CT_int n)) (clean_path 0 ast (List.rev !the_path))))))); (output_results (ctf_OtherGoal !global_request_id) (Some (P_r (translate_goal (sig_it g))))); raise e) | _ -> error "wrong arguments for debug_tac2_pcoq";; let rec selectinspect n env = match env with [] -> [] | a::tl -> if n = 0 then [] else match a with (sp, Lib.Leaf lobj) -> a::(selectinspect (n -1 ) tl) | _ -> (selectinspect n tl);; open Term;; let inspect n = let env = Global.env() in let add_search2 x y = add_search x env y in let l = selectinspect n (Lib.contents_after None) in ctv_SEARCH_LIST := []; List.iter (fun a -> try (match a with sp, Lib.Leaf lobj -> (match sp, object_tag lobj with _, "VARIABLE" -> let ((_, _, v), _, _) = get_variable sp in add_search2 (Nametab.locate (qualid_of_sp sp)) v | sp, ("CONSTANT"|"PARAMETER") -> let {const_type=typ} = Global.lookup_constant sp in add_search2 (Nametab.locate (qualid_of_sp sp)) typ | sp, "MUTUALINDUCTIVE" -> add_search2 (Nametab.locate (qualid_of_sp sp)) (Pretyping.understand Evd.empty (Global.env()) (RRef(dummy_loc, IndRef(sp,0)))) | _ -> failwith ("unexpected value 1 for "^ (string_of_id (basename sp)))) | _ -> failwith "unexpected value") with e -> ()) l; output_results (ctf_SearchResults !global_request_id) (Some (P_pl (CT_premises_list (List.rev !ctv_SEARCH_LIST))));; let ct_int_to_TARG n = CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_TARG (CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT (CT_int n));; let pair_list_to_ct l = CT_user_tac(CT_ident "pair_int_list", CT_targ_list (List.map (fun (a,b) -> CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG (CT_user_tac (CT_ident "pair_int", CT_targ_list [ct_int_to_TARG a; ct_int_to_TARG b]))) l));; let logical_kill n = let path = History.get_path_for_rank !current_proof_name n in begin traverse_to path; Pfedit.mutate weak_undo_pftreestate; (let kept_cmds, undone_cmds, remaining_goals, current_goal = History.logical_undo !current_proof_name n in output_results (ctf_undoResults !global_request_id) (Some (P_t (CT_user_tac (CT_ident "log_undo_result", CT_targ_list [CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG (pair_list_to_ct kept_cmds); CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG(pair_list_to_ct undone_cmds); ct_int_to_TARG remaining_goals; ct_int_to_TARG current_goal]))))); traverse_to [] end;; let command_changes = [ ("TEXT_MODE", (function | [VARG_AST (Str(_,x))] -> (match x with "fr" -> (function () -> text_proof_flag := "fr") | "en" -> (function () -> text_proof_flag := "en") | "off" -> (function () -> text_proof_flag := "off") | s -> errorlabstrm "TEXT_MODE" (make_error_stream ("Unexpected flag " ^ s))) | _ -> errorlabstrm "TEXT_MODE" (make_error_stream "Unexpected argument"))); ("StartProof", (function | (VARG_STRING kind) :: ((VARG_IDENTIFIER s) :: ((VARG_CONSTR c) :: [])) -> let stre = match kind with | "THEOREM" -> NeverDischarge | "LEMMA" -> NeverDischarge | "FACT" -> make_strength_1 () | "REMARK" -> make_strength_0 () | "DEFINITION" -> NeverDischarge | "LET" -> make_strength_2 () | "LETTOP" -> NotDeclare | "LOCAL" -> make_strength_0 () | _ -> errorlabstrm "StartProof" (make_error_stream "StartProof") in fun () -> begin if kind = "LETTOP" && not(refining ()) then errorlabstrm "StartProof" [< 'sTR "Let declarations can only be used in proof editing mode" >]; let str = (string_of_id s) in start_proof_com (Some s) stre c; History.start_proof str; current_proof_name := str; current_goal_index := 1 end | _ -> errorlabstrm "StartProof" (make_error_stream "StartProof"))); ("GOAL", (function | (VARG_CONSTR c) :: [] -> (fun () -> if not (refining ()) then begin start_proof_com None NeverDischarge c; History.start_proof "Unnamed_thm"; current_proof_name := "Unnamed_thm"; current_goal_index := 1 end) | [] -> (function () -> output_results_nl(ctf_EmptyGoalMessage "")) | _ -> errorlabstrm "Goal" (make_error_stream "Goal"))); ("SOLVE", (function | [VARG_NUMBER n; VARG_TACTIC tcom] -> (fun () -> if not (refining ()) then error "Unknown command of the non proof-editing mode"; solve_nth n (Tacinterp.hide_interp tcom); let old_n_count = History.border_length !current_proof_name in let pf = proof_of_pftreestate (get_pftreestate ()) in let n_goals = (List.length (fst (frontier pf))) + 1 - old_n_count in begin current_goal_index := n; History.push_command !current_proof_name n n_goals end) | _ -> errorlabstrm "SOLVE" (make_error_stream "SOLVE"))); ("GOAL_CMD", (function | (VARG_NUMBER n) :: ((VARG_TACTIC tac) :: []) -> (function () -> let path = History.get_nth_open_path !current_proof_name n in solve_nth n (Tacinterp.hide_interp tac); traverse_to path; Pfedit.mutate weak_undo_pftreestate; traverse_to []) | _ -> errorlabstrm "GOAL_CMD" (make_error_stream "GOAL_CMD"))); ("KILL_NODE", (function | (VARG_NUMBER n) :: [] -> (function () -> let ngoals = kill_proof_node n in output_results_nl (ctf_KilledMessage !global_request_id ngoals)) | _ -> errorlabstrm "KILL_NODE" (make_error_stream "KILL_NODE"))); ("KILL_SUB_PROOF", (function | [VARG_NUMBER n] -> (function () -> logical_kill n) | _ -> errorlabstrm "KILL_SUB_PROOF" (make_error_stream "KILL_SUB_PROOF"))); ("RESUME", (function [VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> (fun () -> let str = (string_of_id id) in resume_proof id; current_proof_name := str) | _ -> errorlabstrm "RESUME" (make_error_stream "RESUME"))); ("BeginSilent", (function | [] -> (function () -> errorlabstrm "Begin Silent" [< 'sTR "not available in Centaur mode" >]) | _ -> errorlabstrm "BeginSilent" (make_error_stream "BeginSilent"))); ("EndSilent", (function | [] -> (function () -> errorlabstrm "End Silent" [< 'sTR "not available in Centaur mode" >]) | _ -> errorlabstrm "EndSilent" (make_error_stream "EndSilent"))); ("ABORT", (function | (VARG_IDENTIFIER id) :: [] -> (function () -> delete_proof id; current_proof_name := ""; output_results_nl (ctf_AbortedMessage !global_request_id (string_of_id id))) | [] -> (function () -> delete_current_proof (); current_proof_name := ""; output_results_nl (ctf_AbortedMessage !global_request_id "")) | _ -> errorlabstrm "ABORT" (make_error_stream "ABORT"))); ("SEARCH", function (VARG_QUALID qid)::l -> (fun () -> ctv_SEARCH_LIST:=[]; let global_ref = Vernacentries.global dummy_loc qid in filtered_search (filter_by_module_from_varg_list l) add_search (Nametab.locate qid); search_output_results()) | _ -> failwith "bad form of arguments"); ("SearchRewrite", function (VARG_CONSTR c)::l -> (fun () -> ctv_SEARCH_LIST:=[]; let _,pat = interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) c in raw_search_rewrite (filter_by_module_from_varg_list l) add_search pat; search_output_results()) | _ -> failwith "bad form of arguments"); ("SearchPattern", function (VARG_CONSTR c)::l -> (fun () -> ctv_SEARCH_LIST := []; let _,pat = interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) c in raw_pattern_search (filter_by_module_from_varg_list l) add_search pat; search_output_results()) | _ -> failwith "bad form of arguments"); ("PrintId", (function | [VARG_QUALID qid] -> (function () -> let results = xlate_vernac_list (Ctast.ast_to_ct (name_to_ast qid)) in output_results [<'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "PRINT_VALUE"; 'fNL >] (Some (P_cl results))) | _ -> errorlabstrm "PrintId" (make_error_stream "PrintId"))); ("Check", (function | (VARG_STRING kind) :: ((VARG_CONSTR c) :: g) -> let evmap, env = Vernacentries.get_current_context_of_args g in let f = match kind with | "CHECK" -> print_check | "PRINTTYPE" -> errorlabstrm "PrintType" [< 'sTR "Not yet supported in CtCoq" >] | _ -> errorlabstrm "CHECK" (make_error_stream "CHECK") in (function () -> let a,b = f (c, judgment_of_rawconstr evmap env c) in output_results a b) | _ -> errorlabstrm "CHECK" (make_error_stream "CHECK"))); ("Eval", (function | VARG_TACTIC_ARG(Redexp redexp):: VARG_CONSTR c :: g -> let evmap, env = Vernacentries.get_current_context_of_args g in let redfun = ct_print_eval (Ctast.ast_to_ct c) (Tacred.reduction_of_redexp redexp env evmap) env in fun () -> let strm, vtp = redfun evmap (judgment_of_rawconstr evmap env c) in output_results strm vtp | _ -> errorlabstrm "Eval" (make_error_stream "Eval"))); ("Centaur_Reset", (function | (VARG_IDENTIFIER c) :: [] -> if refining () then output_results (ctf_AbortedAllMessage ()) None; current_proof_name := ""; (match string_of_id c with | "CtCoqInitialState" -> (function () -> current_proof_name := ""; Vernacentries.abort_refine Lib.reset_initial (); output_results (ctf_ResetInitialMessage ()) None) | _ -> (function () -> current_proof_name := ""; Vernacentries.abort_refine Lib.reset_name c; output_results (ctf_ResetIdentMessage !global_request_id (string_of_id c)) None)) | _ -> errorlabstrm "Centaur_Reset" (make_error_stream "Centaur_Reset"))); ("Show_dad_rules", (function | [] -> (fun () -> let results = dad_rule_names() in output_results [< 'fNL; 'sTR "message"; 'fNL; 'sTR "dad_rule_names"; 'fNL; 'iNT !global_request_id; 'fNL >] (Some (P_ids (CT_id_list (List.map (fun s -> CT_ident s) results))))) | _ -> errorlabstrm "Show_dad_rules" (make_error_stream "Show_dad_rules"))); ("INSPECT", (function | [VARG_NUMBER n] -> (function () -> inspect n) | _ -> errorlabstrm "INSPECT" (make_error_stream "INSPECT"))) ];; let non_debug_changes = [ ("SHOW", (function | [VARG_NUMBER n] -> (function () -> show_nth n) | _ -> errorlabstrm "SHOW" (make_error_stream "SHOW")))];; let command_creations = [ ("Comments", function l -> (fun () -> message ("Comments ok\n"))); ("CommentsBold", function l -> (fun () -> message ("CommentsBold ok\n"))); ("Title", function l -> (fun () -> message ("Title ok\n"))); ("Author", function l -> (fun () -> message ("Author ok\n"))); ("Note", function l -> (fun () -> message ("Note ok\n"))); ("NL", function l -> (fun () -> message ("Newline ok\n")))];; let start_pcoq_mode debug = begin start_dad(); set_xlate_mut_stuff (fun x ->Ctast.ast_to_ct (globcv (Ctast.ct_to_ast x))); declare_in_coq(); add_tactic "PcoqPbp" pbp_tac_pcoq; add_tactic "Dad" dad_tac_pcoq; add_tactic "CtDebugTac" debug_tac2_pcoq; add_tactic "CtDebugTac2" debug_tac2_pcoq; (* The following ones are added to enable rich comments in pcoq *) add_tactic "Image" (fun _ -> tclIDTAC); List.iter (fun (a,b) -> vinterp_add a b) command_creations; List.iter (fun (a,b) -> overwriting_vinterp_add a b) command_changes; if not debug then List.iter (fun (a,b) -> overwriting_vinterp_add a b) non_debug_changes; end;; vinterp_add "START_PCOQ" (function _ -> (function () -> start_pcoq_mode false; set_acknowledge_command ctf_acknowledge_command; set_start_marker "CENTAUR_RESERVED_TOKEN_start_command"; set_end_marker "CENTAUR_RESERVED_TOKEN_end_command"; raise Vernacinterp.ProtectedLoop));; vinterp_add "START_PCOQ_DEBUG" (function _ -> (function () -> start_pcoq_mode true; set_acknowledge_command ctf_acknowledge_command; set_start_marker "--->"; set_end_marker "<---"; raise Vernacinterp.ProtectedLoop));;